How jesus is the son of God

SL said,

“ Let me give you a little bit of graphic detail about what goes on in a satanic sacrifice, as described by those who have participated in it. ”

Do you make a habit of talking to people who participate in satanic rituals? If not might I inquire over where this information comes from and how you can trust it's validity?

I don't make it a habit of talking to people that participate in these rituals. I have gathered the information over time from pastors, and people that participate in excorcisms. By the way, the punishment for freeing a satanist from their cult is death. This applies to the former member, but the excorsist usually has people after him too. It is not the kind of thing you go around publicizing.

I know a woman that was a victim of satanic abuse, though she was not sacrificed (odviously). She has a multiple personality disorder. She is a member of a church I used to go to, and she sings in the choir. She gave her testimony at our church. Her parents were witches when she was a small child. They burned her with cigarettes (and she has the scars to show), They would put her in a coffin and bury her underground for as long as 3 days. She had air to breathe, but they told her they were going to leave her there. They both physically and sexually abused her.

“ It is a ritual where a human being is placed on an altar, raped, sodomized, killed, and the devil worshippers drink the blood and eat the flesh. They do these things to receive satanic powers. ”

You've personally seen this, you're guessing/making it up, or do you have a valid source for this information?

Two of the sources had parents that were witch and warlock. Both of them were young girls when this was in their life. One of them was made pregnant by her father, and they sacrificed the baby on the altar.

“ a virgin female is a good offering ”

Strange considering 30 seconds ago you were saying the victims were raped, in which case they wouldn't be offering a virgin, now would they?

If a person's purity can be defiled during the satanic ritual, this increases the satanic power received by the worshippers. Hence a priest and a virgin are the best offerings.

“ In the case of a christian priest, he is skinned alive, and then urinated on. The urine is rubbed into his skin along with a salt pack. He is sodomized and tortured to death. ”

I see. What is the statistic for missing/presumed dead priests in the world? In your next few sentences you claim that these people take those that nobody would miss or care about. Are you saying that all these priests, virgins and dead children can easily and happily go missing without anyone noticing? Have the churches not realised there's nobody standing up saying the sermon on a Sunday?

The minister for troubled teens told me about this one. He is well aware of the danger he is dealing with. As he says, "you better be prayed up good before you take on satan." The priest victim is very rare. We have a God that protects us. But there are a few Jonahs in the world that can end up in the missing persons category.

“ Are you having fun yet? ”

Hell yes, I think you're bloody hysterical.

My advice to you is to stop watching scary programmes, stop reading horror fiction novels and go and get some air.

Advice is well taken. I do not do these things. I don't have to look for evil, there is already enough in the world. I am thankful that our churches have warned us about the dangers of the occult. I did not understand the occult before I became a christian, and I was entertaining it. It was trying to capture me but now it can not.

As I said before, you need to talk to one of ther ministries that is helping teens escape demon possession. Once again, here is the link so you can inquire:

Teen Ministry

Maybe we shall have a good outcome whereby you get saved, and you are available to counsel these poor kids after they are freed from demon possession. Surely there are needs in that department. May God be with you.
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Woody: I didn't say just any rock concert: I said AC/DC Highway to Hell. This concert:


M*W: I've always liked AC/DC's music (but not all of it). I remember the first time I bought a car off the showroom floor, I had programmed my cassette tape to play Highway to Hell. You know, I got more than 135,000 miles off that Nissan engine before I had to have the motor worked on.
Woody: I've been to a lot of rock concerts too, but this is the only one where I've seen satanic monks doing incantations. Other people have witnessed this too. Yeah there was a lot of dope going on in the concert, and I was training in sorcery at the time I saw it back in '79.
M*W: I don't recall seeing any satanic monks. What did they look like? They weren't Hari Krishna's were they? Could they have just been kids dressed up like monks? I do see a lot of old geezers at rock concerts now. I may be an old geezer, but I don't feel that old!
Woody: I hear Marylin Manson is in true form for this kind of concert. Would you take your teenage grandchild to this concert?


M*W: Absolutely not! I wouldn't spend the money or the time on this freak!
Woody: Most of the heavy metal bands are into demonism take a look at nine inch nails logo:


M*W: I wouldn't go see them either.
Woody: Then there are the good old days of Led Zepplin's stairway to heaven. Remember this picture:


M*W: When Led Zeppelin was popular back in the early 70s, I was in to country music.
Woody: The guy with the brown robe on the right, holding a lantern, looks like the guys I saw at the AC/DC concert that were doing incantations.
M*W: Isn't this some kind of wizard? I've mellowed in my musical tastes, but I still love a hellova rock concert where I can reminisce about the good old days. I've seen a lot of the 70s bands in concert, and some of them twice, like Lynrd Skynrd and ZZ Top. Went to a Boston concert, and they really sucked. I was so disappointed. My favorite concerts of all time were Queen. I saw it in Frankfurt, Germany, and the crowds were so unruly some people got trampled. The best concert I've seen here is Styx. I dearly love their music, and their name is taken from a river in hell. I guess what all the satanic images are for is to sell more CDs. Even so, if there were satanic monks at an event I were attending, I'd try to sit as close to them as possible and annoy them. I'm very good at doing this.
MW said,

M*W: Isn't this some kind of wizard? I've mellowed in my musical tastes, but I still love a hellova rock concert where I can reminisce about the good old days. I've seen a lot of the 70s bands in concert, and some of them twice, like Lynrd Skynrd and ZZ Top. Went to a Boston concert, and they really sucked. I was so disappointed. My favorite concerts of all time were Queen. I saw it in Frankfurt, Germany, and the crowds were so unruly some people got trampled. The best concert I've seen here is Styx. I dearly love their music, and their name is taken from a river in hell. I guess what all the satanic images are for is to sell more CDs. Even so, if there were satanic monks at an event I were attending, I'd try to sit as close to them as possible and annoy them. I'm very good at doing this.

