I hate Christians

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cool skill said:
I never stated that I did not provide evidence.
The statement that I made is that I provided tons of evidence all over this thread.
I do not know how you could interpret that statement as me saying that I did not provide evidence.
Here is a quote from my previous post again:
you did'nt have to state it, it is quite obvious, in your posts, you provide no links to back your assertions, therefore they are just heresay.
cool skill said:
Wrong. Whether or not Cool Skill provides evidence does not make a quality true or false.
but it cant be deemed to be true unless you provide evidence, other than just saying it's so.
cool skill said:
The earth revolves around the sun.
Whether or not you provide me with all the calculations to prove it, there will be no effect.
The earth will continue to revolve around the sun anyway.
The earth revolves around the sun if you show me calculations.
The earth revolves around the sun if you do not show me calculations.
The earth revolves around the sun either way.
If all the people on the planet lived in a cave, and never saw the sun, and never made any calculation, the earth will continue to revolve around the sun.
this is a common religious fallacy, called Circular Reasoning, this occurs when an argument assumes the premise has already been proved. This results in an argument that goes around in circles. you are yet to prove your assertions.
cool skill said:
In other words, here is the logic of your argument with a different subject:
Cool Skill asserted that the earth revolves around the sun.
Cool Skill did not provide evidence that the earth revolves around the sun.
Therefore, the earth does not revolve around the sun.
and another fallacythis is a Non Sequitur: and a
Either . . . Or: fallacy, this is truly lame.
cool skill said:
I asserted Atheists are delusional.
You asserted that atheists are not delusional.
no, I said if you have no belief in a thing you cannot be deemed to be delusional, I have made no assertion just stated a fact.
cool skill said:
You stated that the reason atheists are not delusional was because Cool Skill did not provide evidence that atheists are delusional.
no, I said if you have no belief in a thing you cannot be deemed to be delusional, I have made no assertion just stated a fact.
cool skill said:
I asserted that the state of an atheists delusion is independent of my provision of evidence. In the same way, the state of the earths revolution is independent of my provision of evidence.
now we are back your the lame fallacys.
cool skill said:
You asserted I have a false belief.
no again, this is not an assertion, if you have a believe, without corroborating evidence, which is resistant to reason, means you are delusional, if you did'nt have this belief which you cant corroborate, then you would not be delusional
You ad-hom-ad-hom people, this is really tedious.
Do you have no flowers to water, no homework to do, no lunch to eat?
SkinWalker said:

I'll agree with your statement that my arguement was more against religion than a god. I readily admit that I don't know if there are one or more gods or not. I definately hold that if there is a god or set of gods, they are unlikely to be accurately described by any human cult or religion. It is readily apparent to me that human religions serve elites within their given cultures and the participants worship these elites and their material demands.

Human superstition and innate desire to believe in the supernatural are both combined with the human desire for status and prestige. The result is religion.

As far as I know, no religion claims to have accurately described God, in all His fullness.
Most monotheistic religions only tell of man's role in the creation, and of those attributes of God that have to do with man. They don't attempt a full and comprehensive definition of God.

The arguments against religion and God usually come from the idea that a religion claims to have the fullest understanding of God -- that they know God as God knows Himself. Which is fallacious, both on the part of those who say so, and on the part of those who argue against them.
For you water.

"Life in itself has no meaning. Life is an opportunity to create meaning. Meaning has not to be discovered: it has to be created. You will find meaning only if you create it. It is not lying there somewhere behind the bushes, so you can go and you search a little bit and find it. It is not there like a rock that you will find. It is a poetry to be composed, it is a song to be sung, it is a dance to be danced."

(http://www.carnatic.com/karmasaya/index.php?What is the meaning of Life?)
water said:
The Bible says so. I cannot support the assertion myself, but I cannot discard it either.

I can support the assertion and I could round up lot of other people who can to.
mustafhakofi said:
duh! wrong, no another one, wow!.

