How did God come to be?

How can something starting from NOTHING ( zero ) create anything at all let alone all this huge universe and beyond ???!!!!.

Quantum particles do appear out of nothing, and return to nothing in a few moments. This does not violate the law of conservation of energy. The universe is similar but on a bigger scale.
Quantum particles do appear out of nothing, and return to nothing in a few moments. This does not violate the law of conservation of energy. The universe is similar but on a bigger scale.

Huh....not the same problem here at all .
The religious folks believe that God started from nothing ( zero ) and then created himself and all this huge universe and beyond . Up till now....scientically...impossible . ;) .
What are you proving not to exist ?
something that can be proven not to exist...

too hard to understand? just give it time.

i'll be waiting.

Can't. No more than you can prove it does.
you should've said that in the beginning, instead of:


As I said before we can't prove something doesn't exists.

watch me!:D

Still waiting

Yep. Like an eternity.

Still waiting by the way.
now you're wait is over.

it's about time my wait gets over too.

prove god doesn't exist like i proved something can be proved no to exist.

you keep jumping around from subject to subject, what happened to the dinosaurs? just look at our past posts, i bet i can find at least five subjects you start in then stop and jump to something else..

do you have short term memory loss? ADHD? or are you just fooling around?

prove god doesn't exist

i'm waiting.
I believe that the gods emanate from a common source or Prime Mover. Much like in Hermetic theology.

Where that being came from is anyone's guess. Perhaps the Prime Mover itself does not know. Perhaps it is not even conscious and organised randomly. It's irrelevant to me, as I do not pray to or worship that being. Out of the many, potentially infinite gods, I worship only two: Cernunnos and Aradia.
prove god doesn't exist like i proved something can be proved no to exist.

prove god doesn't exist

i'm waiting.

I can't, no more than you can prove god does exist. Still waiting by the way.

You can't prove something does not exist, because the proof would imply it does. Therefore, if you say something exists then it should be proveable.

"Proof of the nonexistence of something can be proven not to exist"

You do realize in the way you have re-worded this that you are actually now claiming that god does not exist and you can prove it. Right.

Broken down.

Proof of the nonexistence of something ( ie something we do not or can not know to exist )

Can be proven not to exist ( so your saying that you can prove something like god does not exist )

Your cracking me up. Very funny.

you keep jumping around from subject to subject, what happened to the dinosaurs?

The dinosaurs is in another thread. But we can talk about it here since it invalidates your religion which is where the concept of your god has arisen.

The quran and the bible and all the other books claiming to be the words of god(s) have been found to be BS.

You can claim any interpretation, but at each turn you run into a contradiciton that simply requires faith and not reason to believe. I have said before that you believe, and I have also said that I have no problem with that ( belief/faith ) in a god. But if the religious texts are BS then whose or what god are you worshipping ?

You have mentioned the Koran or Quran as proof.

From the story of the creation on it has been proven to be a fraud on humanity because it does not line up with our reality, what we have proven to be real. It's wrong and your clinging to it in desperation.

It doesn't prove there is a god, in fact, due to all the errors it proves that it is the work of humans, just like the bible and any other claims of words from god.
Scifes you have chosen one god (Yahweh i assume) from the thousands on offer. Perhaps you could prove the non existence of the others.
Scifes you have chosen one god (Yahweh i assume) from the thousands on offer. Perhaps you could prove the non existence of the others.

god proved he exists through his prophets and books. and he said there are no other gods.

other gods existing doesn't make sense, or is irrelative to discuss, or is out of our hand to discuss.

the rest of you, i've had it with you, i lose.

you can kick me now, i'm dead.
god proved he exists through his prophets and books.

Nothing of the sort is proven from scriptures or prophets. They can just as easily be viewed as manmade.

and he said there are no other gods.

Almost every cult says there are no other gods. That would also demonstrate religions are manmade.

other gods existing doesn't make sense, or is irrelative to discuss, or is out of our hand to discuss.

Of course, it doesn't make sense, but it is essential to any theists argument regarding one god. Theists always lose that argument.