Well so what you are saying is that evolution is a theory of history and not science.
Gravity is a theory too, but I'm sure you believe in that.
We have organs that cannot function without the other. We need a brain, a heart, lungs, intestines, blood, bones... Undoubtedly we are complex.
LOL. Yeah, so does your basic fruit fly. Can a fly live if someone destroys its brain or heart?
Not only that we love, hate, seek, design, create. To think that we evolved from one single microorganism--from dead matter by the way--into the vibrant living creatures we are now is pretty complex.
First off, the human body (not the spirit) is dead matter in itself. We are made up of a sequence of atoms. Our brains run on electricity.
Secondly, what do you call it when a male and female bird has sex, has kids, and then raises them together? What do you call it when a mother and father animal protects their children fiercly and would die for them? Is this love?
Would humans love their babies if they weren't so cute?
Evolution is simply an attempt to take God out of the public schools.
Again, there is too much evidence for it to just throw it out the window so we can keep the "sanctity" of religion in our schools. By the way, ever hear of separation of Church and State? It's called freedom of religion. American law isn't based on God, it's based on logic and self-interest. Abortion is legal because no knows for sure if a God exists, or cares about abortion.
And even if you could explain how life began, how can your "science" provide observable, empirical and measurable evidence for what does or does not happen after death?
Science is a way of describing only the material world around us, including biology, astronomy, etc.