How it is like to have a Muslim in your Family ?

No problem, I want to learn from you as well, I dont want to convert any on, I want mutual understanding and respect.
Proud_Muslim said:
No problem, I want to learn from you as well, I dont want to convert any on, I want mutual understanding and respect.

Well this is great! You are a Muslim and I am a Christian however we are both people first and foremost and so far our personal exchange has been nothing but civil.

I sense no animosity from you. I wouldnt criticise your faith and I am assuming you wouldnt criticise mine.

I would like to learn more as I have proved I know very little about Islam, far less than you obviously know of the Christian scripture.

Maybe our exchanges could set a new tone?


c20H25N3o said:
I sense no animosity from you. I wouldnt criticise your faith and I am assuming you wouldnt criticise mine.
LOL! Ah to be that innocent again;)... You obviously have not read through all of PM's posts on here.:rolleyes: Well hopefully for your sake he will live up to his end of the bargain.
Bells said:
LOL! Ah to be that innocent again;)... You obviously have not read through all of PM's posts on here.:rolleyes: Well hopefully for your sake he will live up to his end of the bargain.

Actually you are wrong Bells with all due respect. I have read countless posts and come to the conclusion that nobody gets anything out of them, either PM or anyone else.
Respect breeds respect.


In fact given the title of this thread I am kind of hoping that Proud Muslim will become the Muslim in my online family.
I didnt pay too much attention at school when it came to history and social science and stuff and he has a fantastic knowledge of his own culture.
I am a little humbled by it actually. i guess I just want to tease out the real person and learn more. I dont think he has been given the opportunity to instruct a humble pupil on these boards before. I dont mind sitting down and listening with my gob shut. As long as he is patient and can answer difficult questions then all will be well.
In fact if you are reading this Proud Muslim and would like to start a thread called Proud Muslim Teaches Humble Christian, I think it would make an excellent read as long as others leave it be.
Might make up for all those wasted lessons at school :)


Proud_Muslim said:
It was not written by man !! it was transfered from the prophet mouth into papers by his companions, and no, it is NOT possible that these companions may have misinterpreted what was told to them because the prophet himself was supervising what they were writting.

if he couldn't read, how did he know what was being written? for all he knew, they were writing the praises of YHWH, who he called "allah", but which his followers thought he meant that crescent-moon god of the Kabah in Mecca

so how did he supervise them again? this time use logic for your response
c20H25N3o said:
Well this is great! You are a Muslim and I am a Christian however we are both people first and foremost and so far our personal exchange has been nothing but civil.

I sense no animosity from you. I wouldnt criticise your faith and I am assuming you wouldnt criticise mine.

I would like to learn more as I have proved I know very little about Islam, far less than you obviously know of the Christian scripture.

Maybe our exchanges could set a new tone?



Deal !! I hope you can read also through my pervious posts to see by yourself how people here LIE about me !!
Randolfo said:
if he couldn't read, how did he know what was being written? for all he knew, they were writing the praises of YHWH, who he called "allah", but which his followers thought he meant that crescent-moon god of the Kabah in Mecca

so how did he supervise them again? this time use logic for your response

What a credible link you are using ?? :rolleyes:

Remember, we are talking about a PROPHET FROM GOD not an ordinary it ?
Shia, Sunna and Ebaddi are not different religions. They are only different in few points (which is not about Islam).
Some think that in the Judgment day people will see God. Some think that God is much greater than to be seen (people just feel him and never see him).
Some think that whoever goes to hell will remain there forever; some think that who goes there will be punished by being there for a while then goes to haven.
some believe that the Holy Koran is one of God’s creations, where some says God said what is written over there and did not created this Holy book.
These differences are not in the way of living or who or how to worship, it's just different analysis that you are not even asked to bother yourself about them.
Outside forces have been always trying to fanfare between Muslims but never succeeded seriously.
Proud_Muslim said:
What a credible link you are using ?? :rolleyes:

Remember, we are talking about a PROPHET FROM GOD not an ordinary it ?

He was an ordinary man or even less than ordinary IMO, he killed people, he had slaves, he got angry etc etc.
How is it that classifying all muslims in a certain way, like that which is directly implied by the phrase "a muslim" in the context of "how is it like to have a muslim in your family", how is that remotely valid?

What exactly is it that you think can be validly stated about "a muslim"?

It is, IMO, ignorant prejudice to present "a muslim" in any particular light... especially in the context of "what it's like to have one in your family".
He was by far the most remarkable man that ever set foot on this earth. He preached a religion, founded a state, built a nation, laid down a moral code, initiated numerous social and political reforms, established a powerful and dynamic society to practice and represent his teachings and completely revolutionized the worlds of human thought and behavior for all times to come.
"HIS NAME IS MUHAMMAD" May Peace of God Be Upon Him (pbuh) He was born in Arabia in the year 570 C.E. (common era), started his mission of preaching the religion of Truth, Islam (submission to One God) at the age of forty and departed from this world at the age of sixty-three. During this short period of 23 years of his Prophethood, he changed the complete Arabian peninsula from paganism and idolatry to worship of One God, from tribal quarrels and wars to national solidarity and cohesion, from drunkenness and debauchery to sobriety and piety, from lawlessness and anarchy to disciplined living, from utter bankruptcy to the highest standards of moral excellence. Human history has never known such a complete transformation of a people or a place before or since - and IMAGINE all these unbelievable wonders in JUST OVER TWO DECADES.
Lamartine, the renowned historian speaking on the essentials of human greatness wonders: "If greatness of purpose, smallness of means and astounding results are the three criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modern history with Muhammad? The most famous men created arms, laws and empires only. They founded, if anything at all, no more than material powers which often crumbled away before their eyes. This man moved not only armies, legislation, empires, peoples and dynasties, but millions of men in one-third of the then inhabited world; and more than that, he moved the altars, the gods, the religions, the ideas, the beliefs and souls....his forbearance in victory, his ambition, which was entirely devoted to one idea and in no manner striving for an empire; his endless prayers, his mystic conversations with God, his death and his triumph after death; all these attest not to an imposture but to a firm conviction which gave him the power to restore a dogma. This dogma was two-fold, the unity of God and the immateriality of God; the former telling what God is, the latter telling what God is not; the one overthrowing false gods with the sword, the other starting an idea with the words.
"Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images, the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is MUHAMMAD. As regards all the standards by which Human Greatness may be measured, we may well ask, IS THERE ANY MAN GREATER THAN HE?" (Lamartine, HISTOIRE DE LA TURQUIE, Paris, 1854, Vol. II, pp 276-277)

you really should stop talking about things you don't know or base on anti-Islamic stupid sources.
Rappaccini said:
So, Wes, what's it like to have a female in your family?

I don't know I've got three. (joke you see)


Okay so you think that muslims as a category is comparable to as women as a category?

You're wanting to go the generalization route?

Yeah okay. There are a lot of exceptions. Consider our former atheist muslim.
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Just checking, you know?

Have you learned any ideological and moral lessons and/or guiding/epistemological principles from them lately?

Have you found their presense helpful or detrimental to your development as a contemplative and reponsible human being?

Tell me, what is it like?


Damn you and your "editing," Wes.

Yes, I'm comparing the use of the group women to the use of the group Muslims, to great effect, I might add.
I'm in agreement with you, comrade. I'm just being backwards and nonchalant about it.