What is an atheist? An atheist is a person who does not believe in the existence of a god, i.e., in the existence of a supernatural being.

Why doesn't the atheist believe in a god? Quite simply, because belief in a god is unreasonable.

Are you for real? lol....

Saying the same thing a different way, which would be incorrectly at that, does not in fact provide you with a sound arguement. A theist believes there is a God, and atheist believes there is no God, and an agnostic is the one who does not hold a particular belief regarding God's existence because they are humble and honest enough to admit that they just don't know. And yea, it is only by realizing that you don't know everything already that allows you to seek knowledge and to learn. Atheists think they know everything already, and therefore, are not open to learning anything, and automatically reject all information and testimony that contradicts what they already believe. And that is because many people believe whatever they want to believe, no matter how ridiculous, and really aren't interested in the truth. They just don't want to know.

And it would most definitely be unreasonable for me to deny the existence of God considering the dump truck load of proof that He's provided to me personally. I would have to be a delusional moron to deny His existence at this point. And even before He provided me with this proof...before I knew Him....I still wasn't arrogant enough to assume that I had it all figured out. I was an agnostic, not an atheist...and this perspective is what allowed me to continue to learn....and to learn about Him.
Athelwulf: Where are all the Christians? Did they decide to leave SciForums for good? :(
M*W: One can only hope.
Medicine Woman said:
Athelwulf: Where are all the Christians? Did they decide to leave SciForums for good? :(
M*W: One can only hope.

MW, you suck! How's that for Christian? I've got your Christian right here...
Lori_7: MW, you suck! How's that for Christian? I've got your Christian right here...
M*W: Sure, I may think I suck, but then you're delusional!
Medicine Woman said:
Lori_7: MW, you suck! How's that for Christian? I've got your Christian right here...
M*W: Sure, I may think I suck, but then you're delusional!

Yea, yea, delusional, we get it, great, thanks...
Lori_7 said:
A theist believes there is a God, and atheist believes there is no God, and an agnostic is the one who does not hold a particular belief regarding God's existence because they are humble and honest enough to admit that they just don't know.

Malarky. If a theist believes in god, we can assume that the theist wasn't born with this belief. Therefore, if belief has a value of one, the theist = 1. The polytheist = > 1. The atheist = 0.

An a-theist is one that rejects the belief of theism.

But the Christian wants to be able to say that atheists merely hold a different belief. Sure, atheists "believe" there are no gods, but in the case of many, it is based on knowledge, whereas the Christian belief is based on ignorance. Few Christians really know the history and details of their own religion much less the other religions of the world. Atheists very often understand and are aware of many religions and their histories. Indeed, many understand are aware of religion as an anthropological study.

Among christians also exists the fallacy that an atheist cannot be agnostic in his/her belief. Many people will agnostically accept the possibility of a "god" but be atheistic in their acceptance of the anthropogenic belief of gods like Zeuss, Enlil, Marduck, Osiris, Yahweh, etc. When one actually lifts their heads from the sands of their cult and studies religion from an etic (outside) perspective, focusing on the religions of antiquity and the development of religious thought in history through modernity, one learns to be highly critical and questioning of man's interpretation of gods.

Lori_7 said:
And yea, it is only by realizing that you don't know everything already that allows you to seek knowledge and to learn.

Agreed. Which is why I recommend that you explore the works of Victor Turner, Robert Bellah, Emile Durkheim, Pascal Boyer, and others who explore religious thought among humanity. It's clear that you miss the irony of your words: suggesting that atheists seek to "learn" and "seek knowledge" whilst being satisfied with your own limited view of religiosity. Which is why I accused cool skill et al of being close-minded. Simply stating you are open-minded doesn't make it so. One must demonstrate it in discussions such as these by showing one has read and explored outside of one's own dogma and doctrine.
SkinWalker said:
Malarky. If a theist believes in god, we can assume that the theist wasn't born with this belief. Therefore, if belief has a value of one, the theist = 1. The polytheist = > 1. The atheist = 0.

