How do you know that it was Jesus who died on the cross?

Ummmmm, You can't be clear if you are basing it on Faith because Faith is not objective. Follow along...........

It's simple for you because you obviously take comfort in self proclaimation and it ends there. There is no basis to your argument.

The Lord Smite Thee :rolleyes:

I go un smitten. The basis of my argument is God is all around you, and the Son returns soon. They will all awake, behold as he comes with clouds.
Even just saying the word "God" can be intoxicating, giving the person a true rush and high.

Knowledge91 said elsewhere that he uses marijuana.
I am inclined to think that this could have something to do with how he approaches the topic "God," and possibly others (ie. in an intuitive and addictive manner).

Perhaps from talking about "God," he gets a similar high.

It's not uncommon for people to use intoxicants and then have so-called spiritual visions.

Wrong. The bible makes me sad. What is taking place makes me sad. What God has sent me to do makes me sad. The outcome makes me sad. I find no joy in the eternal burn that will 1/3 of the world will be scorched with. Im not some God freak. This is why end of times is necissary, people like me getting hacked for showing great faith, just like it says in the bible. I see no hallucinations, I hear the word that is all.
Sure, some scripture verses are beautiful, some not so much but again, the basis is not is Faith. The self-proclaimations I'm referring to are knowledge91's understanding and interpretation of prophets, saints and messages from God - Which he has only qualified to himself with circular reasoning. He has repeatedly said that he does not believe in the Bible.

I am qualified by my faith, and the word of God, ask him yourself.
I am qualified by my faith, and the word of God, ask him yourself.

I just did, God just told me that you are a lyer and by your logic this would qualify as evidence but here we are in a pickle. My interpretation is completely contrary to yours based on Faith alone. Do you get it yet?
I just did, God just told me that you are a lyer and by your logic this would qualify as evidence but here we are in a pickle. My interpretation is completely contrary to yours based on Faith alone. Do you get it yet?

Yes, do you? You have no faith, how could you possibly speak to God? Do not lie to me, God say's do not lie in his name, or in the presence of his son or face consequence's.
Yes, do you? You have no faith, how could you possibly speak to God? Do not lie to me, God say's do not lie in his name, or in the presence of his son or face consequence's.

Right you have to believe before you recieve. Backwards thinking.

My point is that two unique individuals of contrary faiths(ideals) can and do qualify themselves just as stubbornly however their alleged evidence is not objective and has absolutely no basis other then their own interpretations and wishful thinkings.

And when/where did God say that????
Right you have to believe before you recieve. Backwards thinking.

My point is that two unique individuals of contrary faiths(ideals) can and do qualify themselves just as stubbornly however their alleged evidence is not objective and has absolutely no basis other then their own interpretations and wishful thinkings.

And when/where did God say that????

In response to your lie. You do not know my faith, do not tempt the the Father. Receive then believe, you ignorant twat, God gave you life, bow your damned head.
How do you know that it was Jesus who died on the cross?

How do you know that the witnesses back then saw right, especially since they supposedly stood at some distance?

How do you know that the one on the cross was Jesus, and not someone looking similar to him?

How do you know your Grand father or your Grand mother died , very simply . You went to their funeral . So did Mary went to bury her son .
Did your father made any hupla to bury his father, no that is a private matter.
When JFK died so a big hupla was made , but ,many of us did not give a dam.
So is the same could happen during Jesus time. Jesus was not a resident of Jerusalem , he was from Galilee, He was not a local boy. So they got rid of him in a most quiet possible way.
Hanging on a cross there were many
The whole point . The message he carried was it good humanity ? and if it was was accepted by many, and it was expanded until NOW.
In response to your lie. You do not know my faith, do not tempt the the Father. Receive then believe, you ignorant twat, God gave you life, bow your damned head.

Sorry knowledge, I pointed out that your logic is flawed, then you carry on with insults....typical.

I only know what you have written on Sciforums which is good enough to make my case and to point out your epic failure.

Saying that God gave me life is just another assertion by you. What else do you have to offer?
Sorry knowledge, I pointed out that your logic is flawed, then you carry on with insults....typical.

I only know what you have written on Sciforums which is good enough to make my case and to point out your epic failure.

Saying that God gave me life is just another assertion by you. What else do you have to offer?