Good luck catching one of these guys (satanic monks). They don't sit with people and they don't hang around for an interview. Let me tell you about my bizarre experience at the AC/DC Highway to Hell concert.

My brothers invited me to go with some of their friends. I don't remember how many of us there were. We got seats at the Cricket Arena for the concert. Here is the layout of the place:

Cricket Arena Seating

Everybody in rock music has performed there at least once except for the Beatles. I always get my directions mixed up because this coliseum is round. It was called the Charlotte Coliseum when I went to the place.

The show opened with Molly Hatchet. They were a pretty good act. We were passing joints and drinking liquor. After Hatchet finished, the main act came on stage. We were entertained with the show. The lead guitar player was quite an act. He was dressed up like an english schoolboy, with shorts and suspenders and he had a wind up key on his back. He'd go around on stage like a bug and then he'd lay down on his back and kick his feet up in the air. It was hilarious, we were ripped. They sang Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap, Hells Bells, then they got to Highway to Hell.

I can remember this moment like it was yesterday because one of the most freakish things happened that I have ever experienced. When the song opened there was the awful chill in the air above us, it was like pure evil. I started popping out goose bumps. I turned and looked back to the portal hallway that leads into our seating section, and there was this guy standing up there in his friar tuck robe with a hood pulled over his head, and there was another guy in another portal doing the same thing. They had one arm stretched out and they were chanting something that sounded German.They were way back behind me.

I poked one of my brotherrs in the rib and I said "Did you Hear That, look at those guys back there, what are they doing?" He said he was listening to the concert and he didn't care about it.

So I got up hurriedly and walked toward the man in the friar tuck. Nobody could possibly see him unless they were looking back like I was doing. He saw me coming and he hurriedly motioned his accomplice. I walked through the portal and saw them in the main hallway outside of the seating sections. They were walking quickly and so was I. Then they went around the corner into the main fourier. I said, man I got them now! There's no way they can get out of the fourier up here without me catching them. There are no exits within about 150 feet (about 50 meters).

I was only about 15 feet behind them and I was calling to them to stop. I turned the corner and they were gone. Nobody can run that fast! How does somebody do a 50 meter dash in less than 2 seconds? I was freaked out. The ceiling was at least 50 feet above my head. I said to myself this is not possible, there is no way this is possible, this could not have happened. I know I smoked some dope and did some drinking. But I never had hallucinations. I was shaken. I had no logical explanation for what I had just seen. There was no place for them to hide unless they could bust a hole through a marble wall.

I walked back to my brothers and they told me I had just missed one hell of a show. I told them what happened and they just shrugged it off. I remember those guys in brown robes. They were in their 20's, they were thin, and one of them had straight brown hair and dark brown eyes with heavy eyebrows. His hood fell back as they were hurrying away. I was not a christain when all that was going on.

Fast forward about 10 years later. ( I had become a christian in the mean time).

Dave Benoit came to speak at our church concerning rock music, teenagers, and the occult. He was in the pop drug culture, and he later became a christian minister.

He told us about a lot of the bands. He showed us what a satanic monk looks like, and the gears started turning. I remember those two guys at the AC/DC concert. How could I ever forget that night? Then Dave went on to talk about AC/DC and how the base player died.

He went on to give an account of a woman and her daughter that went to the AC/DC highway to hell concert. The mother said when the song started she experienced the same thing I experienced. She said it was like demons were flying around in the air. She saw guys in their friar tucks doing incantations, and it was like pure evil in the place.

Dave went on to explain that these are satanic monks. He showed us a picture again (it's on a Tarot card). It all made perfect sense to me.

Then he said these satanic monks were calling on the forces of evil to put damnation on everyone. He went on to say these monks have special powers from their occult practices which allow them to turn into animals or to astrally project themselves.

Astral Projection

Back when I was tampering with the occult, I was going to try astral projection. I will explain some of the strange things that happened with me while I was dabbling with the occult -- another story for another day.

Anyway, I would like to hear a rational explanation on how those two guys "disappeared into thin air". I told Dave Benoit about it, and he said basically no big deal. He's heard the same thing plenty of times from other people. I wasn't telling him anything new.
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Woody said:

Yes it would be offended at me. I do not care to be one of their offerings. Christians are prime beef for human sacrifice, whether you believe in the spiritual world or not. What are you going to do, are you going to go there? The property is private. It is fenced in and it has a surveillance system. You are on your own if you go in there. It is next door to a home for teen runaways, there is a Hindu church next to that.