An a-theist is one that rejects the belief of theism.

But the Christian wants to be able to say that atheists merely hold a different belief. Sure, atheists "believe" there are no gods, but in the case of many, it is based on knowledge, whereas the Christian belief is based on ignorance. Few Christians really know the history and details of their own religion much less the other religions of the world. Atheists very often understand and are aware of many religions and their histories. Indeed, many understand are aware of religion as an anthropological study.

Among christians also exists the fallacy that an atheist cannot be agnostic in his/her belief. Many people will agnostically accept the possibility of a "god" but be atheistic in their acceptance of the anthropogenic belief of gods like Zeuss, Enlil, Marduck, Osiris, Yahweh, etc. When one actually lifts their heads from the sands of their cult and studies religion from an etic (outside) perspective, focusing on the religions of antiquity and the development of religious thought in history through modernity, one learns to be highly critical and questioning of man's interpretation of gods.

Agreed. Which is why I recommend that you explore the works of Victor Turner, Robert Bellah, Emile Durkheim, Pascal Boyer, and others who explore religious thought among humanity. It's clear that you miss the irony of your words: suggesting that atheists seek to "learn" and "seek knowledge" whilst being satisfied with your own limited view of religiosity. Which is why I accused cool skill et al of being close-minded. Simply stating you are open-minded doesn't make it so. One must demonstrate it in discussions such as these by showing one has read and explored outside of one's own dogma and doctrine.

Dude...I know God. We interact and He teaches me through my life experience. It's not about dogma and doctrine. And for crying out loud, atheism is just as much of an "ism" as theism. I thought that some "church people" were bad until I met some atheists. On both sides, for some, it's a flippin' political agenda...with nothing to offer but a bunch of propaganda.
water said:
All fine, sure, but this is still, "People on each path tell me to take theirs" ... I don't mean to just oppose for opposition's sake. I would just like that something would finally make sense.
Doesn't this tend to indicate that the answers are subjective? For if one answer were objectively accurate wouldn't it be perceivably offset from all the incorrect answers? Perhaps there is more than one truth or, even worse, no complete answer at all. The analogy of the blind men and the elephant comes to mind.

Yes. But there is always the possibility that the answers I got were right, I just don't understand them yet. Ah, this is killing me!
The physical world doesn't resolve into true/false, here/there, cause/effect answers, why do expect metaphysics to be any easier?

Athelwulf: Where are all the Christians? Did they decide to leave SciForums for good? :(
M*W: One can only hope.
Yorda: But then you can no longer tell about your theories of sun of god and all that. if everyone would be atheists, would it not be boring?
Lori_7 said:
Dude...I know God. We interact and He teaches me through my life experience.
Are you sure that you're interacting with a real supernatural being, and not with your own psyche? It's very easy to mess the two up.

Thinking that you're interacting with a supernatural being, when in fact it's your own mind, could result from a mental disorder. I think they call it schizophrenia. Or it could be that you just don't know the difference.
Athelwulf said:
Thinking that you're interacting with a supernatural being, when in fact it's your own mind, could result from a mental disorder. I think they call it schizophrenia. Or it could be that you just don't know the difference.

maybe the thing doctors call "schizophrenia" isn't always a mental disorder, it may be a natural mind thing.
This should only need one post.

Jenyar do you believe in the doctrine of Just War? Do you believe that Christians can under certain circumstances can engage in physical combat?

Yes or No ?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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I liked what you prayed for.

I prayed for you to receive what you desire. One thing though. The problem with your facial condition is not so much a physical problem but your emotional problem with the face you have. I prayed for God to restore your face if He wills is, if not, to restore your heart to accept your face and go on and live your life without being impeded by your emotional hurt because of the condition of your face.

Blessings to you water

All Praise The Ancient Of Days His Will be done.
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