I am afraid to die

Plan A; nothing after death,(like it was said, try to remember before you were born)

Plan B; the stories are true, there is life after death, there is a heaven.

Plan C; there is no heaven but ppl get reincarnated. (my next life i wanna be a bug.)

Plan D; Groundhog day, you have to live your life over and over again ..

If your living like there is no God, you better be right..
Plan A; nothing after death,(like it was said, try to remember before you were born)

Plan B; the stories are true, there is life after death, there is a heaven.

Plan C; there is no heaven but ppl get reincarnated. (my next life i wanna be a bug.)

Plan D; Groundhog day, you have to live your life over and over again ..

If your living like there is no God, you better be right..

Plan E; you live life like there is a god/afterlife so this life isn't as important, and end up missing out on a whole bunch of fun things because it's the only life you get and you wasted it!

Plan F; if you're living like there is a god, you better be sure you picked the right one, and followed everything 100% to the letter. ;)
I am not worried, I am Scared, Frightened.
I dont want to die, I want to live forever. But this is not possible. I will die and become nothing, very scary.

The advent of current medical breakthroughs makes your's the first generation that can discuss the realistic possibility of not dying.

But you must tandemly coordinate a rapid move into outer space colonization, as the population will rapidly spike.
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The advent of current medical breakthroughs makes your's the first generation that can discuss the realistic possibility of not dieing.

But you must tandemly coordinate a rapid move into outer space colonization, as the population will rapidly spike.

i'm sure the aliens are looking forward to this. :rolleyes:
I think that 90% or more of elderly people look forward to death. Of course a lot of it has to do with their withered bodies.

Life is a short warm moment
And death is a long cold rest.
I think that 90% or more of elderly people look forward to death. Of course a lot of it has to do with their withered bodies.
Both my parents did in the months before they actually died. Neither were in pain but both were, as they said, "ready to go".
Plan F; if you're living like there is a god, you better be sure you picked the right one, and followed everything 100% to the letter. ;)
That's not necessarily true. There could be a god that doesn't want to be followed or understood. That's the only god that I could ever accept.
It's a video game your immortal soul is playing. Don't Panic!
I remember thinking this way when I was little. It'd be pretty awesome.
i don't think your fear is realistic, even from your perspective.

if death really is the end, then there is nothing to fear is there?

if life goes on after death, then there is a whole new can of worms or possibliities which not all of them may be good.

think about it, one can't suffer or even be conscious of or feel fear unless one is alive. afterlife would still mean alive. understand?

taken another way, some people's fear is that death is not the end and they are forced to relive life over and over. that can be a hell of it's own, do you not see that?

why do you think some people commit suicide or people with terminal illnesses in great suffering want to die?

it all depends on the circumstances one is in and for some people life is what is hell. don't you understand that? get out of yourself for a moment and pay attention to the news or lucidly recall that there are people who suffer in horrendous situations from birth to death. some are starving, diseased, outcast, ridiculed etc. the list of cruelty and suffering is endless and myriad.

seriously, one has to be really self-centered or dumb to not realize this. one only need to read a history book, look around you at others in life, watch the news etc. life is not all roses and peachy either. like, duh??
How do you not understand this fear? People create legacies and write books for the same reason. We like to influence and change things, it's the biggest addiction I've ever had myself. To have any worries seems a bit pointless though.
if I never existed before i was born, and I cease existing after death,
then what is the meaning of life?
i just happened to come to this world, there is no ultimate meaning,
why struggle so hard to work for living?
even i can be a billionaire, but after death, everything is Empty,
it is meaningless to live in this world, because my body, my possesions, everything will be gone.
if I never existed before i was born, and I cease existing after death,
then what is the meaning of life?
i just happened to come to this world, there is no ultimate meaning,
why struggle so hard to work for living?
even i can be a billionaire, but after death, everything is Empty,
it is meaningless to live in this world, because my body, my possesions, everything will be gone.

with a perception as pathetic and sad as this, i'm not sure what keeps you from offing yourself right now.

that's not a suggestion by the way. just sayin'.
if I never existed before i was born, and I cease existing after death,
then what is the meaning of life?.
"If I never existed before i was born, yet I still lived"...is a weighty enough meaning.
this seems naive.

if i were them, i would annihilate us before we had a chance.

I see you without a mirror, and you are not them.
They have had plenty of opportunity and failed to do so (annihilate us).
Therefore they will not or...they cannot.
I see you without a mirror, and you are not them.

what does that mean..."see you without a mirror"?

They have had plenty of opportunity and failed to do so (annihilate us).
Therefore they will not or...they cannot.

this is a hope, not so cleverly disguised as a deduction.
How do you not understand this fear? People create legacies and write books for the same reason. We like to influence and change things, it's the biggest addiction I've ever had myself. To have any worries seems a bit pointless though.

that's because the op stated his/her biggest fear was if there was no afterlife.

if you don't exist, what does it matter? there is no consequence ether way.

what if there was an afterlife that was burning in hell for all eternity? some people believe that too. would he/she rather choose that or an burning in hell for eternity or perhaps being born diseased, deformed and then starving to death? life itself does not necessarily mean that it's good. i think people who don't see this are the ones who have relatively what is called normal lives with occasional ups and downs. they don't realize just how bad living can actually be depending on one's circumstances. so they see their current life as the end and be all and are very attached to it and afraid of losing it.

there is a natural fear of the "process" of death because it is usually unpleasant and also we fear the loss of control and the unknown. also, some fear leaving those they care about behind or not being able to be there for them or for them to suffer or grieve over them and vice versa.

still, though if death really were the end. in some way, it's not that bad considering at least they are not suffering anymore and one day everyone will die. it would be a lot more harrowing if there was an afterlife and one didn't know what happened to their loved ones and where they went and what state they are in.
That's not necessarily true. There could be a god that doesn't want to be followed or understood. That's the only god that I could ever accept.

Well as far as religions go they all have guidelines to follow. Though I suppose you could make your own concept up, without rules and such, but even if that is possible, you still better be sure it's right. ;)
if I never existed before i was born, and I cease existing after death,then what is the meaning of life?

That my friend is up to you to choose, if you really want to, for only you must know why you want to live no one else can.

i just happened to come to this world, there is no ultimate meaning,
why struggle so hard to work for living?

Who ever said you must struggle hard to live? No one makes you work you choose what you want out of life and if that requires work then it is a labor of love, not something bad. I know billions of people who get by daily without working "hard" for they are farmers, tribes and collectives that don't want much out of life except to stay here awaile and enjoy where they are as best they can. Many people live in poverty but never know it because they don't know what being wealthy means. They are content in being who they are and where they are for the most part and could change themselves if they really wanted to.

even i can be a billionaire, but after death, everything is Empty,
it is meaningless to live in this world, because my body, my possesions, everything will be gone

That is correct so just try to get by in life by doing what you can to have the life you want, within reason, instead of trying to reach out and grab the golden ring of money. There are many people who take only for themselves and use others to get where they want and aren't very happy with themselves because they always want more and more which drives them crazy trying to achieve something they can't ever attain in their own minds. :)
If you think about death, you do not start a sadness?

well, fear and sadness are different things. up until recently i would have welcomed death, but being recently married to such a wonderful man who i feel so close too, i must admit i don't like the thought of us being separated by such a thing now. i'm sure though, that's just a symptom of ignorance.