How do you know that it was Jesus who died on the cross?

"resurrection" has a better chance of working if the person never died in the first place.

So then evolution is not magical? Transforming into another being.

You cannot have it both ways.

There is a lot more evidence for Jesus than evolution and yet it is possible evolution happened.

Just sayin':shrug:
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So then evolution is not magical? Transforming into another being.

You cannot have it both ways.

There is a lot more evidence for Jesus than evolution and yet it is possible evolution happened.

Just sayin':shrug:

If you're really going to try to argue against it, shouldn't you find out what it is? Because it's obvious you have no idea how evolution works.

You mean 'compliment'.
Complement is something else.
My point is that you should be more careful with your posts - people judge you by what you write.

Creationism is religious fantasy.
And there is a strong force attempting to push it as science.

It is those kind of people who have influenced and taught you - but sadly, you have been mislead. Most of what you say about evolution e.g. is wrong - and wrong in the very specific ways that creationists always get it wrong.

I suspect you meant 'atheist' - which is a dirty word to a believer.
As if it's a football game here :
* nasty atheists
* wonderful believers

Some atheist like some theist are wonderful people

A CLASSIC creationist error!
Evolution does NOT say a living cell formed from raw chemicals.

I know at what point evolution started. You have taken my point out of context, you are to quick to bash.
I know the difference between bio genesis and evolution.

The problem is that you don't actually know anything about evolution - what you know is a few creationist FANTASIES about evolution - that was one of them.

Everything creationists have told you about evolution is false.
If you want to criticise evolution, then you need to understand it first.

Pardon me for saying , but you have a poor understanding of me and you judge to fast . Are you a former rabbinical student ?
Because to my understanding they are quick to judge.
Believers have still not explained how Jesus cooked 500 meals of fish while hanging upside down on the cross!

The same way as Moses parted the sea.
Here's a tip about using the quote function. You have to click on quote at the end of the quotation as well as the start, otherwise it doesn't close.
Creationists just aren't smart enough to figure out how to use quotes.


Mate - WHY are you doing this?

What does the historicity of these persons have ANYTHING to do with Jesus existing?

Is this the ol' "if Jesus didn't exist, then NO-ONE existed" dodge?

Because that is indeed just a silly dodge.
The existence of various persons in history depends on the evidence!

When people doubt Socrates - do you care?
When people doubt the existence of Hercules - do you respond with these questions?

The historicity of Jesus depends on the EVIDENCE of Jesus.
Like the historicity of Socrates depends on the EVIDENCE of Socrates.

Different beings have DIFFERENT levels of confidence - but you seem to be playing the ALL or NOTHING card?

Adam - certainly myth
Abraham - almost certainly myth
David - probably myth
Jesus - possibly myth
William Tell - probably myth
Mohamed - almost certainly historical
Bahai Ulah - certainly historical.

The existence of one has NOTHING to do withe the others.

So please - if you want to discuss the histority of Jesus, let's talk about the evidence for JESUS. Not some OTHER people.


You are so positive that Abraham Jesus , David are myth, If I would be an Atheist I would not be so positive .

I don't understand what physical evidence do you expect , from Abraham , don't you believe Judaism started with Abraham.
Don't you believe in Jerusalem there is the burial of David .
You wanted an other place were Jesus is mentioned beside Josephus , you your self identified Talmud . ( beside you mentioning I have sean mentioning in the period 90 AD
Who invented Christianity and what was the purpose ,
But you still haven't figured out how to use quotes. Even after I told you.[/QUOTE]

I am sorry I am a UK moron, we are slow but eventually I will make it ,Thank for your help
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You've deleted too much.
Hit reply to this post (upper left corner of the post, the button "quote"), and then study the tags.

To make a text appear in a quote box, immediately before that text, there needs to be the tag [quote_], and at the end of the quoted text, the tag [/quote_] (but without the _).

You are so positive that Abraham Jesus , David are myth,

I didn't say 'so positive' at all - please actually READ my posts next time, thanks :)

Here's what I said :
Abraham - almost certainly myth
David - probably myth
Jesus - possibly myth

If I would be an Atheist I would not be so positive .

I am not 'so positive'. What a pity you don't read my posts properly :-(

Nor am I an atheist - why do you keep doing that?
Because anyone who disagrees with your faith must be an atheist?
And all atheists are godless heathens who must be wrong?

I don't understand what physical evidence do you expect ,

Quite simple - the usual type of evidence that we have for real people.

from Abraham , don't you believe Judaism started with Abraham.

No, I believe Abraham was almost certainly a myth. So do many historians.

Don't you believe in Jerusalem there is the burial of David .

