How does one address a Pharisee?

This contradiction pains me no end ...

How can Paul be for both Jesus and Satan? Just think about it for a minute in terms of souls. You either love one and hate the other. You cannot love both. You cannot be servant to two masters.

For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. (1 Cor. 15:21)

Now we know here that Paul talks of Adam as the man through which death came. We also know that he means the man, Jesus has come and therefore also the resurrection of the dead in that coming.
Paul speaks of this as 'good news'! Well he would wouldn't he :) It is!

It is not a clean spirit which speaks ill of Paul. Discern it for yourself. I know you are discerning. The spirit of love will testify it's love for Paul at all times. Jesus loved Paul. Jesus gave up His life for Paul. It is loves nature to do so. Love has a clean nature. The spirit of dissention will always try and split two brothers and is not a 'good' spirit at all. You must not mailgn Paul before Jesus. It is not good. Jesus does not appreciate it given that He died for Paul's sake. The Paul that you malign.

The Paul that was gifted with the Holiest of Spirit's which does speak saying ...

1 Cor 15:52 (KJV) In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
1 Cor 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
1 Cor 15:54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
1 Cor 15:55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
1 Cor 15:56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
1 Cor 15:57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is so not 'good' to malign Paul and cause others to doubt this message because you bear false witness against his character. Throw away your falsehoods. I have given you 'good' reason too.

c20H25N3o said:
How can Paul be for both Jesus and Satan?

Who is Paul? Is Paul Jesus? Isn't Paul Paul? Did he write the Bible? Wasn't it many people who wrote it?
A dick?!?! lmao! Wow, now that's a first. Thanks...that made me laugh. Now, I gotta go to work. Later.
what768 said:
Who is Paul? Is Paul Jesus? Isn't Paul Paul? Did he write the Bible? Wasn't it many people who wrote it?

Less is more. You humble me. lol
c20, why do you believe Paul was "gifted with the Holiest of Spirits"? Because he claimed to be?
what768: Who is Paul? Is Paul Jesus? Isn't Paul Paul? Did he write the Bible? Wasn't it many people who wrote it?
M*W: Who is Paul?

Paul was born in Tarsus around 10AD. His parents were pagans who believed in the various and sundry household gods of the day. Paul suffered from epilepsy seizures that made him delusional at times suffering hallucinations. Paul was about the age of 30-35 when he first started writing about Jesus in the years following Jesus' death at about 40-45 AD. The hallucination Paul had on the Road to Damascus was seizure-induced. The vision he had gave him the motivation to write about his seizure-induced vision.

Is Paul Jesus?

No, Paul wasn't Jesus, however, Paul thought of himself as God. This, too, was caused by seizure-induced hallucination.

Isn't Paul, Paul?

Yes, Paul was actually Paul, but even Paul changed his name and created relevant lies to whomever he would be talking to. He found his 'vision' to be profitable. Now, what do you think Jesus was do about that?

Did Paul write the Bible?

Paul wrote most of the NT and commissioned the writings of the gospels AFTER he had written the epistles. The gospel writers never knew Jesus (with the exception of John) who wrote the Gospel of John and Revelations long AFTER Paul had been beheaded.

Wasn't it many people who wrote the Bible?

Yes, but we're talking OT here. The NT was written or commissioned by Paul and his influence to created a story about a dying demigod savior. Paul was quite familiar with the OT, and he simply wrote about the NT miracles that would have come out of the OT prophecies. Paul's tale had then been spun.
Medicine Woman, the NT wasn't compiled until aproximately 300 AD. Furthermore, there were many gospels and presumably many letters written that weren't included in the NT. Paul was nowhere to be found when the NT was compiled. The NT was compiled for the very reason that there were many fallacious notions being spread about Christ, and the Christian Church at the time felt it was prudent to set forth a collection of writings that explicated the true Christ, as opposed to the false notions of the day. Those that were left out were left out for the very reason that they proposed, or supported the false notions of the day. To say that Paul commissioned the NT is absurd, since it wasn't even compiled until 200 years later.
Medicine Woman said:
what768: Who is Paul? Is Paul Jesus? Isn't Paul Paul? Did he write the Bible? Wasn't it many people who wrote it?
M*W: Who is Paul?

