I am considering brainwashing to fix my son: religious experiment.

Haha, I'm glad you do, but do you realize the MAJORITY of people going to church are still doing things "sinful' and asking for forgiveness. Maybe they're not just sleeping around and murdering, and molesting children all the time, but when things start going the wrong way, they go to church MORE and PRAY MORE, and become more actively pious because they realize they have to "compensate" that's what religion does is create a feedback system...you feel bad, seek god, you feel sick, seek God, you want a better job...ask God...you feel guilty about your actions...Ask God to forgive you...you're lonely and feel helpless...Hey God! Can I trouble you for a moment...and in all this up and down up and down you feel BETTER about everything because it all has "meaning" it all "makes sense". Your life that was once vapid and devoid of substance finally has a soap box to stand on...it means something to you, and then you act like your existence means something to you in social situations and, voilà, you get another feedback system...companionship, love, success...happiness.

That's what religion and God do for people, the book and stories are at the end of the day, irrelevant, as they should be, because they're antiquated, and have nothing to say but act as parable for human suffering and triumph in the face of adversity.

You see, when you talk to people about their "belief" in God, and how strongly they have accepted Jesus to their hearts, you hear their extroverted prospective, you know what they WANT you to know. The privacy and intimacy between them and God is not unveiled to you...I know what is really going on because their actions show them...I interact with them everyday and greed, selfishness, lust, loneliness, despair, and anger is just as much a part of them as it is the atheists', the demons' and the wicked in their books and prophecies...and its okay, they're human. That's all I'm trying to say...humans have problems, and religion, as medications, help them "disappear", usually only temporarily. The difference between me and them is I use my daily logical assessments of life to guide me and don't rely on those external factors to push me through...there's nothing wrong with that and I don't expect everyone to act like me...why should they?

What I do expect, however, is that people understand WHY they believe in God, because its not the "evidence" in the bible its not the "clear beauty around them" in intelligent design...I know its not these things because science explains these things 100% better than the Bible, and with more detail, and with more provable testable assumptions...

... it's their own satisfaction with their interaction with "God". It's their own success stories. It's their own betterment... and to assume that I or anyone else for that matter is going to believe something because YOU feel better while believing it, is silly, at the end of the day...

i do realize that, but that's not why i believe in god. i believe in god because god paranormally slapped me in the face, repeatedly. god lovingly beat the holy shit out of me for a long long time before i ever got a glimpse of "happiness". i don't think that happiness is what it's about honestly. lots of really detrimental things can make you happy, but the truth is hard knocks. and yes, it's a personal thing, and i don't expect anyone to take my word for it. i wasn't willing to take anyone else's word for it.
Here's an email I just sent to my wife. We've been battling with my son's ODD since he was 5. This explains the reason why I am considering teaching my son about God. I believe this is one of the good uses of religion. This is in response to yet another issue he had on the bus. He will be 9 this November:

So what do you all think about the experiment to see if there is use for religion? Do you think it will work?

I am not really sure. I would probably enlist the assistance of a child psychologist to have your son evaluated as well as your idea. His behavioral issues could be due to an number of things, but like all children you ultimately want to get him to a point where he can stand on his own.
Change the psychiatrist not the religion

Change the psychiatrist, not the religion.
Find a psychotherapist (who isn't hung up on Freud) - psychiatrists have the power to medicate-it makes them less creative to find solutions. Also they actually get incentives to prescribe.

Your child won't understand any religion you try to teach him if he's on pills. The medication works because it dulls his senses - adding more confusion. If he already believes that he is a bad child then he probably gives himself license to do more bad since he's got nothing to lose. He needs to be made to feel good about himself, not be given more reason to be afraid.

Your project is not possible to bring off on the time that you have left over after work anyway. He needs all day care from at least one of his parents. The person who suggested changing the environment completely was right. Unfortunately it all seems to boil down to choosing between your career or your child. And if you are one of those people whose identity is very much tied to their work then it boils down to: choosing between yourself or your child. I guess it's understandable if you would rather try anything else than make that choice. I'd be horrified to be faced with such a decision myself - it must be why I never want to be a parent.
Does God give that freedom of choice...or does secular society give that freedom?

Yes God gives that freedom of choice and people who take it with a love of unrighteousness end up being a curse to themselves and a curse to society and a heart-breaking millstone around their parent’s necks. That is of course if their parents love them? The more someone is loved the more hurt they can cause. If they love unrighteousness that is.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
OMG, you just scared me out of doing this. If this is how the religious think, then I'd rather have him where he's at. Jappl had some constructive things that might work. You just sit in your hole and wait for your god to come have his way, k?

Oh my God will come and have His Way. Be assured of that.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Oh my God will come and have His Way. Be assured of that.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

You have some real issues Adstar. I don't think you were ever loved as a child.

What else can explain your cruelty, beating a man while he is down.

Not to mention the fact that according to you, God made this child so he can play a cruel game on him and his parents.

With you on the sideline playing the cheerleader.
Not to mention the fact that according to you, God made this child so he can play a cruel game on him and his parents.

that was right after he said "I know exactly what i'm doing,i don't need god"..(JK) :rolleyes:
Who said I was a slut?

sorry, that's a relative and irrelevant term. you're missing the point.

you told us about these girls who were "destined" to sleep around, because of their religious upbringing, and then you told us that you slept around with them. if their excuse is their religious upbringing, then what is yours?
sorry, that's a relative and irrelevant term. you're missing the point.

No, you're missing the point. They got fed bullshit and they rebelled when they learned that everything they had been indoctrinated with was bullshit.

They were free, it was liberation.
No, you're missing the point. They got fed bullshit and they rebelled when they learned that everything they had been indoctrinated with was bullshit.

They were free, it was liberation.

Why would somonene rebel for that? Until things are proven we really dont know becaues if we did know these conversations would not rtanspire, would they? And people are give the worng infromation all the time and they dont "rebel" unless they have some other personal problems then maybe.
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No, you're missing the point. They got fed bullshit and they rebelled when they learned that everything they had been indoctrinated with was bullshit.

They were free, it was liberation.

so how is that any different from your "liberation"? a matter of timing perhaps? a difference is circumstances (that i see as irrelevant)?

the point is...they're sleeping around, and you're sleeping around. what in the hell is the difference really?
Why would somonene rebel for that? Until things are proven we really dont know becaues if we did know these conversations would not rtanspire, would they? And people are give the worng infromation all the time and they dont "rebel" unless they have some other personal problems then maybe.

You lack so much life experience it's untrue, John.
so how is that any different from your "liberation"? a matter of timing perhaps? a difference is circumstances (that i see as irrelevant)?

the point is...they're sleeping around, and you're sleeping around. what in the hell is the difference really?

The point is, you're missing the point.
Well, if anyone cares to know, things are going well. I did not end up choosing to use religion. After some time working with my son, I came to the realization through his thinking, that it would not work and I might lose credibility with him. Thanks again to everyone, you seriously helped me out and I am working harder to coach him and allow him to fail with clear rewards and punishments. The philosophy is that we are a family, and he is part of that team with all the rights and privileges entitled to team members. If he plays well then he stays on the field, if not he goes on the bench. I've had to use the bench once this past month. I'm not sure he got the point, but it was more effective than punishments. I'll keep at it.