How jesus is the son of God

I contacted Ken.............


Duke's School of Parapsychology has been around since 1927, and you just skipped right over it -- it's irrelevant you say.

What are you trying to tell me? That Duke's school has something to do with your story? Why is the school or how long it's been around of any relevance to Ken and his ouija board?

Sure, they're both about the "paranormal", but the school in no way supports your claims or answers my questions. It is of no relevance whether I've heard of it, been there, or got the t-shirt.

I asked you to provide details concerning Ken, to which you gave me details concerning Duke and his school. That's plain daft.

Finding a lost body with a ouija board is a paranormal event ***get it ***get it.

Yeah I get that, but giving me the guided tour of a paranormal facility isn't of relevance to your story. If it is, then you should have also told me all about UFO's, electric light phenomenon, ghosts, el chupacabra, werewolves, and the invisible monkey of Mongoon Island which are all paranormal issues. Get it? Get it?

Let me say it again so it gets through that thick head of yours.

Now now, no need to act like a girlie.

Finding a lost body using a ouija board is a paranormal event.

Really? :bugeye:

You have never even heard of Dr. J. B. Rhine the father of modern parapsychology, and founder of the Duke parapsychology department?

Actually I have, but what has it got to do with an airplane that crashed into the jungle? Let me put this in simple English for you:

I don't give a shit about Rhine, his school or what wine he drinks on weekends. What I do care about are some details concerning the grandiose story you have given. Once that has been resolved, you can waffle on about any old crap you deem fit.
SL said,

I asked you to provide details concerning Ken

I did provide the details of the event, but I see you are much more concerned about ridiculing my comments concerning Duke university, and you write a grand epistle to this effect with out any comment at all on the details I gave you concerning Ken. How do you feel about handing out your personal details? You merely refer to yourself as "Snake Lord." Talk about a cop-out, geez!

Are you going to subject Ken to the same treatment I'm getting? If so, then Ken is worth more to me as a friend than you are as a flippant atheist, and we will just forget the whole thing.

You arent' going to believe him anyway. He has done a lot more than this one "grandiose" event, as you call it. I call it no big deal compared to other things I've experienced:

I know a pastor that has performed demon exorcism on the "Legion" demon of the bible. This group of demons once possessed the maniac at Gadera. It is on video, but don't expect to get a copy -- it is not here for your entertainment or to make a buck. I know a place where humans are sacrificed in satanic rituals underneath a lake, and there are several other people that know the same. It packs out with some of the city's best and brightest on halloween, and the police are part of it. When the ceremony goes on, lightning comes down from the sky and strikes the center of the lake on a continuous basis. I have seen satanic monks disappear in thin air. Other people have witnessed strange things with them too.

Am I totally blowing your mind? Probably so. Your brain is in roadblock mode, and what good are these examples? If you start to believe, then these perverted examples of "spirituality" bring you to God. This is not God's way of bringing believers to him, rather it is a way to glorify Satan, which I have no desire to do. I am quickly tiring of this subject.

I don't give a shit about Rhine, his school or what wine he drinks on weekends.

He started the school in 1927, do you think he sits around and drinks wine? He's been dead for years.
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SnakeLord said:
My apologies but I don't know what you're getting at. While I did physics in school, I was never really that good at it, and I never took it to a higher level.

d)))errrm, have you not read any overview of the revolutionary developments of modern physics.....which began proper in the early years of last century??

I also don't understand what you mean by "weirder". Sure, life can be weird.. Just the other day my pet dog ate some mud. That most certainly seemed weird to me. Give me an idea of what you mean by weird. In context of the current discussion I would guess "weird" relates to things like ghosts, telekinesis, oobe's, clairvoyance and the missing crew of the Mary Celeste - in which case no, I don't.

d)))no. lets keep it simple. they found that subatomic reality is weird. that it confounds CLASSICAL physics' assumptionss about reality, in its either/or mode. so, for example it's been found that a contituent of this subatomic reality, a 'particle' can be both a wave and a particle. you've not heard of this?

There just might be a giant floating banana sitting on Jupiter's third moon. However, until such time where there is substantial evidence to support such a thing, it has to remain as a piece of fiction. The same applies to other such incredulous ideas like the ones shown above.
d)))well i am not talkin about a banana on Uranus am i? that's your presumptious reponse to what i am try to ask you. This what i am no about is coming from THe most
physicalist of physcial sciences, 'physics', who were very perturbed by ye reality they found in what is now known as 'quantum reality'.