Paul was born in Tarsus around 10AD. His parents were pagans who believed in the various and sundry household gods of the day. Paul suffered from epilepsy seizures that made him delusional at times suffering hallucinations. Paul was about the age of 30-35 when he first started writing about Jesus in the years following Jesus' death at about 40-45 AD. The hallucination Paul had on the Road to Damascus was seizure-induced. The vision he had gave him the motivation to write about his seizure-induced vision.

Is Paul Jesus?

No, Paul wasn't Jesus, however, Paul thought of himself as God. This, too, was caused by seizure-induced hallucination.

Isn't Paul, Paul?

Yes, Paul was actually Paul, but even Paul changed his name and created relevant lies to whomever he would be talking to. He found his 'vision' to be profitable. Now, what do you think Jesus was do about that?

Did Paul write the Bible?

Paul wrote most of the NT and commissioned the writings of the gospels AFTER he had written the epistles. The gospel writers never knew Jesus (with the exception of John) who wrote the Gospel of John and Revelations long AFTER Paul had been beheaded.

Wasn't it many people who wrote the Bible?

Yes, but we're talking OT here. The NT was written or commissioned by Paul and his influence to created a story about a dying demigod savior. Paul was quite familiar with the OT, and he simply wrote about the NT miracles that would have come out of the OT prophecies. Paul's tale had then been spun.

M*W : I testify that Paul was sent by God to be an Apostle of Christ Jesus. Jesus came as a human being. Paul testified to this truth and preached Christ's death and ressurection that the Gentiles may be saved through the Word of God.

RosaMagika said:
How does one address a Pharisee?

In a thread, a poster said:

How does one address such requests?
Usually, such people have become their questions answered, they just don't like the answers, so they go on with statements as above.

What does one do to speak to such people?
Ill just step in. I could not be bothered reading the rest of the thread.

One can not address such requests. The very nature of the pharisee will deny all and grasp anything to prove righteousness.

They are easy to trap, their own utterance will give you plenty of opportunity. In a forum this is a safe option, but in real life you could be in mortal danger, as the last option for the frustrated hypocrite is violence. Don't step on the tigers tail unless your ready to fight for your life.

This is why religion is the most dangerous creation of man.
c20H25N3o: I testify that Paul was sent by God to be an Apostle of Christ Jesus. Jesus came as a human being. Paul testified to this truth and preached Christ's death and ressurection that the Gentiles may be saved through the Word of God.
M*W: I did not ask for your testimony. Obviously, you cannot answer the questions, because you don't know the answers. You believe blindly. How stupid can one person get?
SnakeLord said:
What the bible says? Of course not, but do I really need to explain to you that a book doesn't instantly become truth because it's been written. If you think otherwise, I'd ask you to wear garlic at night just in case vampires attack. Oh and lest I forget; Later on you tell me just how worthless the bible is. Why are you dependant upon it now then?

No you don't, as I agree with you that just because it is written does not make it true...that is my whole point. But that does not mean that it is untrue or worthless either. Do not twist my words snake...that is not what I said or meant. Knowledge of the truth about God comes from a personal relationship with Him through Christ via the Holy Spirit. Everything that I have learned from Him and about Him through my relationship with Him He has then substantiated or confirmed to me with scripture. I do not believe what He teaches me to be true because it is written, but because I hear His voice and He does not lie to me. He teaches me things based upon my life experience and in the world around me, not out of a book. It is always later that I find His lessons confirmed in the scriptures.

Well, none of us would understand jesus if it weren't for the translators. As for understanding the bible - that is purely subjective, and differs from person to person, lunatic to lunatic. Not to mention that you tell me how worthless the bible is later on in your post.

The Bible is not worthless. Depending upon translation, it can be very helpful and insightful, it can mean absolutely nothing, or it can be dangerous even. What I'm saying is that the only way you will understand the scriptures is if you have the interpretation of the Holy Spirit as a guide. Does it not make sense that the Author is the best translator of His own work? And before you say it (me being familiar with your astute understanding of the work), it was not written by men, but through men, and by God. He allowed me to understand even this process, as He has written things through me.

And you make this claim how?

Because in the scriptures Jesus says that the only way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven is to be born again of the spirit. And you do not understand call me a delusional liar because I claim to be and I try to describe to you what it is like to be.

