how peaceful is islam ?

Well diamond hearts,

Your country pakistan is certainly peaceful this week, 29 women & children killed in a religous stampede, 57 blown up at a mosque with merry muslim men dressed as women blowing themselves up.

But diamond this is just another typical week in paki-disneyland, where fun & games there is who has the biggest bombs.

Do you think diamond if they all got off there fat asses out of the mosques, and into the workplace the bombings & stampedes might stop, there is more to life than studying islam 24 hours of the day, after all what has all this studying done for your country, it is regarded as the home for terroism, bin lid has been on his honeymoon there now for 5 years, along with the taliban leader with shrapnel in his skull, or tinman as i like to call him.

If you guys spent as much time working as you do praying, you would have a economy better than any western country.

But who wants to work when you can spend all day praying you wont ever have to.

What is a paki's lifelong dream, to head off to the UK get benefit cheques, a house, a car, and on top of that you can continue to pray all day, but be paid for it by the friendly british taxpayer.

Im thinking of going on a second honeymoon with the wife to pakistan, can i rent a bomb proof car there, or has musharaff got the only one there, the wife wants to know if she can buy bomb proof bra's there, her tits are her prize assets, can i purchase bomb proof undies too, my cucumber is my prize asset.

Be a diamond, diamond & do some scouting for me, im also taking my bomb sniffing dog, im disguising him as a guide dog to get around customs.
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Diamondheart, you still haven't adressed the fact that these contacts with the Nazis occured before WWII, and any establishment of the Jewish State, that the SS Handschar Divison, and SS Skanebeg Divison, were employed to futher Nazi aggression in the balkans not free Palistine from the British, and the fact that many nasi leaders escaped to the middle east and were welcomed with open arms in the Oddessa Opperation after WWII, and why the Mufti Of Jerusalem Haj Muhammed Amin al Husseihi appears in so many photos with Hitler, Eichmann, and Himmler? snapshots of old friends do you think? Co-conspiritors? Birds of a feather? murderer's of a chosen people? the people of the book.
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Buffalo Roam said:
you sound like the NAZI, who made massive changes to politically correct history to prove that they were the injured party and justify their rape of Europe, Russia, Africa, and murder of the Jews and any other undesirable in their controal.

So now you compare me to a Nazi? Is this your best argument?

Nazism is illegal in Islam and anyone who commits or supports genocide of people (like Nazis did to innocent Jews) is a companion of the Hellfire.

I also believe that Zionism is quite similar to Nazism and is extermination of Palestinians, so why don't you criticize Zionists.

Buffalo Roam said:
Diamondheart, you still haven't adressed the fact that these contacts with the Nazis occured before WWII, and any establishment of the Jewish State, that the SS Handschar Divison, and SS Skanebeg Divison, were employed to futher Nazi aggression in the balkans not free Palistine from the British, and the fact that many nasi leaders escaped to the middle east and were welcomed with open arms in the Oddessa Opperation after WWII, and why the Mufti Of Jerusalem Haj Muhammed Amin al Husseihi appears in so many photos with Hitler, Eichmann, and Himmler? snapshots of old friends do you think? Co-conspiritors? Birds of a feather? murderer's of a chosen people? the people of the book.

First of all, because the enemies of the Palestinian people spread lies about the great Palestinian leaders does not make them true. So he visited Germany, and Italy, and other countries to get anyone to support the Palestinian people. This does not make him a Nazi.

Also, Zionism as an ideology precedes the creation of Israel and is the instrument by which Israel was formed and colonized and Palestinians expelled.

I will never accept Nazism or Zionism, these are evil ideogolies both of them are are the scourge of humanity. May Allah swt punish those who engage in racism and genocide. May Allah swt raise the Palestinian people's struggle and give them peace and freedom.

Diamondheart no, you are my best argument, you tell me that Naizism is ileagle,and a anathma to Islam, and then fail to condem the Mufti of Jerusalem for his ties and friendship to it! The Mufti presented himself to Hitler and raised two divisions of Beleavers in Islam to futher the Nazi cause, the proof is that if the Mufti was so intrested in freeing Palistine, why then were this divison used to fight in the Balkens, also that you accept no historical proven fact about this man and dismiss it as a Zionest plot, the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj muhammed Amin al Husseini had long before he joined the Nazis been killing the people of the book at their most scared sight, the Wailing Wall of The Holy Temple in Jerusalem, so as you point out nazism is illeagle in the eyes of Allah, and the laws of Islam, you must condem the Mufti by his own actions, For in 1937 he took the Riechmark from the Nazi, and placed beleavers in Islam at the command of the anathma of all that is Holy, so if you defnd this man your act is nolonger of omission but comission and if I understand the law of Islam guilty of the same, If I am wrong about you Islamic Law please show me where?
DiamondHearts said:
So now you compare me to a Nazi? Is this your best argument?

