I am afraid to die

that's because the op stated his/her biggest fear was if there was no afterlife.

if you don't exist, what does it matter? there is no consequence ether way.

what if there was an afterlife that was burning in hell for all eternity? some people believe that too. would he/she rather choose that or an burning in hell for eternity or perhaps being born diseased, deformed and then starving to death? life itself does not necessarily mean that it's good. i think people who don't see this are the ones who have relatively what is called normal lives with occasional ups and downs. they don't realize just how bad living can actually be depending on one's circumstances. so they see their current life as the end and be all and are very attached to it and afraid of losing it.

there is a natural fear of the "process" of death because it is usually unpleasant and also we fear the loss of control and the unknown. also, some fear leaving those they care about behind or not being able to be there for them or for them to suffer or grieve over them and vice versa.

still, though if death really were the end. in some way, it's not that bad considering at least they are not suffering anymore and one day everyone will die. it would be a lot more harrowing if there was an afterlife and one didn't know what happened to their loved ones and where they went and what state they are in.
I've had some pretty shitty conditions, and I still wish for hell over non-existence.
My dad died two days ago. He wasn't afraid of death, but he didn't want his life to end.
the shortness of life must be a sad thing, or else why so many people, and religions too, seeking Eternal life?
why eternal?
is it because a short life is meningless, only eternal life makes sense?
Plan E; you live life like there is a god/afterlife so this life isn't as important, and end up missing out on a whole bunch of fun things because it's the only life you get and you wasted it!

see i don't subscribe to that.. just because one believes in God does not mean they have to miss out on any 'fun'..
and for some becoming a believer enables them to not waste their life..
believing in god doesn't mean 'do nothing' till you die..

Plan F; if you're living like there is a god, you better be sure you picked the right one, and followed everything 100% to the letter. ;)

theres the human take..
what if all of them are the right one? (IE all of them are the same God)
and most of that interpretation is from the old testament, not the new..
(OT = 'do as your told', NT = 'think for yourself')
see i don't subscribe to that.. just because one believes in God does not mean they have to miss out on any 'fun'..
and for some becoming a believer enables them to not waste their life..
believing in god doesn't mean 'do nothing' till you die..

theres the human take..
what if all of them are the right one? (IE all of them are the same God)
and most of that interpretation is from the old testament, not the new..
(OT = 'do as your told', NT = 'think for yourself')

The God of everyone. Have a cookie
My dad died two days ago. He wasn't afraid of death, but he didn't want his life to end.

Hi my dear. You heard about the birds in BeeBe . Sorry for your loss. You know my pain. It is coming under control now . Man that was a little hard lesson for Me. The things we learn in life , I my self learned this from it : to enjoy any life you have left. It is the sole duty of the living. You never know ?
the shortness of life must be a sad thing, or else why so many people, and religions too, seeking Eternal life?
why eternal?
is it because a short life is meningless, only eternal life makes sense?

So we can explore the stars . If we live a long time we will be able to explore space the final frontier, So you scientist better get busy and come together, You been jerking off to much as of late. We want longer lives! WE want longer Lives! WE Want Longer Lives ! everybody all together now! We want longer lives!
I am not worried, I am Scared, Frightened.
I dont want to die, I want to live forever. But this is not possible. I will die and become nothing, very scary.

Your feelings about death deny your belief about death.

If you truly believed that you ceased to exist after death then you feelings would be neutral about it.

Your fear of death shows the inner you does not believe what the outer you proclaims.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
see i don't subscribe to that.. just because one believes in God does not mean they have to miss out on any 'fun'..
and for some becoming a believer enables them to not waste their life..
believing in god doesn't mean 'do nothing' till you die..
Depends what you consider fun and what your beliefs are. If it's one of the religions that calls you a sinner for fornicating then boy are you missing out. ;)

theres the human take..
what if all of them are the right one? (IE all of them are the same God)
and most of that interpretation is from the old testament, not the new..
(OT = 'do as your told', NT = 'think for yourself')
That's a long shot is it not? The various world religions are frequently incompatible with each other, really you have to pick one/one set of beliefs you made up. You could try and hedge your bet and claim it's all the same anyway, but that doesn't make it so, and gives it the same odds as any other belief you can come up with. Choose your one wisely(and technically with an infinite amount of possible combinations your liklihood of choosing the right one is effectively 0).
if I never existed before i was born, and I cease existing after death,
then what is the meaning of life?

By meaning I assume you mean importance. If that's the case then importance doesn't exist. It is a human-made subjective concept that's not real outside the scope of your mind. In other words, the answer is "whatever you want it to be".

i just happened to come to this world, there is no ultimate meaning,
why struggle so hard to work for living?

Only you can answer that question for yourself; however, from a biological perspective you have a function to collect energy and persist. Naturally, entropy will eventually kill you so your persistence is handled by your children. If you don't persist in a manner that leads to healthy functional children then the genetics which you are made up will no longer be a part of the gene pool.

even i can be a billionaire, but after death, everything is Empty,
it is meaningless to live in this world, because my body, my possesions, everything will be gone.

When you're dead, you won't care. You won't have the ability to care.
I am not worried, I am Scared, Frightened.
I dont want to die, I want to live forever. But this is not possible. I will die and become nothing, very scary.

But you've been there before...You've not existed before...
was that scary?
But you've been there before...You've not existed before...
was that scary?

I've died once , for about 3 minutes, it wasn't much because I saw nothing, no white light, no voices calling me, nothing at all , just like when you go to sleep and don't dream. I've told this to many news agencies but they won't let me tell about my not seeing anything because they only allow people that they want to show everyone who only saw something. It is strange that the media won't allow those of us, yes there's others out there like myself, who saw nothing , say anything to the citizens. Seems very biased if you ask me, I wonder why they are so afraid to let me tell me story??:shrug:
what does that mean..."see you without a mirror"?

this is a hope, not so cleverly disguised as a deduction.

they see your character would be my guess. The rudder of a person is there tongue. What is inside you comes out of your mouth and can not be kept hidden when you speak . You could call it your countenance and by the subtleties of your speech people know how you feel. You can run but you can't hide
they see your character would be my guess. The rudder of a person is there tongue. What is inside you comes out of your mouth and can not be kept hidden when you speak . You could call it your countenance and by the subtleties of your speech people know how you feel. You can run but you can't hide

oh, thank you. :)

it's my opinion, and i'm sure many here would agree, that i'm blatant and emphatic.
the shortness of life must be a sad thing, or else why so many people, and religions too, seeking Eternal life?
why eternal?
is it because a short life is meningless, only eternal life makes sense?

in the christian sense, eternal life is different from what you're desiring i think. the christian belief is that the consequence of sin is death. so in order for us to have an eternal life, sin must be abolished.

it's my opinion that an eternal life in the condition we are in now would be a horrific curse. it's also my opinion that the mark of the beast will satisfy that curse. it says in the bible that in the last days, men will seek death and will not find it, while being tortured in their existence by a variety of afflictions, atrocities, and cataclysms. hell.
Originally Posted by Me-Ki-Gal
they see your character would be my guess. The rudder of a person is there tongue. What is inside you comes out of your mouth and can not be kept hidden when you speak .

thank God i use my fingers to talk here..and it has a delete button! So i CAN say anything and keep it hidden..thats what the delete button is for..:p