Ok, and when someone goes against 'god's law' is it not my right to point it out to them? How many more times must I ask before you pay attention? Would you not consider it corteous of me to help someone get closer to that perfection you speak of?

No, I would not consider it your right, and I would not consider it courteous of you. You may do what you want...God gave you free will. But considering the fact that you don't even believe in His existence, muchless that the law you are referring to exists, muchless that the scripture that describes the law is true, muchless have the counsel of the Holy Spirit to guide you in understanding and knowledge...I would have to say that you throwing it around is a bad idea. Contradictory and rather careless...hypocritical even...on your part. If you don't even believe in what you are basing your point on, then how do you expect others to take you seriously?


Nonsense my butt.
To create or not to create? For there to be a creation, there must exist a possibility of no creation. For light to exist, there must also be the possibility of darkness. For truth to exist, there must also exist the possibility to lie. Thou shalt not steal...the possibility of stealing. For good to exist, there must be evil. For right to exist, there must be a wrong. This is science...this is math. Do you not see this to be true?

There was no death before the fall? Does this include animals aswell or only the two people that were alive?

Again with your astute knowledge of the scriptures. They were in fact NOT the only two people alive. Who lived in the land of Nod? You know...where their sons went to get their wives?

Further to which, can they have reproduced? And given the sheer number of offspring that humanity has produced, do you think they would all fit in the garden?

Again with your understanding. God knows the future until the end of time...forever that is. God is omnipotent. He's done the works.

What would be the value in either case? Does god need friends?

He calls us His children rather. Just as you created your own, He has created His own. He wants to love and to be loved just like you and I.

You have my apologies, but I have absolutely no desire for eternal life. Is that ok with you?

It doesn't matter if it's ok with me. If you knew God you would change your mind, I know. His love would change your perspective and desires about everything...just as it has my own. I really do wish that for you one know know His love. And for it to give you the peace and hope and fulfillment and love and excitement and desire to live forever as it has me.

Right, and nor is it futile to point out when people are transgressing the law.

To borrow a bit of your own circular do not believe in the law, so it would be impossible for them to trangress what does not your point would be?

And I still have the right to point out when people go against the rule/s, and to sin less.... right?

You don't believe in don't believe in the law. BUT if you would like to borrow other's beliefs in order to make a point, then please get it straight. One of the "rules" of the law, of which you do not even believe in, states that you are not to judge others. So no, according to the law which you are so hypocritically referring to, you do not have that right. Pick a side Snake, either the law exists and is true, or it does not and it is can't have it both ways. For in doing this, you are doing the very thing that you are accusing the hypocrits of doing in the first place, making yourself no better than they.

Making the choice might be the point of your existence. Do not think you are in any position to tell me what the point of mine is. Got it? K. Thanks.

No, but you would have me to prove to you God's existence if it were possible huh? You must trust me somewhat. lol.

Ok, and part of that learning process is to listen to others when they point out that you're transgressing from the law.. right? So why are you 'shutting your eyes' to it?

No it is not. This is exactly what I'm talking don't know what you're talking about. You do not learn from others, you learn from God. God may use others as an example for you, or your relationships with others in your life or around you to teach you, but you are not convicted of sin by a human, but by the Holy Spirit of God Himself. What I am saying, before you go off with your not that other's examples or witness or testimony or advice is worthless. It may be may not be worthless. It may be a destructive lie...or it may be a valuable truth. My point is that unless you have the counsel of the Holy Spirit, you will never know for sure. Unless you are born again and have that relationship with God Himself, you can not know for sure.

Oh... Well ok then, from your position of absolute righteousness, tell me who I should be listening to then. Btw, who am I listening to?

I am in no such position and would never claim to be. You are definitely not listening to me, nor have I suggested that you take my word for anything regarding the truth about God and the Bible and the Law and His Son. What I have done is to tell you my testimony. I have told you the truth about me personally, and about my relationship with Him. And I have suggested that if you want to know the truth about Him yourself, that you seek a relationship with Him yourself. Not to take my word for it regarding Him, but to know Him seek your own knowledge. I would never suggest that you be spoon fed...not even if I were holding the spoon. It's not God's way as He has taught me in person, and it is also not what it says to do in the Bible.

