If there is a soul what does it do in an afterlife

That's like saying that Iron is made of electrons.

Sure, neurons have electrons in them, but they are mostly protons and neutrons by mass. When VitalOne tries to make an entire cell subject to the quantum effects of single electrons he makes a leap not supported by any know process. In other words, he is making stuff up.

Besides, the workings of the cell are mostly chemical, not quantum. Once atoms bond with each other based on valence properties, the molecules react according to shape and shape alone. There is a very deterministic (some might even say Newtonian) way in which molecules interact based on shape and the sharing of electrons in outer orbits. So predictable that my computer crunches these shapes and interactions in its spare time. And since my computer is not a quantum computer...

...look, both of you guys aren't just wrong about all of this. You are speaking insanity.

Respectfully yours.

Did not read the article I linked, did you?

Try again:
Trans-plasma membrane electron transport is critical for maintaining cellular redox balance and viability, yet few, if any, investigations have studied it in intact primary neurons. In this investigation, extracellular reduction of 2,6-dichloroindophenol (DCIP) and ferricyanide (FeCN) were measured as indicators of trans-plasma membrane electron transport by chick forebrain neurons. Neurons readily reduced DCIP, but not FeCN unless CoQ1, an exogenous ubiquinone analog, was added to the assays. CoQ1 stimulated FeCN reduction in a dose-dependent manner but had no effect on DCIP reduction. Reduction of both substrates was totally inhibited by ε-maleimidocaproic acid (MCA), a membrane-impermeant thiol reagent, and slightly inhibited by superoxide dismutase. Diphenylene iodonium, a flavoenzyme inhibitor, completely inhibited FeCN reduction but had no affect on DCIP reduction, suggesting that these substrates are reduced by distinct redox pathways. The relationship between plasma membrane electron transport and neuronal viability was tested using the inhibitors MCA and capsaicin. MCA caused a dose-dependent decline in neuronal viability that closely paralleled its inhibition of both reductase activities. Similarly capsaicin, a NADH oxidase inhibitor, induced a rapid decline in neuronal viability. These results suggest that trans-plasma membrane electron transport helps maintain a stable redox environment required for neuronal viability.

And additionally:

the membranes of the biological organism are liquid crystalline in character. The liquid crystalline state of matter is particularly temperature sensitive. This sensitivity defines the biologically viable temperature range. Within its operating range, the liquid crystalline state of matter exhibits unique properties. The crystalline characteristics associated with that state contribute to the quantum physical characteristics of these membranes.

Shape and shape alone?
Lipid headgroup conformations in protein crystals also do not conform solely to the bent-down conformation, with gauche-gauche configuration of the phospho-diester, that is characteristic of phospholipid bilayer membranes. This suggests that the lipids that are resolved in crystals of membrane proteins are not representative of the entire lipid-protein interface. Much of the chain configurational disorder of the membrane-bound lipids in crystals arises from energetically disallowed skew conformations. This indicates a configurational heterogeneity in the lipids at a single binding site: eclipsed conformations occur also in some glycerol backbone torsion angles and C-C torsion angles in the lipid headgroups. Stereochemical violations in the protein-bound lipids are evidenced by one-third of the ester carboxyl groups in non-planar configurations, and certain of the carboxyls in the cis configuration. Some of the lipid structures in protein crystals have the incorrect enantiomeric configuration of the glycerol backbone, and many of the branched methyl groups in structures of the phytanyl chains associated with bacteriorhodopsin crystals are in the incorrect S-configuration.
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I read the link, and followed a few others. The researchers kept saying, "These findings SUGGEST..."

I still see no reason to suspect that quantum forces are at play on the neuronal level, nor how any of quantum mechanics "proves" religious points, as VitalOne has made the assertion.

You have not done anything to budge me either, but I am more than willing to be swayed, so please try to do so. And please point to something substantiated with experiment. I'm not going to form an opinion on the type of conjecture you have presented. Especially when that conjecture agrees with my point of view 9 out of 10 times. Everywhere in that report I read "chemical" and "shape", and only a few times was "quantum" embarrassingly brought up.

