How is faith in God attained?

This could just as easily, (also without any actual evidence), be the temporary convergence of multiple alternate realities, (kinda like an eclipse). Or perhaps you were given these visions by an invisible flying banana named Juan Pablo the Third. I think by now the importance of evidence should be understood.

you have to see/feel it yourself to believe me, otherwise whatever I say sounds like a lie to you.
dragon said:
I for example have seen future events twice that happened exactly how I saw it

Dragon, were these prophetic visions in the form a dream, or some other means? Can you go into more detail? If not, don't worry about it.
you have to see/feel it yourself to believe me, otherwise whatever I say sounds like a lie to you.

Yes the only response an athiests can have to someone’s personal prophecy is to say it is a coincidence or that you are lying. Anything explanation other than the existence of God is acceptable.

Oh yeah i have had dreams that have come true on a regular basis. And i have also had the more classical prophecy dreams too. They are a gift from God that i appreciate fully. The future is known, that is what i know. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I've had dreams that have come true as well. For example, one time I dreamed that I went to work and worked. And lo and behold it came true!!!

Adstar or Dragon, any predictions on who will win the NCAA tourney this year? Please let me know.
you have to see/feel it yourself to believe me, otherwise whatever I say sounds like a lie to you.

That's fair enough. So, where is it exactly so I can see it?

Yes the only response an athiests can have to someone’s personal prophecy is to say it is a coincidence or that you are lying. Anything explanation other than the existence of God is acceptable.

I saw a UFO the other day. I could just say "it was an alien spaceship" or I could look at other possibilities. In this scenario I gave several other explanations to ask how he knows which it is. No, a "feeling" isn't worth anything.
As I said again and again...yes I do see the future...but I cannot control what I see and usually what I see is 1) either something dealing with me and my relatives 2) a catastrophy, anamoly, apocalypse of some sort (also local)
That is all I see in my dreams of lotto #'s or who wins what...that just does not even interest me...and no I don't want to try.
2) a catastrophy, anamoly, apocalypse of some sort (also local)
That is all I see in my dreams of lotto #'s or who wins what...that just does not even interest me...and no I don't want to try.

You don't see lotto numbers because they don't interest you? Is that to imply that you do see catastrophy because it does interest you?

Anyway, it's easily testable I suppose.. Let me know when you next forsee a catastrophy, give me the details and then we'd all know your claims are credible.

Out of interest, how many catastrophies have you seen and how many people did you inform? Did you see Katrina perhaps and alert anyone?
So you can see the future, but you have no verifiable evidence to support this claim?

Why even make the claim? Looking for attention? You would think that you would have SOMETHING that can be tested.

If not, your basically saying I can see the future but I cant remember what I see!
I've had dreams that have come true as well. For example, one time I dreamed that I went to work and worked. And lo and behold it came true!!!

Adstar or Dragon, any predictions on who will win the NCAA tourney this year? Please let me know.

See what i mean. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
John 1:45-49
45 Philip found Nathanael and said to him, "We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote--Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph." 46 And Nathanael said to him, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Philip said to him, "Come and see." 47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of him, "Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!" 48 Nathanael said to Him, "How do You know me?" Jesus answered and said to him, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you." 49 Nathanael answered and said to Him, "Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!"

In this case, the miracle convinced this man Nathanael that Jesus was the Son of God, not just some prophet. The miracle led him to believe that Jesus was the Son of God. What merited a miracle to be shown to Nathaneal so that he could believe? I mean, the guy mouths of and says, "Yeah right. I'm sure the Son of God has come out of that scumhole Nazareth. LOL. Good one." Yet even with his sarcasm he still gets his miracle.

John 2:18-22
18 So the Jews answered and said to Him, "What sign do You show to us, since You do these things?" 19 Jesus answered and said to them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." 20 Then the Jews said, "It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?" 21 But He was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 Therefore, when He had risen from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this to them; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had said.

In this case, Jesus' miracle prophesy proved the validity of his message, or word, to the disciples. It also proved that he was who the old testament said he was, which is the Son of God, the Christ. They needed for Jesus' prophesy to come true so that this miracle could prove to them that Jesus' word was the truth, and that he was who the Scripture (Old Testament) said he was.

So Adstar, you have to Admit that Jesus' miracles were not solely to attract people to hear the word. They also were done to PROVE THINGS AS WELL.
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Can you give us an example of something that hasn't yet happened but you forsee? Something we can mark on our calendars, in the near future?

I have received nothing with a date attached but i have received something that you might one day see.

There is am island in the Mediteranian called Santorini. But it is also the peak of a stratovolcano called Thera. When i received this dream about Thera i did not even know such a place existed. I did a google search to find it. Anyway this place is going to erupt with incredible force and cause great destruction, it will also darken the sky. I believe this will happen within my life time. It could be the cause of the darkening of the sky predicted in the end time in the book of revelation.

Sorry i cannot give you a time and date. But this will be so big when it happens that i am sure you will remember the words that i have said here. That is if you are still alive at that time.

Where do you live superluminal?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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There is am island in the Mediteranian called Santorini.

I've ridden donkeys down the sheer cliffs winding trail on one side of the island and walked through the grassy meadows to the black beach on the other - sat in the hot bubbling muds offshore, floated out a couple of miles on the salty waters with mask, snorkel and flippers looking at what appear to be tiny pebbles on the bottom but are in fact boulders larger than houses - ate souvlaki and drank ouzo with the residents.

It would be a shame to see that all disappear.
Sorry i cannot give you a time and date. But this will be so big when it happens that i am sure you will remember the words that i have said here. That is if you are still alive at that time.

Finally! After a whole bunch of dodging, you have actually given us something that we can test! Now we just have to wait until your 'lifetime' is over to see if your a fraud or not.
I have received nothing with a date attached but i have received something that you might one day see.

There is am island in the Mediteranian called Santorini. But it is also the peak of a stratovolcano called Thera. When i received this dream about Thera i did not even know such a place existed. I did a google search to find it. Anyway this place is going to erupt with incredible force and cause great destruction, it will also darken the sky. I believe this will happen within my life time. It could be the cause of the darkening of the sky predicted in the end time in the book of revelation.

Sorry i cannot give you a time and date. But this will be so big when it happens that i am sure you will remember the words that i have said here. That is if you are still alive at that time.

Where do you live superluminal?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Volcanic eruption of Thera. Like the one that has already happened?

"The devastating volcanic eruption of Thera has become the most famous single event in the Aegean before the fall of Troy. The eruption would likely have caused a significant climate upset for the eastern Mediterranean region. It was one of the biggest volcanic eruptions on Earth in the last few thousand years."

I foresee a tornadoes in Kansas, a hurricane sometime in the future in Florida, an earthquake in California, a fire in New York City some ghetto apartments, are not all these apparent to happen, just like some volcano will erupt in some future time. Come on you can do better. How about lotto numbers, death of a famous celebrity this year, how many more American will die in Irag this year, when are the troops coming home, stuff like that would be credible if predicted with precession of dates, and events. Other than that it's just random occurrences, like predicting it will rain in Houston Texas within next week.
A good solid prophesy usually has some kind of time measurement associated with it. For example, Jesus predicted that he would rise after three days in the presence of his disciples. "Therefore, when He had risen from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this to them; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had said." (John 2:22)

See? It was that simple. Jesus makes a prophesy with a time measurement in place. The prophesy happens as described. And the disciples now have their proof of Jesus and his word.