How did Noah fit all those animals on the ark?

How old are you IAC? I just want to try figure out what handycap you are.


Id say about 45?
IAC, right now there is an exact amount of H20 cycling around the world, be it in the form of water vapor, etc. (Correct me if I'm wrong).

Did God create new water to make the flood happen?

If so, in what form did God send this new water (rain, etc.)?
Although more than a million animal species have been described, the actual number may be closer to 10 million (according to

Institution entomologist Terry Erwin estimates there may be 30 million species of tropical insects alone.

10 million species of animals. First of all, how did Noah find and collect every species of animal? He would have had to literally travel all over the world.

Secondly, if he even found all these species of animals, how did he fit a male and female of each animal into the ark?

If there are 10 million species of animals, he would have had to fit 20 million animals in the ark. Think about that: 20,000,000 animals. However, "Vertebrates, the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, those species with a backbone, number only about 44,000 species in total." Even so, that's still 88,000 big vertebrates on one boat. 88 thousand.

The ark would have to have been at least the size of Texas, right?

Noah must have been the holder of DNA of all those animals. He must have been genetic engineer.
Only about 20,000 syngameons of animals need have been on the Ark, and I'd bet Noah didn't worry too much about insects, except what he may have carried onboard to feed some of the animals.
Gen 7:11-12
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month--on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. 12 And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.

So rain, and "the springs of the great deep."

Please explain what "the springs of the great deep" is.
Out of interest, why does the bible not explain the vast amount of meteor impacts that have happened, would have wiped out most life, and must have happened during the time of man, (from a biblical perspective)?

It mentions a global flood, (of which there is no evidence), yet doesn't mention meteor impacts, (of which there is plenty of evidence). Why?
What does that have to do with rain or "all the springs of the great deep bursting forth?"

IAC, how about explaining to everyone how the earth suddenly had enough water to fill the entire earth up to the highest mountain (more than twice the volume of all the oceans).
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