So why the fuck are you talking to me? You've spent your entire time on this forum telling me what I should or should not be doing and believing, and now tell me not to listen to a human being if I want the truth. As a consequence, you're calling yourself a liar. Alas, that would render me unable to tell whether your above quote is truth or bollocks.

Just because I don't suggest that you take my word as evidence does not mean that I am calling myself a liar. I speak the truth to you, and in truth, I know that the only way to receive evidence is to seek it from God Himself, not from me.

When did I use anyone to justify my denial of christ? I merely said I'm waiting for evidence. I also distinctly remember giving you that opportunity on my last post. I guess you missed it, or ignored it. Besides, given your last quote, I can't consider you anything other than a liar, so why listen to a word you say?

You point out a pharisee's hypocricy to justify your own beliefs, when in reality it only substantiates exactly what God teaches all of us. Why do you listen to me anyway? lol.

He might consider it foolish, but where does that imply that you should call me an ass, idiot, moron and lazy bastard?

His word is a fool. Mine are the rest. I hate my flesh, and I do apologize...sincerely. You probably think I'm lying huh? I'm not...I really feel bad. I was wrong to be harsh. I love honesty...but sometimes I have a problem with being brutal about it all. Jesus is honest without being brutal...which is totally cool.

Again, what the fuck are you talking to me for then? Why does any word you say have any relevance to anything, including this quote here?

In love, I truly wish that you knew the love that I know. I wish that you knew what I know...God.

But what reason would I have to believe that? It's been told to me by a human, or a book, or a church, and is as such rendered complete garbage, and nothing more than a lie.

That is because you seek knowledge of the truth from a human, a book, or a church. You seek the truth from the things of this world, which can be one big lie. And yet, you continue to pummel me for evidence...why?!? Masicistic? Which is why I tell you to stop seeking evidence from the things of this world...YOU CAN NOT KNOW THIS WAY. You will only find evidence from HIM...from a personal relationship with Him. Which you call me delusional or a liar, depending upon your mood, for testifying to have.

Well then, I wouldn't want to be a "pharisee" would I? As such, I have no reason to listen to a word you've fucking said. You've made your entire post completely and utterly pointless.

Then don't.

Im sorry but you're just a human. Your statements are meaningless.

I'm telling you the truth....but don't take MY word for it.

My opinions would be worthless, and as I'm a human, it wouldn't be of any value to even listen to myself. However, your statement sounds typically one of inability. As I have mentioned before, evidence is a requirement to any sane mind. Tell me Lori, why don't you believe in Odin?

I don't know who Odin is.

What is the relevance of my heart other than to ensure blood pumps around my body? What you're actually saying is "look in your own brain", but then my brain works logically and by the system of sanity that demands evidence. As a result, I'm actually looking in the right place, there's just no gods there.

Well then use your brain to sincerely pray to God. Oh wait, your brain IS your God. Hm...there may be a problem with that logic then. Use your brain to solve it.

What do you mean "the things of the flesh are futile"?

This flesh and this world are tainted with sin...instilled with lies...and because of this will pass away at the hand of God's wrath. Doesn't mean that you can't learn a thing or two while you're here and in it though. But don't look for it itself to teach you, but to God Himself to use it to teach you.

You're not going to lie to me? Ehehehehe

I will not lie to you.

You're an ass.

Now that's an understatement.

And if you don't actually seek forgiveness?

Then you don't receive it. God does not impose upon you what you do not want. It's the "other" side that does that.


