I hate Christians

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Athelwulf said:
Are you sure that you're interacting with a real supernatural being, and not with your own psyche? It's very easy to mess the two up.

Thinking that you're interacting with a supernatural being, when in fact it's your own mind, could result from a mental disorder. I think they call it schizophrenia. Or it could be that you just don't know the difference.

Yes, I'm sure that I'm interacting with a supernatural being. I'm also sure that it's my creator and spiritual father God, and He has shown me that the Bible is His word, and that Jesus was He Himself, in the flesh. No doubt about it. He's been very clear with me because I've asked Him to be.
Adstar said:
This should only need one post.

Jenyar do you believe in the doctrine of Just War? Do you believe that Christians can under certain circumstances can engage in physical combat?

Yes or No ?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

2 Corinthians 10:3
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.​

No war is justifiable. But it's more complicated than that. Sometimes you are thrown into a war situation - like what happened in the world wars - and the greater evil might be to do nothing.
Romans 12:18
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.​
SkinWalker said:
I'll discuss it with her. I find that kind of anthropology fascinating.
I think that contemporary astrology with all it's fuss and flavours, inhibits, supresses, and discriminates individuality. I said that you don't need anything else except yourself if you want to notice yourself, so chill out
Lori_7 said:
Yes, I'm sure that I'm interacting with a supernatural being. I'm also sure that it's my creator and spiritual father God, and He has shown me that the Bible is His word, and that Jesus was He Himself, in the flesh. No doubt about it. He's been very clear with me because I've asked Him to be.
could you please provide a video with sound, so we can see for ourselves, or at least people to corroborate you story Ie who have seen and heard and spoken to this supernatural being in the same place, and at the same time.
something more solid then "I say it's so", you cant expect anyone to believe you with that can you.
else see a doctor, your clearly losing it.( of course it clear to you, your talking to yourself )
Jenyar said:
Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

2 Corinthians 10:3
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.​

No war is justifiable. But it's more complicated than that. Sometimes you are thrown into a war situation - like what happened in the world wars - and the greater evil might be to do nothing.
Romans 12:18
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.​

No war is justifiable. But it's more complicated than that. Sometimes you are thrown into a war situation - like what happened in the world wars - and the greater evil might be to do nothing.

So that's a Yes you believe Christians are allowed to engage in combat under certain circumstances, (to defeat a greater evil). Therefore i was right. It only took one question to mark the border between you and me. You are not my brother in Jesus. You believe in the doctrine of justifiable war, a doctrine of a man not a teaching of the Messiah Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
So that's a Yes you believe Christians are allowed to engage in combat under certain circumstances, (to defeat a greater evil). Therefore i was right. It only took one question to mark the border between you and me. You are not my brother in Jesus. You believe in the doctrine of justifiable war, a doctrine of a man not a teaching of the Messiah Jesus.
I said Christians might be called to fight in an unjust war - and it's not a "doctrine". I did not say they could justify the war. These things happen at the level of nations, not individuals, and don't bow to individual morality. God is greater than all nations together, but few people seem to understand what this means. At least Paul realized it doesn't always depend on you. As a Christian, you might be called to do the right thing, and the right thing might be to stop Hitler's armies from taking over Europe. If you were only responsible for yourself, your Christian responsibility would be easy to see. But what will you do when so much depends on your choice?

If your conscience doesn't allow you to fight physically you might become a conscienscious objector, but you'll still be involved in the war. And nobody's ever right in a war. Individual morality is always valid, but when the context is out of control, you'll be struggling for survival no matter what you do.
SkinWalker said:
Ha ha ha. "What would Jesus do," indeed!

Typical atheist idiot. Atheists indeed have no life, and cannot handle truth. The only thing left for the retard to do is continue proclaiming you own idiodicy. Continue your stupidity. Flame some more. The only thing you enjoy doing is flaming. You are a complete idiot. Troll.

SkinWalker said:
Malarky. If a theist believes in god, we can assume that the theist wasn't born with this belief. Therefore, if belief has a value of one, the theist = 1. The polytheist = > 1. The atheist = 0.

An a-theist is one that rejects the belief of theism.
You really are an idiot. The only reject is YOU! HAHAHAHA!!!!
“you did'nt have to state it, it is quite obvious, in your posts, you provide no links to back your assertions, therefore they are just heresay.”
You are claiming that I did not provide a link. Therefore, it is hearsay.
Sorry, but there is no logic behind that reason whatsoever.
Atheists usually have little understanding of proper logic.

A logical statement follows a valid path.
State: X did not provide links to Y. Therefore, Y is hearsay.
This statement is not a valid path.
Therefore, this statement is not logical.