I respect your opinion, Sam, but I think it is wrong.

But at least you are not belligerent towards me the way VitalOne is. You must not be as religious as he is. ;)
I read the link, and followed a few others. The researchers kept saying, "These findings SUGGEST..."

I still see no reason to suspect that quantum forces are at play on the neuronal level, nor how any of quantum mechanics "proves" religious points, as VitalOne has made the assertion.

You have not done anything to budge me either, but I am more than willing to be swayed, so please try to do so. And please point to something substantiated with experiment. I'm not going to form an opinion on the type of conjecture you have presented. Especially when that conjecture agrees with my point of view 9 out of 10 times. Everywhere in that report I read "chemical" and "shape", and only a few times was "quantum" embarrassingly brought up.

I respect your opinion, Sam, but I think it is wrong.

But at least you are not belligerent towards me the way VitalOne is. You must not be as religious as he is. ;)

If you look up nanotechnology of biomembranes, you can obtain access to information yourself. Most of the stuff I access is through academic license, not freely available.

Here are a few places to start:

(much of the work in membranes to date has been done in the retina and it is only recently that they have started looking at neuronal membranes.)
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Please explain your definition of 'jealousy'.


Jealousy is to be jealous.

Jelous is defined 3 ways by Merriam-Webster:

Definition 1 - intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness

Relation to God in the Bible: God does not tolerate idols, or rival gods.

Definition 2 - hostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage

Relation to God in the Bible: God is hostile towards idols, however they don't enjoy any advantage over him because nothing does.

3 : vigilant in guarding a possession

Relation to God in the Bible: God was vigilant in guardian his possesion of Jerusalem.

To me, the "Jealousy" aspect of God simply shows that he is "possessive" of love, and is not willing to share love of him by his people with love of anything other than him: such as idols, material possessions, self-will, money, etc. If someone puts idols, money, etc. first then God becomes angry because his love is being shared. So this concept covers definitions 1 and 3 of jealousy. However, definition two can't applied because nothing "enjoys an advantage" over God. So "possessive" and "jealous" apparently go hand in hand.
Nanotechnology and biomembranes... molecular and electrochemical properties of neuronal functioning. And spooky citations of the bible like this
Exodus 20:5
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me
King James Version

My god, this is a strange thread.
What does the soul do in the afterlife?

According to the christian doctrine, which may or may not be true or false, God, which has no physical body and is pure "soul" or "spirit", has shown some key emotions which we currently can have:
1) Anger
2) Jealousy
3) Grief
4) Joy

So, according to christianity, the soul in the afterlife can feel all of these emotions because God can, and angels can as well. Since we were created in his image, this means we will also.

So in the afterlife we can feel joyful, sad, angry, or jealous. So the soul must then be able to do things which cause those emotions. What exactly it does though to cause those emotions, is beyond me.


Jealousy is to be jealous.

Jelous is defined 3 ways by Merriam-Webster:

Definition 1 - intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness

Relation to God in the Bible: God does not tolerate idols, or rival gods.

Definition 2 - hostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage

Relation to God in the Bible: God is hostile towards idols, however they don't enjoy any advantage over him because nothing does.

3 : vigilant in guarding a possession

Relation to God in the Bible: God was vigilant in guardian his possesion of Jerusalem.

To me, the "Jealousy" aspect of God simply shows that he is "possessive" of love, and is not willing to share love of him by his people with love of anything other than him: such as idols, material possessions, self-will, money, etc. If someone puts idols, money, etc. first then God becomes angry because his love is being shared. So this concept covers definitions 1 and 3 of jealousy. However, definition two can't applied because nothing "enjoys an advantage" over God. So "possessive" and "jealous" apparently go hand in hand.

thanks for the thorough reply.

There are other much more negative connotations of 'jealous', it wasn't clear what meaning you held for the word. Your cited definition of jealous is almost synonomous with 'protective'.

Your wording almost suggests a selfish God. But Christ teachings instructed us to love him (God) and one another, just not to love material things in place of him.

