How did Noah fit all those animals on the ark?

You're obviously in a bit over your head there NDS, hang in there buddy.

This is supposed to be your area of mastery, yet you continue show how little you know about it.

So instead of the one liner posts and insults, how about teaching us all your theory?
I'm sorry, was that a yes?

Seriously IAC, one line is not sufficient. If that was a yes to my question kindly answer the others. If a no kindly answer the question related to the 'no' side.

Many thanks.

P.S Listen, this isn't about right or wrong it's about your perspective. Nobody can ever get that if you refuse to offer more than a vague one-liner. While that is your right, it doesn't help anyone. Kindly try, you have nothing to lose.

P.P.S When you mention an "extensive gene pool" you are aware you're talking about more than 2 animals? If you're talking 2 animals the 'gene pool' is hardly "extensive", indeed there's only actually 2 of them. Please clarify
Such genetic diversification, Snake, occurs quickly, look at the variety of pups which two mutt parents produce.

Not really, no. Labradors do not give birth to poodles.

To go back to cats, (because unlike dogs they do not [so much] suffer from human interference).

If you breed a tiger with a lion, (which happens very rarely in the wild), you end up with a liger. Now, in every instance of this event the male ends up sterile. The female is fertile.... So, you now have a fertile female liger. If you then breed a tiger with the liger you end up with a ti-liger, (only ever found from mans intervention and exceptionally rare). You could of course, (if you use a lion), end up with a li-liger. So then you end up with a sterile ti-liger. Now, if the female was fertile and you bred it with a tiger you'd end up with a ti-ti-liger, (I assume, I've never seen it done).

It really isn't as simple as you'd wish it were. What you are saying is that two cats gave birth to a lion. What then did that lion breed with? If it bred with the cats you'd end up with a mule, (and invariably the problem seen above). So what you would now have to espouse is that these two cats gave birth to two lions, (male/female), which then bred lions from then on. Then the same original cats gave birth to two tigers, two cougars, two panthers, two cheetahs etc.

If you are going to make such a claim isn't it better just to state that 2 of each animal was on the ark? After all, once we're done with cats we then have many more animals to go, (snakes etc).

Think about it for a moment.
I said mutts.

I said "think about it for a moment" and this is the best your brain could come up with? Is this what humankind comes down to? I'm shocked, truly.

However, needless to say, two "mutts" don't give birth to a poodle.
Two hyper-mutts could, after a few generations.

Sorry, what's a hyper mutt?

P.S Can I just say something.. You know, in 30 or 40 years you and I will be corpses. we'll be rotting in our crypts. It wont bother us then because we'll be dead, but right now I can not accept that you're happy going through life with such astounding ignorance. This isn't about whether you're wrong or not, it's about how you refuse to question or answer anything. I personally find it disturbing.

But hey, I'm a sucker for punishment... (apparently an eternal one).. So once again:

Do you believe that two cats, (hyper cats if you must), had sex and gave birth to a lion? (it's a yes or no answer.. c'mon, I know you love giving short answers, they get no shorter than that)
Perhaps in one generation, but probably after several.

Ok, so I'll take that as a yes. (btw, what's a hyper mutt)?

So, out of interest, what mechanism exactly stops these two cats from giving birth to a dog?
Perhaps in one generation, but probably after several.

Sorry IAC, but 10 million species of animals cannot evolve or "speciate" from 40,000 animals in a period of 10,000 years. Not possible. If it were, we would be seeing it happen today.

Also, how do you explain faunal succession in rocks?
He didn't put them all in, but because God told him the Deluge was on the way.

Why did he have to even build an arc?
Isn't god powerful enough to preserve animals by his divine whim?

Your story doesn't really hold water- at least, your trying to integrate Canaanite mythology with later Greek philosophy.
He didn't put them all in, but because God told him the Deluge was on the way.

M*W: Let me guess which animals Noah missed... dragons (the fire-breathing kind and the regular breath ones), unicorns, talking serpents, gingham dogs, calico cats, flying pigs, cows that jump over the moon, laughing dogs, cockhorses, ova that sit on high walls, prolific writing geese, blackbirds baked in pies, and of course, snips (whatever they were).
The two are hyper-mutt cats, not hyper-mutt dogs, do you see the difference?

I'm afraid I don't, quite probably because - even though I've asked several times - you've failed to explain to me what a hyper mutt is. What is a hyper mutt? What is a hyper mutt cat?

If indeed these hyper mutt cats/dogs do exist that give birth to any old kind they feel like, why does this not happen right here, right now?