I AM an Astrologer!

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Its very generous of Sappho but its not the way I'd choose. You cant stop stubborn all men set in their ways.

Ollie keeps parroting on about 'its in the profile stoopid!'..his charm of expression is impressive..I can almost see him with gritted teeth hammering the keyboard...why the rush? It takes a substantial amount of time to do a chart and I'd suggest to Sappho..its destined to be wasted time. Its like asking Maggie Thatcher to discuss politics with Tony Benn and for Maggie to walk out saying 'I was wrong!'.

In short..such things just dont happen, Sappho.

You are probably right Billy. But then... who doesnt try.. :p
It is ofcourse your fault that Sapphrina is on it now (supposedly). YOU were the one that made the claim, so i really dont understand why YOU arent making those charts right now..
I've told you once I've told you twice...keep it simple and you win. Sappho is over compicating the issue.
Btw Billy, your other threads have been closed since this one already contains pretty much the same content. It would be difficult to merge threads due to chronological order, so the only way to sort them is allow the one main thread to continue so they eventually get merged behind the other posts in this thread and not cause disconnected discussion.
Ollie keeps parroting on about 'its in the profile stoopid!'..his charm of expression is impressive..
I said it once in any given thread, not "keep parroting".
And I don't spell stupid as stoopid.
Your grasp and comprehension of English (including spelling) is considerably less than impressive.

I can almost see him with gritted teeth hammering the keyboard...
And that's another thing you'd be wrong about.

why the rush?
Because you're the one that kept asking, repeatedly?
Allthough this is a pseudoscience subforum, Billy has clearly issued a claim of objective truth (vs. a speculation, hypothesis, or even abstract theory) and failed to provide any evidence for it. I saw James R. tell MattMar to produce evidence for one of his wacky claims in another thread or face being banned. Maybe the same is applicable to Billy?

Btw Billy, your other threads have been closed since this one already contains pretty much the same content. It would be difficult to merge threads due to chronological order, so the only way to sort them is allow the one main thread to continue so they eventually get merged behind the other posts in this thread and not cause disconnected discussion.

Well its your forum Mr. Stryder.

Personally I'd lock this before it reaches the parts no thread has reached before. That would be the logical idea..as a fellow admin/host..and then I'd free up the post with has the most best examples..and one that has noticeably not recieved one word of dissent (maybe because it hammers home the point with perfect accuracy!). i.e the Water thread..I really dont think the guys here are up to the task but I'm nothing if not patient.

..no point in this thread carrying on. What say you, boss?
I said it once in any given thread, not "keep parroting".
And I don't spell stupid as stoopid.
Your grasp and comprehension of English (including spelling) is considerably less than impressive.

And that's another thing you'd be wrong about.

Because you're the one that kept asking, repeatedly?

I'm laughing.

At first I was surprised at your ranting and proliferation of insults.

The reason for much mirth.

You were born a mere few hours after Johnny Rotten :D
Well its your forum Mr. Stryder.

Personally I'd lock this before it reaches the parts no thread has reached before. That would be the logical idea..as a fellow admin/host..and then I'd free up the post with has the most best examples..and one that has noticeably not recieved one word of dissent (maybe because it hammers home the point with perfect accuracy!). i.e the Water thread..I really dont think the guys here are up to the task but I'm nothing if not patient.

..no point in this thread carrying on. What say you, boss?

You ARE kidding right !?
Best examples ? Hammers home the point with perfect accuracy ??
You didnt even come near explaining anything and you certainly didnt prove anything.

I wonder when (or rather if) Sapphrina is going to show her face here again. We are all waiting in suspense.
Are you?

I've no idea who she is, and she's no connection so I'm not sure why your telling me.

Of course it hammers home the fact with accuracy..don't you guys study human nature? Have you no interest in people?

There no point in forming a band full of the tone deaf..if your so cloth eared as not to get it then whats the point? You obviously dont understand it...cant you google astrological elements or something?
Are you?

I've no idea who she is, and she's no connection so I'm not sure why your telling me.

Of course it hammers home the fact with accuracy..don't you guys study human nature? Have you no interest in people?

There no point in forming a band full of the tone deaf..if your so cloth eared as not to get it then whats the point? You obviously dont understand it...cant you google astrological elements or something?

Why dont you try to explain it to me then ? If you dont want to explain why ever did you say you were going to prove it !?
Its very easy, Enmos.

If you can't dispute it then admit defeat.

If you say you dont understand it then go and find out about it.

After all I dont expect the bank manager to know the intricacies of string theory anymore than I trust Stephen Hawking as a financial advisor. Its simpy a breakdown of communication.

Its like Modern Art..most of it is utterly lost on me. As is much of modern Jazz or Modern Classical. Its not your fault and its not my fault. Its just life, Enmos.
Its very easy, Enmos.

If you can't dispute it then admit defeat.

If you say you dont understand it then go and find out about it.

After all I dont expect the bank manager to know the intricacies of string theory anymore than I trust Stephen Hawking as a financial advisor. Its simpy a breakdown of communication.

Its like Modern Art..most of it is utterly lost on me. As is much of modern Jazz or Modern Classical. Its not your fault and its not my fault. Its just life, Enmos.

No, thats not how it works. YOU made the claim, so the burden of proof is on YOU. Im waiting.
Oh no no no..its how it works for me.

Someone asked me to do a chart for them once from my Gfs Office, she liked it, so they all wanted a chart done. The problem there is that they're too mundane. It like those dreadful reality shows...what you want a 20 page character analysis? I could live in same house for 20 yrs and barely manage to fit it on a postage stamp. People are homogenous nowadays.

One of the most classic cases was Pr.Diana. She had several planets in Cancer..on the surface she seemed placid and demure...EVERYONE thought that apart from the Astrologers. Every analysis from even the most innocous soothsaying astrologer (of which there are many) stated wuite clearly that she was a real livewire, energetic, charismatic, unpredictable..

..they were right all the Royal hacks were wrong.
Marilyn Monroe


Now surely you can see what is almost totally absent from that chart?

For the terminally stubborn its Earth.

She lacks practicality..in fact she lacks being grounded, down to earth, practical, stable.

Now to ME that is one example of 'proof'...but the point everyone misses is that I can print examples every day for a year of this 'proof'..how much proof do you need?

Why are you so lacking in even a soupcon of imagination?
Creating a pie chart out of 4 elements (being the old type) is hardly evidence. For instance why Fire, why not light?
Why Earth, Why not Rock?

As for Water, Water is pretty much Gas but in a liquid state. This means that both "Air" and "Water" are technically the same. Of course more fire = more air I guess since the water will evaporate into air.

But this is all very well generating pseudoscientific meanings for things that truly have no more basis on one another than paper-stone-scissors.

The sort of proof people would like is meaning to these pseudoscience inputs, How can you make a reading based upon a time point and location to identify an individuals overall needs or personality? It's easy to stereotype, however some people will appear stereotypical but purposely pose so just to prove they are not in fact your stereotype.

The only time that any of your delusional "monkey chattering" would actually make sense is if at one point in the future a giant supercomputer was to take all the bogus calculations and manipulate all those players on the planet to the stereotypes addressed by those calculations. I can assure you it would be one machine that hackers would love to drop a payload on and obviously one that would eventually be seized or destroyed.
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