How did Noah fit all those animals on the ark?

Like the first post on the previous page?

"No he can't. Everytime science challenges his absurd theory, he just says something like: "Oh, that's just flawed. Oh, that's wrong."

He denies faunal succession, he denies Radiometric Dating, he denies basically everything which could threaten his flawed theory."
IAC, your whole argument is based on you "making facts up as you go along."

You have a great imagination IAC. ;)
"Faunal succession" is just the general order of entombments which you'd expect from the Deluge, and radiometric dating methods assume the initial conditions when the rock formed, or when the plant or animal lived, so why wouldn't I look at those "facts" with a jaundiced eye?
"Faunal succession" is just the general order of entombments which you'd expect from the Deluge, and radiometric dating methods assume the initial conditions when the rock formed, or when the plant or animal lived, so why wouldn't I look at those "facts" with a jaundiced eye?

IAC, you have to resort to miracles to validate your theory. Otherwise, it is impossible.

And you never really gave your thoughts on the half croc, half fish fossil found just last year.

An animal made up of two syngameons?
IAC, you have to resort to miracles to validate your theory. Otherwise, it is impossible.

And you never really gave your thoughts on the half croc, half fish fossil found just last year.

An animal made up of two syngameons?

Do you have the link to that? I would like to read up on it.
Do you have the link to that? I would like to read up on it.

No problem. It really is interesting.

What has the head of a crocodile and the gills of a fish?
May 2006

Tiktaalik, of course. Pronounced tik-TAA-lik, this 375 million year old fossil splashed across headlines as soon as its discovery was announced in April of 2006. Unearthed in Arctic Canada by a team of researchers led by Neil Shubin, Edward Daeschler, and Farish Jenkins, Tiktaalik is technically a fish, complete with scales and gills — but it has the flattened head of a crocodile and unusual fins. Its fins have thin ray bones for paddling like most fishes', but they also have sturdy interior bones that would have allowed Tiktaalik to prop itself up in shallow water and use its limbs for support as most four-legged animals do. Those fins and a suite of other characteristics set Tiktaalik apart as something special; it has a combination of features that show the evolutionary transition between swimming fish and their descendents, the four-legged vertebrates — a clade which includes amphibians, dinosaurs, birds, mammals, and of course, humans.


So let's here. A mix between two syngameons. How is this possible if each syngameon can only breed with each other?
The most interesting thing about this fossil is its location. Which would indicate that area was once sub-tropic to tropical. And its still pretty young for a fossil... could it be that because of magnetic pole changes that tropics move around?
So a bat is the result of a bird syngameon having bred with a squirrel syngameon, that's just great NDS.

You should go to work on mating birds with squirrels, should be fascinating.
So according to your logic, you can breed a lizard with a fish, look forward to that, ahahahaha.

That's because you can't breed a lizard with a fish, and I never implied that. According to my logic, lizards didn't exist yet before creatures like the one presented above.
The human IQ rises at a rate of 3% per 10 years in developed worlds. How old are you IAC? I just want to try figure out what handycap you are.
All I'm saying is that God cursed serpants in Genesis 3 so they couldn't walk anymore and would would have their heads crushed by mankind for the rest of their existence. Respected scholar Mathew Henry seems to agree...