...and one that has a very strong ring of truth. I would say more "fascist" than "Nazi" per se, but close - very close it seems.

Nazism is illegal in Islam and anyone who commits or supports genocide of people (like Nazis did to innocent Jews) is a companion of the Hellfire.

Support please. Quotes.

I also believe that Zionism is quite similar to Nazism and is extermination of Palestinians, so why don't you criticize Zionists.

I criticize them too, but I don't put all the blame on them and I disagree strongly with those who do. Why don't you criticize fascists?

First of all, because the enemies of the Palestinian people spread lies about the great Palestinian leaders does not make them true. So he visited Germany, and Italy, and other countries to get anyone to support the Palestinian people. This does not make him a Nazi.

Discussing a "final solution" for Jewish people in Palestine, however, does make him a Nazi - or maybe just an evil, genocidal swine.

Also, Zionism as an ideology precedes the creation of Israel and is the instrument by which Israel was formed and colonized and Palestinians expelled.

They wanted to move "home". The Palestinians who decided to try and subjugate them. Tolerance would have been a better idea.

May Allah swt raise the Palestinian people's struggle and give them peace and freedom.

And the Israelis too. But not the peace Hamas wants.

Buffalo Roam said:
Diamondheart no, you are my best argument, you tell me that Naizism is ileagle,and a anathma to Islam, and then fail to condem the Mufti of Jerusalem for his ties and friendship to it! The Mufti presented himself to Hitler and raised two divisions of Beleavers in Islam to futher the Nazi cause, the proof is that if the Mufti was so intrested in freeing Palistine, why then were this divison used to fight in the Balkens, also that you accept no historical proven fact about this man and dismiss it as a Zionest plot, the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj muhammed Amin al Husseini had long before he joined the Nazis been killing the people of the book at their most scared sight, the Wailing Wall of The Holy Temple in Jerusalem, so as you point out nazism is illeagle in the eyes of Allah, and the laws of Islam, you must condem the Mufti by his own actions, For in 1937 he took the Riechmark from the Nazi, and placed beleavers in Islam at the command of the anathma of all that is Holy, so if you defnd this man your act is nolonger of omission but comission and if I understand the law of Islam guilty of the same, If I am wrong about you Islamic Law please show me where?

I do not believe this, and I will not condemn an action of a human being unless I have thorough knoweldge of it. Quite simply put:

Islam considered Nazism and Zionism pure evil racist ideologies

Islam condemns the genocide of Jews in Germany and the genocide of the Palestinians today

The Mufti of Jerusalem was an enemy of the Zionist state and met with major leaders of different countries to find anyone willing to help him free the Palestinian people

The Zionists presented this lie as a fact and forged proof of this, and used pictures of his visit to Germany to imply a connection

Ofcourse the Zionists would present any outrageous lie as fact to disavow the Palestinian struggle and one of its greatest leaderts

Long Live Palestine.

DiamondHearts said:
I do not believe this, and I will not condemn an action of a human being unless I have thorough knoweldge of it.

Ofcourse the Zionists would present any outrageous lie as fact to disavow the Palestinian struggle and one of its greatest leaderts

Long Live Palestine.

As you present outrageous lies to support your position? Oh what a web of deceit you weave.

You're about as innocent as a puppy sitting next to a pile of pooh.
Diamondheart, you just admitted that he was in Germany as pictured seeking Nazi help, dose this not put him in collusion, and make him guilty by comissiom, and still no answer about the the usage of muslem beleavers in the SS Divisions, Handschar and Skandebeg, fighting at the behest of a system that is illegal and a blaspheme to Allah (swt)There are plenty of pictures of Hitler handing out the Quran to these troops, what dose the Quran say about such a man touching this holy book and then handing it to a true beleaver? Would this be blessed by Allah (swt)?
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DiamondHearts said:
I do not believe this, and I will not condemn an action of a human being unless I have thorough knoweldge of it.

Which you will refuse to ever obtain, much as you have avoided the links posted. Ignorance as a defence is hardly new.