I might be wrong, maybe ghosts, (who all seem to like wearing 18th century clothing), do exist. But as a demand of rationality, they remain fiction until such time where the evidence shows otherwise.

Does that answer your question?

No.................................It answers it in regards i see moe and more whee your worldview is coming from
Woody said:
I call it no big deal compared to other things I've experienced:

I know a pastor that has performed demon exorcism on the "Legion" demon of the bible. This group of demons once possessed the maniac at Gadera. It is on video, but don't expect to get a copy -- it is not here for your entertainment or to make a buck. I know a place where humans are sacrificed in satanic rituals underneath a lake, and there are several other people that know the same. It packs out with some of the city's best and brightest on halloween, and the police are part of it. When the ceremony goes on, lightning comes down from the sky and strikes the center of the lake on a continuous basis. I have seen satanic monks disappear in thin air. Other people have witnessed strange things with them too.

Am I totally blowing your mind? Probably so. Your brain is in roadblock mode, and what good are these examples?
woody: sorry but you are funny somtimes, so I thought you may like this: from the disney film dumbo (1941)

I saw a peanut stand, heard a rubber band,
I saw a needle that winked its eye.
But I'd be done see'n about everything
when I see an elephant fly.

I saw a front porch swing, heard a diamond ring,
I saw a polka-dot railroad tie.
But I'd be done see'n about everything
when I see an elephant fly.

I seen a clothes horse, he r'ar up and buck
And they tell me that a man made a vegetable truck
But I'd be done see'n about everything
when I see an elephant fly.

I heard a fireside chat, I saw a baseball bat
And I just laughed till I thought I'd die
But I'd be done see'n about everything
when I see an elephant fly.

(and yes I know the elephant flew, it was a fantasy cartoon, thats the point it's just fantasy without any backup)

Facts help, something that isnt baseless.

Have you ever been to an AC/DC concert? This is where I saw some of these things happen. I went to the grand opening of the "Highway to Hell." Sometime I will tell you about what happened there. It wasn't cute and funny I assure you. I know a minister that deals with demon possessed teenagers -- it's just about a full time job for him. Head shrinks can't help these poor kids.
sorry no cant say I have, dont like ac/dc, but you are truly dreaming if you thing that has anything to do demons.
I like to watch magic tricks just like the next man, I like special effects like the next man, but I dont think any of it's real, that would be stupid.
I bet your one of these guys, who thinks he hears the devil, when a record is played backwards.
I sorry woody you need to get a life, or get laid, you've to much time on your hands.
Audible said,

sorry no cant say I have, dont like ac/dc, but you are truly dreaming if you thing that has anything to do demons.
I like to watch magic tricks just like the next man, I like special effects like the next man, but I dont think any of it's real, that would be stupid.
I bet your one of these guys, who thinks he hears the devil, when a record is played backwards.
I sorry woody you need to get a life, or get laid, you've to much time on your hands.

Demonism is not entertainment, it is a terrible disease. If you had a teenager with this problem, believe me you would not be entertained. It is no more funny than epilepsy.

I know four people that were physically choked by demons. If you had a demon around your throat maybe you would think differently . Then again maybe not.

Here is aminister I know personally that has caste demons out of dozens of people. Their parents took their kids to psychiatrists, but it didn't work, so they came to Dave for the help they needed:

Help for Audible
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Woody said:
Audible said,

Demonism is not entertainment, it is a terrible disease. If you had a teenager with this problem, believe me you would not be entertained. It is no more funny than epilepsy.

I know four people that were physically choked by demons. If you had a demon around your throat maybe you would think differently . Then again maybe not.

Here is aminister I know personally that has caste demons out of dozens of people. Their parents took their kids to psychiatrists, but it didn't work, so they came to Dave for the help they needed:

Help for Audible

woody if you so sure, you see these things, and you dont want to visit a psychiatrist.
why not earn some money no need to keep take exams then. money for old rope
a new life for you children no more hardship, and in the process you exocised those demons?,
For Al,

Did Jesus ever claim to be God?

The argument that Jesus never claimed to be God is bogus. If Jesus never claimed to be God, then why was he tried on charges of blasphemy?

