Homosexuality and Religion

Is being gay a sin?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 36 80.0%

  • Total voters
no you precive it to be wrong it is not wrong. it occurs frequently in nature.

Nature has no immorality and morality. Nature is everything that breathes and lives...that flies and dies...that sings and stays silent all its life.

Nature is not us, we are something way more than it is. It has given birth to its own doom, but in so doing it unveiled its most desired invention.

Or do you say that it is ok to be immoral? Well than come to me...and let me slit the throat of your enemies before your children. Or is that's not nature path? survival...
Nature has no immorality and morality. Nature is everything that breathes and lives...that flies and dies...that sings and stays silent all its life.

Nature is not us, we are something way more than it is. It has given birth to its own doom, but in so doing it unveiled its most desired invention.

Or do you say that it is ok to be immoral? Well than come to me...and let me slit the throat of your enemies before your children. Or is that's not nature path? survival...

we are part of nature. it is not ok to be immoral but there is nothing immoral about homosexuality
We are all born and all come to the knowledge of Good and Evil therefore using the (i was born like that so that makes it ok argument) makes no difference at all. A paedophile can make the same argument and seek justification for their sexual degeneracy by the same argument (Oh i did not chose to get horny when i look at 6 year old girls but i was born like that so that justifies me in acting on my desires)

A large % of pedophiles have been sexually abused themselves. But the issue of pedophiles being born or made is not important in a discussion like this. They must resist because it would be abusive of children. It makes no difference if the pedophile has sex with children of the same sex or the opposite sex. It is still abuse because of the age difference and the child's inablity to participate without emotional (and possibly physical) damage.

Adult homosexuals are not abusing anyone. There is no reason for them to resist.
I agree it is more righteous for a man to lay with a woman, but I also know acceptability is determined by circumstance. An on this I stake my claim as straight. However, a lot of straight(?) people do some crooked things. I claim to be straight based on my faith in the determination of this being the only act convenient to the flesh. Which I think is something everyone can agree on. But as I've said before, matters of the flesh, as it they relate to spirit, are not tidy.
As one who has never laid with a man or woman, perhaps I have a tendency to see things outside of bounds of sexual conviction.
I say if a gay, as with any other sin, professes in his heart that what he did was inconvient, believing, and wish it were that he would know not to do it, and is willing to confess that it is unprofittable, he is penitent. God didn't divide man by straight and gay, but repented from unrepented. An what so ever man, though they still remain sinners, would repent, that one is worthy of greater honor. But if one is to attain unto salvation, repentence of all unbelief must come, not just sexual habits; if you have any.
According to the Bible sin is error or to fall short, to miss the mark...etc.
It further describes that those lying with men or keep men for unnatural purposes is a sin aswell, among other things.
This is not a statement of pride, for if i know the will of God it is because God caused me to know,

This is called delusion. Of all the gods of humanity, both extant and extinct, there have always been those that "knew" what their gods wanted and that their god "caused" them to know it. Many of them had no problem excluding those that didn't share this "knowledge," sometimes to the point of murdering them as heretics. Indeed, there were once 19 hijackers of four planes that "knew" they new their god's will; there was recently a man in San Antonio that "knew" his god wanted him to kill a "fag" and bury his innocent remains on a ranch; there are those that seem to "know" their god wants them to openly profess their hatred of homosexuals in a voice far louder than that voice that disagrees with adultery.

Bigotry comes in all extremes, but it is, perhaps, the quieter bigots that are the most dangerous to a society -maybe because they are so large in number compared to those bigots that dare murder, maim, and terrorize.

One thing's for sure: bigots will almost always appeal to some authority to justify their bigotry -mostly, it seems, that authority is an apparently imaginary deity that has no basis in reality.
homosexuality is wrong and it is a sin to commit such crime

Nature has no immorality and morality. Nature is everything that breathes and lives...that flies and dies...that sings and stays silent all its life.

Nature is not us, we are something way more than it is.

That last statement is indicative of the bigotry and anthropocentric perspective that is, perhaps, common in humanity. It doesn't, however, mean that it is true simply because a few or even a lot of bigots claim it to be.

We are animals. We exist in nature. We are not more than nature, otherwise we would be supernatural -which is a meaningless and nonsense term. By your own words, crime and immorality are human constructs (animals don't seem to have them with possible exceptions to some higher, non-human primates, which *do* exhibit signs or moral behavior, morality, and a sense of right and wrong).

Humanity is free to change its ideas of right and wrong and to determine what is actually moral or immoral. Indeed, if this were not the case, then it would be fully permissible to stone to death adulterers or even those that didn't keep the sabbath. And yet, we do not (with exception to some backward Muslim countries).

That doesn't mean we concede that adultery is moral. Nor do we concede that failure to keep a sabbath is immoral. It means that humanity is capable of progressing past a Bronze and Iron Age mentality and keeping with the times. The religious nutbars that go on and on about how "god hates fags" are idiots that reject progress and, perhaps, desire to remain ignorant and undereducated or under-progressed as a way of maintaining their status quo, which in turn maintains a hierarchy of status seekers who hold wealth and control of the group itself, or find themselves politically in favor with actual key players of the hierarchy.
Why in the name of shit do people keep using the example of paedophilia to argue that it can be wrong to act in keeping with your nature.