I have heard two independent accounts on this place from sources that don't know each other. One of them is a minister that works with troubled teens. He thinks the runaway teen house is being used to keep sacrificial "livestock." He's the one that witnessed doctors and lawyers coming into the place on halloween and constant lightning striking the lake.

You will never talk to him, I assure you. He fears for his life. His phone number is unlisted. I'll try to give you the coordinates of this satanic temple. They might have moved it. It is close to 4100 Margaret Wallace Road in Charlotte/Matthews, NC.

Hindu Temple Location

It would be more dramatic if you give some eerrriee back ground music.
..and add some winged demons hovering over the lake. hhhhoooo...
Everneo said,

It would be more dramatic if you give some eerrriee back ground music.
..and add some winged demons hovering over the lake. hhhhoooo...

Maybe you would like to drop by sometime. They would love to have you for dinner. The entertainment is out of this world. I can get a better map for you if you need it.

Anybody for a bite of everneo sushi? How about an everneo bloody mary for the after dinner drinks?
Woody: They had one arm stretched out and they were chanting something that sounded German. They were way back behind me.
M*W: I've been around the block a few times, but I have never heard of satanic monks. I'll have to ask my son since he was into all kinds of music before. I believe you did see something, and when you mentioned 'German', I recalled a creepy thing I saw but didn't believe it when I saw it. It involved flying witches! We lived in USAF housing on the German economy. My then-husband who was certifiable at the time told me he saw witches flying. I just ignored him as I thought he was delusional. He was delusional, but that's another story. He kept saying, "Come look out the window... they're flying!" Finally, to get him to shut-up, I went to the window, and lo and behold, there were flying witches! I hadn't been drinking since I didn't drink alcohol then, and I wasn't into drugs. They were black and somewhat vague as it was nighttime, but I saw what could have been witches flying! I was puzzled but not scared. I'd already lived there five years, and if they hadn't got me by that time, I figured they never would! Anyway, the ex started acting strange after he saw them. He physically went to hide in a closet, saying that the witches were coming after him! I tried to console him, but that was impossible. He was really afraid of the witches. I kept telling myself it was some kind of hallucination that I saw, too, but it didn't go to my head. To make a long story short, we split up shortly after that. He went to live in a hotel. One time he frantically called me and told me the witches were after him again! I never saw another flying witch after that. I think it might have been possible for him to believe he saw them, and he could have possibly created an allusion of flying witches in the air! We lived on the third floor, and by damn those witches were flying outside our window. He may have been so delusional that he created these flying witches so I could see them, too. Later, however, I was driving to a new restaurant in the Taunus Mountains, and I took a wrong turn on what looked like a country road off the main highway. As I looked for a place to turn around to get back on the main road, my headlights caught a witch coven dressed in what looked like white monk's tunics with cowls! They were in a circle formation in the dark. When my headlights hit them, they seemed to be scared. This was way out in the middle of nowhere. The people I had in my car were scared, and screamed for me to get out of there! Funny, but I wasn't the least bit scared. I guess my ex-husband showed me everything I needed to know about scaring me. Sorry for the digression.
Woody: I was only about 15 feet behind them and I was calling to them to stop. I turned the corner and they were gone. Nobody can run that fast! How does somebody do a 50 meter dash in less than 2 seconds? I was freaked out. The ceiling was at least 50 feet above my head. I said to myself this is not possible, there is no way this is possible, this could not have happened. I know I smoked some dope and did some drinking. But I never had hallucinations. I was shaken. I had no logical explanation for what I had just seen. There was no place for them to hide unless they could bust a hole through a marble wall.
M*W: Woody, they were probably more scared of you than you were of them. Obviously, they didn't want their identities to be known. They could have just been crazy teenagers, but I do believe in the possibility that you may have seen something otherworldly.
Woody: I did not understand it until I became a christian. Fast forward about 10 years.

Dave Benoit came to speak at our church concerning rock music, teenagers, and the occult. He in the pop drug culture, and he later became a christian minister.

He told us about a lot of the bands. He showed us what a satanic monk looks like, and the gears started turning. I remember those two guys at the AC/DC concert. How could I ever forget that night? Then Dave went on to talk about AC/DC and how the base player died.

He went on to give an account of a woman and her daughter that went to the AC/DC highway to hell concert. The mother said when the song started she experienced the same thing I experienced. She said it was like demons were flying around in the air. She saw guys in their friar tucks doing incantations, and it was like pure evil in the place.

Dave went on to explain that these are satanic monks. He showed us a picture again (it's on a Tarot card). It all made perfect sense to me.

Then he said these satanic monks were calling on the forces of evil to put damnation on everyone. He went on to say these monks have special powers from their occult practices which allow them to turn into animals or to astrally project themselves.
M*W: When I experienced the flying witches, I was a devout Christian. It was occasions like this, and my ex-husband's strange behavior, that my priest told me to get away from him for our own safety. He was right. I've never experienced another incident of anything like this.
Woody: Back when I was tampering with the occult, I was going to try astral projection. I will explain some of the strange things that happened with me while I was dabbling with the occult -- another story for another day.
M*W: My ex experimented with all types of occult things. I think that was either because he was delusional or they made him that way. I believe he had always been delusional. I was just too young and immature to understand things like that.
Woody: Anyway, I would like to hear a rational explanation on how those two guys "disappeared into thin air".
M*W: This is what I would call a parallel universe. If these satanic monks were, in fact, from another dimension, that would explain why they "disappeared into thin air." We don't know how this works and all, but in time I believe we will.

