How old is Christianity?

I always capitalize "Him" and "His" when referring to God and Christ. On purpose. And get it straight--they are PRONOUNS, not "common nouns."
Which are a type of common noun- i.e, uncapitalize unless at the beginning of a sentence.
"He" and "him" are not proper nouns.
Get it right or go home, retard.
Whatever. The point is "he" doesn't exist, neither did your "christ", and your entire system of belief is bullshit. The universe has existed for well over 20 billion years, earth for about 4 or 5 billion, and monotheism didn't come around until about 5000 to 3000 years ago. There is no way that christianity as a religion has exist for longer than that, as there were no christians before 34 BCE.
Hapsburg said:
Whatever. The point is "he" doesn't exist, neither did your "christ", and your entire system of belief is bullshit. The universe has exist for well over 20 billion years, earth for about 4 or 5 billion, and monotheism didn't come around until about 5000 to 3000 years ago. There is no way that christianity as a religion has exist for longer than that, as there were no christians before 34 BCE.

Well, in Latter-day Saint belief, Christianity has always existed. It was taught to Adam and subsequently to his posterity. The Book of Mormon confirms that the ancient Americans (at least, some of them) were Christians. Christianity has existed as long as Christ has been God, which is quite a while, my friend.
Mormons are retarded, though. I mean, they are the most absurd type of christian.
Also, christ didn't exist, and god didn't exist. They're fictional concepts.
Hapsburg said:
Mormons are retarded, though. I mean, they are the most absurd type of christian.
Also, christ didn't exist, and god didn't exist. They're fictional concepts.

To you, maybe. To me, they are an everyday reality. I could no more deny their existence than I could my own.
Because you've been brainwashed to believe that.
Christianity is so backwards. Only recently have they admitted that the world is and always has been round, or that the sun is the center of the solar system.
Your system of belief has NO sense in it. None.
And what makes you think I can't think on my own as well? I come to my own conclusions even as you do.
Because Christianity is something drilled into kid's heads from years of systematic progpoganda and thier parents telling them to believe in it. If you thought on your own, rationally, you would not be able to come up with a ration explanation of your so-called god, but you can't, therefore you are being irrational, and therfore moronic.
Wise up, boy. Get with the real world.
Well, I think it's very presumptuous and arrogant of you to decide that I can't think on my own. You don't know me, you don't know my experiences and thought processes, and it's only pride that makes you think you're better than Christians because you can think and we can't (supposedly).
Good point. So, what rational and reasonable thought did you use to come to the conclusion that your "god" exists in the first place?
I received a spiritual confirmation at a very young age after reading the Book of Mormon that it was true. It was a combination of thought and feeling within me. God is able to convey His truths through the Holy Spirit.
You don't honestly believe that the american indians are decendants of the israelites, do you?
The ancestors of the Indians came from Siberia, over the Bering Land Bridge, now swallowed up by the Bering Strait, and move down, across what is now Canada, and into the plains and deserts of North America, and all the way down to South America, where they settled, and formed such great civilizations as the Maya, the Aztec, the Inca, the Anasazi, etc. not to mention the Plains and the Iroquois, and innumberable other cultures...most of it long before Jusaism even developed.
I believe that some of the former inhabitants of the American continents were of Israel, yes. But they weren't the only ones here. The jury is still out as to which of the Native Americans are descendents of Lehi.
But, they came here centuries, even millenia, before the people even settled palestine, let alone starting believing in Judaism! You have no logic in your statement. It has been proven that the american indians came over the bering land bridge and down across the americas about 30,000 years before Judaism was created, which totally rubs out your theory of the native americans being israelites. There is no possible way for your theory to be correct.
marlin said:
The Book of Mormon confirms
the book of mormon or any holy book, can not confirm diddly, they are all just fictious books, with a little fact thrown in, like real place names, to make then more believable, but your one is worse, you are following the teachings of a man with bipolar disorder.
marlin said:
And what makes you think I can't think on my own as well? I come to my own conclusions even as you do.
because your religious, your mind is full of irrational thought, thus it would not be wise to take anything you say as serious, back it up with a few undoubtable facts, and you would get more credability.
marlin said:
I received a spiritual confirmation at a very young age after reading the Book of Mormon that it was true.
your parents are mormon ar'nt they. they have always been mormon, have'nt they, so it was inevitable you be indoctrinated into mormonism, and thus because of this indoctrination, and having a young sponge of a mind, as all children do, you believed everything you were told, after all your mum and dad are not going to lie to you are they, well not deliberately, if they did'nt know themselves.
so you must of been daydreaming or hallucinating when you had this revelation, but it was only your imagination controlling your thoughts, as it does now.
after all kid's have the most marvelous imaginations, but when they reach adulthood they should put away childish things.
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Marlin said:
As old as the universe.

Single celled organisms aren't that stupid

Christians would say it has been going since jesus was around, before christians were jews