Islam considered Nazism and Zionism pure evil racist ideologies

Islam condemns the genocide of Jews in Germany and the genocide of the Palestinians today

But of course the Mufti did not condemn the genocide of Jews. He wanted a "final solution" similar to the Nazi proposal.

The Zionists presented this lie as a fact and forged proof of this, and used pictures of his visit to Germany to imply a connection

Post your proof instead of your baseless assertions.

Buffalo Roam said:
There are plenty of pictures of Hitler handing out the Quran to these troops, what dose the Quran say about such a man touching this holy book and then handing it to a true beleaver? Would this be blessed by Allah (swt)?

I don't believe this at all. Are you trying to say Hitler was Muslim?

It should be obvious already that this is all Israeli propaganda. The stupidest claim I have yet heard from you people, that Yasser Arafat supported the Holocaust. That the father of the Palestinian revolt is connected to Holocaust. I'm not an idiot and don't believe your lies.

leopold99 i dunno if you're christian, but i shall assume so

try to guess if the following quote is from the bible, or a translation of the quran

"If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him"

bible, by the way
the muslim disinformation campaign is called taqiyya. it means purposeful lying to disbelievers in slam. it was a forerunner of lenins similar tactic & will have the same result. 'islam is peaceful' is the main tool in this toolkit
DiamondHearts said:
I don't believe this at all. Are you trying to say Hitler was Muslim?

Red herring. Buffalo clearly was saying nothing of the kind - rather, he was wondering about the humanitarianism of the Mufti.

It should be obvious already that this is all Israeli propaganda.

But it isn't. Various non-Israeli sources support the fact that Mufti Husseni was associated with Hitler and wanted to implement a Holocaust of his own in the ME.

The stupidest claim I have yet heard from you people, that Yasser Arafat supported the Holocaust. That the father of the Palestinian revolt is connected to Holocaust.

Who invoked Arafat? We're talking about his uncle Amin al Husseini here, not Arafat himself. Get a grip. Arafat has, I believe, denied associations of that kind, and neither has Buffalo implied them. What is your problem here? That you can never - ever - believe that any prominent follower of islam could do anything wrong? The Ayatollah, the Grand Mufti - somehow these people are above any suspicion by you, yet you encourage - nay, demand - that Westerners treat our leaders who are, as the above mentioned, merely humans, with the utmost contempt and suspicion.

alain said:
"If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him"
bible, by the way

Alain: but it doesn't say the same in the NT. Moreover, neither Christianity nor Judaism follows that injunction - there's a tendency in the other "Abrahamic" religions to reject some of their scripture in the name of humanitarian perspective.

alain said:
leopold99 i dunno if you're christian, but i shall assume so

try to guess if the following quote is from the bible, or a translation of the quran

"If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him"

bible, by the way

im quite certain that che guevara was a latent gay. no wonder hes so popular w. gays
alain said:
leopold99 i dunno if you're christian, but i shall assume so

try to guess if the following quote is from the bible, or a translation of the quran

"If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him"

bible, by the way
how many christians do you know that has followed that verbatum?
how many christians do you know that has their eyeballs gouged out?

the question here isn't whether christianity makes more sense than islam
the question is how stupid and radical are the followers of said religion

but you do raise a good point
it's hard to say which religion is more idiotic
islam or christianity

by the way i'm christian
Hay it's nice to know that at least some people pay attention to logic, thanks JeffP for pointing thing out to Diamondheart, and alain you are quoteing old testament law wich was full filled buy the crusifixion of Jesus Christ thus by negating these law in favor of the New Testament Law wich no longer called for blood sacrifice, and blood fued, that the innocent life of Jesus, and his scrafice, ended all the old blood law, wich by the way is still part and parcel of Islam, Now back to Diamondheart, no I didn't say Hitler was a muslem, what I said is there is a abundance of Nazi propaganda pictures showing THIS INFEDEL HOLDING THE QUR'AN AND PASSING IT TO BELEVERS OF ALLAH,(swt) AND FOLLOWERS OF MOHAMID! and my question was what sayeth Allah(swt) in the Qur'an of such things. And as for my question about about the Grand Mufti of Jerusalim being the uncle to Yassar Arafat, I was wondering if he may have influenced his perception about the Jews, and taught him to have hatred and contempt for anything Jewish? Please also explane these passages in the Qur'an were Jesus is identified as the Messiah 13 times, 4:169, 19:34-35, it seem I mey have more knowledge about your religeon than you have of mine, and I am more willing to learn about your realigeon to be able to discuss the tehology of it, Shalom*
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