How much do you stake on your opponent being wrong?

do you know how many times the number 40 appears in the bible? there's no way it would rain exactly 40 days and moses would be with god 40 days, jesus would fast 40 days etc. it's obvious that there is some meaning behind it.

but if you want to know the truth you can't just apply a random meaning to it. you have to know what the bible writers meant with the number.

btw... according to christians, we have lived on earth about 6000 years. and 1 day in heaven is like 1000 years, so one divine year is 360000 earth years. 360000x6000=2,160,000,000. that's pretty close to the real age which is supposed to be 2 billion years according to ancient science. maybe just a coincidence though...

i haven't tasted real coffee in this life yet.

So one has to know what the bible writers meant. How does one get to know this . The bible is full of 40s, so there is no point looking there .Which external source does one consult ?

Won't it be a shame if sinners are fully immersed in the lake so you will not be able to enjoy their suffering ? Still, you can console yourself with the thought of hearing them beg for mercy as their heads pop above the surface from time to time/

Dies irae
Myles said:
So one has to know what the bible writers meant. How does one get to know this . The bible is full of 40s, so there is no point looking there .Which external source does one consult ?

Other religious scriptures, myths, legends, fairytales, tarot, astrology... and the Bible, particularly the original written in Hebrew.
No it is you who are playing with words. If I use a word to mean something different from my neighbor. I use 'chair' to mean 'table' and my neighbor uses 'table' to mean 'table'. We are not saying the same thing if we both say chairs should be made out of wood. We are not talking about the same thing.

Check yourself. You know that you are hedging. Now you say ' a god ' rather than that they believe in God. You are playing with words.

If you know you a human being with limited wisdom than perhaps you have been listening to lucifer instead of God and are not wise enough to know the difference.

Again the changed wording. You are being slippery. And notice too that inherent in your new wording is an admission that I was right. They do not believe in what you believe. They believe in something else. They do not believe in God. The fact that you change how you word it shows you know what I am saying is true.

It is you who now word it differently. I quoted from your words. You have now changed your words. It is disingenous to use for example, Muslims' belief in Allah, who you do not consider God, to add to the idea that this or that % of the world believe in God. You actually believe they do not believe in God but in some devil. You believe that because of their false beliefs they will burn in hell for all time and deserve to for reasons you cannot fathom but trust.

They do not believe what you believe. They do not believe in God. It is you who are playing with words and are trying to cover it up by changing the wording.

Have the integrity to admit this. It would not prove anything negative about your faith or your God. But it would show you have the integrity to admit you sometimes use rhetoric and manipulate - very human traits - rather than being honest.

I will admit to no such thing. I do not retract what i said. And anyone with a clear mind would understand the simple point i was making. You lack that clarity. Or you are wilfully and deceitfully misinterpreting what i say in a vain attempt to undermine.

God knows the truth, He will judge.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Won't it be a shame if sinners are fully immersed in the lake so you will not be able to enjoy their suffering ? Still, you can console yourself with the thought of hearing them beg for mercy as their heads pop above the surface from time to time/

Dies irae

Another pointless comment that adds nothing to the discussion myles. You really are wasting your time with such pathetic emotional diatribes.

Water of a ducks back mate.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Another pointless comment that adds nothing to the discussion myles. You really are wasting your time with such pathetic emotional diatribes.

Water of a ducks back mate.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I am trying, unsuccesfully, to show you that what you preach is a load of old codswallop. Of course the whole notion of a lake of fire is pathetic; I'm just taking it a stage further. Is what I said about it any less nonsensical than what you did ?

You had better think carefully about the sin of pride. Believing that you are right and millions of others are wrong is scarcely a sign of the much-vaunted Christian virtue of humility. How can you believe that god made the majority of humankind to be cast into that famous lake. And you have a special relationship with such a monster.Come on !
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Other religious scriptures, myths, legends, fairytales, tarot, astrology... and the Bible, particularly the original written in Hebrew.

Don't you know that the bible warns against divination, necromany and similar practices. It certainly does in the Greek and Latinn translations. Is the Hebrew version different in this respect ?