As far as astral projection, my ex read a book about it and tried so hard to astral project himself, but when I sleep soundly, I have been able to travel, I guess you could say spiritually. When I was young, I traveled to places I had never even read about, and then when I had the opportunity to actually visit some of these places, it was like deja vu. In fact, I can still do it. It's not something you can learn, it's something that people do when they're asleep. Now, if you talking about astral projecting when one is awake, I've heard of this, and surely it would require some training. I've never been able to leave my body when I was awake. Also, I've never had an experience when I was sleeping where I feared that I couldn't get back -- with the exception of coming out from under general anesthesia -- when I came to, I felt as if I had just crash landed into my hospital bed. That wasn't pleasant. Apparently, the surgery I had didn't turn out to be as simple as they thought, and I ended up in ICU on a respirator.

I'll need to do some more reading about these satanic monks. Why do you think they looked like monks? Satanism doesn't require a specific persona. Speaking of monks, there is some acknowledgement from inside The Vatican that devil worship has been going on for centuries, and it is coming out in the open today. I believe that when I visited The Vatican, and my skin crawled inside St. Peter's Basilica, that there was an evil presence there. When I think about it today, my skin still crawls.
MW said:

Why do you think they looked like monks?

Because their robes were like a monk's robe. The robes were brown and there was a pull chord around the waist. The hoods on their head were round and came to a point in the back. These guys were in their mid to late 20's. I already described one of them. The other guy was kind of pudgy and had curly kinky red hair and freckles.

Many years ago one of my brothers worked in a lab where one of the girls was a professed witch. He said she was a real weirdo. Anyway, on halloween she came to work in her witch clothes. They were black and there was a hood she would pull over her head with eye holes in it. My brother said it pretty well freaked him out. It was odviously an expensive outfit, not something you buy at the gag gift shop. She said she wore it to her witch get togethers. It was her witch wear.
MW said,

Sorry for the digression.

No digression at all, it's your account of what you saw. Sometimes it is hard to believe your eyes. I can agree to that.

My ex experimented with all types of occult things.

I was dealing with the Yaqui Indian method of sorcery. What was you exhubby doing with the occult? Is he still alive and well?

Speaking of monks, there is some acknowledgement from inside The Vatican that devil worship has been going on for centuries, and it is coming out in the open today.

Yes, I have heard about it. The Jesuit priests are the ones that have been doing it from what I have heard. The Jesuits are the mafia for the vatican.

By the way, while I was doing a search on the Jesuits I came across a very interesting forum. I might start spending some more time over there:

Christian Forum

But then y'all might miss me :D
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I have gathered the information over time from pastors, and people that participate in excorcisms.

And these people have a habit of participating in satanic rituals? If not might I inquire where they get the information from.

By the way, the punishment for freeing a satanist from their cult is death. This applies to the former member, but the excorsist usually has people after him too. It is not the kind of thing you go around publicizing.

As with the mass majority of your posts, you're talking complete garbage. I really do find it tragic that some people end up this way, deluded past the point of safe return.

I know a woman that was a victim of satanic abuse, though she was not sacrificed (odviously). She has a multiple personality disorder. She is a member of a church I used to go to, and she sings in the choir. She gave her testimony at our church. Her parents were witches when she was a small child. They burned her with cigarettes (and she has the scars to show), They would put her in a coffin and bury her underground for as long as 3 days. She had air to breathe, but they told her they were going to leave her there. They both physically and sexually abused her.

Sentence two was the only sentence worth saying.

Two of the sources had parents that were witch and warlock. Both of them were young girls when this was in their life. One of them was made pregnant by her father, and they sacrificed the baby on the altar.

Lol, now I know you've been watching too much X-Files.

If a person's purity can be defiled during the satanic ritual, this increases the satanic power received by the worshippers.

What power would that be then?

The minister for troubled teens told me about this one. He is well aware of the danger he is dealing with. As he says, "you better be prayed up good before you take on satan." The priest victim is very rare. We have a God that protects us. But there are a few Jonahs in the world that can end up in the missing persons category.

Ok, what's his name and address?

As I said before, you need to talk to one of ther ministries that is helping teens escape demon possession. Once again, here is the link so you can inquire

Already have. You really want to know the response?

Maybe we shall have a good outcome whereby you get saved, and you are available to counsel these poor kids after they are freed from demon possession.

Saved from what?

May God be with you.

May Lenny the Leprechaun be with you.

See how worthless it is saying shit like that?
SL said,

And these people have a habit of participating in satanic rituals? If not might I inquire where they get the information from.

