How did Noah fit all those animals on the ark?

My pet cat's species could not evolve into lions and tigers in a matter of 20,000 years. That is like one second in the scope of millions of years. Dinos didn't evolve in 20,000 years. They evolved in millions of years. Slight difference.

A) Dinosaurs are a fiction. The bones were placed by the devil to fool mankind into thinking that the planet is older than it actually is. Why he'd do such a thing is unknown but hey, that's what I'm told.

B) 20,000 years is far too much. According to our truly religious 'friends', (if I dare use that word), the planet has only existed for what.. 10k tops? The flood would have then occured what.. 9k ago tops? In saying that all these animals must have 'evolved' or as the theists would prefer to say 'adapted' in under 10,000 years.

What bothers me here is that IAC scoffs at anyone that dares believe in the evidence that shows evolution occurs and that it takes a long damn time in preference of believing that in a miniscule 10,000 years two cats 'adapted' into all the lions, tigers, cheetahs, leopards, pumas, wildcats, cougars, lynx, bobcat, ocelot, panthers and so on and so forth that we see today. And he dares call us crazy?
IAC, you believe that a domesticated cat can somehow morph into a huge 1,000 pound tiger but not that both dogs and cats might have had a common ancestor? Interesting.
You can't breed a cat with a dog, but you can with another cat, right?

Sure, this is accurate. However, you are espousing that a cat breeds with another cat and gives birth to a lion. If you believe this to be so then why can a cat not breed with a cat and give birth to a Nigerian sand frog?
Also, breeding between two different cat species and one cat species evolving into different cat species are two completely different things.

IAC, you suggest that cats actually evolved into what they are now, not that cats cross-bred, correct?
You don't seem to grasp the concept, but that's ok.

Certainly a noble way of escaping the discussion. *end sarcasm*

But hey, I'll go with that.. I missed something along the lines. Instead of just telling me I missed something along the lines, why don't you explain what I missed?

They can't?

Who's to say? Perhaps Noah only had 2 animals on the ark and from there they gave birth to everything we see today, even tulips and daffodils.
It was a cat which is not now seen, as the pair(s)' progeny dispersed in isolated breeding groups into new and variable ecologic niches, thus the many "species" of cats are merely "naturally selected" offspring of the Ark cats.

Your belief:
DNA in animals can be mutated over time due to their environment and passed on to their offspring

Darwinists Belief:
DNA in animals can be mutated over time due to their environment and passed on to their offspring

So refresh my memory again as to why you don't believe in Darwinian Evolution.
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IAC's theory is called Hybrid speciation

Hybrid speciation

Hybridization between two different species sometimes leads to a distinct phenotype. This phenotype can also be fitter than the parental lineage and as such natural selection may then favor these individuals. Eventually, if reproductive isolation is achieved, it may lead to a separate species. However, reproductive isolation between hybrids and their parents is particularly difficult to achieve and thus hybrid speciation is considered an extremely rare event.

Not to mention, no cases of hybrid speciation have been recorded which involve one animal becoming much different at all from the animals which produced it (such as a domestic cat into a tiger).

IAC, how many types of cats, or of any species for that matter, did Noah bring onto the ark with him?

Did he bring 1 species of cats which evolved into other cats?
NDS, it's syngameons which were brought on the Ark, not species, which is a meaningless term.

Cat's which can produce offspring with other cats are by definition of the same syngameon, and that's many so-called species of cats, right?
Cat's which can produce offspring with other cats are by definition of the same syngameon, and that's many so-called species of cats, right?

So you're still claiming that 2 tabby's bonked and gave birth to a lion?