I am afraid to die

I mean, we are intelligent beings, we are better than animals in many aspects, we have civilization

I am unsure precisely of what you mean by "better". Kindly clarify. While we have 'civilization', none of them have worked as well - or even close to it - as a single ant colony.

Kindly clarify what you actually mean by "better".

we too die and perish as animal, no eternal life, therefore in this context, we are no better than animals

Of course we die and cease to exist along with all other animals, planets, stars, galaxies and buildings. I am still unsure what 'better' means here other than in some anthropocentric form - that you are 'better' simply because you're a human. What trite silliness that would be.
" better " mean we are not animals, animals only live on their natural instinct, they eat, sleep, shit, courting.......they do not know how to ponder over the meaning of life, think not of philosophy etc.
but human beings are different, we have many things other than eating, sleeping, shitting, fvcking.......... :D
" better " mean we are not animals, animals only live on their natural instinct, they eat, sleep, shit, courting.......they do not know how to ponder over the meaning of life, think not of philosophy etc.

Ok, we could get into a large discussion of the rest of the animal kingdom but it's not necessary.

Let's say that I agree that all the other animals do is eat and crap whereas we can 'think about things' - I am unsure why you'd think that because of this interesting ability on our part, it would somehow equate to us having to be not temporary, to us having afterlives or some grand ultimate 'destiny'.

Sure, it is amazing that we have the capacity for thought and to 'ponder things' but I don't see how any of the above would follow from that anymore than a whales ability to sing a song for hours, go away for months, then come back and carry on precisely from where it left off is amazing and therefore means whales have some ultimate destiny or afterlife. The conclusion doesn't seem to be based upon anything at all.

whale does not think about the meaning of life, it has no religion, it does not ask "why do I exist?"
humans do!
so, why are we here in this ruthless universe?
We are here because something had to be, as nothing couldn't hack it.

Yes, on SciForum, we figure things out, but in one's everyday life it is really that existence greatly precedes essence in importance. So, live a lot!

Everyone dies, but not everyone lives.

You and death will never be in the same place at once. Where you are (existing), death is not; where death is, you will not be.

Yet, of course, the brain's job is to create future, by survival, and so it is hardly able or wanting to contemplate its own end. This is why thoughts of an afterlife arise.
whale does not think about the meaning of life, it has no religion, it does not ask "why do I exist?"

Well, it might. The 'bits' of information in a whales song is massive.

so, why are we here in this ruthless universe?

I don't think an ability to ask the question makes it a pertinent question. You are here precisely because life evolved and you are one of the temporary products as a result of that evolution.
I am a temporary product?
This is a misery for being a human who can feel the pain of living in this ruthless world
I am a temporary product?
This is a misery for being a human who can feel the pain of living in this ruthless world

would you like some cheese to go with your whine?

i don't have any cheese, but here's some food for thought...

allow your pain to motivate you to seek the truth.

warning: this is not a codependent exercise. no one is going to serve it up to you on a silver platter.
I am a temporary product?
This is a misery for being a human who can feel the pain of living in this ruthless world
Geez, you're a real downer aren't you. Why don't you get out and find the good in life instead of whining abut how short it is?
I am a temporary product?

Yes, that's precisely why we're sad when others die.

This is a misery for being a human who can feel the pain of living in this ruthless world

Sure, it is very much a downside of existing, (we cease to exist typically when we don't want to), but we can still get enjoyment in the life we have regardless of that reality.