Why don't you ask some people first hand that are involved in this practice? Does this subject scare you? They need a volunteer -- any takers? Here is your big chance:

How to Get Demonic Power through Human Sacrifice

I'll give you a little quote from the first post in a long thread concerning human sacrifice:

"If a body is provided, and the soul can be pushed out, the intelligence can snatch it for itself. The soul must have poor "karma", "

Umm... Snakelord... ummm.. Snakelord.... are you still there Snakelord? Testing.. two... three... What do you suppose this means: "providing a body and pushing out the soul so an intelligence can snatch it?" Tell me who's the crazy one here Snakelord. Would you like to volunteer for this woman's experiment? She needs someone with "poor Karma." You are indeed the man for the job since you have no karma whatsoever! I'm sure they will love your name too. Should I tell them about you? What's your name and telephone number where you can be reached Snakelord? I promise I will give you a good reference. Anybody else want to provide a reference for SL's volunteer work? LOL

... might I inquire where they get the information from?

I told you where they got the information from. If you would like to pursue this subject a little more safely then you can stick with us christians. If you would rather deal with the occult directly, I am sorry, but you are on your own.

The priests got the information from the people they exorcised. It's really common information concerning the occult. I suggest you read about the subject. Whether you believe the occult has a spiritual basis or not, it is well worth your time to read about what it is doing to our young people's minds. Here in the U.S. it is a problem. Haven't you heard about the columbine high school massacre, teen suicides, etc? There is a strong correlation with the occult. Read about it. I gave you the link. Have you checked it out. Listen to the audio messages on the link -- they are straight forward and down to earth about the reasons why people are getting involved in the occult. Are you oblivious to this trend?

Here is a forum that can get you in touch with the reality of the occult on planet earth. Surely someone there can answer about any question you might have. I notice it gets heavier traffic than the entire philosophy section of sciforums. Why don't you do some of the work for a change? Here is the link:


As with the mass majority of your posts, you're talking complete garbage. I really do find it tragic that some people end up this way, deluded past the point of safe return.

You don't even have a clue about what you are talking about, not even the slightest clue. I'll try to forgive your ignorance. It's like this Snakelord -- consider Satanists an extremer form of religion than the Koresh and Jim Jones ilk. Leaving their "family" is a fatal decison. They (satanists) commit criminal acts. Do you think they want people running around and telling about it? Try to picture in your mind a group of psychopaths that love killing people (like Charles Manson). Manson is a satanist. Read up on it. Have you not read about Sharon Tate and what they did to her baby? This is the types of minds we are talking about. Manson is about par for the satanist cults. Will you deny in your own mind that this even happened? What is your rational explanation as a psychologist? (I'm beginning to wonder if you really are one).

Sentence two was the only sentence worth saying.

Have you ever met someone with multiple personailty disorder? How do they get that way? How about tramatic experience? Did the huge cigarette burn scars all over her body come from nowhere? You discounted them as meaningless. I am beginning to tire of this discussion. I will get in touch with the pastor of that church if you want me to. This woman is a very shy individual, and this is understandable after the torture she went through as a child including physical, sexual abuse and LSD while she was a child.

Lol, now I know you've been watching too much X-Files.

It is sadistic to laugh at people's misfortune. They are real people that are trying to cope in this world after unthinkable abuse, and you are laughing. You are not talking like a professional. You are showing no human empathy. I am indeed reaching my limit.

I too have watched the X-files, twilight zone, night gallery, outer limits, and other shows. They are entertaining, but that is where it ends. It is nothing more than entertainment.

I am not entertained by the problems our young people are being indoctrinated with, with the alarming rate of teen suicides, and the brain damage caused by the likes of Marylin Manson and others. This is not funny, it is as serious as a heart attack. Haven't you ever had a patient that was into the occult? Don't say it doesn't exist. I was in the occult. I don't need a second hand witness to tell me about it. MW's husband was in the occult. It sounds like a pretty common issue to me. Do you not encounter this as a professional? Or do you just deal with problems you can deal with?

What power would that be then?

Why don't you read up on it. I have told about some of it already.

Ok, what's his name and address?

I know him but I am not about to give it out. Consider him under the witness protection program. Perhaps you can understand after looking at the links I provided above. He believes rightly or wrongly that certain ilk in this world are out to kill him because of the people he is trying to help. I will get in touch with him. By the way, Ken has not responded to my email inquiry. I might give him another telephone call. This is not free on my part. It's my nickle and who am I spending it on -- you.

Already have. You really want to know the response?

Yes I would, and I would also like to see what you asked in it's original unedited form.

May Lenny the Leprechaun be with you.

Never heard of him. :rolleyes:

Do you have a book about Lenny, and do two billion people believe there is a Lenny? If so, then we have something reasonable to discuss. Otherwise it adds nothing to the conversation. It sounds like you don't really want a conversation.