beyondtimeandspace: Medicine Woman, the NT wasn't compiled until aproximately 300AD.
M*W: True.
b-t-&-s: Furthermore, there were many gospels and presumably many letters written that weren't included in the NT.
M*W: True.
b-t-&-s: Paul was nowhere to be found when the NT was compiled.
M*W: True.
b-t-&-s: The NT was compiled for the very reason that there were many fallacious notions being spread about Christ, and the Christian Church at the time felt it was prudent to set forth a collection of writings that explicated the true Christ, as opposed to the false notions of the day. Those that were left out were left out for the very reason that they proposed, or supported the false notions of the day. To say that Paul commissioned the NT is absurd, since it wasn't even compiled until 200 years later.
M*W: If I said 'Paul commissioned the NT,' then let me rephrase: Paul first wrote the epistles from about 51-57AD. He commissioned the gospel writers from about 70-68AD. Those would be M,M&L. John wrote the gospel and Revelations at about 95-100 AD. The gospels that were suppressed talked about the true Jesus. These gospel writers knew Jesus, but Paul and the first three gospel writers DID NOT KNOW JESUS. The NT was compiled between 200-490AD. Paul was beheaded and long-dead by 68AD. The first gospel of Mark was written in 70AD using Paul's epistles as a guide. If you have closer dates, I'd like to know them.
c20H25N3o: I testify that Paul was sent by God to be an Apostle of Christ Jesus.
M*W: First, Paul wasn't sent by any god to be an apostle of Jesus. Paul claimed himself to be an "apostle of Jesus." Paul never knew Jesus, and Jesus was quite capable of appointing his own apostles. Paul is a liar, and so are you.
c20: Jesus came as a human being.
M*W: Rabbi Jesus did, in fact, come as a human being.
c20: Paul testified to this truth and preached Christ's death and ressurection that the Gentiles may be saved through the Word of God.
M*W: Paul invented the myth of Jesus' death and resurrection. Unfortunately, everything that Paul alluded to have preached was a lie. You believe a lie as well as the lying liar who lied about Jesus being god. That makes you a liar, too. Further, that makes all of christianity a lie told by a liar.

Man, you really need to do some reading. I can't believe you are teaching this crap to your children.

No you don't, as I agree with you that just because it is written does not make it true...that is my whole point. But that does not mean that it is untrue or worthless either.

So I guess we have little choice but to work on the evidence that is present. Oops, there is none. While some wont care for the evidence, some of us find it important. As a result, anything anyone says regarding the book cannot be taken as 'truth'. The same would be true if you tried to express to me that Sauron is taking over middle-earth, or that vampires are in Brooklyn.

Knowledge of the truth about God comes from a personal relationship with Him through Christ via the Holy Spirit.

Blimey, even the NTL helpline don't pass you around this many employees.

but because I hear His voice and He does not lie to me.

Here's the thing though Lori.. Maybe you lie to you. While you might not know the reasons for your brain doing what it is, there's no valid reason to accept voices as true, without again having evidence to support it. There are many people who hear voices - from gods to dead famous people to aliens. In general, these people are simply 'not well'. They would be as adamant as you are, that what they hear is true and real, but it doesn't make it so.

it was not written by men, but through men, and by God. He allowed me to understand even this process, as He has written things through me.

The problem that remains constant throughout all of this, is the ease with which it can be debated. As humans, we rely on a bit more than say so, and a bit more than what someone heard in their head, dreamt or envisioned. While undoubtedly you wont understand this notion, it is paramount to humanity.

Because in the scriptures Jesus says that the only way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven is to be born again of the spirit.

So jesus didn't tell you this himself?

No, I would not consider it your right

Luckily, what you consider is irrelevant really.

and I would not consider it courteous of you.

Why would I need to be corteous?

You may do what you want...God gave you free will.

Very nice of him..

But considering the fact that you don't even believe in His existence, muchless that the law you are referring to exists, muchless that the scripture that describes the law is true, muchless have the counsel of the Holy Spirit to guide you in understanding and knowledge...I would have to say that you throwing it around is a bad idea.

Why? Since when did god have copyright to freedom of speech, free will, and whether one be corteous or not?

If you don't even believe in what you are basing your point on, then how do you expect others to take you seriously?

So.. If I don't believe in god I don't have free will, freedom of speech or the ability to be corteous or not?

Nonsense my butt.
To create or not to create? For there to be a creation, there must exist a possibility of no creation. For light to exist, there must also be the possibility of darkness. For truth to exist, there must also exist the possibility to lie. Thou shalt not steal...the possibility of stealing. For good to exist, there must be evil. For right to exist, there must be a wrong. This is science...this is math. Do you not see this to be true?

No, I don't. It's like saying "There has to be blind people in order for people to be able to see". Sight is there, and while some people will be blind, it doesn't change that fact that sight exists regardless.

Again with your astute knowledge of the scriptures. They were in fact NOT the only two people alive. Who lived in the land of Nod? You know...where their sons went to get their wives?

Well, in general, all religious people "live in the land of nod".

But ok, let's pretend the G of E was swarming with humans.. can you still answer the question? Here it is again: "There was no death before the fall? Does this include animals aswell or only the humungous bunch of Nodian's that were alive?"

