How did Noah fit all those animals on the ark?

Google things like precambrian, Phanerozoic, cambrian explosion, eukaryote, etc.
So the viruses today are supposedly morphing into new creatures?

Viruses are like the program of a computer. Change the program and the computer behaves differently.

It is not so much the viruses themselves morphing into new creatures, since the viruses are not the "creatures" you're talking about. Rather, the creatures the viruses are inside are changed by the actions of the viruses.

Your error is equivalent to mistaking a computer program for the computer running it.
The creatures with the viruses inside do not change into new kinds of creatures, right?

Depends what you mean by that.

If you have a cold virus, does that make you a different kind of being from when you don't have a cold virus?

You need to be more specific.
So, we've established that a cold virus is not sufficient to turn human beings into a different species. Good.

What's next?
I sell a product that cleans floors. Somebody else sells a different floor cleaner. We both expound on how great our products are. It would not be uncommon for me to disparage the other guys product to keep mine in the forefront. No different than advertisements today. Religious movements don't want to fail so they are susceptible to the same tactics.

Scoffers won't be coming in the final days because they have been here all along and thus will be here in the final days also. How do you know if the final days aren't referring to the fairy tale you believe in? Makes more sense than the end of the world.

Hey PsychoticEpisode!! (what made you choose that name by the way?)

Thanks for replying to my posts! Well first of all it is important to note that this verse is not specifically talking about religious movements.

It is a prophecy of the prophets who lived thousands of years ago. They were prophesizing that people in the future would turn away from the belief that God created the heavens and the earth with age and "heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth."

I see this as prophecy being fulfilled. How many years has the theory of evolution been established mainstream science? Not very many. In fact--this theory with its many teachers--have led the war over belief in God's creation. Before Darwin, much of the world believed in God's creation. The universal truths of the Ten Commandments have only been removed from public schools recently. The question then is: how did these prophets know that a teaching which counters God's creation (evolution) would become accepted by many teachers? You can tell that the prophets are referring to evolution even more specifically when they continue, "all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation."

What is really neat to know is that this is just one of over 300 prophesies that are in the Bible. Can you do this? Just try--what will it hurt you? Ask God to give you light to understand these passages. Please be open minded. You need to be born again just like Nicodemus. A child born into a Chinese family does not understand English. But a child born into an English family will understand English perfectly. You cannot understand the things of God until you are born again into the family of God. A father cannot force his child to love Him. We must choose to love Him.

As for the other religions, no other religion proclaims a risen Savior. And the authority of the Bible must be supreme for it to be truth--which it is in all the world.
In fact we do.

We can see one species evolve into another!?! Please do tell me and the rest of the world this so we can reveal the biggest discovery in the world! Buddy I had to be honest with myself when I realized there is no evidence of this--I know it is hard. Why should I believe evolution if every time a species reproduces--it is still the same kind? Don't most scientists proclaim seeing is believing?

OK, so they were made up a long time ago.

They have stood the test of time. They are universal truths that apply to everyone who has ever existed. Rich or poor, man or woman, ugly or pretty, smart or dumb, young or old, black or white--need I continue? That's pretty profound. Why don't you agree? God is so fair that He lets anyone discover Him.

From a scientific standpoint, the source doesn't matter.

Well no wonder its hard for some to understand the end product. You don't know the source! Know the source then the end product will be understood. Come on man!

That wouldn't have worked. The genetic diversity we see today, and lack of it in some endangered and zoo animals, proves that modern animals did not descend from a single pair some 5-10 thousand years ago.

Well, what you see is recombinations of innate genetic factors. Just like the races of the world came from Adam and Eve. Thats not the issue of evolution. Evolution says species evolved from a completely different form into a brand new species.

Do you believe in the electrons flowing through your computer, encoding information that I can see miles away? Can you see them?

This is just like asking can I see the wind? Of course you can't. But you can experiment with, feel and SEE the effects of wind. Can't do that with evolution.

I'm not scoffing anything (well sometimes I scoff at IceAgeCivilizations, but he's just a man), I'm offering an explanation, perhaps an elaboration of the tales of old. Note that while the passage above seems to encourage one to seek the kingdom of heaven within, I don't think it really applies to evolutionary science. Note:

Pro 1:22 How long, you simple ones, will foolish things be dear to you? and pride a delight to the haters of authority? how long will the foolish go on hating knowledge?

Pro 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the start of knowledge: but the foolish have no use for wisdom and teaching.

Pro 10:13 In the lips of him who has knowledge wisdom is seen; but a rod is ready for the back of him who is without sense.

Pro 12:1 A lover of training is a lover of knowledge; but a hater of teaching is like a beast.

Wisdom and teaching is the understanding of God's character in these verses. How much do we know about the things of God?

But this one is the reason I think you chose not to keep an open mind and heed the words of scientific knowledge:

Ecc 1:18 Because in much wisdom is much grief, and increase of knowledge is increase of sorrow.

There is comfort in your beliefs.

When God says that we will face persecution and even death for having our beliefs--you think that is comfort? Christ himself was murdered by the world for this so called "comfort." What Bible have you gotten this information from? There is comfort, yes, knowing that we will be rewarded if we "fight the good fight"--which is righteousness. The Bible says that sinners who do not repent will go to hell. That's comfort?

I feel sorry for you because you seem to believe that science will determine the destiny of our souls. No matter how hard we study science no one will be able to predict our physical and mental state of mind after we die. And that is the fact. We will die and I am not going to leave it up to myself to determine what happens. I will trust the Bible.

Are you going to trust yourself with your very existence? or Are you going to trust evolution's approach--to consume and enjoy and then we become nothing? I hope you please ask God to reveal Himself to you. Try it right now. Will it hurt you?

"And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;" Acts 17:26-27
What country(s) or education system(s) is pushing out people like IAC and JimHR?.... I really want to know (reading what they write makes me feel better about the quality of my 3rd world education).

I really do not mind that people disbelieve in Evolution. It allows countries like Zimbabwe to catch up and overtake a lot of first world people educationally. And the funny thing, is the dumb people don't even realize this :D
Mithras was a sun god i think. Celebrated on Dec 25th in ancient Rome.

Anyways. You'd be surprised how "educated", so-called educated people in North America are.

I told a co-worker oil nowdays comes largely from the mass extinction of dinosaurs at the 65 MYA event. Somehow the conversation was struck up at local hockey arena that night and she told some other parents(if you know how expensive hockey is you know only well-paid families can afford it) and they LAUGHED at her.

She was a bit ticked at me the next day that I played a pretty good joke on her. I just shook my head in dismay. Barbarians at the gate my friends, barbarians at the gate...
It is a prophecy of the prophets who lived thousands of years ago. They were prophesizing that people in the future would turn away from the belief that God created the heavens and the earth with age and "heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth."

Maybe they were talking about you. Turning your ears from the truth may mean stop believing in this crap(religion) and get with the program. Its a matter of interpretation. Frankly that quote is ambiguous at best.

Back then as it is today, people knew that progress and scientific discovery would prove a lot of their words wrong. I can make the exact same prediction today, remove some of the ambiguity, and it will hold up for all as long as humans exist. There is nothing psychic about it. It is a common sensical realization with inevitability attached. Its no prophesy.