It's a conviction of the heart that Adstar has. There is no arguing this sort of thing. He believes in the bible as the word of the almighty god with all his heart. Questioning the validity of the moral principles within it is useless.

It may be obvious to us that it's a poorly written load of disjointed propaganda designed to control masses of ignorant people. But to a huge number of people, it's culturally ingrained in them and they never even thought to apply logic or common sense to it. That would, of course, undermine it's entire purpose.
I will admit to no such thing. I do not retract what i said. And anyone with a clear mind would understand the simple point i was making. You lack that clarity. Or you are wilfully and deceitfully misinterpreting what i say in a vain attempt to undermine.

God knows the truth, He will judge.
You think he won't notice you changed the wording and are unwilling to admit why?
Don't you know that the bible warns against divination, necromany and similar practices. It certainly does in the Greek and Latinn translations. Is the Hebrew version different in this respect ?

i don't know, but when you read the bible you have to know which parts are written by god and which are written by humans. we know that god is good, so when we see something bad in the bible, it must have been written by humans, or maybe even by the devil...
i don't know, but when you read the bible you have to know which parts are written by god and which are written by humans. we know that god is good, so when we see something bad in the bible, it must have been written by humans, or maybe even by the devil...

Well. I can't argue with your reasoning; it would be futile.

It's a conviction of the heart that Adstar has. There is no arguing this sort of thing. He believes in the bible as the word of the almighty god with all his heart. Questioning the validity of the moral principles within it is useless.

It may be obvious to us that it's a poorly written load of disjointed propaganda designed to control masses of ignorant people. But to a huge number of people, it's culturally ingrained in them and they never even thought to apply logic or common sense to it. That would, of course, undermine it's entire purpose.

I am beginning to believe there is a negative correlation between intelligence and religious fervour. I wonder whether any studies have been done on this.
I am trying, unsuccesfully, to show you that what you preach is a load of old codswallop. Of course the whole notion of a lake of fire is pathetic; I'm just taking it a stage further. Is what I said about it any less nonsensical than what you did ?

4 sentences here myles. Not an point in any of them, just a series of statements, like nearly every post you post, no real arguments at all.

"codswallop" , "pathetic" , "nonsensical" nothing but one-liners without any substance or arguments at all.

You had better think carefully about the sin of pride. Believing that you are right and millions of others are wrong is scarcely a sign of the much-vaunted Christian virtue of humility.

I have humility towards the Word of God and i give what the Word of God reveals myles, it is not about ME being right it is my belief that the Word of God is right.

How can you believe that god made the majority of humankind to be cast into that famous lake.

Because the Word of God reveals that men shall be cast into the lake of fire.

And you have a special relationship with such a monster.Come on !

I have A relationship with Him, yes. And i consider it to be of the utmost importance, so it is very special to me. i am not a smorgasbord believer. i believe.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
4 sentences here myles. Not an point in any of them, just a series of statements, like nearly every post you post, no real arguments at all.

"codswallop" , "pathetic" , "nonsensical" nothing but one-liners without any substance or arguments at all.

I have humility towards the Word of God and i give what the Word of God reveals myles, it is not about ME being right it is my belief that the Word of God is right.

Because the Word of God reveals that men shall be cast into the lake of fire.

I have A relationship with Him, yes. And i consider it to be of the utmost importance, so it is very special to me. i am not a smorgasbord believer. i believe.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

A real argumnt, as you call it, has no effect on you because you are beyond. But if you want one against which you cam keep your mind closed, consider this.

You have no humility. Believing as you do that you are right when millions are wrong and claiming that you know what god expects of us is a sign of pride. In effect you are proud of your humility. Can't you see that ?

The word, as you call it, does not reveal to everyone that there is a lake of fire. You insist you know better so, again, you are full of pride. No doubt your belief that you have a special relationship with god, means that the seven deadly sins only apply to the rest of us.
Can't you see that ?
Adstar is fully beyond reason with respect to this subject. Questions of the kind you are asking cannot even be considered let alone approached by someone who has shut all doors to rationality. He does not want to explore the questions. The subject is 100% closed with adstar.