The 'emotions' you 'feel' in the afterlife will be dictated by the way you live your life here. Sorry I can't answer your question as to how we will feel these emotions without a body, if that is what you meant, but hopefully a knowledgable Christian will step up.
I've always found it very interesting that God displays these 4 emotions in the Bible. Jealousy, as you said, I think is just a display of love by God in the Bible; however, the word Jealousy in relation to God is not mentioned many times at all. Joy and Anger are the most prevelent emotions God displays it seems. Grief is third, Jealousy, is fourth. I'm not sure if he displays any other emotions in the Bible, but I would be interested to find out.

I don't think God would want a robotic people serving him as slaves which didn't havwe free will. Their service wouldn't be of any value. I think the reverse holds true with us. I know I wouldn't want a robotic God without any emotions. So I think it's not only insightful, but good that God displays the same emotions we have in the Bible.

Also, I still don't know definitively what God, or us for that matter, is comprised of in terms of Christian beliefs. When we die, what are we? Are we a soul, are we a spirit, or are we both? What is God? Is he a soul, is he a spirit, or is he both? Also, what can feel emotions? The soul, the spirit, or both? I've heard a variety of concepts and theories on this issue, but if anyone has any ideas, please post them. This can better help us answer the question of what the soul or spirit does in the afterlife.

1 theory I've heard: As humans on earth, we are comprised of the body, the soul, and the spirit. The function of the body is to be a host to the soul and spirit. I'm not sure what the functions of the soul and spirit are in this theory, but I think the spirit is the only part that can commune with God.
That's like saying that Iron is made of electrons.

Sure, neurons have electrons in them, but they are mostly protons and neutrons by mass. When VitalOne tries to make an entire cell subject to the quantum effects of single electrons he makes a leap not supported by any know process. In other words, he is making stuff up.

Besides, the workings of the cell are mostly chemical, not quantum. Once atoms bond with each other based on valence properties, the molecules react according to shape and shape alone. There is a very deterministic (some might even say Newtonian) way in which molecules interact based on shape and the sharing of electrons in outer orbits. So predictable that my computer crunches these shapes and interactions in its spare time. And since my computer is not a quantum computer...
Thats not true, the Copenhagen interpretation suggests just what I'm saying. For instance, Einstein who was against the Copenhagen intepretation said "Do you really think the moon isn't there if you aren't looking at it?"....

swivel said:
...look, both of you guys aren't just wrong about all of this. You are speaking insanity.

Respectfully yours.
Ofcourse its insanity, anything suggesting a concept against atheism must be insane to an atheist, they have nothing left to say, they must defend their atheistic faith

But at least you are not belligerent towards me the way VitalOne is. You must not be as religious as he is. ;)
Oh I get it, its perfectly ok for atheists to make fun of theists but not the other way around....
VitalOne, you are the one making a religion out of science, not me. You do justice to neither concept, religion NOR faith.
I've always found it very interesting that God displays these 4 emotions in the Bible.

Your wording is very provocative. Does God have emotions at all? Is it maybe the nature of our relationship and understanding of ourselves that makes us ascribe an 'emotion' to God. Love is an emotion, and God loves us. Doesn't that make God emotional? Or is it our not entirely understanding the relationship that makes us 'humanize' him?

Understanding God's spirit in us is what is important to ones salvation. The answer to ones questions about the spirit and the soul are something a person much nuture and discover.

Would it be reasonable to suggest that the soul is attached to the "physical" body in some way and ceases to exist after physical death? The verse below seems to suggest this.

Gen 2:7
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Would it be reasonable to suggest that the soul is attached to the "physical" body in some way and ceases to exist after physical death? The verse below seems to suggest this....

Only in so far as the presumption confirms the conclusion.

You could just as well suppose that man was a soul without life before the trick with the nostrils, and would be the same again when the breath of life eventually expires.

I see your point. The wording in that verse seems to be up to interpretation. It states that "man became a living soul." Not "God created the soul of man."

However, from that wording, "man became a living soul," it implies that there may exist a "dead soul" as well. So a soul could die. But I don't think the bible ever mentions a spirit dying, which is interesting. If this interpretation is true then the soul dies with the physical body, and the spirit moves on to the afterlife, whether it be a good or evil spirit.