The best known verse in the Bible is John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

This passage tells us that God gave His only Son. This indicates that God only had one Son and that he had been given. What makes this statement so important is that God didn’t say He would give His Son, but that the Son had already been given. The second issue with this passage is Jesus was speaking. If he wasn’t the Son of God, why didn’t he tell the disciples who the Son of God was?

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:16-18

Jesus continues in the next two verses to tell the people that if they did not believe in the name of the Son of God they would perish. If Jesus was not referencing himself in these passages, and eternity was riding on this name, surely someone would have demanded that name be revealed. In Acts 4:12, Luke says that there is only one name that a person is saved by, and that is Jesus. During the life of Jesus he had to have claimed He was God, or these passages are without meaning if you assumed that they didn’t know that his name was in fact Jesus Christ.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:12-13

Jesus wanted his disciples to be clear on who he was. He point blank asked His disciples this question, “Who do men say that I am?” The answer was not revealed by worldly wisdom, but from heavenly intervention.

When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. Mat. 16:13-17

With this much evidence one has to ask how did this “Jesus never claimed to be God” get started?

When Jesus refers to himself in the scripture he does it by his human title Son of Man. So those who try to attack the deity of Christ claim these references as declarations of his humanity and a denial of his deity. Jesus never denied His deity by recognizing his humanity.

Just for the sake of argument let us suppose that Jesus Himself never claimed to be the Son of God. There are others in the Bible who did.

1. The prophets knew He would be God

Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Mat. 1:22-23

2. The disciples acknowledged it

And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased. Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God. Mat. 14:32-33

If Jesus was not God why didn’t he rebuke them for worshipping Him?

3. God revealed it to Peter.

And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. Mat. 16:16-17

4. The guards knew He was the Son of God.

Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. Mat. 27:54

5. The devils knew He was the Son of God.

….there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.

And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time? Mat. 8:28-29

Only God can torment devils.

6. God proclaimed that Jesus was the Son of God.

And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Mat. 3:16-17

Jesus proved he was God when He forgave sin. If only God could forgive sin, Jesus must be God.

And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee. And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth. Mat. 9:2-3

It is important to note that it was the religious leaders of Jesus’ day that claimed he blasphemed. The religious leaders understood that only God could forgive sin. Let me illustrate this in a way you can understand. If I hit you, I cannot ask forgiveness from your friend. Only you can forgive me because I transgressed against you. When Jesus said He forgave this man’s sins he claimed that the sick man had transgressed against him personally.

It has always been Satan’s desire to discredit Jesus as the Son of God. Satan’s purpose is clear; if there is only one name given among men whereby someone could be saved he has to corrupt mankind’s view of the name of Jesus.

woody if you so sure, you see these things, and you dont want to visit a psychiatrist.
why not earn some money no need to keep take exams then. money for old rope
a new life for you children no more hardship, and in the process you exocised those demons?,

Thanks for the tip. I've been to a psych before, but it has nothing to do with any of this.

Concerning the Randi prize of $1 million: Ministers aren't casting out demons for a circus act -- if that's what these guys are looking for. Someone in need of an exorcism isn't going to sit around and wait for a contest protocol that takes days or weeks. Let's say these guys made the same offer to view somebody undergoing heart surgery after a heart attack. I doubt they would have many takers.

But let's just say for the sake of argument, that someone takes them up on it and they demonstrate an excorcism. Somebody comes in that is supposedly demon possessed. They've had problems for quite some time, and now it is life threatening (usually the case with demon possession). Demon possessed people are typically suicidal and self-mutilating (the Randi group says they will take no liability on this issue).

Symptoms of demon possession

How are they going to determine if this person is demon possessed? How would you go about measuring a demon?

But let's say for the sake of argument, the Randi folks give us the benefit of the doubt on this point. The pastor goes to work on this person that odviously has severe mental problems: they demonstrate above average physical strength (which could arguably be caused by adrenaline), they display bizarre behaviour (which some would say it's just schizophrenia), and they speak in strange voices of other people (which could arguably be called an act of ventriloquism). After the paster gets done, this person is in a perfectly normal state of mind, needs no medication, and lives a normal functional life. Would this be a basis for "proof?"


It looks like the majority of the people in this world believe in the supernatural: Check a recent poll:

did you know?

1. A 2002 Barna Research Group study, reported by World Net Daily, indicated

that 86 percent of children watched witchcraft or supernatural-themed television shows on a regular basis.

