How it is like to have a Muslim in your Family ?

"No, christians would not be guilty of idol worshiping because christians worship a man and not the one who created him."

The message of Jesus was even more profound, that not only was he a manifestation of god, but that so are you. That is why you shouldn't kill your brother humans, because you are killing God. God is not only three, he is trillions, and one, and infinite. It is not possible to worship God, since no one has a complete conception of it.
Proud_Muslim said:
Western nations hate each others, compete with each others and fought and killed each others, first you have to identify a western ideology in which muslims might convert to !

That's right. Islamic nations never kill anyone.

Proud_Muslim said:
What a trap !!

What question mark !!
spidergoat said:
"No, christians would not be guilty of idol worshiping because christians worship a man and not the one who created him."

The message of Jesus was even more profound, that not only was he a manifestation of god, but that so are you. That is why you shouldn't kill your brother humans, because you are killing God. God is not only three, he is trillions, and one, and infinite. It is not possible to worship God, since no one has a complete conception of it.

The message of Jesus (pbuh ) was to worship ALLAH alone, the christians got it wrong and started worshiping Jesus instead !! :(
Proud_Muslim said:
wishful thinking !! there was so much talk about shia-sunni fighting in Iraq ! it did not happen and wont happen.

Show me where in the whole history of Islam, shias and sunnis fought each others as the christians did in Europe in the middle ages ?

Some info from history here

first the start of it all
Husayn's band of 200 men and women refused to surrender and finally were cut down by a force of perhaps 4,000 Umayyad troops. Yazid I received Husayn's head, and Husayn's death on the tenth of Muharram
Then later incidents in the area of Iraq and Iran only
In 747, Abu Muslim's army attacked the Umayyads and occupied Iraq. In 750, Abd al Abbas (not a Shia) was established in Baghdad as the first caliph of the Abbasid Dynasty

Disappointed, the Iranians began to break away from Abbasid control. A series of local dynasties appeared: the Tahirids (821- 873), the Suffarids (867-ca. 1495), and the Samanids (819-1005). The same process was repeated in the West: Spain broke away in 756, Morocco in 788, Tunisia in 800, and Egypt in 868. In Iraq there was trouble in the south. In 869, Ali ibn Muhammad (Ali the Abominable) founded a state of black slaves known as Zanj. The Zanj brought a large part of southern Iraq and southwestern Iran under their control and in the process enslaved many of their former masters. The Zanj Rebellion was finally put down in 883, but not before it had caused great suffering.

In 945, after subjugating western Iran, a military family known as the Buwayhids occupied Baghdad. Shias from the Iranian province of Daylam south of the Caspian Sea, the Buwayhids continued to permit Sunni Abbasid caliphs to ascend to the throne. The humiliation of the caliphate at being manipulated by Shias, and by Iranian ones at that, was immense.

The Buwayhids were ousted in 1055 by another group of Turkic speakers, the Seljuks. The Seljuks were the ruling clan of the Kinik group of the Oghuz (or Ghuzz) Turks, who lived north of the Oxus River. Their leader, Tughril Beg, turned his warriors first against the local ruler in Khorasan. He moved south and then west, conquering but not destroying the cities in his path. In 1055 the caliph in Baghdad gave Tughril Beg robes, gifts, and the title, "King of the East." Because the Seljuks were Sunnis, their rule was welcomed in Baghdad. They treated the caliphs with respect, but the latter continued to be only figureheads.
During the ottoman period
The Ottomans, fearing that Shia Islam would spread to Anatolia (Asia Minor), sought to maintain Iraq as a Sunni-controlled buffer state. In 1509 the Safavids, led by Ismail Shah (1502-24), conquered Iraq, thereby initiating a series of protracted battles with the Ottomans. In 1514 Sultan Selim the Grim attacked Ismail's forces and in 1535 the Ottomans, led by Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent (1520-66), conquered Baghdad from the Safavids. The Safavids reconquered Baghdad in 1623 under the leadership of Shah Abbas (1587-1629), but they were expelled in 1638 after a series of brilliant military maneuvers by the dynamic Ottoman sultan, Murad IV

By the seventeenth century, the frequent conflicts with the Safavids had sapped the strength of the Ottoman Empire and had weakened its control over its provinces. In Iraq, tribal authority once again dominated; the history of nineteenth-century Iraq is a chronicle of tribal migrations and of conflict
This took no more than a minute to find PM an in depth search will undoubtedly reveal more you live in an islamic fairytale ;)
The message of Jesus (pbuh ) was to worship ALLAH alone, the christians got it wrong and started worshiping Jesus instead !!

