How did Noah fit all those animals on the ark?

No he can't. Everytime science challenges his absurd theory, he just says something like: "Oh, that's just flawed. Oh, that's wrong."

He denies faunal succession, he denies Radiometric Dating, he denies basically everything which could threaten his flawed theory.
IAC, why do you think it is that 90% of geologists would laugh at your theory?

Hey IAC, here is a modern link on dating, I believe your argument is about 10 years out of date. While it look liked there where issues with Carbon 14 analysis, other methods are a lot more accurate and can get it to within a decade in the last couple of billion years or so.

I know how much you like your old stories and arguments so I thought I would keep you updated on scientific progress in the last 50 years.

Thanks :D

EDIT: You may also want to look into Mass spectrometry.
Of course not. Anything that goes against your flawed theory is not relevent, right?
It's refreshing to see the meek and gullible gulping down Wiki, hook line and sinker.

Says the guy who believes someone lived in a whales stomach or that the whole world flooded. Its like one of the local witch doctors here in Africa jumping up and down and telling me about the spirits. You would be surprised how similar you and a witch doctor are :)
"The issue for flood geologists is not whether extrabiblical evidence is relevant to biblical interpretation but rather how to interpret that evidence. Having already employed, without benefit of external evidence, a hermeneutic that demands a literal interpretation of the Bible, flood geologists are prepared to do anything but accept the mainstream scientific evidence that flatly refutes their claims that the earth is geologically young and that a global deluge deposited the fossiliferous strata. They have thus been forced either to appeal to miracles or to construct elaborate theories that manipulate the extrabiblical data to fit their view of what must be true.

The appeals to miracle have been made mostly in the context of arguments for a young earth (e.g., in claims that God created the world in such a way that it simply has the "appearance of great age"). The flood theories themselves have been characterized more by speculation ungrounded in valid data or by the selective use and mishandling of "the real facts of science." The typical twentieth-century flood geologist has paid great attention to the ark, to deluge traditions, and to stratigraphy and paleontology but has largely ignored the overwhelming contrary evidence from anthropology, comparative mythology, archeology, biogeography, petrology, and geochemistry. Among their ranks, only Whitcomb and Morris (authors of The Genesis Flood, 1961) have attempted to address the serious problems posed by biogeography and anthropology. The few flood geologists who have sought to deal with stratigraphic and paleontological evidence have on the whole been poorly informed in those fields. Most have lacked substantial experience in field geology, have not been well acquainted with relevant scientific literature, and have generally tended to view geological data in a fragmented fashion, isolated from the larger context of regional geology. [110]

Their work is broadly characterized by untested or untestable speculations that have a more solid grounding in the imagination than in God's creation. They assert confidently but without support that these speculations are the "real facts of science," and then they propose that these "real facts" constitute an apologetic for the Bible literally interpreted. [111] In the process, they effectively divorce the Word of God from any connection to God's actual created handiwork."

This basically sums up the fairy-tale view of IAC.