how peaceful is islam ?

Theoryofrelativity said:
I know that a bunch of muslims are doing some bad stuff as have thousands of Christians before them in name of religion.

Now America does bad stuff in name of money. Money is Americas God.

Well at least money is real.

GeoffP said:
But the killing of "kufr" by muslims extends far earlier than that - the helpless communities of the Armenians were massacred by Turkish muslims from 1908-1920. What crime had they committed? What crime have any of the "kufr" under muslim domination committed, apart from not being muslims?

i happen to live across the street from an armenian whose family fled here to belgium during that time.
i can answer your question.....apart from not being muslim, they were christians.

that was their great crime.

allah hu akbar, indeed. :p
leopold99 said:
Islam turns good men bad.Islam thrives on deception and craves death and destruction.It’s time you discovered why it’s not possible to be a good Muslim and a peaceful person. Yes it’s true, all Muslims aren’t terrorists—only the good ones are.the terrorists haven’t corrupted their religion ; Islam has corrupted them.

Good points there...Islam is a different mindset than Christianity entirely - in three big ways.

1. Islam does not regard sex and wealth as vaguely sinful - Christianity does. The prophet himself had many wives (9 at once) and boasted that he could satisfy all of them in one night - one of whom was 9 year old Aisha. Of course this has been considered normal throughout most of human history...the idea that people under the age of 18 should not be getting married and having sex is a relatively modern idea.

2. In Islam there is no separation of religion and state - whereas Jesus said: "Give onto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and give onto God that which is God's.

3. Islam upholds the use of force to convert the heathen - early Christianty did not, although St.Augustine later condoned the idea of a 'just war'.
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The Devil Inside said:
i happen to live across the street from an armenian whose family fled here to belgium during that time.
i can answer your question.....apart from not being muslim, they were christians.

that was their great crime.

allah hu akbar, indeed. :p

Yeah I remember an Armenian girl at my school when I was a kid. She always hated everything about Turks and Turkey, and we could never understand why. We'd never heard of the massacre; it wasn't in our history books and I'm ashamed to say we didn't even believe her.

M.M., wherever you are now, I'm sorry.

Theoryofrelativity said:
In fact if you look at the death toll and average it out over the time each has been in existance, Americans are top of mass death list.

The world is waking up to America and it doesn't much like what it sees.
Crap. We're not even in the majors. There's Hitler, Stalin, Pol-pot, Mao. The list goes on. I won't even give you Iraq. The war now is a completion of the war started when Saddam invaded Kuwait.
how peaceful is islam?

in an attempt to destroy all religious monuments seen to compete with Islam, Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban ordered explosives experts to demolish two of the world’s largest standing Buddas. The historical statues, rising 175 and 120 feet respectively, had been hewn out of sandstone cliffs and dated back to the age of Christ.

The explosive demolition was sharply criticized by leaders around the world, and many others have since expressed grief at the loss of what the BBC called “one of Asia’s greatest archeological treasures.”

way to go you islamic freaks
The Devil Inside said:
i happen to live across the street from an armenian whose family fled here to belgium during that time.
i can answer your question.....apart from not being muslim, they were christians.

that was their great crime.

allah hu akbar, indeed. :p

What crime did the native Indians of America commit?

What crime did the iraqi people commit?

What crime did any of the people America wages war against commit?

Americans are a murdering war criminal race
saddam was/is an asshole
there isn't a good person in the middle east that will say "we want saddam back"

what does vietnam have to do with islam being peaceful

ditto the atomic bomb
leopold99 said:
saddam was/is an asshole
there isn't a good person in the middle east that will say "we want saddam back"

what does vietnam have to do with islam being peaceful

ditto the atomic bomb


everyone there would rather have Saddam back than the alternative:

no hospitals
no food
no water
no medical provisions
their dead relatives bodies lying in piles
their kids futures and educations destroyed
their limbs blown of
their faces scarred
war on the streets
criminals taking control

are you crazy? You seriously think the people dead and wounded and grieving with their world destroyed prefer it to sadam?

YOU are so brainwashed leopold, I know (my vibe tells me) you are a good person but you are SO brainwahsed, if you are a typical example of your generation then God help us all!
America is the biggest threat to the world as it is going to take us into world war three, the war to end all wars, they will be pushing all the buttons and destroying billions and the planet with it. The American legacy will affect the planet for future generations, if there are any!

THIS IS if someone doesn't stop them!
People here keep going on about the muslims who riot and go on mad killing sprees over 'cartoons' etc. WELL folks have any of you EVER studied MOB mentality, RIOT mentality??

Football hooligans will kick you to death for no reason other than it feels good!
Arsonists will burn you alive for the same reason. there is no religion driving them just their own 'genetic' predisposition.

Add this predisposition to some uneductated brainswahsed easily led few and what do you get? A mob you can control to satisfy your needs, ie.

American government ensure provacative material is made public then THEY orchestrate and arrange the riots themselves, just like they blew up the twin towers themselves, anything to satisfy their needs, which is organise a hate campain against their 'enemies' who have what they want...oil.

Pick up your books and read about mob behaviour and riot behaviour and you will better understand what is really driving these acts.
Theoryofrelativity said:
People here keep going on about the muslims who riot and go on mad killing sprees over 'cartoons' etc. WELL folks have any of you EVER studied MOB mentality, RIOT mentality??
i seriously doubt if anyone in america will riot over a cartoon of jesus being hung from the gallows or butt fucked by a goat

and about the hockey hooligans, that crap doesn't happen here like it used to
and i believe that the patriot act had a large role in stopping it.
Theoryofrelativity said:
which is organise a hate campain against their 'enemies' who have what they want...oil.
if you are refering to iraq then you are sadly mistaken
america does not need iraqs oil
Theoryofrelativity said:
People here keep going on about the muslims who riot and go on mad killing sprees over 'cartoons' etc. WELL folks have any of you EVER studied MOB mentality, RIOT mentality??

