How did Noah fit all those animals on the ark?

I really hope that's a joke.

Yup, it used to be a satire site started up by a MIT student. It got taken down when animal rights activists thought it was real and got the FBI involved. Was a real lark, but yes, the site is completely satire. It used to be hosted at

It actually became a bit of an internet legend before the official site got closed down: (the story).

Kinda like the Landover Baptist Church.

Read this part I quoted from the site and tell me if you think it is realistic:

Waste Removal. Left to its own devices, the kitten would quickly fill its vessel with its own urine and feces, leading to certain sickness and death, not to mention the inevitably unpleasant appearance and odor. The best solution is to seal the kitten's anus with Super Glue prior to insertion, and then insert a waste tube through a third whole in the vessel.

Sick? Maybe... Serious? Not at all.
NDS, it's syngameons which were brought on the Ark, not species, which is a meaningless term.

Cat's which can produce offspring with other cats are by definition of the same syngameon, and that's many so-called species of cats, right?

Let's see which animals entered the boat with Noah and his crew:

1. Every beast after its kind

2. All cattle after their kind

3. Every creeping thing that creeps on the earth after its kind

4. Every bird after its kind, every bird of every sort

IAC, please tell me what numbers 1-4 means. The phrase "Every bird of every sort" suggests that God didn't just say, "Bring in the bird syngameon." Use of the term "Cattle" suggest that cattle didn't evolve, they were already cattle. Maybe I misread the verses IAC, but I don't believe the Bible said "and all the syngameons of animals entered into the ark."
The Bible uses the term kinds (of animals), and biologists estimate that about 20,000 kinds (syngameons) of animals need have been on Noah's Ark.

"Biologists estimate." That's all I needed to hear. How do I know you didn't make up the 20,000 number?
Syngameons - species groups with naturally occurring hybridizations. Quite common among plants, but also mammals. e.g. Coyotes and Wolves...
IAC's belief:
DNA in animals can be mutated over time due to their environment and passed on to their offspring

Darwinists Belief:
DNA in animals can be mutated over time due to their environment and passed on to their offspring

So refresh my memory again as to why you don't believe in Darwinian Evolution.
Syngameons - species groups with naturally occurring hybridizations. Quite common among plants, but also mammals. e.g. Coyotes and Wolves...

Hey IAC, did two golden retrievers ever have sex and a wolf came out?

LOL. Thank you and good night.
Since most species date to before the time of Noah (or mankind for that matter), his explanation doesn't hold up.
What question?

Ok, one more time..

Do you espouse that two cats had sex and gave birth to a lion?

If yes I would ask as a further question how all the other species of cat came to be, (i.e did this same pair of cats give birth to a lion, then a tiger and then this lion and tiger gave birth to a panther ([which would be incorrect because you end up with a sterile liger])? or that this same pair of cats gave birth to a male and female of each species..

If no, do you think it is valid to claim that in a maximum of 10,000 years that this pair of cats - through adaptation - gave rise to all the species of cat that you see today?

Furthermore I would once again ask that if a pair of cats, (siamese for the sake of discussion), can give birth to a lion why they don't continue to do so.

Many thanks.
IAC, I know you have tendonitus and don't like typing more than one sentence, but please explain to me what the common ancestor of the cat is.