I am afraid to die

To everyone else,

Please try your best not to enhance a persons fear when they come to you for council, this truly is not righteous. If you are un-able to help somebody seeking your help and you do not have the ability to teach the truth then it is wise to keep silent.

you just asked those types to respond by saying 'keep silent'...
Receiving revelation and having it change your own behavior is great. Receiving revelation and attempting to control others because of it is not great.
Your first mistake is pretending you know what exists after death.

Agreed, You assume you cease to exist because that makes sense to you, but in reality death is a passage, it's a door, assuming that what you fear is on the other side of that door is foolish and a waste of time

You are both wrong. We do in fact know very well what happens when a person 'dies'. The brain, (which is 'them'), proceeds to rot - there is simply no 'them' left to care. If you want to make claims to supernatural elements and space magic then you had better come equipped with evidence.

'Death' precisely means the end of your existence. None of us want it - even christians who believe it will only get better are trying to avoid heaven as much as they possibly can - seems even they don't believe their own spiel.
You are both wrong. We do in fact know very well what happens when a person 'dies'. The brain, (which is 'them'), proceeds to rot - there is simply no 'them' left to care. If you want to make claims to supernatural elements and space magic then you had better come equipped with evidence.

'Death' precisely means the end of your existence. None of us want it - even christians who believe it will only get better are trying to avoid heaven as much as they possibly can - seems even they don't believe their own spiel.

i think you're a good candidate to be a ghost after you die. you're so attached to this physical world you won't know what to do after you pass, so you'll just stay here and bug the shit out of the rest of us in futility when you could be in heaven.
I would admit that "it is my Desire to live that makes me to fear Death".
Buddhism says that Desire is the root of all sufferings.
Nirwana is a state of Buddha where no life no death,
if u dont want to die, the best way is Not to be born.
when there is no life, then there is no death.
Show consideration on this thread please and refrain from negative arguments that are conducted rudely.


um..i did not see any negative arguements that were conducted rudely between my post that you responded to and this post..?<confused>

You mean how somebody would touch wet paint even after being warned it is wet?.

exactly..also applies to yelling 'DUCK' forces them to look for what they need to 'duck' for, instead of actually ducking..
um..i did not see any negative arguements that were conducted rudely between my post that you responded to and this post..?<confused>

exactly..also applies to yelling 'DUCK' forces them to look for what they need to 'duck' for, instead of actually ducking..

I Was saying it to remind everybody this isnt a regular thread and consideration should be show due to the personal emotions involved of the "Thread starter.

Can we continue this convo` elsewhere I would prefer if we kept this in personal messege or another thread.


just trying to draw attention to areas i have seen attacked here on sciforums way too often..nothing personal,
i enjoy reading your posts,i have to give you credit for not getting too many trolls rilled up..
just trying to draw attention to areas i have seen attacked here on sciforums way too often..nothing personal,
i enjoy reading your posts,i have to give you credit for not getting too many trolls rilled up..

yeah, that's my job. :D
just trying to draw attention to areas i have seen attacked here on sciforums way too often..nothing personal,
i enjoy reading your posts,i have to give you credit for not getting too many trolls rilled up..

A troll only lumbers in the Darkness, he halts before the Light.

I would admit that "it is my Desire to live that makes me to fear Death".
Buddhism says that Desire is the root of all sufferings.
Nirwana is a state of Buddha where no life no death,
if u dont want to die, the best way is Not to be born.
when there is no life, then there is no death.

Nice little thoughts of denial. But the fact remains you are Alive. Even if you do your best to deny it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Hmmm, afraid to die. I am both afraid and not afraid. I am afraid of how I go, of the suffering and pain. I am afraid of the heartache of my family. For that I am afraid. I am not afraid of death in the afterlife sense. I don't care what happens afterwards. No one knows, so I will not ponder upon it, wasting time, anxiety, stress of any kind on it. I have better things to do with that time.
after we die, who will remember us?
we can carry nothing with us, our bodies decomposed or cremated,
look at the mummy, what's the meaning of living, knowing that you will be like a mummy, just a material without life.
after we die, who will remember us?
we can carry nothing with us, our bodies decomposed or cremated,
look at the mummy, what's the meaning of living, knowing that you will be like a mummy, just a material without life.

You must add, that you are here, regardless of your means to analyze anything.
Your means to analyze may, however, have saved and gave length to your life already, many times, without you even analyzing the specific factual details involved.