How did Noah fit all those animals on the ark?

I'll admit, I'm no geologist. But you still never responded to some of my major points.
Here are some of the arguments made by me which IAC has either refused to argue against or which he gave an entirely speculative and made up answer to:

Response to the fact that no modern human skeletons have been found in sedimentary rocks, especially along side dinosaurs and other extinct creatures:

Michael Cremo cites hundreds of anomolous relics from strata in his landmark work Forbidden Archaeology. It's quite expensive, but worth it.

Response to the fact that there are hundreds of sediment layers:

Many turbidity flows from constantly varying directions and intensities during the Deluge, with periods of only CaCO3 precipitation, and periods where only slurries in low energy environments were settling out.

Response to faunal succession:

"Faunal succession" in various regions is constantly being revised, so what's up with that?

Response to faunal succession 2:

And most of the land animals were able to retreat for a time before drowning and decomposing. What is left in the fossil record are predictably the marine creatures and the less mobile land creatures, Scruffy.

Types of animals not mobile enough to search for higher ground (lol, this is great):

Frogs, lizards, turtles, etc.

Response to the fact that the hominid "cavemen" are on the highest level of sediment?

"Cavemen" are post Deluge, although Cremo in his Forbidden Archaeology cites hundreds of examples of remains and artifacts in layers which are allegedly tens of millions of years old.

Response to Radiometric Dating:

Just google Flaws in Radioisotope Dating.

Response to the question of how all that "new" water somehow came into existence to cause the flood:

The planet which exploded between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars probably induced the Deluge.

Response to how Noah fit all the animals into the ark:

(My IAC Summary for this one) Simple. He just brought 40,000 hyper mutts on board which then interbred with each other (incestually, causing mutations) and somehow managed to produce 10,000,000 species from 40,000 animals in matter of 6,000 years. Truly amazing.
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IAC, what makes a lizard less able to go up a hill and reach higher ground than a dino?

Also, how was also the water for the flood supplied? Where did it come from?

You have avoided both these questions, as you always do when you have no answer to them.

(From the Earth Science thread, it seems that river valleys CAN be found in sed. rock, so there goes another argument of yours).
IAC's response to faunal succession:

"And most of the land animals were able to retreat for a time before drowning and decomposing. What is left in the fossil record are predictably the marine creatures and the less mobile land creatures."

When I first read this, I could have sworn a third grader came up with it. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
IAC, you have no point. According to you, it doesn't matter where the animals retreated no matter how mobile they were. They were still going to be in the flood waters, sink to the bottom, and be fossilized with all the other "less mobile" creatures.

According to you the waters went 15 cubits above the highest mountain, meaning "mobility" of animals is a non-factor. All living animals, land or not land, should have been on the bottom of the waters.

You say the more mobile animals retreated, when there was no where to retreat.
As I said in the rest of the post which you partially cited, they escaped uphill for awhile, then floated and bloated and decomposed, no fossils, this is what happened to most of the animals, and is why 99% of fossils are marine creatures.
Wow, carcasses can float? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!

IAC, first of all, according to you, the earth filled with water very rapidly, and even the "mobile" animals wouldn't of had time to "retreat" onto a hill before being drowned.

Secondly, carcasses do not float. There should be billions of remains of dead animals and humans from the flood in the same sediment as say the dinos and the other prehistoric animals.

Yet there aren't.....
I can imagine them right now...

"FUCK! swim faster guys, there's a lot of water coming our way!!" :D
Basically IAC is saying...

There was a global flood.. Every single animal and human died during this flood... The only remains are of fish that wouldn't have died during a flood.. Yes, I, the person known as IAC doesn't seem to realise that if I wanted to argue for a global flood, dead fish would be the very last thing on my list. First I would point out all the dead humans and animals. Instead, because I'm quite daft, I'll just point out that 99% of fossil sea remains are actually fish. That's bound to help.
Wow, carcasses can float? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!

IAC, first of all, according to you, the earth filled with water very rapidly, and even the "mobile" animals wouldn't of had time to "retreat" onto a hill before being drowned.

Secondly, carcasses do not float. There should be billions of remains of dead animals and humans from the flood in the same sediment as say the dinos and the other prehistoric animals.

Yet there aren't.....

M*W: Your post reminded me of a question I have about those dinosaur fossils. They drill for oil on the sea floor. Doesn't that indicate there are fossil fuels down there? Has anybody really traveled that deeply into the major oceans to look for dinosaur fossils? I think it is humanly impossible to dive that deeply, maybe even in a sub-type vehicle. What about the deepest parts of the oceans. They've found dinosaur bones right here in Texas (and oil as well). Where did the La Brea Tar Pits originate? Isn't that on a major fault line, so couldn't have the fossil scum seeped through the fault crack? We also have a lot of faults in the city of Houston, pretty close to my neighborhood. What causes those faults to separate and move upward or downward unevenly? I'm just wondering about the ocean floors, mountains, caves, volcanos, etc. Is there anyway to find out what really lurks in the deep?
wow...lots of pages on this thread. Sorry if this has already been brought up.

How did Noah fit all those animals on the ark.
Shrink Ray Gun. He shrunk them. :eek: Yes. I like that english--- He done shrunk em