Perhaps you can take Lenny with you to that human sacrifice experiment. I'd rather have God myself.
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Woody: Because their robes were like a monk's robe. The robes were brown and there was a pull chord around the waist. The hoods on their head were round and came to a point in the back. These guys were in their mid to late 20's. I already described one of them. The other guy was kind of pudgy and had curly kinky red hair and freckles.
M*W: With all due respect, they sound like stupid kids. What I meant when I asked "why do you think they were monks," I meant real monks, not necessarily by what they were wearing. I have a friend who is a biochemistry professor and an Episcopal priest. He had been a catholic priest and decided to marry. Anyhoo, he is brilliant, and we've had many discussions about spirituality. He told me that there were some saints back in the day who levitated, and one of them levitated so high up that he got caught in a tree. I don't remember his name. The other monks, if that's what they were, had to levitate up to him and get him untangled from the tree branches. I recently read about some eastern sect that levitates from a sitting position. I thought monks were old, but I know they have to start from somewhere. I think that if they were truly some kind of religious monk, they wouldn't have fled the scene.
Woody: Many years ago one of my brothers worked in a lab where one of the girls was a professed witch. He said she was a real weirdo. Anyway, on halloween she came to work in her witch clothes. They were black and there was a hood she would pull over her head with eye holes in it. My brother said it pretty well freaked him out. It was odviously an expensive outfit, not something you buy at the gag gift shop. She said she wore it to her witch get togethers. It was her witch wear.
M*W: There are such stores, and of course the Internet, where people can buy these things, and they're not cheap.

I provide you with the same link I gave SL. See it for yourself:

Occult Forum

By the way they are really into the gnostic gospels you talk about. You might be right at home.

I hope they don't shutdown that forum, until you at least get a chance to look at it.

Other occult forums strangely disappear. You better look while you can.

Somehow I became a member over there. I did not volunteer.
Woody [URL= said:

Do you have a book about Lenny, and do two billion people believe there is a Lenny? If so, then we have something reasonable to discuss. Otherwise it adds nothing to the conversation. Perhaps you can take Lenny I'd rather have God myself.
I feel terribly sad,(really I do) for you woody you dont seem to have a very happy life. and to be a member of such a sad forum ( occult forum) no wonder your seeing demons in the shadows.
try to remember that all this demon stuff is just fantasy, once you have that solidly set in your head you'll have no fear of this silly stuff no more.

on a humourous note whats wrong with our lenny, he's a nice little Leprechaun.
Woody: No digression at all, it's your account of what you saw. Sometimes it is hard to believe your eyes. I can agree to that.

I was dealing with the Yaqui Indian method of sorcery. What was you exhubby doing with the occult? Is he still alive and well?
M*W: He was a chemist and electronic communication specialist for the USAF. He had a very high position in war plans and spent a lot of time at NATO and Washington, DC. He came from a good Italian family who were devout Catholics. Just a little background info. He was weird, but I was young and stupid. I didn't see all the strangeness about him, because I was still blinded by all the wealth and power. Four children later, I had wised up. He was in everything to experimenting with chemicals in the garage, catching fire to it once. He created some kind of skin paint out of potassium promaganate and painted his friend who was a jazz saxophone player to turn him into an Afro-American. Let's just say that he looked like the negative of Michael Jackson. He used the Ouija Board, and I burned the damn thing after a bad experience. He always read books on the occult. He was psychotic, and he even tried to build a time machine. He was scientifically inclined, but his delusions got in the way of anything positive. He is still alive, but I cannot say "well." He's a scorch-the-Earth christian, but no longer a Catholic. I left Germany in 1981, and brought my children back to Texas where I raised them alone. He never paid any child support. He had a couple of children out of wedlock, one was born while we were still in Germany. He was a sex addict, but not in a husbandly kind of way. His perversion led him to have sex with anything that couldn't get away from him, like women, men, children and farm animals. No kidding. His psychosis ended up getting him court martialed, and he even had the gall to bring his girlfriend and baby to the courtroom! I was there, too, and like a fool, I testified on his behalf! I thought that was what I should do at the time. He remained in Germany, married yet another woman, and had two more daughters. My two eldest kids remembered him from when they were very young. My two youngest daughters didn't even know who he was when they saw his picture at their grandparents house. We remained close to his family who lived in the same city. Their gone now, and he returned from Germany to cash in on the estate. He is still delusional, and my children don't want to have anything to do with him. Well, he's made no effort whatsoever to contact them, so it works for us. The situation with his other family is thus: they have an open marriage and 'swing.' He always wanted to do that when I was married to him, but I refused. Now, his passtime is preaching at a pentecostal church, or even on the sidewalk, wherever he can get an audience.
Woody: The Jesuit priests are the ones that have been doing it from what I have heard. The Jesuits are the mafia for the vatican.
M*W: The Jesuits are the only members of the RCC who can exorcise demons. Maybe the demons got to them!
Woody: By the way, while I was doing a search on the Jesuits I came across a very interesting forum. I might start spending some more time over there:

Christian Forum

But then y'all might miss me :D
M*W: Well, you would probably fit right in. We need our token christians on the religon forum, though, otherwise, us atheists
wouldn't have anyone to pick on.
Pavlos said,

I feel terribly sad,(really I do) for you woody you dont seem to have a very happy life. and to be a member of such a sad forum ( occult forum) no wonder your seeing demons in the shadows.

Pavlos, I discovered the forum today while I was searching for Marylin Manson web sites. I am trying to show somebody that there are people that practice the occult. When people like SL and Audible make it sound like it's all bogus crap, it really irks me off.

I assure you that I am not a volunteer member of the occult forum, but nevertheless I became one by linking to it from this web site. I am just warning you that they must have some agressive capabilities for probing your computer identity. Beware. :cool:
Why don't you ask some people first hand that are involved in this practice?