Football hooligans will kick you to death for no reason other than it feels good!
Arsonists will burn you alive for the same reason. there is no religion driving them just their own 'genetic' predisposition.

So does all islam then correspond to an "uneducated mob" as you seem to imply? That doesn't bode well for my perspective on it.

leopold99 said:
can you give me some background info on the nation of islam?
and what does the (swt) stand for

Official Nation of Islam Website

Nation of Islam Exposed

(swt) is short for Subhana wa Taala, which means The Glorified and the Highest, we use this after the name of Allah (swt)

Theoryofrelativity said:
This in itself is evidence that the word of 'Allah' means very little in Shariah law.

This is the problem with shariah law Diamond Heart, people unfamilair with the Qu'ran and the teachings think that the law reflects it and it blatantly does not as the above example aptly shows. So they think Allah is unpeaceful war God and that the teachings of Islam are blood thirsty.

I understand your opinion. The modern application of 'Shariah' is not Shariah, because Shariah is a system of law which obtains its rulings and political structure from the Quran, Sunnah, and the great scholars of Islam. Some states have some laws which they call 'Shariah laws', however they are not because Shariah is a complete and pure structure which is not based on western political structures, unlike modern Islamic governments. Shariah law was abolished with the destruction of the Uthmania Khalifat in the beginning of this century.

The Devil Inside said:
that was their great crime.

allah hu akbar, indeed.

Armenia alleges that the Young Turks, in 1915 the dominant party in the Ottoman Empire, systematically arranged the deportation and killing of 1.5 million Armenians.

Let's take a look at who were the Young Turks,

The Young Turks was the name given to a group of army officers who favoured reforming the administration of the Ottoman Empire. In 1908 the group rebelled against the rule of Sultan Abdul Hamid. Hamid was forced to summon a parliament in 1908.

You see, these people were responsible for the destruction of the Islamic State in Turkey itself. I don't know how this can be used to put Islam on defensive, since these people themselves abolished Islamic rule in Turkey, making it a secular nation.

For more information: turks.htm

Indeed, all praise be to Allah.

Carcano said:
Islam upholds the use of force to convert the heathen - early Christianty did not, although St.Augustine later condoned the idea of a 'just war'.


Surah 109, Al Kafiroon

1. Say : O ye that reject Faith!

2. I worship not that which ye worship,

3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,

5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

6. To you be your Way, and to me mine.


2:256. Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

madanthonywayne said:
Crap. We're not even in the majors. There's Hitler, Stalin, Pol-pot, Mao. The list goes on. I won't even give you Iraq. The war now is a completion of the war started when Saddam invaded Kuwait.

You mean when Iraq invaded its former province of Kuwait. The US did not say anything before, but then used this as an excuse to bombard Iraq and starve its people for a decade killing a 1.8 million civilians. And if this alone is not a major to you, the invasion in Iraq has killed more than 100,000 civilians. Who knows the real number.

Haditha Massacre

leopold99 said:
in an attempt to destroy all religious monuments seen to compete with Islam, Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban ordered explosives experts to demolish two of the world’s largest standing Buddas.

In answer to your question, the Taliban did not destroy the statues for religious reasons. They had been ruling for a few years, why wouldn't they have destroyed the statues when they first came into rule of the area?

Seven hundred children died because of malnutrition and the severe cold weather. Nobody even talked about that. Everybody knows about the statues. For us, we are surprised, that the world is destroying our future with economic sanctions, then they have no right to worry about our past. Everybody is saying that they are destroying their heritage they don t have any right to talk about that. They are destroying the future of our children with economic sanctions, how are they going to justify talking about our past? I know it's not rational and logical to blow the statues for, for retaliation of economic sanctions.

But this is how it is. I called, after this announcements, I called my headquarters, and I found out, I was really confused, I asked them, why are they going to blow the statues, and I talked to the head of the council of scholars of people, who had actually decided this, he told me that UNESCO and NGO from Sweden, or from one of these Scandinavian countries Norway, Sweden, one of these they had actually come with a project of rebuilding the face of these statues which were worn out by rain. So the council of people had told them to spend that money in saving the lives of these children, instead of spending that money to restore these statues. And these guys said that, No, this money is only for the statues. And the people were really pissed off. They said that, If you don t care about our children, we are going to blow those statues.

Taliban Ambassador's Statement

leopold99 said:
i seriously doubt if anyone in america will riot over a cartoon of jesus being hung from the gallows or butt fucked by a goat

and about the hockey hooligans, that crap doesn't happen here like it used to
and i believe that the patriot act had a large role in stopping it

Yet, when some CIA agents bombed the WTC, this prompted rape, murder, and abuse for Muslims in America. This justified killing a still unknown number of civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq. This justified support for suppression of the Chechnyan, Kashmiri, Palestinian resistance movements. This justified political and physical control and war with the Islamic world.

If another CIA terrorist attack happens in the US, the Muslim minority will be in concentration camps.

leopold99 said:
if you are refering to iraq then you are sadly mistaken
america does not need iraqs oil

please elaborate. I was under the impression even Bush himself admitted this problem.

“America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world,” Bush said
