How did Noah fit all those animals on the ark?

Seafloor spreading is the residual from the Deluge runaway plate tectonics, and within volcanic rocks which took only days to cool are found magnetic reversals which indicate the reversals happened rapidly, during the Deluge, when oceanic crustal plates dove rapidly and deep into the mantle.

The last polar magnetic flip happened over 150 000 years ago. Pretty much in the last Ice-Age. We are currently going through the next magnetic pole flip.
Magnetic reversals are "frozen" in lava rocks which took only days to cool, so the flips happened fast, right?

Thats debatable. I believe it happened quickly. Or let me rephrase that, I believe the quicker it happens, the profound the climate change. I know in the last 11 magnetic pole reversals there have been 7 profound ice-ages at the same time. My personal opinion... and I mean personal opinion is that the faster the pole flip the harsher the climate shifts.

For the last couple of years we have been on the "tip" of the polar flip. It is now currently happening. My guess for a time for a flip would be 10-20 years, but thats just a guess. I never actually researched enough as to the time they take... just when they will happen.

But I will state that last one happened 150 000 years ago. Well beyond the 6500 odds years you have on record. Maybe the Noah myth and related ones are from the time period of when the world thawed out of the last ice-age? Speculation of course.
How do pole flips supposedly affect the weather?

Did you watch the movie, The day after tomorrow? I suspect something like that, but no so "quick" over the next 10 years I would guess. I suggest you have a look at this link: Which will have more information about what you are looking for. I also wrote something on about it a while back:"&sentence=AND&submit=Search Click there and it should have all the links you are looking for.
Explain to me again why there are hundreds of layers of sedimentary rock.

Many turbidity flows from constantly varying directions and intensities during the Deluge, with periods of only CaCO3 precipitation, and periods where only slurries in low energy environments were settling out.

Please elaborate on this. You still haven't explained how you can have multiple perfectly formed layers pancaking over each other, each of a different material. Like below:


The bottom two layers are limestone. Then you have the Supai group above that, then you have Hermit Shale, then Coconino Sandstone, then Kaibob limestone on top.

So you have limestone on the bottom, others in between, and then limestone again on top.

If a Deluge caused these rocks to be formed, the order of the layers wouldn't even come close to this sequence. There would one big layer.
"Unconformities: 1) disconformity: rock (and time) missing between parallel layers of sedimentary rock. Sometimes a paleosol forms here. Sometimes you can see evidence of erosion. And other times, you couldn't tell without using the next principle below, fossil succession.

The underlying red strata form the Yeso Formation, which formed from streams and lakes. The overlying white strata form the Glorieta Formation, which formed from an ancient beach. Sea level rose, eroding a bit of the top of the Yeso before deposition of the Glorieta. This is in eastern New Mexico, and if you follow the Glorieta west, it changes to the Kaibab Limestone, the rock unit at the top of the Grand Canyon."

This shows that sometimes signs of rivers do show up in sed. rocks.
Oh really? You're the one who's going against 90% of scientific concensus with your "young earth" theory. Plus, everything you have said so far is speculative.
Oh just to get a point straightened out after rereading some of the posts here. The flip does not occur ever 10-20 years, it occurs every 150 000- 200 000 years. (Its doesn't flip back right away, it stays flipped for that duration).