Like who? Some unknown nobody on the other side of the internet like yourself who has, with his ongoing fantasy fiction stories, not once been able to provide worthwhile evidence for any of them?

You tell a story, I ask for evidence, you then change the subject and start another story, I then ask for evidence... etc etc.

As backup for your claims the best you have managed to provide is that you got told all of this by a priest. You have also provided a worthless link to a forum that not once in it's pages contains anyone saying they personally go around killing virgins and religious people.

I would kindly ask that for once you actually provide substantial evidence or just stfu, because you are doing yourself more harm than good. I can't honestly sit here and consider it worth my time talking to you like an adult, because you clearly are not one. Instead you waffle on about complete garbage that you have not got the balls or ability to back up. And it gets worse, with you even attempting to show certain rock bands as devil worshippers based upon their band logos.

While I am aware there are some sadistic people out there, I would like you to show me one substantiated case of organised satanic ritual involving the death of virgins, religious people or newborn babies.

Does this subject scare you?

Dude please, I'm more scared of the teletubbies.

Umm... Snakelord... ummm.. Snakelord.... are you still there Snakelord?

Yes, why continue acting like a child?

What do you suppose this means: "providing a body and pushing out the soul so an intelligence can snatch it?" Tell me who's the crazy one here Snakelord.

Ah, so you use some person's post, (a person you don't know), on a forum that you don't frequent as justification that people are going round slaughtering virgins and priests?

The post in issue was actually talking about summoning the dead, which you shouldn't have a problem with considering just earlier you were talking all happily about Ken, and what a wonderful thing it is.

But I suppose everytime you see someone wearing goth clothes, it proves the existence of vampires?

Would you like to volunteer for this woman's experiment? She needs someone with "poor Karma." You are indeed the man for the job since you have no karma whatsoever! I'm sure they will love your name too.

You truly are pathetic.

Should I tell them about you? What's your name and telephone number where you can be reached Snakelord?

Go for it. You'll probably find any details you need in my profile. They can happily contact me at I couldn't honestly give a shit.

I told you where they got the information from. If you would like to pursue this subject a little more safely then you can stick with us christians. If you would rather deal with the occult directly, I am sorry, but you are on your own.

Christians and occult are both irrelevant. I'm talking hard facts, police documents etc. Just because you're a fool who will trust the word of one priest that probably spends his time looking at kids in their underwear does not make it sufficient for everyone. Let's be honest here.. You have provided nothing, but just keep changing stories and subject everytime I question it. All your links to moronic websites doesn't help.

You're full of shit. That's a fact.

The priests got the information from the people they exorcised.

So who are these priests and where do they work? Or are you just getting this information fresh of the internet? What I'm asking you is do you have actual knowledge of this, or just what you read?

You've been telling me that you speak to this priest, and know that person, and know the satanic girl who's on your choir etc etc, but then keep giving me links to worthless websites. For someone who claims to know them all personally, you certainly don't have anything to back that up with.

it is well worth your time to read about what it is doing to our young people's minds.

Or more precisely what it is doing to your mind. You've quite clearly lost the plot.

Haven't you heard about the columbine high school massacre, teen suicides, etc?

People kill others and people kill themselves. What does it have to do with sacrificing priests and virgins?

There is a strong correlation with the occult.

How so?

Read about it. I gave you the link.

The problem is that your links are always worthless. I can give you some links to websites and forums that claim alien abduction or that Elvis is still alive. That doesn't instantly mean people are abducted and that Elvis is actually still alive. You don't seem to understand that very simple reality.

Why don't you do some of the work for a change?

OK, let me fill you in on something...

You make the claims, you back it up. That's how it works. If you don't like it, don't make the claims. What, you honestly thought that you could just spew your Ken and his ouija board crap and everyone would be forced to believe every word?

You don't even have a clue about what you are talking about, not even the slightest clue.

You are entitled to that opinion.

It's like this Snakelord -- consider Satanists an extremer form of religion than the Koresh and Jim Jones ilk.

Neither of which were involved with any form of satanic ritual. Koresh was a full hearted christian.

They (satanists) commit criminal acts.

So do criminals and christians. Is that how you 'find' a satanist? Look for the nearest person who's committed a crime?

Do you think they want people running around and telling about it?

Well obviously they bloody well do. You've told me to check this and that website, read this and that book, you even said: "It's really common information concerning the occult", which would imply that they are running around telling people about it. Man, you can't even argue a point without fudging it up.

Try to picture in your mind a group of psychopaths that love killing people (like Charles Manson). Manson is a satanist.

What makes him a satanist? Are you aware his aliases were "jesus christ" and "god"? That doesn't imply satan worship but religious fanaticism.

Read up on it. Have you not read about Sharon Tate and what they did to her baby?

Yes, but doing something horrible does not make you a satanist.

Will you deny in your own mind that this even happened? What is your rational explanation as a psychologist?

Why would I deny it happened? How would me giving a rational explanation to crime make anyone any more or less of a satanist? But here you are trying to claim every criminal and murderer as a satanist, when the evidence suggests nothing of the sort. You are merely clutching at straws, and have mistakingly accused several religious christians as satanists - manson/koresh.