Have faith or burn. I offer you no logic, just do what I say.

How do you know your Grand father or your Grand mother died , very simply . You went to their funeral .

Events that you / I might directly witness nowadays.

So did Mary went to bury her son .

A STORY from a religious book, of unknown author, from millenia ago, a story full of supernatural events and unearthly beings.

You cannot possibly be comparing the two ?

So is the same could happen during Jesus time. Jesus was not a resident of Jerusalem , he was from Galilee, He was not a local boy. So they got rid of him in a most quiet possible way.

A CONSPIRACY to keep Jesus' existence quiet?

Hanging on a cross there were many
The whole point . The message he carried was it good humanity ? and if it was was accepted by many, and it was expanded until NOW.

Many ancient religous works carry a message.
Doesn't mean their magical beings existed.

Did Hercules exist? Osiris? Bacchus? Zeus? Demeter?
Of course not.

But Jesus is YOUR faith, so you believe he did.

Just like many Swiss people still believe the FICTIONAL William Tell was real.

Just like many Indians believe Krishna was real.

Just like some English people believed Sherlock Holmes was real.

Doesn't mean they WERE real at all.

Is this a joke? I am looking at the facts as we know them. Everything you mentioned is a fact, except of assuming i drive a car to work everyday and take medication. Not to mention that i never said one time that (Human) evolution did not occur.

you missed the point by a mile, not that you ever had any good grasp of what has been discussed anyways.

Events that you / I might directly witness nowadays.

But it doesnt mean it won't happen. Genetic change as a earthly explanation.

A STORY from a religious book, of unknown author, from millenia ago, a story full of supernatural events and unearthly beings.

I could re write the bible in a day in 2 pages, tops.

A CONSPIRACY to keep Jesus' existence quiet?

Essentialy the end game is to control people now a days, that would be a secret that is kept from even prominent members of the NWO players club. If they have a reason to keep Jesus quiet, then they have a reason to fear me :cool:

Many ancient religous works carry a message.
Doesn't mean their magical beings existed.

Doesn't mean celestrial beings DO NOT exist

Did Hercules exist? Osiris? Bacchus? Zeus? Demeter?

possibly, probably, who, no, who?

Of course not.

Jesus exist, I tell you this with grand certainty my friend.

But Jesus is YOUR faith, so you believe he did.

Just like many Swiss people still believe the FICTIONAL William Tell was real.

Just like many Indians believe Krishna was real.

Just like some English people believed Sherlock Holmes was real.

Faith is tested over and over friend.

Doesn't mean they WERE real at all.

But... they might be.

Have faith or burn. I offer you no logic, just do what I say.

Right.....your argument is basically "because I said so". You offer no support whatsoever.

Have Faith in what? You haven't even offered a definition of what you are referring to. Have Faith in your evidence of prophets, saints and messages from God?

Events that you / I might directly witness nowadays.

A STORY from a religious book, of unknown author, from millenia ago, a story full of supernatural events and unearthly beings.

You cannot possibly be comparing the two ?

A CONSPIRACY to keep Jesus' existence quiet?

Many ancient religous works carry a message.
Doesn't mean their magical beings existed.

Did Hercules exist? Osiris? Bacchus? Zeus? Demeter?
Of course not.

But Jesus is YOUR faith, so you believe he did.

Just like many Swiss people still believe the FICTIONAL William Tell was real.

Just like many Indians believe Krishna was real.

Just like some English people believed Sherlock Holmes was real.

Doesn't mean they WERE real at all.


Sense you are so knowledge and believe in documentation.
In 1800 ++ Van Gogh died . Can you tell how did he died.
My point is if at these dating age we can not point out clearly , How do you can be so positive that Jashua did not ddie on the cross.
Sense you are so knowledge and believe in documentation.
In 1800 ++ Van Gogh died . Can you tell how did he died.
My point is if at these dating age we can not point out clearly , How do you can be so positive that Jashua did not ddie on the cross.

He could have easily died on the cross, just like anyone else back in that day and age. The extraordinary claim is that he rose from the dead.
He could have easily died on the cross, just like anyone else back in that day and age. The extraordinary claim is that he rose from the dead.

Then If an eye witness would say that to you would we believe him or not

Do we believe those people who have seen him or not . At same time how did they establish death , Then if we believe in the all mighty , could he do it for him .