2. Witchcraft is being marketed more than any other time in history. You can

demonstrate this very easily by using an internet search engine.

Witchcraft - 341,000 sites

Necromancy (communicating with the dead)- 13,400 sites (Programs like “Crossing Over” with John Edwards is causing many to question a teaching condemned in God’s Word).

Divination - 193,000 sites

Black Magic - 58,000 sites

Magic Spells - 45,000 sites

3. At the University of Arizona and Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, believers in

Witchcraft can be excused from class on Wiccan holiday.

4. American libraries are promoting occultic materials while banning books that carry a Christian counter view.

Here is an example from a public library in Charlotte, NC.

In the Charlotte Public Library System I found:

87 books on astrology - 0 with opposing views.
35 books on witchcraft - 0 with opposing views.
79 books on dreams - 0 books to oppose it.
34 books on reincarnation - 0 to oppose it.
76 books on the occult - 1 with a Christian viewpoint.
5 books on goddess worship - 0 with opposing views.

5. According to a Gallup poll, belief in astrology has increased from 25% to 28% over the last decade of the 20th century.

Barna on Astrology 2003

Believe in the accuracy of astrology - 31%

Belief by women - 36%

Belief by men - 25%

Belief by persons 25 to 29 years of age - 43%

Belief by persons over 64 -17%

6. More people than ever before believe in Reincarnation

Believe in reincarnation - 27%

Belief by persons 25 to 29 years of age - 40%

Belief by persons over 64 - 14%

7. More Americans believe in Necromancy than ever before.

More than one-third of the public (35%) also believes that it is "possible to communicate with others after they die."

This perspective is related to a person's age: half of all adults under age 38 endorse this view, compared to one-third of the Boomers (mid-thirties to mid-fifties) and just one out of seven older adults.

A recent survey revealed how America perceives the spirit world.

Ghosts may exist (1999) - 48%

Ghosts definitely do not exist (1999) - 47%

Ghosts exist (2003) - 51%

Belief by women that ghosts exist (2003) - 58%

Belief by persons 25 to 29 years of age - 65%

Belief by persons over 64 - 27%
I did provide the details of the event, but I see you are much more concerned about ridiculing my comments concerning Duke university, and you write a grand epistle to this effect with out any comment at all on the details I gave you concerning Ken.

What you gave me was yet another story. While you told me your friend was one of very few white Indians and that the plane crashed in a jungle in Troy, it is nothing but another unsubstantiated story, so vague in details that anyone could have made it up with 2 minutes effort. At least give me the date this happened so I can check news reports for the area.

For some reason you don't seem to understand what I'm asking for. Why you're giving me this man's family tree is beyond me. Why do you think telling me he's a descendant of some Welsh prince is of any relevance? Or that he's given up ouija because of demon possession?

They are not relevant details. Ok, you've narrowed down the location, now you just need to give details that provide some actual evidence.

It is insanely funny to see you now whinging that I was more concerned about the Duke, when just a couple of posts ago you were the one telling me:

"It's relevant, *get it?* *get it?* let me get that through the thick head of yours, it's relevant *get it?*"

And now here you are proving my point that it fucking isn't relevant. As a result, I'm wondering why you bothered bringing it up in the first place when all I bloody well asked for was some details regarding Ken and the crashed aircraft.

Now, I'm going to keep this very simple for you: Provide some evidence concerning your grandiose story. Telling me you've spoken to Ken is of no value and does not count as evidence, but just another claim. Give me the date this happend. The very day. That way I can check the news reports for that week. Give me the name of the place he took off from so I can check whether on so and so date a drunk man took off in his private airplane and then crashed. Give me the pilots name so I can check for "[name] dies in airplane crash" with the local tabloids, can check to see if there was a search party and if any of them have heard of Ken.

Do you understand what I mean by details?

How do you feel about handing out your personal details?

As a hobby I enter competitions - both online and offline, and so hand my details out on a regular basis. I am not asking for credit card numbers, nor am I actually that concerned right now with Ken's real name. I am certain that the dead pilot will not mind you giving me the date this happened, the names of local papers and places he could have taken off from.