“but it cant be deemed to be true unless you provide evidence, other than just saying it's so.”
A discussion between individuals is independent of the quality of a subject.
The objective of a discussion is not to affect the quality of the subject. The objective is to come to a conclusion about the nature of the quality of the subject.

“this is a common religious fallacy, called Circular Reasoning”
Wrong. This is a common atheist fallacy called Circular Reasoning.
The reasoning you have been using.
Circular Reasoning since you obviously have no clue what it means: A premise that claims a conclusion is true.

Circular reasoning:
I like candy because I like candy.
That person did not kill the fly because that person would never kill a fly.

Your reasoning:
“because you have provided no evidence for these assertion, we cannot reply to something that is just heresay”

In other words: You cannot reply to something that is hearsay because I have provided no evidence for an assertion.

This is obviously wrong.
My provision of evidence is completely independent of your ability to reply to something that is hearsay.
I stated that I did provide my evidence.
I stated that the evidence is there whether or not I put a link to it or not.

“and another fallacythis is a Non Sequitur: and a
Either . . . Or: fallacy, this is truly lame.”
Cool Skill: I have provided an example of your flawed logic.
Mustafhakofi: This is a non sequitur fallacy. Such a fallacy is truly lame.
Conclusion: Therefore, Mustafhakofi flawed logic is truly lame.

“no, I said if you have no belief in a thing you cannot be deemed to be delusional”
You are claiming that you never stated atheists are not delusionmal.
This is a prime example of your delusion.
That entire statement is a delusional contradiction.
Please review all the evidence on this board, and stop crying because I did not give you a link.

“now we are back your the lame fallacys.”
No that is your fallacy.
You seem to think something does not exist unless Cool Skill provides evidence for its existence.
SkinWalker said:
I'll discuss it with her. I find that kind of anthropology fascinating.
You're too stupid to discuss anything. What's the point? HAHAHAHA!!!!
the preacher said:
could you please provide a video with sound, so we can see for ourselves, or at least people to corroborate you story Ie who have seen and heard and spoken to this supernatural being in the same place, and at the same time.
something more solid then "I say it's so", you cant expect anyone to believe you with that can you.
else see a doctor, your clearly losing it.( of course it clear to you, your talking to yourself )

I don't have a stinking video?!?! That has to be one of the more stupid things I've read out here to date. I don't care if you believe me or not. I don't necessarily want you to believe me....even though you have no reason not to. FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF. Stop expecting everyone else to do your work for you, lazy...it just doesn't happen that way...God doesn't allow it. If you want to know then ask God to prove Himself to you, don't ask me. Why in the hell would you take someone's word for it anyway? And you can keep your quack medical advice to yourself.

It's pathetic that you people can't find a better response to any of the things I've witnessed to other than "you're a liar, you're delusional". LAME-O....tired....old.....get a new line.
cool skill said, "Atheists indeed have no life, and cannot handle truth."
M*W: That applies to Christians, too. They indeed have no life, and they cannot handle the truth!
Cool skill,

I'm actually beginning to look forward to your drama! :cool:

Keep it coming, my friend!
Medicine Woman said:
cool skill said, "Atheists indeed have no life, and cannot handle truth."
M*W: That applies to Christians, too. They indeed have no life, and they cannot handle the truth!

What is wrong with you people? :confused:
What is wrong with you people?

Answer: christian nutters like you and cool skill are delusional and guided by fear of the "atheist monster."
SkinWalker said:
What is wrong with you people?

Answer: christian nutters like you and cool skill are delusional and guided by fear of the "atheist monster."

What in the hell are you talking about? You people are most disappointing....and apparently couldn't hold an intelligent conversation if your lives depended upon it. Do you really think that flaming and calling people names and making up derrogatory accusations to hurl at one another out of the clear blue sky is what this forum is about? Get off the forum, and go to the nearest playground to find some snot nosed brats of your same mentality to play with.

In other words...grow up and get a point, or stfu.
So when cool skill struts his stuff for you, he's being rational and level-headed, using terms like "idiot," "imbecile," and "crack addict," and telling people that they are without brains, retarded, and otherwise mentally impaired. I didn't note your demand for him to "leave the forum."

But when cool skill gives me permision to "flame some more," even though I didn't flame, you tell me to leave the forum?

That's called irrational thought, biased by hypocrisy.
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I trawled through several pages of this thread, and have yet to find cool skill making a single remark that actually supports a belief in God or states that he is a Christian. Lori, I must say I'm very disappointed in you, taking someone's side not because he believes in God (which he hasn't once said) but solely because he professes a hatred of atheists.

Now watch while he calls me a closed-minded idiot. Insult is not debate. It's all quite deliberate trolling.
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