How did Noah fit all those animals on the ark?

Gen 7:11-12
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month--on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. 12 And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.

So rain, and "the springs of the great deep."

Please explain what "the springs of the great deep" is.

M*W: Let me preface this comment with this is not my area of expertise, but I have heard scientists say "there is no new water." Every drop we have has been with us in some form since the beginning of our universe. That means water, ice, steam, vapor, icebergs, snow, rain, clouds, dew, etc. Again, this is not an area I am familiar with, so no nasty comments are needed. I believe what I've heard, in that global warming is nothing new. The icebergs that are melting are lighter than water, so there will be no flooding when the icebergs melt. The water cycle will still exist even if the types of water change. Then our climate/ecobiology will adapt to whatever comes about.
How did the earth fill up with more water than it had before? What was the source of the water?
M*W: Let me preface this comment with this is not my area of expertise, but I have heard scientists say "there is no new water." Every drop we have has been with us in some form since the beginning of our universe. That means water, ice, steam, vapor, icebergs, snow, rain, clouds, dew, etc. Again, this is not an area I am familiar with, so no nasty comments are needed. I believe what I've heard, in that global warming is nothing new. The icebergs that are melting are lighter than water, so there will be no flooding when the icebergs melt. The water cycle will still exist even if the types of water change. Then our climate/ecobiology will adapt to whatever comes about.

Agreed. IAC's theory would require that "extra" or "new" water would have had to have been created in order to flood the entire earth.

For example, to raise the sea level a mere 50 feet, 2000 cubic miles of water would have to be created.
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Hey IAC, funny how no modern human fossils are found in any sedimentary rocks, when according to you billions of them drowned in the flood. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

You are a joke.
anomolous relics???


I can't believe I didn't think of this point before. There were millions of people on the earth during the flood, according to you.

Many of them would have been easily buried in sediments, also according to you.

Yet no human fossils were found, especially near or around extinct animals such as dino in the strata.

Michael Cremo laughs at your "Young Earth Deluge" theory and fully supports radiometric dating and other dating techniques.

You're right, maybe this guy is on to something.
You should read all those accounts of anomalous human relics and bones in strata which are "too old," hundreds of them, but then, you don't care about germane information.
Anyone who wants to learn how ignorant IAC is, please visit the following website:

"Greg Neyman is the founder of the Old Earth Ministries/Answers In Creation website ministry. He started the website in January 2003, in an effort to gain respect for old earth creationists. His area of concentration within his college degree (B. S. Geology) is in soft rock geology (sedimentary)."

Greg Neyman has written a number of articles which make IAC look like a fourth grader.

Here are links to some of his articles against the "young earth theory:"
Anyone who wants to learn how ignorant IAC is, please visit the following website:

"Greg Neyman is the founder of the Old Earth Ministries/Answers In Creation website ministry. He started the website in January 2003, in an effort to gain respect for old earth creationists. His area of concentration within his college degree (B. S. Geology) is in soft rock geology (sedimentary)."

Greg Neyman has written a number of articles which make IAC look like a fourth grader.

Here are links to some of his articles against the "young earth theory:"

M*W: Due to a computer glitch, I am unable to open these sites. A quick question: Is Greg Neyman any relation to Martha Neyman of Belgium who wrote The Horse of God and other publications/CDs about the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau? She is an old acquaintance of mine. Just wondering.
Hmmmmmm, not as far as I know. I could look into it but I'm pretty sure there is no relation.

In any case I have personally emailed Greg and prompted him to come to this site and lay the smack down on IAC. I can't wait.
Should be a good debate if it happens. Nothing will be probably be solved or concluded, but your young earth theory will no doubt be shown for what it is.