God knows the future until the end of time...forever that is. God is omnipotent. He's done the works.

What works?

He calls us His children rather. Just as you created your own, He has created His own. He wants to love and to be loved just like you and I.

That's really sweet..

I really do wish that for you one know know His love.

Your wishes are pointless, unless genie's lamps exist. Ok, I'm sure you take it on faith that they do. Give me a ring when you find one.

To borrow a bit of your own circular do not believe in the law, so it would be impossible for them to trangress what does not your point would be?

The point is not that I don't believe it, but that they do. The reason I know that is because they spend so much time waffling it in my earhole. When they cannot abide by the principles and rules that they tell me exist, then I can and will point it out to them.

You don't believe in sin..

People do bad things, where have I ever said they don't?

you don't believe in the law.

Sure I do. I even considered going to law school.

One of the "rules" of the law, of which you do not even believe in, states that you are not to judge others. So no, according to the law which you are so hypocritically referring to, you do not have that right.

Of course I have that right, because - as you clearly pointed out - I do not believe in the scriptures or your space beings. The point is not my disbelief, but your belief. I have a principle in place that tells me not to fart in public. If I then farted in public, anyone could happily point out my transgression from my own rules. The same applies here. Someone believes in a rule, does the opposite and then whinges like a baby girl the minute I point it out to them.

Pick a side Snake, either the law exists and is true, or it does not and it is can't have it both ways.

Sure I can. The law exists, (human law). The law does not exist, (cloud law).

For in doing this, you are doing the very thing that you are accusing the hypocrits of doing in the first place, making yourself no better than they.

Like I said, I do not fart in public. If I did, it would then be your right to point out my transgression.

No, but you would have me to prove to you God's existence if it were possible huh? You must trust me somewhat. lol.

As I keep saying, (to deaf ears), I never demand proof. Some evidence is a starting point. And no, I have no reason to trust you.

No it is not. This is exactly what I'm talking don't know what you're talking about. You do not learn from others, you learn from God.

Fine, so what does it matter if I point out that they're transgressing god's laws? What are you complaining about?

God may use others as an example for you

So maybe he's using me as an example to christians who break the laws god has set them?

but you are not convicted of sin by a human, but by the Holy Spirit of God Himself.

I didn't convict anyone, I merely pointed out the error of their ways. What they do with it is upto them, as they have free will. god is just using me as an example to show you christians that you're breaking his laws. I can't prove that to you, but you need to trust me, have faith, ad nauseum.

I am in no such position and would never claim to be. You are definitely not listening to me, nor have I suggested that you take my word for anything regarding the truth about God and the Bible and the Law and His Son. What I have done is to tell you my testimony. I have told you the truth about me personally, and about my relationship with Him. And I have suggested that if you want to know the truth about Him yourself, that you seek a relationship with Him yourself. Not to take my word for it regarding Him, but to know Him seek your own knowledge. I would never suggest that you be spoon fed...not even if I were holding the spoon. It's not God's way as He has taught me in person, and it is also not what it says to do in the Bible.

And yet a minute ago you were telling me that I "must trust you". If that is not attempted spoon feeding, I don't know what is.

Just because I don't suggest that you take my word as evidence does not mean that I am calling myself a liar. I speak the truth to you, and in truth, I know that the only way to receive evidence is to seek it from God Himself, not from me.

Ok, but as I have now said a dozen times, I sought that evidence and nobody ever responded.

You point out a pharisee's hypocricy to justify your own beliefs,

It's not about my beliefs, but theirs.. as told to me by them.

Why do you listen to me anyway? lol.

Why don't you answer your own question:

"You are definitely not listening to me".

In love, I truly wish that you knew the love that I know.

I know it better. I don't need to love and worship anything hidden in the delta quadrant. I love and worship my daughter, who is right here. Your god cannot compare.

That is because you seek knowledge of the truth from a human, a book, or a church. You seek the truth from the things of this world, which can be one big lie.

Look.. I sat down, asked for the truth, and low and behold, nothing happened. What more must I do, send an email?

And yet, you continue to pummel me for evidence...why?!? Masicistic?

Only because nothing else responded. You claim to be in direct contact, so I thought you could perhaps manage it.

