I am afraid to die

Hi, i do not understand what you said.

Analyzing is a human mechanism used specifically to enhance survival skills.
To use them for any other purpose is certainly possible, but is is labeled the minor insignificant "recreational purposes".
after we die, who will remember us?
we can carry nothing with us, our bodies decomposed or cremated,
look at the mummy, what's the meaning of living, knowing that you will be like a mummy, just a material without life.

because i can end up in a side show at a carnival in a glass covered box with a blunt hanging out of where my mouth is supposed to be..(true story)
that way everyone who see's me can point and laugh at me..
i think you're a good candidate to be a ghost after you die. you're so attached to this physical world you won't know what to do after you pass, so you'll just stay here and bug the shit out of the rest of us in futility when you could be in heaven.

1. Meaningless blather. I am not "so attached to this phyiscal world" but existent in such world where death results in termination of existence.

2. I'd like some evidence that 'ghosts' exist, that they are in fact (clearly material, i.e composed of atoms) walking dead people and that the reason they exist is because they don't know what to do when they're dead.

3. [irrelevant] I'd also like to know why 'ghosts' don't fall through the floor. It is one of the more amusing fallacies of the mystical world.

4. Frankly the idea of hanging around being able to see the progression of humankind is infinitely more pleasing than the notion of sitting on a cloud doing sweet bugger all other than worshipping the one entity in the cosmos that has no needs whatsoever and is completely unaffected by it - thus making the worship completely gratuitous.

5. Assuming my non-atom form can somehow interact with matter, (which is necessary in order for me to "bug the shit" out of you), I'll just stick to drinking wine and all the other material things I do already. If I cannot interact with matter, I'm wondering why I wouldn't fall through the floor or how I'd be able to bug anything.
if we exist by chance,
do you think life is a joke?
we got no ultimate destination, no destiny.
we are only temporary,
we are no better than animals.
I've died once , for about 3 minutes, it wasn't much because I saw nothing, no white light, no voices calling me, nothing at all , just like when you go to sleep and don't dream. I've told this to many news agencies but they won't let me tell about my not seeing anything because they only allow people that they want to show everyone who only saw something. It is strange that the media won't allow those of us, yes there's others out there like myself, who saw nothing , say anything to the citizens. Seems very biased if you ask me, I wonder why they are so afraid to let me tell me story??:shrug:

I think it varies from person to person but it is my belief that nothing happens at death...no light...nothing. The media is about sensationalism and giving the people what they want.
if we exist by chance,
do you think life is a joke?
we got no ultimate destination, no destiny.
we are only temporary,
we are no better than animals.

Actually animals are better than humans in many respects. They don't start wars, don't kill for sport and don't overpopulate as a few examples.
The King of Kings does not refer to himself as I, no We will not say "I am stepping out to recieve you", We shall say "We are comming out to recieve you".

I is for a peasant, We is for royalty/

We bid you good day.


now you are saying you are the king of kings??
with revelation comes arrogance...
Worry about it in your last moments, before you slide off the windshield.

Ah, bug on a windshield.

Don't you just love how atheists view life?

Makes you wonder why they even go along with the "killing people is wrong" thing.

Does not compute...
if we exist by chance,
do you think life is a joke?
we got no ultimate destination, no destiny.
we are only temporary,
we are no better than animals

1. You could not say "life is a joke" without trying to imply a joker.
2. Ok, we have no uiltimate destiny - although we do at this moment have an ultimate destination (non existence). I am unsure of the point.
3. Yes, we are only temporary
4. We are animals. Primates, mammals, chordata etc. What do you mean precisely by "better than"? Yes, we are more intelligent. No, we are vastly inferior when it comes to flying ability, holding our breath underwater, running, hiding from our foe etc. So we are both "better" and nowhere near as good. I get the impression however that your "better" means something entirely different. What? (It's all slightly too anthropocentric for my liking).


You will be a pile of dust and bones wont you?, isnt that existing.

Umm.. I doubt I'll be as good a cook but o...k.
4. We are animals. Primates, mammals, chordata etc. What do you mean precisely by "better than"? Yes, we are more intelligent. No, we are vastly inferior when it comes to flying ability, holding our breath underwater, running, hiding from our foe etc. So we are both "better" and nowhere near as good. I get the impression however that your "better" means something entirely different. What? (It's all slightly too anthropocentric for my liking).

I mean, we are intelligent beings, we are better than animals in many aspects, we have civilization,
however, we too die and perish as animal, no eternal life, therefore in this context, we are no better than animals:shrug: