How did Noah fit all those animals on the ark?

M*W: Well, I'll forgive you for not being able to answer all my questions.

Hey M*W!! I will answer your questions, I love people who are open and honest as you sound--but I have been a little busy please give me a day or two k?
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Hey M*W!! I will answer your questions, I love people who are open and honest as you sound--but I have been a little busy please give me a day or two k?

M*W: Sure, I'll give you all the time you need. After all, it's been 2,000 years since the lies began! I can wait a few more days!
First off, the bible is not evidence. I suppose religion is hoping science will prove the dinosaurs died in the flood, ironic as that sounds. Right now God for some unknown reason is making it look like the flood was 65 million years ago and all the efforts of some of the most gifted minds in history are a total waste. The lord giveth and taketh away. Why?
The Bible is far and away the most encompassing and long running account of ancient history, it was the primary roadmap for archaeology in the M.E. in the 1800's and 1900's, so to say that it's not evidence is lunacy.

And the geologic record bespeaks the Deluge, to the objective geologist.
it was the primary roadmap for archaeology in the M.E. in the 1800's and 1900's, so to say that it's not evidence is lunacy.

It certainly was. Indeed things were dated based upon the belief that the world was only a few thousand years old.. Luckily man progressed beyond that and realised the error in doing what he had been doing.

So, what exactly was your point?

And the geologic record bespeaks the Deluge, to the objective geologist.

I'm afraid not. You're just telling yourself that to make your own beliefs more credible in your own mind.
The Bible is far and away the most encompassing and long running account of ancient history, it was the primary roadmap for archaeology in the M.E. in the 1800's and 1900's, so to say that it's not evidence is lunacy.

And the geologic record bespeaks the Deluge, to the objective geologist.

Sorry, I was referring to creation. Undoubtedly yes, it provides clues to antiquity and history. It is not the only account.

Many geologists agree that floods have occurred in the past. Life went on.
Well so what you are saying is that evolution is a theory of history and not science.

Gravity is a theory too, but I'm sure you believe in that.

We have organs that cannot function without the other. We need a brain, a heart, lungs, intestines, blood, bones... Undoubtedly we are complex.

LOL. Yeah, so does your basic fruit fly. Can a fly live if someone destroys its brain or heart?

Not only that we love, hate, seek, design, create. To think that we evolved from one single microorganism--from dead matter by the way--into the vibrant living creatures we are now is pretty complex.

First off, the human body (not the spirit) is dead matter in itself. We are made up of a sequence of atoms. Our brains run on electricity.

Secondly, what do you call it when a male and female bird has sex, has kids, and then raises them together? What do you call it when a mother and father animal protects their children fiercly and would die for them? Is this love?

Would humans love their babies if they weren't so cute?

Evolution is simply an attempt to take God out of the public schools.

Again, there is too much evidence for it to just throw it out the window so we can keep the "sanctity" of religion in our schools. By the way, ever hear of separation of Church and State? It's called freedom of religion. American law isn't based on God, it's based on logic and self-interest. Abortion is legal because no knows for sure if a God exists, or cares about abortion.

And even if you could explain how life began, how can your "science" provide observable, empirical and measurable evidence for what does or does not happen after death?

Science is a way of describing only the material world around us, including biology, astronomy, etc.
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Ok well please tell me the creatures you are talking about. But still you have not observed this transition taking place and those creatures could simply be a species that always was and never changed.

If you actually do the research yourself you will figure it out. There is a clear link between dinos and birds. It is extremely clear. There were ostrich type dinos, for example, which existed during the dino age.

So you find a couple of bones out of the millions of supposed transitions and that's enough evidence? What about the birds and whales and insects? And more importantly humans? Where are our supposed millions of transitions?

We didn't even know about any extinct creatures like ancient mollusks, ancient dinos, etc. until about the 1830's. We have found literally thousands of fossils, and described literally thousands of extinct creatures ranging from mammals, to reptiles, to birds, etc. since then.

We have already found hundreds of fossils showing the clear links between early humans and modern humans.

