How much do you stake on your opponent being wrong?

Why a lame idea?
You claim to know God. This means that you have overcome all hurdles and obstacles of existence that I haven't.
I struggle with the meaning of selfhood - you have mastered it.
I struggle with the notion of what "truth" is and how to know it - you have mastered it.
Apparently, you are superior to me.

this is not true at all greenberg. i haven't by any means overcome all of the hurdles and obstacles of existence. sheesh! i wish. but then i'd be bored...

i had to look up the word selfhood. ha, ha. and honestly, that is what he's taught me most about, is myself. the more i know him, the more i know me. it seems we cover ourselves with the lies of this world. what everybody else wants us to be, or says we should be, or says we are, and we believe them.

but i would not yet call myself a master by any means. i do feel kind of like a superhero of sorts now though. i think i'll call myself "the jesus cheerleader".

and i don't know everything there is to know. i do know there is law though, and that it serves the greater good perfectly. i believe that if there were no transgressions to this law that we would live forever. that's another aspect of hell i wanted to mention too. it seems we live in a world of opposites, and here and now we have good and evil and we can see that. if we are to have eternal life, we have to separate them entirely, and get rid of all the evil. so in that sense heaven is where all the good is, and hell is where all the evil is.

can you imagine that? extracting all the evil from the world? that'd be cool.

I don't know if God created me.

well, if he is, then he did.
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also, in terms of having a relationship with god, i believe that hell is a state of existence in which you are completely cut off from god and the holy spirit does not dwell there, so in making a choice to not want to commune with god, you are choosing this existence. i think that in this world we benefit from the holy spirit, whether we believe we do or not.
Explain your post, Dave.

Well I asked if you believed any significant figure who inspired a religion actually existed.

The Sun was known as RA in your example, as we moved onto pharoah's etc.

So when you said the Sun in this context it would have to relate to what the Sun meant to the founders of a new religion.

So you believe in RA. But I think you don't so I would challenge you to answer the opening post.

Sorry for playing with words.

I have no doubt that you believe to believe in God.
But you make a miserable job in explaining yourself.
You are partonizing, manipulative, controlling, illogical and hard-hearted.

I have put you on my ignore list, I suggest you do the same.
I will not post in your threads or reply to your posts, I request you do the same for me.

I have no doubt that you believe to believe in God.
But you make a miserable job in explaining yourself.
You are partonizing, manipulative, controlling, illogical and hard-hearted.

I have put you on my ignore list, I suggest you do the same.
I will not post in your threads or reply to your posts, I request you do the same for me.

you're one strange bird, greenberg. but hey, you always get what you want.


So you believe in RA. But I think you don't so I would challenge you to answer the opening post.

Sorry for playing with words.

No problem.

I don't believe in any religion or cult that worships imaginary gods, regardless of whether that center of worship is a ball of gas undergoing fusion. We wouldn't be here if not for the Sun, but that's not any reason to create a cult.

There is evidence of souls/spirits/ghosts. Look it up on google, there's tons of photos.
Show me a reference that you think shows that a soul exists.

I have no doubt that you believe to believe in God.
But you make a miserable job in explaining yourself.
You are partonizing, manipulative, controlling, illogical and hard-hearted.

I have put you on my ignore list, I suggest you do the same.
I will not post in your threads or reply to your posts, I request you do the same for me.

and just for the record greenberg (who now has me on his ignore list),

just because someone is able to push your buttons doesn't mean that they're controlling or manipulating. what if they weren't trying to push your buttons?

what does that mean they are? right?

and your reaction here, in my opinion is your answer to your OP. the topic is ego-driven, and yes, you seem to have a lot at stake, and if by hard-hearted you mean that i don't give a shit about your ego, then you're right, because i don't, and neither does god. he'll shatter it to bits. which is probably why...

well, nevermind.
Couldn't you just off yourself and prove it? :shrug:

it wouldnt' prove anything cos i would be born into another body and lose my memory so i couldn't come back to tell you guys it worked. besides, i dont want to. who cares about proof, i know it.
Originally Posted by Adstar

I say what i believe to give a warning to others in the hope the revelation will act to motivate them to genuinely seek truth and be saved from that Lake of fire.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Originally Posted by sowhatifit'sdark

If that is the case, you should know that you'll catch more flies with honey....

I don't want to catch people with honey... If a person takes on board all the Word of God not just the honey parts then when they accept Jesus their faith will not be rocked because they already know it all. There are many people out their who have jumped in and accept it when they are given honey but then turn away when they start to find out about the Lake of Fire.. They feel conned and that they have been taken for a ride. I don't deny or hide the things in scripture that are hard to accept. If a person accepts the entire story then their faith is built upon a rock and can face any revelation.

and threatening people into being good or seeking out God is like (you or God) beating a slave to make them behave.

No loving God would set it up like that.