Which you call me delusional or a liar, depending upon your mood, for testifying to have.

As I have said, I dare you to find more than one time where I have called you a liar, and that time was in respect to you claiming to have had forum discussions with your rock star, and then on another thread saying you've had no earthly contact. That is a contradiction, and can only come across as being fallacious.

As for delusional.. I will admit I don't think you're altogether sane, and there are very pertinent issues that need to be addressed - but as I said to you somewhere around here: "I don't think it's time for the straight jacket yet".

A while back you were so adamant, (as much as you are here), that a rock star would be yours on halloween, without fail, as ordained by god. The world would then see this miracle, shout 'hallelujah' and praise this wonderful miracle. Bugger all happened, but instead of sitting down and thinking about it, and considering the possibility that you're mistaken, you just made up excuses - and this continues to happen.

I don't know who Odin is.

He's the real god. I have a personal relationship with him. You need to have faith and trust me, and then you shall feel the love. There is no saving that needs to be done, because whether you're a scumbag or not, he loves you - and all will be peaceful in Valhalla. I sincerely pray and wish in my heart that you too would see the truth and turn to your father, Odin.

I will not lie to you.

But how can you be so sure you're not lying to you?

Then you don't receive it. God does not impose upon you what you do not want. It's the "other" side that does that.

The Bogeyman?

Save it for someone who wants it.
These have become hate forums. Anyone would think that Christians were evil the way you atheists carry on. The Christians show nothing but patience with you! They talk of their faith and are continuosly told to prove it. Why do you need them to prove it? Why is that so important to you? What do you care? Why do you need proof? Have you asked yourself that question? What is it?
I have seen one human being filled with hate because another spoke of his God. This human being spoke of a most wonderful God whom he loved and respected for his life on earth. A role model. A man who seeked God with all his heart. Jesus.
Now this human being called himself a Christian. Do you know how the human seed works? Do you know why you develop language? Why you go through so many complex interactions? Do you know these things? Picture every man, woman and child's head in the kingdom of man today, this hour, this minute, this second, now. Each like you. Born of woman. All of us. Not one may exist without another. Male, female He made us. If you try and rise above this picture of unity you are lost. We are one. We begin as a seed. And people still want miracles! You started life as a seed and beat billions of other swimming entities to an egg. You got their first. Your gene sequence being the best. It got pole position. You win. And you didn't even know it. You are more than conquerors.
Anyone who says that the above doesn't mean a thing is a complete and utter fool and I hope you get over it quickly. Go to the doctor or something.


c20H25N3o said:
We begin as a seed. And people still want miracles! You started life as a seed and beat billions of other swimming entities to an egg. You got their first. Your gene sequence being the best. It got pole position. You win. And you didn't even know it. You are more than conquerors.
Anyone who says that the above doesn't mean a thing is a complete and utter fool and I hope you get over it quickly. Go to the doctor or something.

Are those fertilized eggs that fail to implant (and should be fully human beings according to some Christians) part of God's wisdom? I'm not talking about the effect of the "pill" or any other method of birth control. I'm talking about just plain ole failing to implant. "Science" says this occurs. Where do those fertilized eggs go? Limbo?

No, those who have been born don't necessarily win, cause they've been made subject to eternal damnation. If that sperm never met that egg, one wouldn't be subject to eternal damnation. And most of mankind gets it in the Christian worldview. So being born for most of mankind means they absolutely, irreversably lose.
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What about reincarnation? What about the fact, and I know it's a fact from personal experience, that we knew Him before ever being born into the flesh? It's beyond me how someone can know Him and not love Him and want to be with Him. So if we know Him before we're ever born, then what does that mean? What does that say about our lives here on earth? What happens in the spiritual realm is then manifest here on earth...nothing happens here without first being "born" of the spirit. I'm not exactly sure if I can get my head around exactly what this means...but I know that it's not as cut and dry as most of us want to make it seem. The answer to why we're all here and why things are the way they are here is not as black and white as most try to make it out to be. There is no injustice with one is being "duped" or slighted, and there is a reason for every little single thing that happens here...I know those things for sure.
I think people misunderstand the whole concept of the body of Christ. We are sons of God made flesh but man doesn't know God and so cannot fellowship with Him. For those that turn to Christ Jesus, these will receive the spirit of sonship that is yours by birth right. Look, God said "Let us make living beings like us". God knew us because we are that. It is not for nothing that we pray "On earth as it is done in Heaven" because in Heaven we do not do what we do here. We have fallen way short of that but because of man's terrible arrogance and insistence in their own righteousness, they reject Jesus Christ. He was just a man they say! But uh oh, guess what sons of Man, He is the only Begotten Son, The Lamb of God and we all nailed Him to a tree because we didn't want our little empires to be shaken by this revelation.
We are the body of the Christ and Jesus is the head. No one may reject Jesus and live because He is the Life and you are His body. You do not know how grateful I am that He is returning. This world is wrong. All wrong. Do not love the world or anything in it. Do not store up treasures for yourself here where they may rust and decay but rather store up for yourselves treasure in Heaven where thieves may not enter to steal and they may not perish. We are unified in the body of Christ. This was the work of the cross that you despise and reject. Without Jesus you are a rotten limb cut off and thrown in the hospital skip. With Him you will magnify His glory. It is as simple as that.