There is no difference, there are no boundries, that's the good news (gospel).
Proud_Muslim said:
No, christians would not be guilty of idol worshiping because christians worship a man and not the one who created him.

The Quran made it very clear, those christians who say God is three are heretics and are condemned to hell.
There's a loving message. You prattle on about how you don't hate Christians but then come out with a statement of how they will all be condemned to hell. :rolleyes:

Tell me something PM, you say that Christians will be condemned to hell for believing in the trinity which consists of the father, the son AND the holy spirit (not God divided into 3.. you just don't get it), but you spend half your time here praising Mohammed and saying how holy he was, as though you worshipped him. So now you're telling me that you do not worship Mohammed in any way, shape or form? You don't hold his words or actions to be holy as Christians believe Jesus' actions and words to be holy?

The title of this thread asks how a Christian would treat a Muslim in their family. I can tell you from my family's experience is that the Muslim converts in my family and their spouses are treated like every other member in the family. We don't treat them as being any different. They participate in all the family events and we in theirs... these include Christmas, Easter, Ramadan, etc. We're a family and we stick together and all the holidays are celebrated together. If there's a wedding or christening in a church, they attend. In fact my cousin's Muslim husband was best man at her brother's wedding a couple of years ago.

Never once have any of my Muslim relatives ever dared to assume as you have that the Christian members of our family will be condemned to hell for believing in the holy trinity. I guess they are more educated than you are PM.

I think a better question to ask you PM and to ask in this thread is this. How would you treat any member of your family who converted to Christianity? Would you be so presumptious to tell them that they would be condemned to hell for believing in the holy trinity? Would you welcome them into your home and your heart or would you shun them?
Bells said:
There's a loving message. You prattle on about how you don't hate Christians but then come out with a statement of how they will all be condemned to hell.

I think you are very confused, I did not condemn them to hell, it is GOD who condemned them to hell for worshiping his prophet instead of God !

Tell me something PM, you say that Christians will be condemned to hell for believing in the trinity which consists of the father, the son AND the holy spirit (not God divided into 3.. you just don't get it), but you spend half your time here praising Mohammed and saying how holy he was, as though you worshipped him. So now you're telling me that you do not worship Mohammed in any way, shape or form? You don't hold his words or actions to be holy as Christians believe Jesus' actions and words to be holy?

Muslims dont worship Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ), this would mean heresy, Muslims respect and follow the path of prophet Muahmmad (pbuh ), abide by his words but certainly dont worship him, we worship the one who created him.

The title of this thread asks how a Christian would treat a Muslim in their family. I can tell you from my family's experience is that the Muslim converts in my family and their spouses are treated like every other member in the family. We don't treat them as being any different. They participate in all the family events and we in theirs... these include Christmas, Easter, Ramadan, etc. We're a family and we stick together and all the holidays are celebrated together. If there's a wedding or christening in a church, they attend. In fact my cousin's Muslim husband was best man at her brother's wedding a couple of years ago.

Wonderful ! this only shows how Muslims are flexible and tolerant.

Never once have any of my Muslim relatives ever dared to assume as you have that the Christian members of our family will be condemned to hell for believing in the holy trinity. I guess they are more educated than you are PM.

LOOOOOOOOOOOL !! How funny !! ask them ( your muslim family memebrs ) wheather christians who believe jesus is God will go to heaven or hell ? I will wait for you to come back to me on that !! :rolleyes:

I think a better question to ask you PM and to ask in this thread is this. How would you treat any member of your family who converted to Christianity? Would you be so presumptious to tell them that they would be condemned to hell for believing in the holy trinity? Would you welcome them into your home and your heart or would you shun

The thread is about christians converting to islam, but I dont mind answering you since I have some respect for you for your honesty !

I dont mind someone from my family converting to christianity, after all, it is not me who will judge them, it is GOD who will, but given the current situation, it is christians who are leaving the false doctrine of man worshiping and converting to the only one true religion of Islam:

