How old is Christianity?

And I suppose all you omniscient historian/atheists know for a fact that no one could have ever travelled to the Amercas by boat, as opposed to the Bering land bridge? Please, enlighten me, where do you get such omniscient knowledge?
No one is saying no one *could have* traveled that way. We are saying your version of history *did not* happen.
Thank you, oh omniscient Trilairian. I say you don't know for a fact that no one emigrated as the Lehites did, and that you cannot know this, because it isn't true.
Yes I do. I can know it because of anthropology. I can know it because of genetics. I do know it because I descided to actually look at the evidence that proves it.
I know the Book of Mormon is true because of personal revelation. That trumps all of man's imperfect knowledge.
Marlin said:
I know the Book of Mormon is true because of personal revelation. That trumps all of man's imperfect knowledge.
And you accuse me of playing omnicient. No, self delusions taken for devine revalation do not trump impericaly aquired knowledge.
Marlin said:
And I suppose all you omniscient historian/atheists know for a fact that no one could have ever travelled to the Amercas by boat, as opposed to the Bering land bridge? Please, enlighten me, where do you get such omniscient knowledge?
History class. Why don;t you go to school and learn something, for once.
Marlin said:
I know the Book of Mormon is true because of personal revelation.

personal revelation-- personal truth.

charles cure said:
youre a lunatic dude.

in your dreams-- from your perspective.

Hapsburg said:
History class. Why don;t you go to school and learn something, for once.

when you have learned the basics in school, it starts to teach unnecessary things which makes you unable to think by yourself-- you become blind and you forget what you are.
Marlin said:
I know the Book of Mormon is true because of personal revelation. That trumps all of man's imperfect knowledge.

I think that same about Harry Potter
Marlin said:
The Book of Mormon is true, and Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God.
with that irrational logic, we can also say that Easops fables are true, a Thousand and one nights are true, the Grimm fairie tales are true, and the Lord of the rings, apart from all the other aledgedly holy books the vedas, the quran etc.
we can also say with that type of logic that david koresh was a true prophet, and jimmy jones, charles manson etc.
marlin said:
"Religious" and "irrational" are not necessarily synonyms.
Religion:Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power;a faith, a belief. Faith: Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
Irrational:Marked by a lack of accord with reason or sound judgment:
therefore I beg to differ if you have a belief that does not rest on logical proof, then that is a lack of accord with reason or sound judgment, is it not.
marlin said:
To me, religion is the ultimate in rational thought (at least, true religion is).
in your subjective mind, that is absolutely true, to you.
marlin said:
Your parents indoctrinated you as well. I would not hesitate to say that ALL children are indoctrinated into their parent's or guardian's beliefs. Including you.
I totally agree I was, but when I reached adulthood, I used my reason sense and intellect, to put away childish things, and took control of my own thoughts, thus allowing my objective mind to see the truth.
marlin said:
I wasn't daydreaming or hallucinating.
? did you see a god, who was'nt there, YES. did you hear a god, who was'nt there, YES. did you feel a god, who was'nt there, YES. did you smell a god, who was'nt there, YES. did you touch a god who was'nt there, YES. than you must of been daydreaming or hallucinating as it was all in your subjective mind.
marlin said:
And it was a process of revelations, not just once or twice. Slowly, over time, my testimony of the truth has developed. It is not a childish thing, but rather a maturing one.
no it's definitely a childish thing, you need a god, a jesus, and heaven, it's your security blanket.

all sheople, have them.
Footprints of 'first Americans' --

"They say the first Americans may have arrived by sea, rather than by foot.

The traditional view is that the continent's early settlers arrived around 11,000 years ago, by crossing a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska."

And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls.

Modern science only supports more and more everyday what really happened with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas....
Double POST
BTW for Geeser and other people who hold what science has said, as if it written in stone...
don't cling too closely to your ideas of how the americas were populated, and what science says for that matter, because your precious athiest/anti-christ affirmations are only going to make you look more and more foolish when you're finally proven, by science, and by God that you are wrong.
Nisus said:
Footprints of 'first Americans' --

"They say the first Americans may have arrived by sea, rather than by foot.

The traditional view is that the continent's early settlers arrived around 11,000 years ago, by crossing a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska."

And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls.

Modern science only supports more and more everyday what really happened with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas....
Double POST
Did you bother to actually read it? What actual evidence it conveys not only disproves Mormonism, but Genisis as well.
geeser said:
no it's definitely a childish thing, you need a god, a jesus, and heaven, it's your security blanket.

in your subjective mind, that is absolutely true, to you.

how could you get "security" from something irrational?

what's so wrong about "childish" things?

I totally agree I was, but when I reached adulthood, I used my reason sense and intellect, to put away childish things, and took control of my own thoughts, thus allowing my objective mind to see the truth.

me too, but later, i realized that there is some truth in religions and the concept of god. the question is, how is it true.

first i didn't believe or disbelieve (child)
then i disbelieved (teenager)
then i believed (adult)
now i... something else... (giant)

they say that god can't be understood by intellect.

you've not seen the truth, you've just reached the other side of the endless spiral of evolution.

religions were written for people who lived thousands of years ago, they were written so that they could understand them. for us, thousands of years later, they will sound ridiculous if we can't convert them back to their original form.
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Yes it says there are footprints preserved in volcanic ash, 80 miles south-east of mexico city.

The point I was making is that people made boats to get to the americas. i.e God can also command people to build boats, like Marlin said, to sail to the americas. People were saying that the first settlers arrived through the bering strait.

But I don't know what in that article disproves the Bible/Book of Mormon? Elaborate pls
Nisus said:
Yes it says there are footprints preserved in volcanic ash, 80 miles south-east of mexico city....
But I don't know what in that article disproves the Bible/Book of Mormon? Elaborate pls
And your confirmation bias made you blink when your eyes moved across the date, ... and the Genetic studies that I already disproved Mormonism in presenting here.