How old is Christianity?

Christos means anointed one and was one of the titles of Horus who seems to be inspiration for the Jesus story. Horus was worshiped at least as far back as 3000 BC. The Christian cross had many cross forunners, but the one that as far as I have been able to determine dates back the farthest is the Celtic cross which can be found in painted and inscribed rock images dating back to 10,000 BC. The earliest found "crusifix's" however date back only as far as 4000 BC. The Dying rising godman part of the Christian story seems to be inspired by Osiris whose myth began about 2000 BC. How old Christianity is depends on which paagan myths of Christianity you are looking to date. Modern christianity or those religions spawned by the advent of Catholosism which was the unification of the paagan godman religions called christianity would start at the Nicene creed in the 4th century AD. I don't find it completely out of the realm of possibilities that there was indeed a man Yeshua which transliterated to Jesus I think from Yeshua-Horus who descided to teach his message in with the introduction of Egyptian religion into Judaism. He would have done this around 30 AD.
Prepare ye the way of the Lord! Make his paths straight! Keep it going Marlin, even the smallest particle of truth is greater than all the disbelief they mass together here !
Trilairian said:
The Dying rising godman part of the Christian story seems to be inspired by Osiris whose myth began about 2000 BC.
Where do you think the story of Osiris comes from?
Trilairian said:
I don't find it completely out of the realm of possibilities that there was indeed a man Yeshua which transliterated to Jesus I think from Yeshua-Horus who descided to teach his message in with the introduction of Egyptian religion into Judaism. He would have done this around 30 AD.

"In The Historical Figure of Jesus, E.P. Sanders explains that historians often have to contend with documentation of differing quantity and quality. In many cases (Sanders provides the examples of Thomas Jefferson and Winston Churchill) historians are fortunate to have access to a good deal of documentation, although much of it has to be interpreted critically. In some cases, and Sanders presents Alexander the Great as paradigmatic, the available sources tell us much about his deeds, but nothing about his thoughts. Sanders considers the quest for the "historical Jesus" to be much closer to that of Alexander than to Jefferson or Churchill. Nevertheless, he concludes, "the sources for Jesus are better, however, than those that deal with Alexander" and "the superiority of evidence for Jesus is seen when we ask what he thought" (1993:3)."
c7ityi_ said:
Where do you think the story of Osiris comes from?
From Egyptian polotics. Prior to Osiris they were sun god worshipers. And the Pharoes attained eternal life through tombification rituals, but this left the common people out of touch with the religion as they did not even have access to the inner sanctum. Osiris was created first as the god of the dead second as a dying and rising god through the ressurecting majic of his wife Isis who had absoarbed the Identity of Meri and then as the living god of eternal life in being one with his son having been reincarnated as Horus. Set had broken up the body of Osiris and scattered it throughout the land and Isis collected the parts and ressurected him. A sacrament was used in which the common people could consume part of the body and blood of Osiris which was broken for them so that the ressurecting majic would give them eternal life through him and his son. This religion not only won control over the minds of the Egyptian people, but was so powerful that it lead to many more dying rising godman cults including modern Christianity. I think there was indead a man Yeshua/Yeshua-Horus/Jesus who instigated the modern Christian story, but I think that he was a man who had his desciples set himself up as the dying rising godman story in which the paagan religions already had people believing. Mary Magdalene his wife, I think was supposed to be the next church leader probably to be worshiped as a godess in the place of Isis, but Peter and the patriarchal society of the time would have none of that.
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Hapsburg said:
But, they came here centuries, even millenia, before the people even settled palestine, let alone starting believing in Judaism! You have no logic in your statement. It has been proven that the american indians came over the bering land bridge and down across the americas about 30,000 years before Judaism was created, which totally rubs out your theory of the native americans being israelites. There is no possible way for your theory to be correct.

You aren't thinking critically. What's to stop a small group of Israelites from migrating on their own to America at 600 B.C.E.? No one said there was just one migration.
Marlin said:
You aren't thinking critically. What's to stop a small group of Israelites from migrating on their own to America at 600 B.C.E.? No one said there was just one migration.
Actually Mormon doctrine has it that there was only one survivor left from previous migration ever found by the supposed Israelite descended nations in the Americas. Even that person was supposedly descended from people from the wrong part of the world, Babylon, who had transversed the oceans also the wrong way - by boat.
geeser said:
the book of mormon or any holy book, can not confirm diddly, they are all just fictious books, with a little fact thrown in, like real place names, to make then more believable, but your one is worse, you are following the teachings of a man with bipolar disorder.

The Book of Mormon is true, and Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God.

because your religious, your mind is full of irrational thought, thus it would not be wise to take anything you say as serious, back it up with a few undoubtable facts, and you would get more credability.

"Religious" and "irrational" are not necessarily synonyms. To me, religion is the ultimate in rational thought (at least, true religion is).

your parents are mormon ar'nt they. they have always been mormon, have'nt they, so it was inevitable you be indoctrinated into mormonism, and thus because of this indoctrination, and having a young sponge of a mind, as all children do, you believed everything you were told, after all your mum and dad are not going to lie to you are they, well not deliberately, if they did'nt know themselves.

Your parents indoctrinated you as well. I would not hesitate to say that ALL children are indoctrinated into their parent's or guardian's beliefs. Including you.

so you must of been daydreaming or hallucinating when you had this revelation, but it was only your imagination controlling your thoughts, as it does now.
after all kid's have the most marvelous imaginations, but when they reach adulthood they should put away childish things.

I wasn't daydreaming or hallucinating. And it was a process of revelations, not just once or twice. Slowly, over time, my testimony of the truth has developed. It is not a childish thing, but rather a maturing one.
Trilairian said:
Actually Mormon doctrine has it that there was only one survivor left from previous migration ever found by the supposed Israelite descended nations in the Americas. Even that person was supposedly descended from people from the wrong part of the world, Babylon, who had transversed the oceans also the wrong way - by boat.

I suppose you think Christopher Columbus's journey was done "the wrong way" as well? He also came here by boat.

The survivor you speak of was the last of one civilization, not of all civilizations on the American continents.
Marlin said:
I received a spiritual confirmation at a very young age after reading the Book of Mormon that it was true. It was a combination of thought and feeling within me. God is able to convey His truths through the Holy Spirit.

Are you sure it wasn't cannabis
Hapsburg said:
as there were no christians before 34 BCE.

How can you believe in christ before he was born

not that he was
or if he was born he was a fraud and is responsible for brainwashing poor deluded fools like Marlin here
Marlin said:
You aren't thinking critically. What's to stop a small group of Israelites from migrating on their own to America at 600 B.C.E.? No one said there was just one migration.
Because, by that time, the Bering land bridge had been swallowed up, by a long bit.
Marlin said:
I suppose you think Christopher Columbus's journey was done "the wrong way" as well? He also came here by boat.

The survivor you speak of was the last of one civilization, not of all civilizations on the American continents.
Also? No he came here by boat, but the American indian ancestors did not. I already disproved mormonism here giving reference to the DNA evidence, the same stuff that proves cases in courts. Your book of mormon has people colonising the wrong way. It has them boating in migrations that originate in the middle east. That wasn't how it happend. Its a proven fact that they are asian descent having migrated in waves accross what is now the Bearing Strait.
Marlin said:
Your parents indoctrinated you as well. I would not hesitate to say that ALL children are indoctrinated into their parent's or guardian's beliefs. Including you.

yeh my dad got me supporting Leicester City Football club but he kept me clean of religios shit
Trilairian said:
Its a proven fact that they are asian descent having migrated in waves accross what is now the Bearing Strait.
Thank you for repeating what I've repeatedly repeated.