Homosexuality and Religion

Is being gay a sin?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 36 80.0%

  • Total voters
Jan... so i didn't get you wrong then. You are a bigot with very little understanding.

No. To be homosexual is not a choice. To have sex is a choice. You cannot choose however who you are attracted to.

Yes, homosexuals can chose to sex with tom dick or harry, but in the end of the day, its not out of emotional choice. That is bound by birth.

I can have sex with women. Give me enough viagra, and i'm sure i can keep it up, but then am i being true to myself? Am i being true to the woman i am having sex with>?????

A true inquiry.
What is more important in life? Nagging on others peoples private life or watching 2 happy people, no matter who or what they are?

If what they take happiness in is evil and has eternal consequences then to give them warning is the very lest that any loving person would do.

I have heard that meth amphetamine takers think it is the most wonderful experience they have ever had and a very happy with the experience also.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Jan... so i didn't get you wrong then. You are a bigot with very little understanding.

No. To be homosexual is not a choice. To have sex is a choice. You cannot choose however who you are attracted to.

Yes, homosexuals can chose to sex with tom dick or harry, but in the end of the day, its not out of emotional choice. That is bound by birth.

I can have sex with women. Give me enough viagra, and i'm sure i can keep it up, but then am i being true to myself? Am i being true to the woman i am having sex with>?????

A true inquiry.

I hear this argument often. But when it comes to God this argument (that we where born like that) just does not stand up.

We are all born and all come to the knowledge of Good and Evil therefore using the (i was born like that so that makes it ok argument) makes no difference at all. A paedophile can make the same argument and seek justification for their sexual degeneracy by the same argument (Oh i did not chose to get horny when i look at 6 year old girls but i was born like that so that justifies me in acting on my desires)

We are all sinners but just because we are locked into our current state of being does not mean we can try and justify these evil deeds and seek to fulfil those evil desires to the fullest. We have the option to do our best to fight the good fight against sin to resist much and thereby make our lives as peaceful as possible.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You hear this arguement often?

Then why doesn't it sink in that it might actually be true?

No one knows my emotions better than me... nor you or your God. My God wouldn't be so daft as to create a thing without knowing it had no choice.

Jan... so i didn't get you wrong then. You are a bigot with very little understanding.

"Very little understanding", I agree. "Bigot", a bit strong I think.

No. To be homosexual is not a choice. To have sex is a choice. You cannot choose however who you are attracted to.

Why is homosexuality not a choice?

I can have sex with women. Give me enough viagra, and i'm sure i can keep it up, but then am i being true to myself? Am i being true to the woman i am having sex with>?????

Is sex for you based purely on what the other person looks like?

And yes... you utter ignoramous. It does stand up. I know it does. I am living proof... not a papyrus that is over 2500 years old, that somehow you think, determines my sexuality?

It's people like who deserve to go to hell, for your terrible understanding of homosexuality... GOD!!!

"Very little understanding", I agree. "Bigot", a bit strong I think.

Why is homosexuality not a choice?

Is sex for you based purely on what the other person looks like?


1. Why is homosexuality not a choice?

Because... it holds true for the same of a hetrosexual, that they did not choose to find the opposite sex appealing.

2. Is sex for you based purely on what the other person looks like?

Not just looks. Personality as well... just as much as you would expect a straight man or woman not entirely seduced by looks alone... But in the long run, does a straight man fall in love with another man, just because he has a good personality>?

The answer is no. Therego, the same is inversely true for homosexual men. They simply do not fall in love with women, just because they have a good personality.

Now... bisexuals... that's a whole new game. They are attracted ''sexually'' - ''desirely'' - ''seducely'' to both sex parties. It is probably the simplest to understand.
You hear this arguement often?

Then why doesn't it sink in that it might actually be true?

Because it is not true.

No one knows my emotions better than me... nor you or your God. My God wouldn't be so daft as to create a thing without knowing it had no choice.

Your god is what you have created in an attempt to justify your sin. My God does not justify my sin and i don't either.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Excuse me... but there is actually a place in the Bible that God even admits to creating evil as well... I NEED TO FIND where it is now. So, so much for that arguement.

Your God does justify your sin, because all you need to do is ask for forgiveness, and he takes you into his bosom. If that's true, then just sin all your life then pray on your deathbed, and make sure you mean it.


Praise your own days. Not some lame God of Hate.
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And if my God was a mask of some intentional sin i am doing, then you aren't really calculating the odds are you?

I give up on you... i really do.
But you cannot deny (surely) that hetrosexuality is more than a matter of choice. It is a pattern of life, and is understood by all creatures great and small as such.
How do you equate the two sexualities?

2. Is sex for you based purely on what the other person looks like?

Not just looks. Personality as well... just as much as you would expect a straight man or woman not entirely seduced by looks alone...
But in the long run, does a straight man fall in love with another man, just because he has a good personality>?

What, in your view, is the difference between a man and a woman, why you cannot find women sexually attractive?

God can use otherwise very limited individuals to give His message to people, in fact He has tended to use unremarkable people on most occasions in history.

Unfortunately,many of these "limited" individuals had "limited" patterns of thought that included bigotry and hatred and thusly we can see how their personal cultural traits,phobias and hangups were assigned to a personality they decided to ascribe to God.

No,God does not (I believe) have a problem with peoples sexuality. An act of compassion to a stranger or helping that little birdie you see struggling with a broken wing is a far more impressive act to God than some homosexual person trying to mentally torture themselves in an attempt to force themselves to like the opposite sex.
Emmmm.... yes.
I've tried to explain this as clear as possible, so let me now be as blunt as possible Jan.

I don't like pussy. Never have. Never will my dear.

I don't find pussy sexually orientative. Never have. Never will my dear.

What a straight woman finds in a man attractive, is next to almost similar to how a gay man finds another man attractive. Is this so hard to understand?

Emmmm.... yes.
I've tried to explain this as clear as possible, so let me now be as blunt as possible Jan.

I don't like pussy. Never have. Never will my dear.

I don't find pussy sexually orientative. Never have. Never will my dear.

So it is a matter of choice.

What a straight woman finds in a man attractive, is next to almost similar to how a gay man finds another man attractive. Is this so hard to understand?

No it's not hard to understand, but men and women are different, so how is the attraction the same?


So it is a matter of choice.

Is there a food whose flavor you dislike immensely. Are you choosing to dislike this food? (and don't choose a food you had some traumatic incident related to or food poisoning, just a food you dislike immensely. A matter of taste. Did you choose this?)

Is there a food whose flavor you dislike immensely.

Depends how it is cooked, and presented.

Are you choosing to dislike this food?

Not directly. Although I have come to like certain foods that I didn't like before.
I wouldn't stop eating food to eat something else.

(and don't choose a food you had some traumatic incident related to or food poisoning, just a food you dislike immensely. A matter of taste. Did you choose this?)

I take your point.
But this analogy is flimsy by comparison to the subject of reasons for sexuality.

Depends how it is cooked, and presented.

Yeah, well for me there are certain cheeses, like blue cheese, that I just hate and other people like. Do what you will with it, I do not want it. I did not choose this.

I take your point.
But this analogy is flimsy by comparison to the subject of reasons for sexuality.
Why is it flimsy? It is a taste issue. Something built into us. And Jan, you are aware that there are individual animals that are homosexual. Some pair for life. These animals are not choosing their sexuality.

And then, of course, there is the who cares issue.