God bless you

c20H25N3o: I think people misunderstand the whole concept of the body of Christ. We are sons of God made flesh but man doesn't know God and so cannot fellowship with Him. For those that turn to Christ Jesus, these will receive the spirit of sonship that is yours by birth right. Look, God said "Let us make living beings like us". God knew us because we are that. It is not for nothing that we pray "On earth as it is done in Heaven" because in Heaven we do not do what we do here. We have fallen way short of that but because of man's terrible arrogance and insistence in their own righteousness, they reject Jesus Christ. He was just a man they say! But uh oh, guess what sons of Man, He is the only Begotten Son, The Lamb of God and we all nailed Him to a tree because we didn't want our little empires to be shaken by this revelation. We are the body of the Christ and Jesus is the head. No one may reject Jesus and live because He is the Life and you are His body. You do not know how grateful I am that He is returning. This world is wrong. All wrong. Do not love the world or anything in it. Do not store up treasures for yourself here where they may rust and decay but rather store up for yourselves treasure in Heaven where thieves may not enter to steal and they may not perish. We are unified in the body of Christ. This was the work of the cross that you despise and reject. Without Jesus you are a rotten limb cut off and thrown in the hospital skip. With Him you will magnify His glory. It is as simple as that.
M*W: c20, you are preaching again, and it's getting old. When you make statements like you have been doing, you need to back them up with evidence and unbiased literature -- not the bible. You are not helping your mission to convert the atheists and other non-christians. You refuse to answer any questions we have, because you are ignorant about your own faith. You've become quite annoying, and I suggest you read James R's rule on preaching:

7. Preaching - "My God is bigger than your God!"

It has been common in the past to see the following kinds of argument in the Religion forum:

1. "Religion X has the following failings: [insert details here]. Therefore, Religion Y is much better and everybody should follow Religion Y."

2. "Religion Y has given so much to the world: [insert details here]. Therefore, everybody should follow Religion Y."

3. "Religion X has the following failings: [insert details here]. Therefore, it is worthless and all its members should be rightly condemned or excluded."

4. "Religion Y has given so much to the world: [insert details here]. Therefore, anybody who does not follow Religion Y has an inferior belief system, and should be rightly condemned or excluded (unless they convert)."

All of these arguments are logical fallacies and also potentially offensive.

In case (1), the author would need to compare and contrast X and Y to determine which is better; it is not sufficient to assume that if X is bad, therefore Y must be better. Similarly, case (2) does not establish that Y is the best religion; another religion may be better than Y.

In case (3), merely pointing out some failings of Religion X does not establish that X is worthless, and it certainly does not justify prejudicial treatment of the members of Religion X. Case (4) is even worse, since it asserts, without justification, that all non-believers in Religion Y should be treated as lower-class citizens.

Ultimately, these kinds of arguments lead nowhere useful, and usually result in flame wars between believers of Religion X and Religion Y.

Whilst it is acceptable to post perceived failings and strengths of various belief systems, where this is done with the main aim of preaching the virtues of one's own religion (perhaps with a desire to convert others), or of disparaging those who hold to a different belief system, posts may be edited or deleted.

Failing to abide by the rules against 'preaching,' we will petition James R to ban you permanently.