Using this bible software I have, I looked up the phrase "living soul" to see how many times it appeared in the bible. It appeared a total of 3 times.

Gen 2:7
7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

1 Cor 15:44-45
44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

Rev 16:3
3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.

So again, the relationship between the soul and spirit is talked about here. I do not fully understand it, but there it is. The Revelations verse seems to imply that "living" souls are capable of dying, whether that be entering non-existance or going dormant.

Still, no one has yet to answer what "we" are in the afterlife. Are we souls, are we spirits, or are we both? Do angels have souls? Does God have a soul? It seems that spirits, evil or good, have the ability to "possess" or "dwell in" physical bodies. Souls can't it seems. Would souls and spirits have similar capacities in terms of the afterlife?
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On a side note, ask 100 christians about any of these advanced topics, like whether we are a soul or spirit in the afterlife, and you will get 100 different answers. Many Christians and Catholics do not delve deep into the very nature of their own religion. They simply show up at church at every week, sing the hyms, pray, and go home. They only want to know the raw basics of their religion and leave it at that. Then there those who want to know as much as possible about their religion and analyze whatever they can (Bible, Quaran, etc.) in order to best understand the nature of themselves and their God.

Your wording is very provocative.

I didn't mean for the wording to sound provocative. I'm honesty just analyzing the text of the Bible to get a better understanding of the nature of God as presented in the Bible. We have to really think about why the Bible would mention these emotions of God. What can it tell us about ourselves? We were created in His image, so anything we can find out about God can possibly help us learn more about our own natures. And then this could also lead to piecing together what the nature of the soul or spirit could possibly be in the afterlife. Then we can think about what the soul or spirit can do in the afterlife.
They simply show up at church at every week, sing the hyms, pray, and go home.

Fellowship is important as is meeting in praise of the lord

I didn't mean for the wording to sound provocative.

that's OK

I'm honesty just analyzing the text of the Bible to get a better understanding of the nature of God as presented in the Bible. We have to really think about why the Bible would mention these emotions of God. What can it tell us about ourselves? We were created in His image, so anything we can find out about God can possibly help us learn more about our own natures. And then this could also lead to piecing together what the nature of the soul or spirit could possibly be in the afterlife. Then we can think about what the soul or spirit can do in the afterlife.

Emotions is a tough one. Eventhough you quote the Bible rendering God as emotional, and he does 'display' emotion, I disagree. I have the feeling you are going to get lost in semantics, forgive the expression, pursuing this. Though it is honourable and worthwhile endeavor, a blessing to oneself, one that all should take, myself included. Meanings, time, and languages will forever haunt a exhaustive dissassembly of biblical text trying to find God in between the pages. Though, I believe, he pours right out of the book.

I mean take this situation as bizarre as it is. Your child chooses to do drugs, instead of follow your direction, and suffers for it. Are you jealous of the drugs? Is his suffering your punishment? Are you angry at him, and that is why he is suffering? How would you describe these events in a biblical way?
So what is the soul? Spirit? Jesus basically says to 'strip away' the 'ego' and you will be closer to God. Maybe emotions are part of what he is talking about. Love may be unique as it can't be rationalized (derived from ego) and when you try to 'strip it away' you loop back into the ego. So maybe the question is what is love? If this is trite, my apologies.

there is a poll on this, oddly enough
“ Originally Posted by nds1
Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
1 Cor 15:44-45 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
So again, the relationship between the soul and spirit is talked about here.
Still, no one has yet to answer what "we" are in the afterlife.

-Are we souls, are we spirits, or are we both?
-Do angels have souls?
-Does God have a soul?
-It seems that spirits, evil or good, have the ability to "possess" or "dwell in" physical bodies.
-Souls can't it seems. Would souls and spirits have similar capacities in terms of the afterlife? ”
That is a lot of really good questions.

