How do you know that it was Jesus who died on the cross?

It's really hard to debate with people who've, sadly, only read one book in their entire life, and even that one book - they may not have grasped it.
His word is given onto saints, prophets, and common people who display great faith. His word is nothing but a thought to the untrained mind.

And how do you qualify this exactly? What prophets? What saints? Regarding common people how do you qualify their message as being the Word of God?
Debate, go! Your logic is backwards, if I were uneducaed you should pwn me in a debate.

So, you mean, you haven't really read any other book than the Holy Bible? My logic is just trying to follow up with people who've only read and studied one book in their life. I'm trying to empathise with them -- that for them everything revolves around that one book and its --- makes good soil for a narrow outview, no? there something here I am supposed to "pwn"?
So then evolution is not magical? Transforming into another being.

You cannot have it both ways.

There is a lot more evidence for Jesus than evolution and yet it is possible evolution happened.

Just sayin':shrug:

you must trolling, right? because i can't even understand how you think :confused::confused:

you have everything backwards i won't even go into details. but i want to say this.

your life depends on science everyday. the car you drive to work, the medication prescribed by your doctors, the computer you use to type this message, the Television you watch every night, all made possible by scientific advances. but you don't believe in science. you believe in fairy tales in some books written by some drunken men thousands of years ago? you know they didn't even have toilet paper back then right?

how do you go through life? must be real frustrated to depend on science everyday and yet you hate it?
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If there's only one god, what other gods is it worried about?

Hes not worried about anything. "gods" are declared by man. God recognizes gods, but they are not God. Many of these "gods" are in fact said prophets who had no idea who God was so they didn't know who to credit for their gifts in various subjects.
you must trolling, right? because i can't even understand how you think :confused::confused:

you have everything backwards i won't even go into details. but i want to say this.

your life depends on science everyday. the car you drive to work, the medication prescribed by your doctors, the computer you use to type this message, the Television you watch every night, all made possible by scientific advances. but you don't believe in science. you believe in fairy tales in some books written by some drunken men thousands of years ago? you know they didn't even have toilet paper back then right?

how do you go through life? must be real frustrated to depend on science everyday and yet you hate it?

Is this a joke? I am looking at the facts as we know them. Everything you mentioned is a fact, except of assuming i drive a car to work everyday and take medication. Not to mention that i never said one time that (Human) evolution did not occur.
You are qualified by God, and faith for the most part.

No, I asked how do you qualify prophets, saints and messages from God.

How can Faith qualify anything objective when it comes in many different shapes and sizes, and for the most part has contradictory messages?

So apparently you feel that your thoughts and understanding are accurate because you consider yourself as Faithful? And these thoughts should be considered evidence?
No, I asked how do you qualify prophets, saints and messages from God.

How can Faith qualify anything objective when it comes in many different shapes and sizes, and for the most part has contradictory messages?

So apparently you feel that your thoughts and understanding are accurate because you consider yourself as Faithful? And these thoughts should be considered evidence?

Quit babbling pagan! The Lord rebuke thee. Anyways, its all about faith, its that simple. How can I be more clear?
But yet you keep preaching from it.

You're a troll, nothing more. You now go on ignore with the rest of the idiots.

"Largely" full of shit, no completely. It takes an eye to sift through all of the crap.
Quit babbling pagan! The Lord rebuke thee. Anyways, its all about faith, its that simple. How can I be more clear?

Ummmmm, You can't be clear if you are basing it on Faith because Faith is not objective. Follow along...........

It's simple for you because you obviously take comfort in self proclaimation and it ends there. There is no basis to your argument.

The Lord Smite Thee :rolleyes:
It's simple for you because you obviously take comfort in self proclaimation and it ends there.

But those proclamations are so comfortable!

We shouldn't underestimate the pleasure of "going on a God spree."
Even a hardcore skeptic as myself gets all tingly when I read scriptures.

Boy, would I be a preacher!
Sure, some scripture verses are beautiful, some not so much but again, the basis is not is Faith. The self-proclaimations I'm referring to are knowledge91's understanding and interpretation of prophets, saints and messages from God - Which he has only qualified to himself with circular reasoning. He has repeatedly said that he does not believe in the Bible.
Even just saying the word "God" can be intoxicating, giving the person a true rush and high.

Knowledge91 said elsewhere that he uses marijuana.
I am inclined to think that this could have something to do with how he approaches the topic "God," and possibly others (ie. in an intuitive and addictive manner).

Perhaps from talking about "God," he gets a similar high.

It's not uncommon for people to use intoxicants and then have so-called spiritual visions.