How it is like to have a Muslim in your Family ?

The point is, even with death threats muslims still convert to another religion. I guess Islam sucks that much.

And for people who convert to islam? Well suckers are being born every day. :D
haha I agree
Proud_Muslim said:
I have so many friends who converted from christianity ( the false religion ) to Islam ( the one true religion ) and they liked it so much !!
So you cannot accept the fact that there may have been some entities in this vast universe who decided to make the conversion from Islam to Christianity? Is Islam really that attractive and appealing to people that no muslim could possibly change their belief? (It certainly does not appeal to me) And IS Christianity so bad and full of junk that no-one in this world want the religion?! "nothing new for christians!!" ... HA! funny.. I in fact know a lot of new christians. Plus, what on earth gives you the right to say that Paula is lying?! Why would she lie, and do you have any sort of evidence whatsoever to support your idea? Wow there are just so many things wrong with PM's statements.
No offense, PM, but you are being very judgemental and hypercritical on a lot of things said by others. I admire your passion and enthusiasm about Islam, but they are also useless here.
What the heck makes you think Christianity is a "false religion"?! I am currently non-religious and I don't even think that! Also I may be no expert at Christianity, but it does not sound like you know a lot about the religion at all. Just because you don't believe in a religion, doesn't mean that you have the right to condemn it.
may I ask what is so great about Islam that it is the one and only true religion on the face of the Earth? :bugeye:
Bells made a lot of good points, I totally agree with him/her.
To know why Islam is great, you need to study it and research it, have you done any reading about Islam ?
I have done and continue to do quite abit of reading on islam and great would not be the word I would use to describe it.
Proud_Muslim said:
To know why Islam is great, you need to study it and research it, have you done any reading about Islam ?

Sigh... The same could be said for every religion PM. However, rarely have I heard someone claim that all other religions are false religions. To do so only shows that they are small minded and bigoted. Instead of respecting the religions of others, you denigrate and belittle them and state that they are false religions. Are you even aware of how bigotted you sound when you say something like that?

Actually, you know what? I don't even know why I bother.. It is a waste of time trying to even discuss anything with you. Especially in light of your 'holohoax' statement, I now truly realise that you do not understand. You are quite happy to insult and abuse the religions of others, but then cry foul when it's done to you. You had so many chances to take the higher ground, to be the better person, but instead you do worse. I think it is you who needs to study and read PM. I used to feel sorry for you sometimes because I saw how tough you had it in here, with so many people hating your religion. But while I pity the attitude against Muslims and Islam in general because they do not deserve the hate that is directed towards them, I do not feel any pity for you because whatever abuse you receive, you bring on yourself because of your attitude.

I have read and studied Islam for quite some time as a Muslim acquaintance tried to get me to convert when I was spiritually seeking. I decided to compare the Quran to the Bible and found the Bible much more meaningful. A series of personal experiences also influenced me but, the point is, it is quite possible to study carefully any religion, philosophy and or other belief system and accept or reject it from a point of knowledge.

To say that I am not a Muslim because I lack sufficient education is as insulting and incorrect as saying I am Christian because I indulge a blind and mindless faith. I have never made the reverse claim about Muslims. I assume Muslims are like Christians: some devout, some nominal, some are Muslims out of habit and some are Muslims after a good deal of study and deep thought. I have also never said Christians do not ever reject Christianity and convert to Islam or another religion or no religion, since it can be demonstrated that this happens.

I am trying to impress upon you that Muslims leave Islam and convert to other religions or none at all, every single day, and that this can also be demonstrated and has been. This is simply the result of living in a complex, interconnected world. Not every person who disagrees with you does so because they don't know any better. Sometimes it's because they do.
Paula said:

I have read and studied Islam for quite some time as a Muslim acquaintance tried to get me to convert when I was spiritually seeking. I decided to compare the Quran to the Bible and found the Bible much more meaningful.

Me too, I found the bible much more meaningful, here is some examples:


Incest is prohibited (Gen 35:22, 49:3-4, Lev 18:8, Deut 27:20).
Cain, Seth must have married their sisters, and their children must have married cousins (Gen 5)
Abraham marries his half-sister (Gen 20:12).
Lot's daughters have sex with him so that he will have descendants (Gen 19:30-38).
Reuben commits incest with his father's concubine (Gen 35:22).
Judah's daughter-in-law Tamar seduces him (Gen 38:14-18).
Amram marries his aunt Jochebed; these are Moses' parents (Ex 6:20).
Amnon rapes his sister Tamar 2 Sam 13:1ff, 1 Chr 3:9).

I tell you, very meaningful !! :rolleyes:

A series of personal experiences also influenced me but, the point is, it is quite possible to study carefully any religion, philosophy and or other belief system and accept or reject it from a point of knowledge.