Have you ever met someone with multiple personailty disorder? How do they get that way? How about tramatic experience? Did the huge cigarette burn scars all over her body come from nowhere? You discounted them as meaningless.

I discounted them as meaningless with regards to showing any signs of satanism or satanic rituals. The best counter argument to that is that the burns didn't come from nowhere, and as a result satan or a satanist must be the culprit?

Now I know nothing about this particular person, but the burns are most likely self inflicted - which would be quite normal when concerned with anxiety disorders or ocd's. I would like to know whether her parents were ever charged and prisoned for any of these supposed events.

I will get in touch with the pastor of that church if you want me to.

You keep saying things like this but they're of no value whatsoever. I am still patiently waiting for the name of the airport, and dates concerning the crash of the plane.

It is sadistic to laugh at people's misfortune. They are real people that are trying to cope in this world after unthinkable abuse, and you are laughing.

You exhibit no real signs of illness, and you're not my patient. What I can gather from our conversations is that you're a teenager with an extremely active imagination, few friends and a habit of lying.

You are not talking like a professional.

Are you implying that I have to me my job 24/7? Everytime I go to a restaurant and see a couple arguing should I counsel them? Everytime someone shouts in public should I ask what problems they have in life? If I get into a position with a mugger who wants to stab me should I refrain from trying to save my life and ask him about his relationship with his mother?

You are showing no human empathy. I am indeed reaching my limit.

I'm sorry, why are you in need of my empathy?

with the alarming rate of teen suicides

Alarming rate? Can you provide statistics concerning that?

and the brain damage caused by the likes of Marylin Manson and others.

I don't specifically like his music either, but let's not be silly.

Haven't you ever had a patient that was into the occult?

Can't say I have.. But I have met people who've told me they're jesus. Should I believe them?

I was in the occult.

Doing what exactly?

MW's husband was in the occult.

Yeah, and without trying to slur MW or her family, she did say he also tried to build a time machine. Doesn't that tell you something? Did she not also say "delusions"? But hey, you ask her if her husband actually sacrificed any virgins or priests and gained any super powers from it.

It sounds like a pretty common issue to me.

What because two people say they were/or knew someone who was into strange things? Have either of you sacrificed a virgin or priest?

Do you not encounter this as a professional?

Actually no, I don't.

Or do you just deal with problems you can deal with?

That's a silly question. But are you asking me to believe everything I'm told, to take it as complete truth?

Why don't you read up on it. I have told about some of it already.

No you haven't. You said pissing on priests and killing virgins gives them powers, you didn't say what powers it gives them. Can they fly, teleport from one location to another? Specifics please.

I will get in touch with him.

Yeah, I've heard this before. Undoubtedly you'll come back in a day and tell me you've phoned him and his great great great... grandmother was Irish.

Yes I would, and I would also like to see what you asked in it's original unedited form.

Basically I mentioned that I was having a discussion with a forum user who had mentioned about a survey they had done showing the increase of witch/occult related issues and it's impact on youth. I pasted some of your post to them. The reply was that unfortunately you must be mistaken.

Now hopefully we can show a very valid point here, which would also hopefully make you finally understand it's importance. I have no evidence or proof for what I've just said. I can't give you a copy of the email because it was sent via one of those 'leave us a message here' boxes as opposed to via my email.

What position does that leave you in? Without me providing the required evidence and data you wont believe it.. right?

Now do you see why I ask the same from you when you make claims?

But to straighten the matter out, I haven't as of yet received any communication from them.

Do you have a book about Lenny, and do two billion people believe there is a Lenny?

So you're saying that the more people who believe in something, the more real it is? But I hate to get all christian on you, but it isn't about books and followers.. It's about faith.

Isn't that what your kind keep telling the rest of us? Oh but the minute it's something other than your personal faith, you instantly throw faith out the window and get back in tune with reality.

Otherwise it adds nothing to the conversation. It sounds like you don't really want a conversation.

What is this blithering garbage? You said may a fictional being be with me, so I said may a fictional being be with you. Yes, it adds nothing to the conversation, but you were the one who brought it up. Why can't I do it if you can?

Go read the posts firsthand. They will tell you about the powers they get from their rituals. You did ask.

Why don't you go and look for yourself?

I learned that Bael provides invisibility. They have a whole list of the demons they evoke and the powers they gain.

Honestly, Why do you think they are over there talking about that stuff on the occult forum? What is your reasonable explanation?

My reasonable explanation is they practice that crap.

You asked for first hand evidence. Well why don't you get off your fat lazy ass and take a look dude?
what I like to know woody, is why your a member, and why you keep promoting this occult forum.
Jesus says "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves." Matt 7:15

Who did you send your post to?

Basically I mentioned that I was having a discussion with a forum user who had mentioned about a survey they had done showing the increase of witch/occult related issues and it's impact on youth. I pasted some of your post to them. The reply was that unfortunately you must be mistaken.

I will, once again copy and paste the stuff ,ver batim from Dave Benoit's site:

List of occult statistics

Just scroll past the pictures and you will find every bit of it. The article is titled "Pastor Did You Know"?

If they can't agree with their own statistics, then why is it on their web page? Did you point that out to them?

This is getting to be a ridiculous waste of time. Can we stop the friction, and try to get somewhere with this?