How old is Christianity?

Nisus said:
Anyways--Back to the topic of the thread; "How old is Christianity?"

To one who believes in Christ, the answer to that question is; it's eternal. What Christ taught was given to him from God the Father.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
John 5: 19

The truth Jesus taught is the truth of eternity. It's as ageless as the heavens. The question should be, when did you learn the teachings of Christ? When did you learn the truth that makes the soul free? Not how old it is. The principles of love, are ageless, of self-sacrifice, of treating others how you want to be treated--all those things were given to Christ from God the Eternal Father.

To the unbeliever--How old is Christianity? well they can speak for themselves, their answers are very diverse. Refuse is refuse, regardless of where it's from, how old it is.

the only problem is that yours is a factless assumption that is demonstrable only to yourself and possibly a handful of other believers. when someone is asking how old christianity is in a historical context, im sure they mean how long has it been a religion on earth as measured in earth years in a form that somewhat resembles the basic body of beliefs held by the currently existing christian church. theres bound to be at least some type of answer for that question, but you are skirting it. the priniciples of love, self-sacrifice, and equality are not a creation of christianity either as other religions and societies predating christianity often valued these same concepts. what you are saying here is that to a believer christianity is the progenitor of the world and all of its ideas for all eternity and so is ageless and beyond time. but theres no way that you can show any of us that so why dont we just leave it out until theres something you can say that has a basis in demonstrable fact?
If you looked for truth than you would find it, charles cure, but because you do not look for it, you will not find it.
Just because people measure the age of the earth, and the age of religions doesn't affect the principles of eternity. These are the principles that Christ wanted to teach us.
And true devotion and faith in Christ deals with the principles of salvation, which are eternal.

Triple post.~!
God loved His children, and tried on many occasions to teach His children, long before Christ came to the earth and ordained disciples.
Nisus said:
If you looked for truth than you would find it, charles cure, but because you do not look for it, you will not find it.

i disagree. truth is defined by belief in that which is true. yours isnt any more valid than mine at the end of the day if you want to take it to a ridiculous extreme. however one "truth" can be supported with tangible, observable evidence and the other cannot. thats how i measure it and yours falls pathetically short for me. you can still have your faith i was just saying if youre going to answer a question, answer it in the terms that its asked.
These same teachings were given to Adam, to Noah, Moses, and all the prophets that God sent to minister to the human family.
Nisus: the edit button is your friend. start using it to your advantage. it's here to help.
They exist just as much as you exist Hapsburg! Somewhere out in the expanse of the heavens, and all that space. They're just doing cooler stuff than we are.
Bullshit. Where is your physical evidence?
I have physical evidence that I exist, as I am posting to you.
You have yet to show physical evidence that he exists, and therefore your god does NOT EXIST. No evidence, no existence.
hapsberg, it better exist as it surposed to smite me tonight, so I can tell nisus all about it tomorrow.
no wait a minute it cant smite me,it does'nt exist, your right hapsberg.
I'm sorry nisus, I wont be able to tell you, what it's like to be smote.

marlin: it's only a fallacy, if it's an assumption.
where as it is quite plainly a fact, however if you can show otherwise you are free to do so. the ball is in your court.
Marlin said:
This is the most fallacious statement I've heard in this thread.
M*W: There is no evidence that Christianity was established by Jesus. It's widely known that Paul invented Christianity, and that he may have had the help of the Roman Caesars in doing so. When the Romans ran out of money to pay their legions, they still had the newly invented Christianity to control the minds of the masses.
geeser said:
marlin: it's only a fallacy, if it's an assumption.
where as it is quite plainly a fact, however if you can show otherwise you are free to do so. the ball is in your court.

I've already given instructions on how to get a testimony of God's existence and the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Moroni's Promise works.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: There is no evidence that Christianity was established by Jesus. It's widely known that Paul invented Christianity, and that he may have had the help of the Roman Caesars in doing so. When the Romans ran out of money to pay their legions, they still had the newly invented Christianity to control the minds of the masses.

The Book of Mormon proves that Christianity existed before Christ was even born. Long before.
geeser said:
Spell it correctly or I'll twist your fuckin' head around so fuckin' far, you will see things owls cannot see.
I didn't spend a crapload of time thinking of a dynasty name which I could use for a usernick, just for it to be mispelled, mispronounced, or misin-fucking-terpretated.

Marlin said:
The Book of Mormon proves that Christianity existed before Christ was even born. Long before.
The book of mormon doesn't prove jack fucking shit. It's a storybook, with NO physical evidence.
geeser said:
thats what I said, to believe in a sky daddy that looks after you, is totally subjective, as it is supernatural.

Your perspective is also subjective (personal)

I dont but anybody who believes in a being, without any substancial evidence, is irrational, but they need it as a security blanket, as they cant think for themselves.

They can think as much as you can. They limit themselves into a religion, but you also limit yourself to things like "God doesn't exist" (your body/person) People defend themselves because they don't want to accept their infinity. They love their persons so much. They want to remain conscious. They want to remain in this world.

absolutely nothing, we can all be childish and irrational sometimes, if we did'nt have our subjective side we could not call ourselves human, but we must know what is fact(objective) and what is fiction(subjective).

The only objective thing is that everything is subjective.

I shoud'nt but I feel sorry for you as your an adult and must be quite clearly deranged to have reverted to a religious stance.

I didn't actually. By adult I mean when I was 17, which is 3 years ago. I have never been religious in my life and I have never believed in God (in the way you think) When I saw God and religions as you do now, I thought they were completely ridiculous, but now I understand them, so they're not ridiculous anymore. I wouldn't call myself religious and I couldn't say that I believe in "God" (since you don't understand it the way I do)

If you only understand the world (physical things), you will not understand religions or God. But when you understand yourself (mental things), you will understand religions and God.

that is just a believers slant on trying to look intelligent, and to subjugates the masses, but it's just a cop out.

If you want to find the truth, you should be more neutral. You should accept the possibility that there is something you don't understand about God and religions. When you accept that you are not right about everything, the search for the truth can begin for real.

and even more ridiculous if we do.

You don't understand. The teaching from which all religions come from was too advanced for people to understand thousands of years ago, so it was changed into a form which the people could understand. How would you teach a small child about the nature of reality? About Quantum physics?

Teachings about the physical world and the mental world were converted into forms which the people could understand: allegorical stories and personal figures called "gods" which represent the real things, much like words represent physical and mental things. This way, the original meaning was still stored in the religions. There is much truth in ancient religions, but if you only look at the core, of course it sounds completely ridiculous because it was meant for people who lived so long ago.

if it was'nt for religion, we would not just be visiting planets with probes now, we would have been living on them.

What reason would we have to live on other planets? The universe. There's nothing out there, it's all the same.

Religion has not restricted our evolution, it is a consequence of our evolution. The problem is not religion, it is humans. Humans are always the problem. Guns don't kill, people do.