Its not a threat it is a warning of how things will be. The revelation of the Lake of Fire has not made anyone behave. All humans sin and continue to sin irrespective of their belief in or disbelieve in the Eternal Lake of Fire. A Loving God would go out of His way to save people from that Eternal outcome even to come to earth in human form and offer himself as a sacrifice so that people may be forgiven and saved from such an eternity.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
A Loving God would go out of His way to save people from that Eternal outcome even to come to earth in human form and offer himself as a sacrifice so that people may be forgiven and saved from such an eternity.
Right. About 2000+ years ago, and knowing full well how transient human attention to such things is. This god of yours is pretty much a shit-for-brains dickwad, huh?
I think about eternal hellfire every day.

And has it made you sinless? Has it made you behave? Has it forced you to believe in and accept the Words of Jesus?


So much for the Lake of Fire being something that forces anyone to believe or do anything. You think about the Lake of Fire much more than i do and in effect it has not moved you to acceptance one bit.

I cannot have any discussion with Lori anymore because in order to discuss with her, I either
1. need to believe exactly as she does, which for me means I would have to believe it blindly - which I refuse to,

Bull excrement. Discussion has never been equal to submission. You are merely seeking to brain wash yourself into finding a justification to cut of communication with someone.

2. not take her seriously at all and not believe her at all - which I refuse to,

If this is the case then you would not have ignored her.

3. consider her superior to myself, consider her my guru - which I refuse to,

Never consider anyone superior to yourself and never make anyone your guru. But sometimes wisdom can come out of the mouths of toddlers. I do not need to look upon a kid as being superior to be just because they might say something deep and profound.

4. consider myself superior to her and intent to teach her - which I refuse to do as well because I don't think I'm qualified.

Once again you do not need to. Why seek a position of inferiority or superiority? What is it with people who seek to rule or be ruled. Who need to place themselves in a human pecking order to feel at ease.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I don't want to catch people with honey... If a person takes on board all the Word of God not just the honey parts then when they accept Jesus their faith will not be rocked because they already know it all. There are many people out their who have jumped in and accept it when they are given honey but then turn away when they start to find out about the Lake of Fire.. They feel conned and that they have been taken for a ride. I don't deny or hide the things in scripture that are hard to accept. If a person accepts the entire story then their faith is built upon a rock and can face any revelation.
Who said anything about denying. Heaven and a loving god should be all the enticement one needs. Eternal joy, love...What the hell is the need for the sticks?

Its not a threat it is a warning of how things will be. The revelation of the Lake of Fire has not made anyone behave. All humans sin and continue to sin irrespective of their belief in or disbelieve in the Eternal Lake of Fire. A Loving God would go out of His way to save people from that Eternal outcome even to come to earth in human form and offer himself as a sacrifice so that people may be forgiven and saved from such an eternity.
God went out of his way? He's God. There is no out of his way. He also created hell. Are you really suggesting he created Hell, then needed to go out of his way to give us a better chance of avoiding it? Come on.

That whole twisted interpretation of Jesus has really got to stop. When an all powerful deity needs to guilt trip people something is off. The men who wrote those stories no doubt tried to do their best, but such confused and culturally twisted ideas of God are not ones we need to hang on to.
Right. About 2000+ years ago, and knowing full well how transient human attention to such things is. This god of yours is pretty much a shit-for-brains dickwad, huh?

"transient"??? LOL it's been near on 2000 years and I BELIEVE and many others do to mate :D

So much for your transient judgement.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
"transient"??? LOL it's been near on 2000 years and I BELIEVE and many others do to mate :D

So much for your transient judgement.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
A loving god would be obvious TO EVERYBODY EVERY DAY. He would hold worldwide sessions of love and peace every evening in everyones backyard. There's be no suffering. Period. It's not complicated and there is no mysterious purpose. It's all a lie.
I don't want to catch people with honey... If a person takes on board all the Word of God not just the honey parts then when they accept Jesus their faith will not be rocked because they already know it all. There are many people out their who have jumped in and accept it when they are given honey but then turn away when they start to find out about the Lake of Fire.. They feel conned and that they have been taken for a ride. I don't deny or hide the things in scripture that are hard to accept. If a person accepts the entire story then their faith is built upon a rock and can face any revelation.

Its not a threat it is a warning of how things will be. The revelation of the Lake of Fire has not made anyone behave. All humans sin and continue to sin irrespective of their belief in or disbelieve in the Eternal Lake of Fire. A Loving God would go out of His way to save people from that Eternal outcome even to come to earth in human form and offer himself as a sacrifice so that people may be forgiven and saved from such an eternity.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I'm glad you are still into the Lake of Fire. What a wonderful time you'll have watching sinners begging for mercy and god responding by shovelling some more coal on the fire. But have you thought of the co2 emissions and the sulphur fumes which will contaminate heaven with acid rain?

God made a botch of creating man because , as is known from observations of people burned at the stake, once the skin is burned, no further pain is felt because the nerve endings have been destroyed. So the torment will only last for a few seconds.