Genesis records two "creations" of man, seemingly repeating itself.
The Bible never does that.
If recorded twice, it was for a reason.
The first man, was a son of God.
God is a spirit, and so was this man...made in His image.
The second man, was the flesh man...made to represent in flesh these genes of God, His attributes expressed in this dimension, one slower than heaven.....Earth.

The fall separated the two, leaving a breach between man and God.
The soul from God is an attribute, a gene of God which when expressed becomes a son of God.
Jesus Christ was the "beginning of the creation of God"....the "firstborn of many brethren"

1 Cor. 15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

Adam was a son of God, made a living soul.
So would be his children though Seth...."sons of God"
Not Cain's children though.
They were from a different seed.
The two crossed however before the flood in Gen. 6.
The two seeds mixed.
This is the parable of the wheat and the tares.

Jesus the last Adam......was made a quickening Spirit, by dying and coming upon the seeds laid in the ground of human flesh to bring them to life...quickening them.
He is called "The "firstborn of many brethren"

Remember He said, unless a corn of wheat fall into the ground, it abideth alone?

That was the reason for the fulfillment of sacrifice, to breach the void separating God and man.
And explains the type of a lamb as the sacrifice.
An innocent animal.
God in a man born of woman.
Jesus wasn't just God's son.
He was God.
"The fullness of the Godhead bodily"
The trinity doctrine confuses this and is an error.

There was a animal involved in human bloodlines at the fall.
When Eve produced Cain by a sexual relationship with someone other than Adam.
Jesus being God born of a woman, had to come this way, and die releasing His Spirit to come back upon all mankind, to manifest what is in the two seeds and seperate them at the harvest.
This is a great mystery of the kingdom, that unlocks the parables about it.

The scriptures saying;
-"the way of an adulterous woman, she eateth and wipeth her mouth, saying I've done nothing"
-"I'll put enmity between your seed and the woman's seed"
-Cain was of his father the wicked one"
-Jesus calling pharisees; "a generation of vipers"
-Jesus saying unto you it's been given (to know the mysteries of the kingdom),but unto them...it's not been given"

All these are hints to this mystery.....and there are so many more if you search.
This also deals with the mystery of iniquity...

Through the fall, the "evil spirits" as you said can anoint the flesh of both the children of the kingdom, and the children of the world.
-So the good seed can appear to do bad things.
Also since the sacrifice of Jesus, the Holy Spirit falls upon all flesh now - The Rain - to anoint both seeds and bring them to manifestation.
-So the bad seed can appear to do good things.......manifest gifts of the Spirit even.

This is why Jesus rebuked the disciples for rejocing in spiritual gifts, but rather to rejoice for having their names on the Book.
These "false anointed ones" are so close to the others they are almost imposible to tell apart.
They can impersonate by the anointing of the Holy Spirit any manifestation of the gifts...

The rain must fall upon the "just and unjust alike" to bring the Earth to the harvest....only then can they be separated.

-How they are seperated.
-The angels that do it.
-The economy of God
-The second coming in secret.
-The anti-Christ spirit, the beast, the man of sin.
-The manifestation of the sons of God.

All these mysteries and more are tied to this.....
But....these mysteries are meant to be left that way to the masses.

Only God will reveal this further to an individual through spiritual revelation.
I've said all I should,(probably way to much) and to say more would do no good anyway...even if you did believe me.
You must get this revelation for yourself from God.

Jesus said to Peter; "who do men say that I am?"
Peter replied;"Thou art the Christ, Son of the living God"
Blessed art thou......because you didn't get this revelation from men....but the "Father" which is in heaven has revealed it to you.
Against this; spiritual revelation to an individual from God Himself,.....the gates of hell can not prevail.

The afterlife would depend for one on where you fall in the economy of God.
It is a real physical existance, not something ethereal.
Faith is given to you of God, as a gift...., but what you take there with you from here is your character.
Character is a victory.
"To him that overcomes I will grant to sit with me in my throne as I also overcame and am sit down in my Father's throne".
The Visitor,

Quoting large tracts of biblical mythology to support your superstitions about an afterlife is a tautology since you're using mythical references to support mythical claims. Moreover, its starting to look like you're preaching.