How did matter come into existence?

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
So to presume that this universe is not the creation of an intelligent being, is only speculation.
What Cris said.

Why don’t you see a reason?
What Cris said in response to your assertion that the spiritual realm is no more invented than the material realm.

Do you know what consciousness is?
What Raithere quoted Cris as saying in response to your question to him about what consciousness is.

Wow, that was easy. Thanks, guys! :)
2nd law: yes, it's true! a blind man can't see.
y'know, u are given a positive- god created us- and nothing u say in opposition even comes close to answering it. u all end up practically saying it's true- and yet still deny. why?... it is answered in the 2nd law.
have u seen a headless chicken?
Originally posted by firingseeds
2nd law: yes, it's true! a blind man can't see.
y'know, u are given a positive- god created us- and nothing u say in opposition even comes close to answering it. u all end up practically saying it's true- and yet still deny. why?... it is answered in the 2nd law.
I'm not sure how the idea of entropy proves the existence of God.

there is no degradation or disorganization of the universe. that is just what is observed. how can that make it a reality?
i will show u a glimpse of spiritual reality. u smack a child with matches, and growl him; but in reality u love him. another: u smile at someone who smiles at u, but underneath u don't really want to.
beyond the 5 senses is a deeper awareness, and perception. people seek wisdom- god gives freely. only delusion casts out truth, and knowledge- and defends delusion.
Re: squirrel

Originally posted by firingseeds
there is no degradation or disorganization of the universe. that is just what is observed. how can that make it a reality?
Can you show that reality is any different?

only delusion casts out truth, and knowledge
No argument here. We just seem to have a differing opinion on truth.
Cloud of uncertainty

Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
Good question. It was originally called a vacuum before the discovery that the "vacuum" was not really empty at all, but was a frothing ocean of virtual particles coming into and out of existence. It seems that it just hasn't been renamed? *Shrugs*

Also referred to as a Cloud of uncertainty.

u are facing reality. the birds sing, fish swim, sun rises and goes down, man walks his long walk...
think of science as the name of a ship. never sail the ocean on an incomplete vessel, and consider that that isn't delusion.
Originally posted by Cris

Ahh teamwork.:cool:
Plato's prisioners of 'material cave' strongly believing in shadows..:D

Cris, you changed your biological avatar. looks like something to indicate nuke.
Re: squirrel

Originally posted by firingseeds
u are facing reality. the birds sing, fish swim, sun rises and goes down, man walks his long walk...
Again, no argument here.
think of science as the name of a ship. never sail the ocean on an incomplete vessel, and consider that that isn't delusion.
There are certainly more things to my life than science. Science is just what I use to help me understand how the universe works.
Originally posted by everneo
Plato's prisioners of 'material cave' strongly believing in shadows.
Better the shadows of reality than pure imaginative fantasy.


why would an open-minded person- who knows the limitations of science- deny the truth of jesus?....makes no sense. truth is truth no matter where it's found.
truth leads to understanding.
Re: squirrel

Originally posted by firingseeds
why would an open-minded person- who knows the limitations of science- deny the truth of jesus?....makes no sense. truth is truth no matter where it's found.
Even as an open-minded person, I can't believe just anything that someone asserts. If there is compelling evidence to make me believe, then it will be so. In this case, there is not.
truth leads to understanding.
Sure, but we seem to have a different idea of what truth is.
Re: squirrel

Originally posted by firingseeds
beyond the 5 senses is a deeper awareness, and perception. people seek wisdom- god gives freely. only delusion casts out truth, and knowledge- and defends delusion.
I am willing to challenge my beliefs daily, to put them to the hard test of reason and fact, to change those beliefs when change is indicated in the face of new knowledge, to accept that I may be (and often am) wrong.

Are you?
Originally posted by Raithere
Better the shadows of reality than pure imaginative fantasy.
reality looks to be pure imaginative fantasy from the realm of shadows.
Originally posted by everneo
reality looks to be pure imaginative fantasy from the realm of shadows.
No one knows what reality looks like. The best we can hope for are congruent models of it.


aahh, yes, me too. and i enjoy being open-minded.
i denied jesus once- as many of us do. by reading his word, i learn't the truth. this truth doesn't come from the outside, either; nor does it come self. the dropping away of pretensions- they teach in buddha- same thing. the old zen monks walked the path of god, but they had no teaching of jesus.

if your life-raft has holes in it, then it will sink. remember to keep close to one that doesn't have holes. the law requires that u pick up all survivors:D
why would an open-minded person- who knows the limitations of science- deny the truth of jesus?....makes no sense

Let's explore that, firingseeds.

From Merrim-Webster
Open-minded: (Adj) Receptive to ideas or arguments.

Tell me, Seeds, how a man can be open-minded and accept the "Truth of Jesus" on the evidence given for it? To accept Jesus based on what facts are given, it would be the same as accepting the "Truth of Molliwogwimpiqs." In other words, utter nonsense.

truth is truth no matter where it's found.

Granted, but without any evidence to back it up, how do you know it is the truth? I'll tell you how...

Most likely, a Bible was the first religious text available to you in life, and your parents shoved it in front of you. As a young person, most likely an exceptionally impressionable one, you were walked through this story of a supreme being whom promised life eternal for all who accept it's word. Being young and impressionable, and the product of a religious houshold, you accepted it simply because this book which everyone tells you is truth says so, and so do your parents, and so does your priest. Today, a few years later, the words of your priest, parents, and this book which has been sold to you for more than anyone should pay for eternal life--your reasoning mind--you are blind to arguments against the Biblical stories. No matter how convincing they might be to anyone who can think freely and are truly open-minded, you won't hear them out.

Is this you, Firingseeds?

aahh, yes, me too. and i enjoy being open-minded.

Again, see above. Because you, sir, are not open-minded. If you were, you would not take the Bible at face value without any evidence to support it.

i denied jesus once- as many of us do. by reading his word, i learn't the truth.

So you denied Jesus...based on what? Were you thinking more clearly back then? And how impressionable are you that it took only the reading of the New Testament to convince you? I would imagine, really, that had you read the Qua'ran first, you would have accepted that instead. Simply for the fact that all you had to do was read the Bible to be sold on it.

this truth doesn't come from the outside, either;

No? But you got it from reading the Bible. How does it not come from the outside? If it had, you would never have had to read the Bible to know of Jesus.

they teach in buddha- same thing. the old zen monks walked the path of god, but they had no teaching of jesus.

I'm not sure, but I don't think Buddhism isn't a religion, nor do they have faith in a God, so to speak. But again, there is no arguing your close-minded perspective. To you, any good deeds or lives lead are done so in the name of God, be it wittingly or not.

So convienient that you believe in something which, by nature, cannot be disproven....

if your life-raft has holes in it, then it will sink. remember to keep close to one that doesn't have holes. the law requires that u pick up all survivors

Didn't God wipe out all those who didn't believe in him at one point?