Give it another hundred years to find more fossils and we may find "every" link. The only reason we haven't yet is because of the time factor. We only started searching 190 years ago.
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Here's a few examples of bird-dino connection evidence I just ripped off of wiki:

'Feathered dinosaurs are regarded by many paleontologists as transitional fossils between birds and dinosaurs (see Dinosaur-bird connection). It was already well known that ancient birds such as Archaeopteryx had many saurian characteristics, such as claws on their 'fingers' and teeth. For many years it had been theorized that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs. In the late 1990s, discoveries of feathered dinosaurs provided conclusive evidence of the connection, though the genealogical details are still incomplete."

"The current scientific consensus holds that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs. Using the strict phylogenetic definition of a clade as all descendants of a single last common ancestor, modern birds are dinosaurs and dinosaurs are, therefore, not extinct."

If dinosaurs aren't extinct, then the Christian theory that dinosaur fossils are satan's creation is also extinct.

JimHR, look up dinosaur bird connection, feathered dinosaurs, and things like that on Google and you will be enlightened.
JimHR, look up dinosaur bird connection, feathered dinosaurs, and things like that on Google and you will be enlightened.

That is... if you want to be. Ultimately we must all make a choice.
And the geologic record bespeaks the Deluge, to the objective geologist.

Ice, everyone here knows you have no clue what you are talking about. You make up things based on your own skewed view of reality, not based on evidence from experienced scientists but based on your own biased rationalizations.

You never provide sources for your claims because you make all of your claims up. It's that simple.

See that picture? That is the Grand Canyon. It was formed by millions of years of erosion from the colorado river which is in the picture.

40 days of flooding, and then a sudden "wind" which dried up all the water wouldn't be enough to form even one inch of a sediment layer. The flood waters would have had to have been there millions of years.
Two huge lakes broke through to gouge that canyon which is over 50x too wide for its current flow.

Or a gigantic glacier cut into it during glacial recession, which seems extremely more plausible than "two huge lakes which broke through the ground." LOL. Good one.

By the way, rivers change currents over time and end up covering a large area.
The evidence for the two huge lakes is there on the hillsides, there is no evidence of glaciation, you are very ignorant of the geology of this area, and of geology in general, but that's ok, maybe you'll learn some new stuff.
See that picture? That is the Grand Canyon. It was formed by millions of years of erosion from the colorado river which is in the picture.

40 days of flooding, and then a sudden "wind" which dried up all the water wouldn't be enough to form even one inch of a sediment layer. The flood waters would have had to have been there millions of years.

Alas, there exists Someone more Powerful than you.

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God...

Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God...

For nothing is impossible with God.

For example:

"Roll the stone aside," Jesus told them. But Martha, the dead man's sister, said, "Lord, by now the smell will be terrible because he has been dead for four days."

Jesus responded, "Didn't I tell you that you will see God's glory if you believe?"

So they rolled the stone aside.

...Then Jesus shouted, "Lazarus, come out!" And Lazarus came out, bound in graveclothes, his face wrapped in a headcloth. Jesus told them, "Unwrap him and let him go!"

Many of the people who were with Mary believed in Jesus when they saw this happen.

Or this:

The crowd was amazed! Those who hadn't been able to speak were talking, the crippled were made well, the lame were walking around, and those who had been blind could see again! And they praised the God of Israel.

Then Jesus called his disciples to him and said, "I feel sorry for these people. They have been here with me for three days, and they have nothing left to eat. I don't want to send them away hungry, or they will faint along the road."

The disciples replied, "And where would we get enough food out here in the wilderness for all of them to eat?"

Jesus asked, "How many loaves of bread do you have?" They replied, "Seven, and a few small fish." So Jesus told all the people to sit down on the ground.

Then he took the seven loaves and the fish, thanked God for them, broke them into pieces, and gave them to the disciples, who distributed the food to the crowd.

They all ate until they were full, and when the scraps were picked up, there were seven large baskets of food left over!

He said If a man would follow Him then let him deny himself...including that state of denial manifested by dependence upon ones inabilities...