How do you know that it was Jesus who died on the cross?

@Knowledge --

You can't even come close to putting a number to that possibility, how are you going to say that it's likely("very real possibility" is synonymous with "it's likely")? I can tell you that there would be too many people involved in such a conspiracy for it to remain a secret for two thousand years. If the best and brightest of our government couldn't even cover up a break in in a psychiatrist's office then what makes you think that anyone could cover up something of this magnitude? Especially when Jesus supposedly already had a following. It just doesn't add up.

Its simple, they hunted and killed Jesus and any known followers, and then they burnt everything he ever touched.
That's not evidence, it's an unfounded claim.


We both evolved the same way - as humans.
There is no "Christian evolution" or "atheist evolution".

Don't be so quick using your favorite word nonsense .
did not a dog evolved from a wolf ?
Did not Christianity evolved from Judaism ?
Did not the protestant evolved from Catholicism
Evolved to me means some transformation have taken place

Now roll your eyes and say nonsense

You are NOT evidence for Jesus,
anymore than Jedi believers are evidence for Luke Skywalker,
or believers are evidence for FAERIES.

Your evidence for Jesus is on the level of evidence for faeries.

Yes, I have.
But you haven't have you?

The Talmud said Jesus was stoned to death in Lud - do you agree with that?

The Talmud said Jesus had 5 dicsiples - do you agree with that?

The Talmud said Jesus is in hell in a vat of boiling shit - do you agree with that?

Then why bring it up?
You've never even LOOKED at the Talmud references to Jesus, have you?


I am glad you found a source that Jesus existed
The Talmud said Jesus is in hell in a vat of boiling shit - do you agree with that?

I ma sure the Talmud did not say that, you are just malicious
@arauca --

Comparing biological evolution through natural selection to societal change, not a good idea. For one the mechanisms behind them are completely different, and therefore they cannot be used for a valid comparison. In fact, the only point of commonality I can find between the two is that they're change, that's not enough to draw a valid comparison.

Evolved to me means some transformation have taken place

Ah, using layman's terms on a science site, good job. To paraphrase Vader, "I find your lack of debating skills disturbing."
Don't be so quick using your favorite word nonsense
Why? Especially when you persist in posting nonsense.

Did not Christianity evolved from Judaism ?
Did not the protestant evolved from Catholicism
Evolved to me means some transformation have taken place
Which does not prove that Jesus existed.

Now roll your eyes and say nonsense
Sheer and utter nonsense.
@arauca --

Comparing biological evolution through natural selection to societal change, not a good idea. For one the mechanisms behind them are completely different, and therefore they cannot be used for a valid comparison. In fact, the only point of commonality I can find between the two is that they're change, that's not enough to draw a valid comparison.

Wow who are you to make rules , and making them in your favor /

Ah, using layman's terms on a science site, good job. To paraphrase Vader, "I find your lack of debating skills disturbing."

I am disturbed by your one sided view ,
@arauca --

Regardless of what you think of Dyw's discussion skills, he is right in that nothing you've posted comes even remotely close to proving a historical Jesus. The sad fact of the matter is that your best argument in this thread was an argument from popularity which is fallacious on it's face.

I am glad you found a source that Jesus existed

Claims that Jesus is in hell in a vat of boiling shit is evidence for Jesus existing?
Really ?

I ma sure the Talmud did not say that, you are just malicious

You're SURE?
But yet you did NOT check !
Instead of checking the facts you just called me a liar!

Here is the reference :

Gittin 57a.
Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement."

The Text
Talmud Gittin 56b-57a

[Onkelos Bar Kalonikus] called up Balaam from the dead. [Onkelos] asked: Who is honored in that world? [Balaam] replied: Israel. [Onkelos asked:] What about joining them? [Balaam] replied: (Deut. 23:7) "You shall not seek their peace or welfare all your days." [Onkelos] asked: What is your punishment? [Balaam answered]: In boiling semen.

[Onkelos] called up Yeshu from the dead. [Onkelos] asked: Who is honored in that world? [Yeshu] replied: Israel. [Onkelos asked:] What about joining them? [Yeshu] replied: Seek their good. Do not seek their bad. Whoever touches them is as if he touched the pupil of his eye. [Onkelos] asked: What is your punishment? [Yeshu answered]: In boiling excrement. As the mast said: Whoever mocks the words of the sages in punished in boiling excrement.

I say again you don't offer to the discussion ,but act just like a tit on a bull
Still wrong.
I asked how your existence is evidence for Jesus' existence (which was your claim).
So far you haven't done anything other than make excuses and silly comparisons.