No there isn't.
Ther is NO historical tomb or burial place of David.
The alleged tomb in Jerusalem was only found in the 12th century - 8 centuries ago, over 2 millenia after the alleged David.
There is no known reason why that place began to be called David's Tomb at all.

It's clearly a legend, from 1000s of years after the alleged David.

In fact - there is NO hard evidence for David existing at all.

You wanted an other place were Jesus is mentioned beside Josephus , you your self identified Talmud .

I pointed out that the Talmud stories are NOTHING like the Gospel stories, and come from CENTURIES later. They are USELESS as 'mentions' of Jesus.

( beside you mentioning I have sean mentioning in the period 90 AD

What mention from 90AD is there?
Please let us know.

Who invented Christianity and what was the purpose ,

Who invented Hinduism and what was the purpose?
Who invented the Greek mystery religion and what was the purpose?
Who invented the ancient Egyptian religion and what was the purpose?

@arauca --

yet they can not make a living cell from the raw chemicals that make a cell

Not yet, but we're damn close. We can already stitch together an entire genome from raw materials, it's only a matter of time before we can custom build not only any genome we want but any cellular machinery too.

Next time you want to put down science, you might want to choose an example that isn't in a field where we're experiencing such progress. Oh, and you should probably try to research your examples to make sure that we haven't actually accomplished them already.

@Ellie --

So then evolution is not magical? Transforming into another being.

You cannot have it both ways.

No, genotypical changes being expressed phenotypically is not magic at all. It's a direct result of the laws of physics.

There is a lot more evidence for Jesus than evolution and yet it is possible evolution happened.

What are you smoking and where can I get some? We have more evidence supporting evolution than we do for anything else in science. Even relativity(which we have to thank for cell phones) and atomic theory aren't even close to being as well evidenced as evolution. Care to try again?

Just sayin'

You're completely ignorant of even the most basic concepts in science.

Just sayin'.
Not yet, but we're damn close. We can already stitch together an entire genome from raw materials, it's only a matter of time before we can custom build not only any genome we want but any cellular machinery too.[/QUOT

Next time you want to put down science, you might want to choose an example that isn't in a field where we're experiencing such progress. Oh, and you should probably try to research your examples to make sure that we haven't actually accomplished them already.

@Ellie --

So then evolution is not magical? Transforming into another being.

You cannot have it both ways.

No, genotypical changes being expressed phenotypically is not magic at all. It's a direct result of the laws of physics.

There is a lot more evidence for Jesus than evolution and yet it is possible evolution happened.

What are you smoking and where can I get some? We have more evidence supporting evolution than we do for anything else in science. Even relativity(which we have to thank for cell phones) and atomic theory aren't even close to being as well evidenced as evolution. Care to try again?

Just sayin'

You're completely ignorant of even the most basic concepts in science.

Just sayin'.

Your eventually going to know everything in the world. Then what?
@Knowledge --

But I'm not the one claiming knowledge of everything, or at least everything that matters, that would be you.

I don't know if science will be able to solve everything or not, nobody does. But I do know that if anything has a shot at it then science does. Nothing else has proven more effective at discovering the truth about reality.
I am sorry I am a UK moron, we are slow but eventually I will make it ,Thank for your help

now what

I didn't say 'so positive' at all - please actually READ my posts next time, thanks :)

Here's what I said :
Abraham - almost certainly myth
David - probably myth
Jesus - possibly myth

I am not 'so positive'. What a pity you don't read my posts properly :-(

Nor am I an atheist - why do you keep doing that?
Because anyone who disagrees with your faith must be an atheist?
And all atheists are godless heathens who must be wrong?

Quite simple - the usual type of evidence that we have for real people.

No, I believe Abraham was almost certainly a myth. So do many historians.

No there isn't.
Ther is NO historical tomb or burial place of David.
The alleged tomb in Jerusalem was only found in the 12th century - 8 centuries ago, over 2 millenia after the alleged David.
There is no known reason why that place began to be called David's Tomb at all.

It's clearly a legend, from 1000s of years after the alleged David.

In fact - there is NO hard evidence for David existing at all.

I pointed out that the Talmud stories are NOTHING like the Gospel stories, and come from CENTURIES later. They are USELESS as 'mentions' of Jesus.

What mention from 90AD is there?
Please let us know.


For your information

To my understanding the name for Jerusalem w as Salim
To my understanding Abraham is buried by Hebron.

Real people : Atahualpa , ruler of the Inca
Guaycaipuro ruler over the indian in New Venezua ( Venezuela )
How Hatwey the inhabitant if Cuba.