And this one from TEXAS:
Proud_Muslim said:
LOOOOOOOOOOOL !! How funny !! ask them ( your muslim family memebrs ) wheather christians who believe jesus is God will go to heaven or hell ? I will wait for you to come back to me on that !! :rolleyes:
You do realise that Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God don't you? Hence the notion of the father, son and the holy spirit. And I have discussed this issue with them several times and the response is always the same... 'don't be an idiot, christians believe that Jesus is the son of God and no one knows who goes to hell or heaven..'. I've asked them what Muslims think of the holy trinity and they've always replied that it is the belief of Christians and no one knows whether they are right or wrong. As they quite rightly pointed out to me, the Bible, like the Quran, was ultimately written by man and interpretations can and are sometimes wrong. Man make mistakes and man should never dare to presume that because it is written, it will happen. As they have said several times, no one knows what God has planned and who will go to heaven or hell. After all, both religions could be wrong. No one knows. So until you die and see for yourself, don't try to assume or presume because you could be wrong. Instead, learn to respect the beliefs of others as you expect them to respect yours. It is not your place to tell someone that their religion or religious belief is wrong and that yours is the one true religion or belief. Especially when you make statements such as this:
but given the current situation, it is christians who are leaving the false doctrine of man worshiping and converting to the only one true religion of Islam:
Who are you to tell them that it is a false doctrine? You are not God to tell them so or to make such a statement. Who are you to say that it is a false doctrine? I would never dare to make such a statement about Islam, Christianity or any other religion on earth. Just because a greater number of people are converting to any religion, does not mean that the one with the higher conversion rate is the one true religion. It only means that those particular individuals have found their own truths in that religion or because that religion suits their needs at that particular point in time.
Bells said:
You do realise that Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God don't you? Hence the notion of the father, son and the holy spirit. And I have discussed this issue with them several times and the response is always the same... 'don't be an idiot, christians believe that Jesus is the son of God and no one knows who goes to hell or heaven..'. I've asked them what Muslims think of the holy trinity and they've always replied that it is the belief of Christians and no one knows whether they are right or wrong. As they quite rightly pointed out to me, the Bible, like the Quran, was ultimately written by man and interpretations can and are sometimes wrong.

You are LYING !!! No muslims will tell you the Quan is written by man !! try another lie bells !! shame on you, I thought you were bigger than that ! :mad:
Proud_Muslim said:
You are LYING !!! No muslims will tell you the Quan is written by man !! try another lie bells !! shame on you, I thought you were bigger than that ! :mad:
So the Quran was not a divine revelation given to man by God... man who then put it down to paper so that the word of God could be shared and shown to all? If you had bothered to read what I had written properly, you'd have realised that is what I had said. The Quran was ultimately written by man after the words of God was revealed to them. Therefore mistakes in the interpretations of those relevations and later interpretations could exist. Surely you are not telling me that God delivered the Quran as a book, bound and covered and man then just copied and distributed it. :rolleyes:
I agree with Bells totally.
If a person can't respect other's beliefs, then he/she has no reason to say that his/her religion is the only true one. This is nothing but pure arrogance.
In my personal opinion, the existence of God is still an unsolved matter, so how can people go on to talk about the messages of God. I think that since no one really knows if God exists or not and if 'It' exists does it interact with mankind or not, so no one should be really sure about all matters relating to God. However, I do realize that since the majority of the world is religious, my words will go unheard!
Proud_Muslim said:
dont lie again bells !! the smell is unbearable.

Ok then PM my dear, tell me how did the Quran come about into print? Did the Quran appear magically as is in the first place? Or was it revealed to a man?
So educate me and tell me in your own words how the Quran came into print?

Telling me that I'm a liar is not good enough PM. I keep thinking back to the childhood days of 'liar liar pants on fire'. Answer the questions that I asked.
Well bells, your question indicates geniune interest in knowing the answer, and I am going to answer you:

tell me how did the Quran come about into print? Did the Quran appear magically as is in the first place? Or was it revealed to a man?

The Quran was revealed from God to prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) through the angel Gabriel. the prophet recited what he recieved to his companions who wrote it down straight away from his mouth. before the death of prophet muhammad (pbuh) the quran was complete.

So as you can see, it was not written by man.
Thank you PM for answering me.

Now that we have established that it was written by man (as in the companions who wrote it down from Muhammad's recitation), is it at all possible that these companions may have misinterpreted what was told to them by Muhammad?
According to the historians, which by the way are heavily biased, Muhammad couldn't read and write. Of course, he could talk and communicate. In the Arab of that time, only a few people from the upper class knew how to read and write. Muhammad belonged to the upper class, but still he didn't know how to read and write. I don't know if the historians are right or not, but there's a great probability that he didn't know reading and writing.

Actually, contrary to the common perception, Quran wasn't in a readable form when Muhammad died. People wrote the verses of Quran on leaves, stones, etc. Although the Quran was complete, i.e. there were no more revealations, but still it had to be organized. Part of the organization was done during the lifetime of Muhammad, but the rest of the work continued until the time of Caliph Usman (3rd Caliph). Muslims often ignore the fact that since most of the organization was done by the close companions of Muhammad, there's a chance that some mistakes were made. There's also a chance that some of the verses of Quran were lost!
PrinceOfDarkness said:
There's also a chance that some of the verses of Quran were lost!
How much were lost accidentally and how much were lost conveniently is a mystery.!