Claims that Jesus is in hell in a vat of boiling shit is evidence for Jesus existing?
Really ?

You're SURE?
But yet you did NOT check !
Instead of checking the facts you just called me a liar!

Here is the reference :

Gittin 57a.
Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement."

The Text
Talmud Gittin 56b-57a

[Onkelos Bar Kalonikus] called up Balaam from the dead. [Onkelos] asked: Who is honored in that world? [Balaam] replied: Israel. [Onkelos asked:] What about joining them? [Balaam] replied: (Deut. 23:7) "You shall not seek their peace or welfare all your days." [Onkelos] asked: What is your punishment? [Balaam answered]: In boiling semen.

[Onkelos] called up Yeshu from the dead. [Onkelos] asked: Who is honored in that world? [Yeshu] replied: Israel. [Onkelos asked:] What about joining them? [Yeshu] replied: Seek their good. Do not seek their bad. Whoever touches them is as if he touched the pupil of his eye. [Onkelos] asked: What is your punishment? [Yeshu answered]: In boiling excrement. As the mast said: Whoever mocks the words of the sages in punished in boiling excrement.

Why are you quoting Deut 23:7 saying that , I don't know whos bible you are reading , but definitively in what read it does not say that
Gday all,

Ever noticed how creationists are not smart enough to figure out how to use quotes on messageboards?

arauca - don't you ever check your posts after submitting?
Don't you notice your quotes are often broken?
It makes you look stupid.
Don't you care?

Gday all,

Ever noticed how creationists are not smart enough to figure out how to use quotes on messageboards?

arauca - don't you ever check your posts after submitting?
Don't you notice your quotes are often broken?
It makes you look stupid.
Don't you care?


Thank you for the complement . What do you have against creationist ?
I am just an ignorant person who do not have the facts about the beginning of the earth and the evolution of the specie.
But I am very happy that the theist are smart and have all facts on how we come into the wold ,yet they ca not make a living cell from the raw chemicals that make a cell
But I am very happy that the theist are smart

You mean Atheist, not theist.

Perhaps you should take a moment to read what you post, before you post it. :shrug:
smart and have all facts on how we come into the wold
Oh, this wouldn't be yet another misrepresentation would it?
A false claim.

yet they ca not make a living cell from the raw chemicals that make a cell
Followed by another strawman.

What do you have against creationist ?
They tend to be dishonest, deceitful and ignorant.
Apart from that they're lovely people.

Thank you for the complement .

You mean 'compliment'.
Complement is something else.
My point is that you should be more careful with your posts - people judge you by what you write.

What do you have against creationist ?

Creationism is religious fantasy.
And there is a strong force attempting to push it as science.

It is those kind of people who have influenced and taught you - but sadly, you have been mislead. Most of what you say about evolution e.g. is wrong - and wrong in the very specific ways that creationists always get it wrong.

At this stage, you are just repeating what creationists told you - but you haven't yet got to the stage where you CHECK things - even with the amazing internet at your fingertips.

I am just an ignorant person who do not have the facts about the beginning of the earth and the evolution of the specie.

Ignorance can be fixed.
We all start out ignorant.
We WANT you to want to learn.

But hearing creationist falsehoods for the millionth time is boring. It's just the CHANCE that you might start questioning that keeps us posting :)

But I am very happy that the theist are smart

I suspect you meant 'atheist' - which is a dirty word to a believer.
As if it's a football game here :
* nasty atheists
* wonderful believers

and have all facts on how we come into the wold ,

So vague!
Come into the wo[r]ld?
You can't discuss science with woolly phrases like that.

yet they ca not make a living cell from the raw chemicals that make a cell

A CLASSIC creationist error!
Evolution does NOT say a living cell formed from raw chemicals.

The problem is that you don't actually know anything about evolution - what you know is a few creationist FANTASIES about evolution - that was one of them.

Everything creationists have told you about evolution is false.
If you want to criticise evolution, then you need to understand it first.

Otherwise you sound like this :

Believers have still not explained how Jesus cooked 500 meals of fish while hanging upside down on the cross!

Can YOU explain how Jesus did that ?

Believers have still not explained how Jesus cooked 500 meals of fish while hanging upside down on the cross!

He had a gas stove and teflon cookware and used a non-stick spray instead of oil on really big sheet pans.
Don't be so quick using your favorite word nonsense .
did not a dog evolved from a wolf ?
Did not Christianity evolved from Judaism ?
Did not the protestant evolved from Catholicism
Evolved to me means some transformation have taken place

By this reasoning, atheism evolved from Protestantism.

Atheism is the natural evolutionary consequence of Protestantism.