Personal experiences !! did Jesus visit you in your bed room as most christians claim ?? or did he have dinner with you ? or did he give you a sign ?? :rolleyes:

I am trying to impress upon you that Muslims leave Islam and convert to other religions or none at all, every single day, and that this can also be demonstrated and has been.

Pure and blatant bullshit, some very few might choose to leave Islam but their numbers are very very insignificant comparing with those christians and atheists who are converting to islam:

And this one is for you ( being a lady ):

This is simply the result of living in a complex, interconnected world. Not every person who disagrees with you does so because they don't know any better. Sometimes it's because they do.

Not a single person in this forum know more about Islam than me, this is a fact.
Ladies and gentlemen of the forum, that whizzing sound you just heard was the point passing completely over Proud Muslim's head.
Proud_Muslim said:
Personal experiences !! did Jesus visit you in your bed room as most christians claim ?? or did he have dinner with you ? or did he give you a sign ?? :rolleyes:
You degenerate! You really are disgusting. She replies to you with respect and that's how you treat her?

Pure and blatant bullshit, some very few might choose to leave Islam but their numbers are very very insignificant comparing with those christians and atheists who are converting to islam:
Why do you call it bullshit? The fact is PM that Muslims convert to Christianity, just like Christians convert to Islam and also other religions. If you deny that this happens, then you are completely blind to reality.

Not a single person in this forum know more about Islam than me, this is a fact.
My my, so much for Muslims supposedly behaving modestly and with humility and not with such an amount of vanity. :rolleyes:

"The people who truly do believe in Our Signs are those who fall to the ground prostrating when they are reminded of them, and glorify their Lord with praise, and are not arrogant" (Surat as-Sajda: 15), one of the most important conditions of faith is modesty. Therefore, as this verse explains, believers are always modest, being aware that Allah does not love anyone who is vain or boastful (Surat an-Nisa' : 36):

And the servants of (Allah) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, "Peace!" (Surat al-Furqan: 63)

The words of the Prophet (saas) that have come down to us contain the excellent advice he gave to the faithful. One example is the advice he gave to his companion Muadh. It is reported that he spoke thus:

"O Muadh, I advise you: fear Allah, speak the truth, fulfil promise, pay up trust, give up breach of trust, save your neighbour, show kindness to orphans, be modest in talk, spread peace, do good deeds, stick to faith, earn knowledge about the Qur'an, love the next world, fear rendering of accounts...

And PM, you're selling yourself way too high. You forgot about Flores, Ghassan, Pakman, Outlandish, etc who know much more about Islam than you ever will. Show some humility and some modesty PM, because right now, you're sounding like as though you're so far up yourself, you can't see the sunshine.
Bells said:
And PM, you're selling yourself way too high. You forgot about Flores, Ghassan, Pakman, Outlandish, etc who know much more about Islam than you ever will. Show some humility and some modesty PM, because right now, you're sounding like as though you're so far up yourself, you can't see the sunshine.
Actually I really wish Pakman would post more he does a much better job of defending islam than proud lunatic PAKMAN WHERE ARE YOU? Your faith is being represented by a blithering idiot.
path said:
Actually I really wish Pakman would post more he does a much better job of defending islam than proud lunatic PAKMAN WHERE ARE YOU? Your faith is being represented by a blithering idiot.
I fully agree with you there path!
Proud_Muslim said:
Not a single person in this forum know more about Islam than me, this is a fact.
You mean to say "Not a single person in this forum knows more about Islam than (about) me, this is a fact." ?

Yeah, everyone knows more about you than Islam.
Bells said:

What is that supposed to mean?

Well i think that much of the discussion here is about getting a rise out of individuals which is tant amount to 'trolling'. My reference was to the Billy Goats Gruff tale where the troll shouts from under the bridge 'Whos that trip trapping across my bridge.'
It was a general comment about the thread rather than a comment to an individual.

I dont know why anyone would want to single out another group whether it be religious or otherwise and seek to get a rise out of them. It just seems that these threads always degenerate into personal attacks rather than being used to discuss ways in which we can unify against bigotry and hatred.

c20H25N3o said:
I dont know why anyone would want to single out another group whether it be religious or otherwise and seek to get a rise out of them. It just seems that these threads always degenerate into personal attacks rather than being used to discuss ways in which we can unify against bigots and haters.

Very simple!! When the Message defeats the bigots and the haters, they turn against the messenger . :cool:
I'm probably being really stupid here so forgive me, but what Message.
Whose message. I just see a lot of point scoring and stuff all round.
Proud_Muslim said:
You just hatched !! stay with us for a while to see what I mean.

Salam ( Peace ).

I am happy to stay and learn. i just failed miserably on your islam test :( . i am not looking to be converted or anything as i have a personal faith that i am happy with but i love to learn about other cultures and stuff which is why i am here i guess.
i just feel like i am watching my kids squabble sometimes tho and it clouds everything for me as my eyes glaze over with the frustration of it all.