Nor would it be too much to ask for transcripts of the ouija event. You used that in your original story to try and give it some support. You said: "Ken makes transcripts which shows what happened", and the minute I ask for them, or say I will happily buy him a digital video camera you do a quick turnaround and say: "he doesn't have them and doesn't do ouija anymore because of demons". This is a prime example of how a person covers up for their lies. It's very common for people to do.

Sure, you could be telling the truth, but then it isn't that hard to provide details slightly more relevant than who Ken's great great great .... grandfather was.

You merely refer to yourself as "Snake Lord." Talk about a cop-out, geez!

I'm sorry, other than some childish attempt at insult, I can't quite figure what your quote means. Still, anything that avoids you having to provide actual details.. right?

Are you going to subject Ken to the same treatment I'm getting?

What treatment is that exactly? Pointing out the irrelevancy of Duke, then listening to you call me thick, only to then tell me the irrelevancy of Duke when I start talking about him? Or listening to you bust my nuts over your personal inaccuracy concerning psychology and parapsychology, and telling me that I must like so and so or I'm a fake, or I must know the name of a psychologist living in Timbuktoo or I know nothing and so on, while the entire time, from my first post, I have simply asked that you provide some evidence concerning your story.

I can understand this supposed friend of yours being a bit shy about giving his last name over the internet, but newspapers, airports, and the like have no such problem.

If so, then Ken is worth more to me as a friend than you are as a flippant atheist, and we will just forget the whole thing.

Who's in 'roadblock' mode? All I have asked for is some evidence. You sort of obliged, giving me Ken's ancestral history and skin colour, but I need slightly more than that. Newspapers, exact dates, and airports is a start.

You arent' going to believe him anyway.

Without evidence of course not. That's why I'm asking for evidence. Understand yet?

When a plane crashes, there are reports made about it. Newspapers, rescue services, police, obituaries and so on. I do not care that Ken is a white red indian.

He has done a lot more than this one "grandiose" event, as you call it. I call it no big deal compared to other things I've experienced:

Ah, the grand escape. Swipe the story off as not that important and move right on to the next one... Typical.

Of course your next 'story' contains yet another clause whereby you can get out of having to substantiate it:

This group of demons once possessed the maniac at Gadera. It is on video, but don't expect to get a copy -- it is not here for your entertainment or to make a buck.

Now tell me, you obnoxious little child, where have I once even hinted that I would want a video that apparently contains evidence for entertainment or monetary issues? I ask you to back up your stories so I can see that it's true, and yet with some ignorant audacity you dare try and lump your inabilities on me. If it's on video give or sell me a copy, or just tell me who I can talk to to get one. That way your story would be seen to be true and the whole issue is solved. But you are very quickly looking all the more like a liar.

While that does me no harm whatsoever, look into yourself and see what you have become.

I know a place where humans are sacrificed in satanic rituals underneath a lake, and there are several other people that know the same. It packs out with some of the city's best and brightest on halloween, and the police are part of it. When the ceremony goes on, lightning comes down from the sky and strikes the center of the lake on a continuous basis. I have seen satanic monks disappear in thin air. Other people have witnessed strange things with them too.

Where? Saying: "I know a place" is not sufficient. You know that already. Oh let me guess, you think the place would be offended if you gave it's name?

Am I totally blowing your mind? Probably so.

Get off the drugs. What you are doing is showing the world that you're full of shit. I have no doubt "Ken" refers to the boyfriend of your daughters barbie doll, and that this place of satanic rituals is actually something you saw on the X-Files. If I'm wrong, then it isn't hard to prove I'm wrong.

If you start to believe, then these perverted examples of "spirituality" bring you to God.

How in the world do you make that conclusion? Let's say for arguments sake that ouija boards do actually contact spirits of the dead. That would imply that they're not in heaven, and they're not in hell and that when someone dies they waft around aimlessly doing bugger all as opposed to being in a wonderful environment in space. Ghosts and the like do more to go against the existence of your god than support it. It's along the same lines of saying the Loch Ness monster would bring a person closer to god. Don't be silly.

This is not God's way of bringing believers to him, rather it is a way to glorify Satan, which I have no desire to do. I am quickly tiring of this subject.

Well then you shouldn't have started it then. Of course it's no surprise to see you tiring of it when someone asks you to actually provide evidence. But no, you then get a brand new lease of life and off you go again with a brand new story, which you'll also get tired of now that I have asked for evidence. This will continue onwards with you thinking you can backup one fuck up with another fuck up.

