How did matter come into existence?

anyway, here's a little something from the gospel. 'by trusting, we understand that the universe was created thru a spoken word of god, so that what is seen did not come into being out of existing phenomena.'
that piece of info is like touring the universe on a cadillac...with jesus as the chauffeur :)
Originally posted by firingseeds
anyway, here's a little something from the gospel. 'by trusting, we understand that the universe was created thru a spoken word of god, so that what is seen did not come into being out of existing phenomena.'
that piece of info is like touring the universe on a cadillac...with jesus as the chauffeur :)
Whatever works for you. Personally, I prefer to drive my own vehicle. ;)
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
But they did! Of course with the help and encouragement of Saul/Paul. That's why none of it is true.
You really believe that none of the bible is true?
You poor thing! :(
Originally posted by SpyMoose
Basicly the theist says "Where did the universe come from"
then the atheist has to say "We really dont know"
then the thist asserts "Well that means that not only does my god exist, but that everything in this book is true"
and assumes that questions like "where did god come from" are invalid because they are not posted in the book. [/B]
Please show an example. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Raithere
Jade Squirrel was referring to virtual particles which come into existence from literally nothing and shortly return. Their effect of their existence is known as the Casimir effect.
Where did the energy come from to form these "virtual particles."
Originally posted by Cris
You are talking about trust, a common mistake. But you are right that blind faith such as religious faith is built,but from indoctrination and lazy thinking.

Trust is one aspect of faith and blind faith does not equal religion, i thought maybe the websters description of blind-faith would teach you something, but it seems you accept your foolish description no matter what. BLIND FAITH. :p
Originally posted by ele
I am unable to understand this perspective which many people seem toi feel instinctively. I honestly see no reason to assume that matter or at least energy hasnt always existed. as far as we know it only transforms, and isnt created and destroyed.
Good point.
Matter, according to all bona-fide religions, is not created, but is formed. In the vedic literature, matter exists in 2 conditions;
1) unmanifested
2) manifested.

Jan Ardena.
'what is seen did not come into being out of existing phenomena.'

edit: sorry! I don't know why I disagreed with you. I think I posted the wrong quote actually! You are right. :)
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Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Where did the energy come from to form these "virtual particles."
There is no evidence that indicates that it had to have 'come from' anywhere.

Originally posted by Raithere
There is no evidence that indicates that it had to have 'come from' anywhere.


So in what way is this speculation scientific?


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
So in what way is this speculation scientific?
It's not speculation, its called the First Law of Thermodynamics which states that energy is always conserved, it can neither be created nor destroyed. This fits all known observation.

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Where did the energy come from to form these "virtual particles."
The energy is "borrowed" from the quantum vacuum. A quantum field can never maintain a precise zero value. It contains energy fluctuations that are described by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and demonstrated by the Casimir effect.
hmmmmmm......i'm confused..

Originally posted by Raithere
It's not speculation, its called the First Law of Thermodynamics which states that energy is always conserved, it can neither be created nor destroyed. This fits all known observation.


So what is creating the energy?

Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
The energy is "borrowed" from the quantum vacuum. A quantum field can never maintain a precise zero value. It contains energy fluctuations that are described by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and demonstrated by the Casimir effect.

How can a vacuum be saturated with “quantum fields and become subject to fundamental fluctuations?
And if something exists in a vacuum, how can it be called a “vacuum.”??


Jan Ardena.
Re: hmmmmmm......i'm confused..

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
So what is creating the energy?
If by this you mean where did all the energy/matter come from in the first place, that is the trillion dollar question that is the subject of this thread. Several theories have already been discussed, but there is no firm answer at this point.

How can a vacuum be saturated with “quantum fields and become subject to fundamental fluctuations?
Honestly, I can't explain any further why it is that way.

And if something exists in a vacuum, how can it be called a “vacuum.”??
Good question. It was originally called a vacuum before the discovery that the "vacuum" was not really empty at all, but was a frothing ocean of virtual particles coming into and out of existence. It seems that it just hasn't been renamed? *Shrugs*
Re: hmmmmmm......i'm confused..

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
So what is creating the energy?
As far as we can tell; nothing. Energy has never been observed either coming into existence or leaving, it just is. Sometimes it is borrowed (which might account for the creation of our material Universe) but it must eventually return to the background state.

Energy coming and going

Originally posted by Raithere
Energy has never been observed either coming into existence or leaving, it just is. Sometimes it is borrowed (which might account for the creation of our material Universe) but it must eventually return to the background state.


Raithere, that is an excellent description of energy. I'd like to add that this also describes the mechanism of how our energy (soul/spirit) comes and goes between birth and death. Of course, there is no death to the spirit (energy), it just moves from where it was "borrowed" for the physical body back to the whole human interconnectedness. Ultimately, there is no death to energy, so there is no death to the soul.
Re: Energy coming and going

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Raithere, that is an excellent description of energy. I'd like to add that this also describes the mechanism of how our energy (soul/spirit) comes and goes between birth and death.
Thanks. I have a thought for you to consider:
What if matter/energy and soul/sprit are not really the separate things people assume them to be? What if we are simply expressions of energy?

Re: Re: Energy coming and going

Originally posted by Raithere
Thanks. I have a thought for you to consider:
What if matter/energy and soul/sprit are not really the separate things people assume them to be? What if we are simply expressions of energy?


I believe this to be true. We are energy/spirit first and foremost with a physical body. The whole interconnectedness with the entire human race is what I call the one "soul."
Re: Energy coming and going

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Of course, there is no death to the spirit (energy), it just moves from where it was "borrowed" for the physical body back to the whole human interconnectedness.
The whole interconnectedness with the entire human race is what I call the one "soul."

Another question for you. Do you believe that the energy/spirit/soul limits itself to humanity? What would exclude this energy from being recycled in other animals, plants, or rocks?
Re: Re: Energy coming and going

Originally posted by Jade Squirrel

Another question for you. Do you believe that the energy/spirit/soul limits itself to humanity? What would exclude this energy from being recycled in other animals, plants, or rocks?

Most definitely NOT! This energy encompasses everything from a grain of sand to god. The only difference is with the molecular rate of speed. Please don't ask me to explain this. Physics was my hardest subject in college. Everything vibrates at a different resonance, but everything is energy and everything is god. The human race has the highest mental capacity to do good for humankind.

Now I've just thought about other parts of this spiritual energy. What about the portions of the soul that linger after death? You've heard it said about pregnant women having that special "glow," well, that's spiritual energy!

Any comments?