Homosexuality = 2 consenting adults having sex

Paedophilia = Raping an innocent, vulnerable human who is too young to consent

can you not see the difference dammit?
Why in the name of shit do people keep using the example of paedophilia to argue that it can be wrong to act in keeping with your nature.

Homosexuality = 2 consenting adults having sex

Paedophilia = Raping an innocent, vulnerable human who is too young to consent

can you not see the difference dammit?

Because most of know how some homosexuals become homosexuals. There are far to many kids that have been taken advantage of by another man...who apparently aren't necessarily homosexuals themselves if you can even comprehend that. The child is naturally confused his behavior is dicatated not by himself but by another.

Most won't tell you but sexual abuse is rampant in society. That's no wonder. Sex is being used to sell everything from cloths, food to kleenx...Kids are gettin the knowledge to early.

I just found a picture message on my 15 year old cousin's phone. He's just 15. He's not old enough to know the impact of viewing pornographic material. I didn't know and most kids don't know. But they do it because it's popular they do it because it's exciting and they know nothing of the responsibilty that's involved.

Homosexualty essential has no purpose whether you believe in God or evolution. That would seem to be the common denominator. The only conideration is what do I want to have sex with. Child, Man, Woman, animal, self. Let the record show that in some countries all four of these categories have been checked marked.
First, Draqon. For a Buddhist, you are immensly closed minded. I thought Buddhists were taught to love and cherish all life.

And please, don't try to argure this with me, I studied Buddhism for many many years and fully understand its precepts.

Secondly, to all of those heterosexual men out there that think being gay is a choice...

Go fuck a man, and tell me if you enjoyed it. Hell, just go talk to another man and tell me if you felt like you were falling in love with them, or could ever fall in love with them. The same applies to gay men. Having a sexual or mental bond with a woman to the point of "love" is just not something that gay men are mentally or physically attracted to just as you are not mentally or sexually attracted to other men. It really is that simple!!!

Oh and to someone that said that heterosexuality is the way of nature. Yes, but guess what!?! So is homosexuality. And yes, AGAIN, do your research. Homosexuality exists in MANY MANY MANY different species in the animal kingdom.
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Excuse me... but there is actually a place in the Bible that God even admits to creating evil as well... I NEED TO FIND where it is now. So, so much for that arguement.

I know the scriptures you are refering to but you are refering to an incorrect translation. The true trasnlation says that God causes calamity not evil.

Your God does justify your sin, because all you need to do is ask for forgiveness, and he takes you into his bosom. If that's true, then just sin all your life then pray on your deathbed, and make sure you mean it.

If a person willfully sins all their lives and they do make a genuine repentance of their death bed and accept the Messiah Jesus as their Redeemer than yes they will be forgiven and Praise be to the God of Abraham for His mercy.

Reduced to one word insults? It is clear you are rattled.

And if my God was a mask of some intentional sin i am doing, then you aren't really calculating the odds are you?

What,,, you are making no sence here you really are rattled arn't you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
As soon as i disappear, the market comes to town.

First, well fucking said MZ3... that might make them think twice, and if it doesn't, then they are trolling with their own intellects... not ours.


Your displeasure of homosexuality friend, only amuses me. Don't mind me however, if i stick up a bit for this way of life...

Such displeasure, can be seen in light of a personal homophobic experience themselves in life. I wonder how many men here have argued blue in the face that homosexuality is wrong, but have themselves secretly masturbated and thought of a man? Or even had a secret liason with another boy at school in their teens? I wonder how many men would actally openly admit this?


I don't expect you to listen, because you exhaust ALL OF your efforts on this corrupted divinity of yours. There is a word for people with uprightousness:


''I know the scriptures you are refering to but you are refering to an incorrect translation. The true trasnlation says that God causes calamity not evil.''

Not true. It says in the Bible that ''I created everything...'' he also claims to have created evil. I know this passage exists... i just need to find it. I have a photographic memory that way.

''If a person willfully sins all their lives and they do make a genuine repentance of their death bed and accept the Messiah Jesus as their Redeemer than yes they will be forgiven and Praise be to the God of Abraham for His mercy.''

If that is the case, then concern yourself not with all these diabolical homosexuals, and leave them to pray on their own accord. What makes you think your opinions is what God attends and attires too? What makes your existence so bloody marvelous to all the homosexuals in the world? INDEED again I ask, isn't it then in your Gods best interests to focus efforts on us, rather than people like you>?
If to sin is to fall short, then God help each and every one of us...

Whether that be theives, homosexuals, bisexuals, liars, phedophiles, rapists, molestors, those who think evil at heart, those who wish bad upon another, those commit adultry ect ect ect... God help us all, because then we are all to blame, and not one sin is worse than the other.
I see homosexuality as a disease...hormonal imbalance disease. How do I see people with problems? Well you help them...but what if these people ask not to be helped? well...you make sure these problems don't spill on yourself and others you love...and leave those people with problems alone.
To say homosecuality is a disease draq, in the sense you are meaning... and please... think about this one very very carefully... is to say it can be cured. It isn't a cold.

Now... i expected you to at least understand that.