He started the school in 1927, do you think he sits around and drinks wine? He's been dead for years.

While that's certainly interesting, it isn't relevant here.


d)))errrm, have you not read any overview of the revolutionary developments of modern physics.....which began proper in the early years of last century??

Like I said, I don't really have any interest in physics. While I know I went through the routines at school, I haven't bothered with it since then.

d)))no. lets keep it simple. they found that subatomic reality is weird. that it confounds CLASSICAL physics' assumptionss about reality, in its either/or mode. so, for example it's been found that a contituent of this subatomic reality, a 'particle' can be both a wave and a particle. you've not heard of this?

For the third time: I'm really have little interest in physics and haven't paid any real attention to it since I was in school.

d)))well i am not talkin about a banana on Uranus am i? that's your presumptious reponse to what i am try to ask you. This what i am no about is coming from THe most
physicalist of physcial sciences, 'physics', who were very perturbed by ye reality they found in what is now known as 'quantum reality'.

Well my apologies.

1) The very first response I made to you was that: "I don't know what you're going on about", which in itself would make an adequate answer hard to achieve. I tried what I could based upon several factors. Your post to me, if you go back up and look, seems so out of place in the thread that I could only guess at it's reason and relevance. As Woody and I were kind of in a discussion about "weird" stuff like ghosts and spirits, and you had then said "reality might be weirder than you think", I was drawn to the notion that you were advocating the existence of ghosts and spirits and other weird entities based on the topic of discussion, while using physics as some kind of analogy to support the idea.

2) I still don't know what you're going on about.


Lucky I asked then.

It answers it in regards i see moe and more whee your worldview is coming from

Why of course, you know me well. 3 posts to each other is all it takes these days.
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Woody: Have you ever been to an AC/DC concert? This is where I saw some of these things happen. I went to the grand opening of the "Highway to Hell." Sometime I will tell you about what happened there. It wasn't cute and funny I assure you. I know a minister that deals with demon possessed teenagers -- it's just about a full time job for him. Head shrinks can't help these poor kids.
M*W: Woody, I've been to so many rock concerts in my time, and I've never seen anything that I would consider to be demonic. However, a whole lot of people were smoking hash and popping LSD.
This was in Europe, and the laws were a bit more relaxed than they are here. I've been to concerts here in Texas, and there was that familiar smell again. I just don't understand the association between rock music and demons.
2. Witchcraft is being marketed more than any other time in history. You can

demonstrate this very easily by using an internet search engine.

Witchcraft - 341,000 sites

Necromancy (communicating with the dead)- 13,400 sites (Programs like “Crossing Over” with John Edwards is causing many to question a teaching condemned in God’s Word).

Divination - 193,000 sites

Black Magic - 58,000 sites

Magic Spells - 45,000 sites

Here's some other statistics:

Bananas = 3,540,000
Dildos = 4,470,000
woody = 11,200,000
hinduism = 2,330,000
dog bollocks = 86,200
(&(£&(&£$ = 67,700,000

Witchcraft is a minor issue no? Everything you listed is in the thousands, but even (&(£&(&£$, which doesn't mean anything has 67,700,000 sites. What is your point?

1. A 2002 Barna Research Group study, reported by World Net Daily, indicated

that 86 percent of children watched witchcraft or supernatural-themed television shows on a regular basis.

A recent Snakelord poll found that those very same 86% of children also watched other themed television shows on a regular basis which are devoid of witchcraft and supernatural elements. Aside from of course talking animals which is important in a cartoon but hardly means children believe in talking animals.

What is your point?

3. At the University of Arizona and Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, believers in

Witchcraft can be excused from class on Wiccan holiday.

At the University of Golders Green, jewish people can be excused from class during Passover.

What's your point?

4. American libraries are promoting occultic materials while banning books that carry a Christian counter view.

Christian bookstores are promoting christian materials while banning books that carry a counter christian view.

What's your point?

87 books on astrology - 0 with opposing views. - Like.. a 'no-astrology' book?
35 books on witchcraft - 0 with opposing views. - Like a.. 'don't do withcraft' book?
79 books on dreams - 0 books to oppose it. - like a 'never have dreams' book?
34 books on reincarnation - 0 to oppose it. - like a 'dont get reincarnated' book?
76 books on the occult - 1 with a Christian viewpoint.- like a 'not on the occult' book?
5 books on goddess worship - 0 with opposing views. - like a 'don't worship goddesses' book?

