How did God come to be?


you are being a child who doesn't play fair.

i said, don't be atheist because you can't be sure god doesn't exist

you said, the quran is like the other religions when they say gods come down earth for women.

i said it is not.

you said prove it.

i said it would be too troublesome.

you said it's the same as proving god doesn't exist.

i proved in the quran god has no wife.

then you said

make up your mind, who has to prove a claim?

or does it always has to be me?

O Ye Of Infinite Faith - So it truly comes down to faith & faith alone.

There is no need for atheists to attempt to prove gods do not exist.

I did not say the quran is like the other religions when they say gods come down earth for women.

I did not say it's the same as proving god doesn't exist.

My mind is settled. I & others have been extremely clear about proving a claim.
O Ye Of Infinite Faith - So it truly comes down to faith & faith alone.
what's wrong with faith?
what is faith based upon? how does it originate? what is used for its composition other than logic? emotions? aren't emotions sophisticated logic? spirituality? so theists are stupid for having faith based on spirituality which separates them from robots?
what is your notion of "faith?"

There is no need for atheists to attempt to prove gods do not exist.
yup, they can believe whatever they want.:)

just as long as they don't relate themselves to logic:mad:
I did not say the quran is like the other religions when they say gods come down earth for women.
strangly enough, you did not, my mistake, you just asked me to prove it..but:

I did not say it's the same as proving god doesn't exist.
Asking you to prove that makes more sense than you asking us to prove there are no gods.

My mind is settled. I & others have been extremely clear about proving a claim.
can you enlighten me so i can join this group?

Faith is believing things without evidence & persisting in beliefs despite contradicting evidence.
Faith is not based on logic. Emotions are not logic.
You continually demonstrate you know nothing of logic.

Atheists do not believe in gods thus they have no god belief which needs to be proven.

Faith is believing things without evidence & persisting in beliefs despite contradicting evidence.
Faith is not based on logic. Emotions are not logic.
You continually demonstrate you know nothing of logic.

belief exists, right?

what is it based on?

what makes a person believe?

Atheists do not believe in gods thus they have no god belief which needs to be proven.
some people don't believe in dinosaurs and so they have no dinosaur belief which needs to be proven.
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa

That would be better than persisting in a fallacy.
would it be better to believe only you instead of a fallacy. or anyones view is better than believing in a fallacy?

let me save you replying to that.

if any one's word is better than a fallacy then what when many of them say the same word, which conflicts with your word?

who should i follow then?

if only your word is better than a fallacy then why you? what makes you special?

after you list what makes you special and worthy of listening to, i'll go search for people with the same qualifications, and take their word, which will happen to be opposite to your word.

then which word should i take?

now, dear, do you know why numbers count?
HA who told you it was mount olympus?

A magician.

who told you you can reach him from any mountain? is that your understanding of "high in the sky"? ever heard of satellites?

Satellites don't exist.

and who told you zeus is a god?

He did, he told a magician who then told me. I believed him, of course, because he was a magician. Magic is the only reality.

“ They are wrong because if they were the words of god(s) they would not be filled with so much nonsense, and everything we have found since would have corresponded to their words EXACTLY. They haven't and they are full of a bunch of crap written by people who didn't know how anything in nature worked. They made their best guesses for their time and they were wrong, of course. ”

this is a very good argument, but i think you're talking about the bible

No I am talking about every book that claims to know the only path, to claim to be the words of god(s)

This is also a comment on all religions and not the idea of a god. ”

we go back..
what do you know of these "all religions"?

you should've stuck to "the idea of god" which you base on a false understanding of a religion, either you religion or understanding is false

I want to talk about the contradicitons between your religious text and reality as we now understand it. You want to talk about god because of the escape clause.

What does your religion say about dinosaurs, what does it say about the fossil records ?

Why did it not forsee and tell of this ?

How do you, knowing of these false tales and a belief in a god that is based on these false tales continue to believe in the god.

Your answer, it's better to be delusional and happy.

That's fine, just don't tell me you know god exists and then have this as an answer.

“ No, it's created a lot of weak minded individuals so afraid of they lack of existence they delude themselves. I don't blame people thousands of years ago when the lack of knowledge left them with little else and it made sense, but I do blame people today. ”

he he he.
how are people before not blamed for fearing death and inventing religion, but people of today are not excused? are you saying that gained knowledge and science solves the problem of death?

