how peaceful is islam ?

leopold99 said:
where oh where have i said muslims are militant?
i believe this thread is about islam

i am begining to believa that islam is indeed a militant religion
and that the followers of islam needs to learn tolerance for all religions, all people, all cultures
islam will never be the only religion, allah will never be the only god

Highlander the movie with sean connery, & christopher lambert is based on islam, in the movie there can be only one all the rest get beheaded before the movie ends, islam is remarkably simular in that there can be only one religon, as in afghaanistan if you try to choose another religon, you can face the death penalty, in malaysia muslims who dared to try to join the infamous tea pot cult were arrested by police & the giant teapot was attacked by muslim militia & the bat cuffs were placed over the giant teapot.


"The roof of the teapot structure is... slightly charred, but since it is made of concrete, the damage is not extensive," firefighter Ahmad Fakarudin told

Every one deserves religous freedom, & teapots deserve the right to live a full and meaningful life, i abhor violence directed at teapots.
vincent28uk said:
Every one deserves religous freedom, & teapots deserve the right to live a full and meaningful life, i abhor violence directed at teapots.

I have it on good authority that the teapot was a slut.

I'm getting sick of you all, stop spamming your antimuslim or antiwhatever bullshit. You guys are degrading the forum. Why don't you guys just see that it is not Muslims or Americans that are bad and evil, but that it is in the nature of humanity altogether... Instead of complaining, whining and crying about Muslim fanatics or greedy Americans devote your energy to finding solutions...
I read the Koran once, and I think the Jihadists have the right interpretation of the Koran, as far as them having the perception that they have been attacked and are being oppressed. Naturally, they will be allowed to preserve themselves.

Oh and this whole American hating business that seems to be the only opinion that non-Americans have is quite disturbing. Their hatred and scapegoating is not good at all for themselves and the world.
s0meguy said:
I'm getting sick of you all, stop spamming your antimuslim or antiwhatever bullshit. You guys are degrading the forum. Why don't you guys just see that it is not Muslims or Americans that are bad and evil, but that it is in the nature of humanity altogether... Instead of complaining, whining and crying about Muslim fanatics or greedy Americans devote your energy to finding solutions...

I don't agree at all. Humans have the ability to reason and can easily understand not to do harm to others.

It is the centuries of religious thought that has entrenched itself into our society that makes good people do bad things.

The only solution is to eradicate all religions.
It is in the nature of all life to preserve its own life and to fulfill its needs. Any living being will go as far as it can do achieve this. That is the purpose and neverending cycle of life. Live, continue to live, satisfy needs, reproduce, die. Religious thought is also in the nature of humans. Religion by the way may have done many bad things but also caused alot more of good in the past. We are what we are because of religion - it is part of human evolution. Religion is still doing alot of good and it's a shame that only bad news is considered news.

Human minds are unstable. One can indoctrinate a human or large groups of humen with anything he would want - provided the needed resources are available. That is the weakness of Humanity and it will always remain its weakness.

The matter is far, far more complicated than you make it seem.

By the way a major problem of humen is that mostly they have a VERY short-sighted way of thinking, and you seem to be part of that problem.

"The only solution is to eradicate all religions."

s0meguy said:
Religious thought is also in the nature of humans. Religion by the way may have done many bad things but also caused alot more of good in the past. We are what we are because of religion - it is part of human evolution. Religion is still doing alot of good and it's a shame that only bad news is considered news.

Wow, that is the biggest load of crap I've heard in a while. Can you demonstrate any of that dung heap to be even remotely plausible?

Human minds are unstable. One can indoctrinate a human or large groups of humen with anything he would want - provided the needed resources are available. That is the weakness of Humanity and it will always remain its weakness.

Speak for youself. Clearly, you've already been indoctrinated.

The matter is far, far more complicated than you make it seem.

No, its simple, irradicate religion.

By the way a major problem of humen is that mostly they have a VERY short-sighted way of thinking, and you seem to be part of that problem.

At least I am able to think.
Arkantos said:
It's not religion you want to eradicate. It's human beings. You should easily be able to see this.
Wouldn't that be counter productive? maybe that's why so many religions think they "have it right" :bugeye:
Arkantos said:
It's not religion you want to eradicate. It's human beings. You should easily be able to see this.

Why would we need to eradicate humans? It is religion which poisons minds.
Your anti-religious fundamentalism only produces exactly what you hate about religion. This should be easy to see.
HAHAAHA... I mean.. HAHAHAA... Race....... and Geneticly perfect.. Wow.. sorry had to clear that up.
(Q) said:
Wow, that is the biggest load of crap I've heard in a while. Can you demonstrate any of that dung heap to be even remotely plausible?
If religious thought isn't in the nature of humen then how come there is such a thing as religious thought?
I'm just telling you how it is. It's quite naive to think that the world is going to be all nice when you eradicate religion, if that's even possible, since it always takes on new forms. It may be in human nature to be religious and surely is to have different ideas.