5. According to a Gallup poll, belief in astrology has increased from 25% to 28% over the last decade of the 20th century.

According to a population survey, the population has literally doubled since then. A 3% rise out of an extra few billion people is hardly an issue.

6. More people than ever before believe in Reincarnation

More people than ever before believe that ostriches stick their heads in the sand.

What's your point?

Saying: "I know a place" is not sufficient. You know that already. Oh let me guess, you think the place would be offended if you gave it's name?

Yes it would be offended at me. I do not care to be one of their offerings. Christians are prime beef for human sacrifice, whether you believe in the spiritual world or not. What are you going to do, are you going to go there? The property is private. It is fenced in and it has a surveillance system. You are on your own if you go in there. It is next door to a home for teen runaways, there is a Hindu church next to that.

I have heard two independent accounts on this place from sources that don't know each other. One of them is a minister that works with troubled teens. He thinks the runaway teen house is being used to keep sacrificial "livestock." He's the one that witnessed doctors and lawyers coming into the place on halloween and constant lightning striking the lake.

You will never talk to him, I assure you. He fears for his life. His phone number is unlisted. I'll try to give you the coordinates of this satanic temple. They might have moved it. It is close to 4100 Margaret Wallace Road in Charlotte/Matthews, NC.

Hindu Temple Location

I will get a name on the pilot that died. He is survived by a wife. Surely Ken knows their names.
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More people than ever before believe that ostriches stick their heads in the sand.

according to who?

On the other items, why don't you contact Glory ministries, they wrote the article. They were located in Charlotte, NC, but I think they moved to Virginia.

Why don't you send Dave a polite email:

Ministry Hotline

You will find his email address at the site. He is another minister that works with troubled teens, and he too is concerned about trouble makers. This is why I say be polite to him.

Maybe you can cut to the chase here and save us all a lot of trouble. Ask him about demon possession in teenagers.

I look forward to hearing from you after your inquiry. If you don't mind, how about leaving my name out of the inquiry.
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Christians are prime beef for human sacrifice

Ehehehehehe.... That's a classic. While I will agree in saying not many people like you, I would like you to show recent records of any sacrifices of christians, or anyone else for that matter. I'm aware you could probably point out a million and one news reports about a man stabbing his wife or neighbour to death, but is there anything to support allegations that it is part of some human sacrifice ritual? Or is it possible you just mean 'murder' which is committed on anyone by anyone, whether they're christian or not.

whether you believe in the spiritual world or not.

That's not about 'the spiritual'. Sure, you could state that the devil is in charge of the affair, but the actual event would be undertaken by real and visible people and as such would leave a trail of evidence and corpses.

What are you going to do, are you going to go there? The property is private. It is fenced in and it has a surveillance system. You are on your own if you go in there. It is next door to a home for teen runaways, there is a Hindu church next to that

Ah, shit.. now I'm worried. Teen runaways and hindus.. most evil bastards on the planet. :bugeye:

But it's ok, I can take along a boom box with some rap music to keep the ebil kids at bay and some incense to keep the Hindu's happy. Not a problem.

One of them is a minister that works with troubled teens.

I work with troubled ministers. Send him to me, we'll soon have him back to normal.

He thinks the runaway teen house is being used to keep sacrificial "livestock."

He... thinks? Why? Because he has seen doctors and lawyers go into the house? Did it ever occur to him that both doctors and lawyers going into a place that is home to troubled runaway children is completely normal?

You seriously have been watching too much of the X-Files. Where do they get these "livestock"? Let me guess, it's people passing through town, or the homeless that nobody cares about?

You will never talk to him, I assure you. He fears for his life.

Strange then, considering according to you he works in the place. He can't be as scared as you let on.

I'll try to give you the coordinates of this satanic temple. They might have moved it.

Now it's a temple? On your last post it was all performed "under" a lake, and you also stated that the teen runaway house is where the "livestock" are kept. So what is the satanic temple for, and what makes you think it's satanic? Do the hindus go and get the livestock out of the runaway house then take them to the bottom of the lake and kill them? Has anyone seen this, and if so why are they not in jail?

Oh, one last thing. How do you know about the place?

I will get a name on the pilot that died. He is survived by a wife. Surely Ken knows their names.