No, it doesn't solve the problem of death, neither does religion. Either way we have to face it someday.

“ I have accepted it. The question I have for you is have you accepted the possibility that there is no god. Hmm ? ”

in religions yo aare not allowed to admit the possibility, it is against faith.
however, i've, well, made my self accept that possibility for some time, so i put myself in the attacking and defending position of both possibilities, religion wins hands down, but still, i wanted to have a clearer image of the ratio of the possibility to the probability, so i examined evidence, and regained my faith. there's no way* it's wrong.

So let's see, you realize the texts contradict reality and therefore are not true but choose to believe they are true even though it doesn't fit with reality and then tell me that you have deeply analyzed it all and your religion comes out on top.

Like I said, youv'e chosen to be delusional.

Again, there is probability and possibility and accepting the possibility doesn't require me to assume that it is a probabilty. If the possibility is 1 in a trillion. Those are very good odds are they. ”

when the majority of humans believe it, you being right is what might be 1 in a trillion

And American Idol is a number one show.

So what are you doing with the mountain of information and evidence that contradicts your religion ? How do you justify it, do you not believe or accept the discoveries that contradict the teachings or do you accept both ? ”


they fit perfectly.

Comedy. It's ok Scifes, you and your religion have been cornered all you have left is god, and I can't prove god does not exist. There is your escape.

You can't proven something doesn't exist can you.

Still waiting.
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No I am talking about every book that claims to know the only path, to claim to be the words of god(s)
prove that you mean what you say.
show me the crap in the quran.

I want to talk about the contradicitons between your religious text and reality as we now understand it.
go ahead.
You want to talk about god because of the escape clause.
i don't mind talking about anything.
What does your religion say about dinosaurs, what does it say about the fossil records ?
i don't know, i'll have to research.
but even if it says nothing, then what?
and if it says something, THEN what?

very easy for you to ask for evidence, yet you do nothing with it when it's presented.

Why did it not forsee and tell of this ?
it didn't forsee michael jackson having a cardiac problem.
so my religion has to be wrong.

it also didn't forsee ballistic missiles and solar cells, that's it. it has to be wrong.

why don't you stick to your original argument, whatever that be. it has to be better than what your saying now.

How do you, knowing of these false tales and a belief in a god that is based on these false tales continue to believe in the god.
:wtf:are you talking about? what false tales? what tales? am i missing something here?

Your answer, it's better to be delusional and happy.
i actually have no answer, as i don't understand the question.

That's fine, just don't tell me you know god exists and then have this as an answer.
man you can predict everything.
No, it doesn't solve the problem of death, neither does religion. Either way we have to face it someday.
WHAT?? but you just SAID THAT!!
This is where religion comes from and why it came into existence, we are just smart enough to realize our own demise and can't imagine that we just end. So we created a way out for our sanity. Because most people are not strong enough mentally to accept their own end. It doesn't make it right, it just makes it popular.
THAT's what YOU answered when i asked why was religion invented..and THAT'S what you said religion and the concept of gos is for..

i aM LoSIng mY mInD!!

So let's see, you realize the texts contradict reality and therefore are not true but choose to believe they are true even though it doesn't fit with reality and then tell me that you have deeply analyzed it all and your religion comes out on top.

where the FUDGE did i say that!!??

um, am i being too serious with this? am i putting a lot of hope on all this? is this a joke or a story or what exactly?

do you have a clear mage of what i, you, we say?

Like I said, youv'e chosen to be delusional.
...deep breath...

And American Idol is a number one show.
i don't like it, but can you say it's not show number one? huh?

Comedy. It's ok Scifes, you and your religion have been cornered all you have left is god, and I can't prove god does not exist. There is your escape.
NOT funny..go play believe somewhere else.
You can't proven something doesn't exist can you.

Still waiting.
i've been trying for sometime..

and upon reading this taunt of yours for the tenth time it sparked in my brain, here's something i can prove doesn't exist.:

"Proof of the nonexistence of something can be proven not to exist"

and so, scifes, in the first time in the history of human philosophy, has proven a negative..

jappl..: IN YOUR FACE!! hope you enjoyed your wait while it lasted.

now, after a lot of sensless and purposeless goading and taunting, i've proved something doesn't exist.

i've fulfilled your request.

now, you fulfill mine:

prove god doesn't exist
How can something starting from NOTHING ( zero ) create anything at all let alone all this huge universe and beyond ???!!!!.