Fair enough.

according to who?

Personal statistic.

On the other items, why don't you contact Glory ministries, they wrote the article, they are located in Charlotte, NC

Because... I have no need to. I'm not interested in whether it's accurate or not for all the reasons I pointed out.

30,000 witchcraft sites isn't half as scary as 67 million (&(£&(&£$ sites, and nor does it show anything. A 3% rise over a century is also irrelevant given that the population growth alone would not only ensure that but also ensure a 3% rise in the amount of people that believe Elvis is still alive. What children watch on TV is also irrelevant considering all of us watched similar things on television when we were young, and yet I know very few of us that believe in witches, talking animals, or supernatural powers - except, funnily enough, religious people - who are then the ones arguing against it being ok for children to watch programmes on witches and supernatural powers.

Etc etc. The entire post of polls doesn't actually amount to anything, other than some lunatics attempt at trying to tell everyone the world is full of witches.

However, just for the sake of it, I will email them and set them up an appointment to come and see me for some 'brain fixing'.
MW said:

I've been to so many rock concerts in my time, and I've never seen anything that I would consider to be demonic.

I just don't understand the association between rock music and demons.

I didn't say just any rock concert: I said AC/DC Highway to Hell. This concert:


I've been to a lot of rock concerts too, but this is the only one where I've seen satanic monks doing incantations. Other people have witnessed this too. Yeah there was a lot of dope going on in the concert, and I was training in sorcery at the time I saw it back in '79.

I hear Marylin Manson is in true form for this kind of concert. Would you take your teenage grandchild to this concert?


Most of the heavy metal bands are into demonism take a look at nine inch nails logo:


Then there are the good old days of Led Zepplin's stairway to heaven. Remember this picture:


The guy with the brown robe on the right, holding a lantern, looks like the guysI saw at the AC/DC concert that were doing incantations.
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SL said,

Or is it possible you just mean 'murder' which is committed on anyone by anyone, whether they're christian or not.

Let me give you a little bit of graphic detail about what goes on in a satanic sacrifice, as described by those who have participated in it.

It is a ritual where a human being is placed on an altar, raped, sodomized, killed, and the devil worshippers drink the blood and eat the flesh. They do these things to receive satanic powers.

The very best offering is a christian priest, a virgin female is a good offering, any other live human being is also good, and a dead fetus from an abortion clinic is also acceptable.

In the case of a christian priest, he is skinned alive, and then urinated on. The urine is rubbed into his skin along with a salt pack. He is sodomized and tortured to death.


The temple site I gave you is a Hindu temple. It is within a kilometer of the satanic temple under the lake.


Where do they get these "livestock"? Let me guess, it's people passing through town, or the homeless that nobody cares about?

Yes, precisely, nobody misses them. The youth minister tries to work with them. The halloween party is just a little further down the road on a property that adjoins the halfway house for runaway teens. You could go visit the teens, but if you try to go on the property with the fence, the lake, and surveillance sytem -- I don't know. It has been almost seven years since I talked with anyone about this place so I don't know if it is still being used. I might be able to find out for you.

Are you having fun yet?
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Let me give you a little bit of graphic detail about what goes on in a satanic sacrifice, as described by those who have participated in it.

Do you make a habit of talking to people who participate in satanic rituals? If not might I inquire over where this information comes from and how you can trust it's validity?

It is a ritual where a human being is placed on an altar, raped, sodomized, killed, and the devil worshippers drink the blood and eat the flesh. They do these things to receive satanic powers.

You've personally seen this, you're guessing/making it up, or do you have a valid source for this information?

a virgin female is a good offering

Strange considering 30 seconds ago you were saying the victims were raped, in which case they wouldn't be offering a virgin, now would they?

In the case of a christian priest, he is skinned alive, and then urinated on. The urine is rubbed into his skin along with a salt pack. He is sodomized and tortured to death.

I see. What is the statistic for missing/presumed dead priests in the world? In your next few sentences you claim that these people take those that nobody would miss or care about. Are you saying that all these priests, virgins and dead children can easily and happily go missing without anyone noticing? Have the churches not realised there's nobody standing up saying the sermon on a Sunday?

Are you having fun yet?

Hell yes, I think you're bloody hysterical.

My advice to you is to stop watching scary programmes, stop reading horror fiction novels and go and get some air.