Homosexuality and Religion

Is being gay a sin?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 36 80.0%

  • Total voters

That's a serious question?

yoooo betcha!

You are naturally attracted to whatever you are attracted to, be it animal, vegetable or mineral. Your taste buds happen to like the taste of lamb. You didn't choose to like the taste of lamb, you just do. Same thing applies.

What do you mean by naturally attracted?
And what does "taste-buds" have to do with sexual intercourse?


1. good-looking: good-looking or sexually desirable

2. agreeable: pleasing in appearance or manner

3. interesting: interesting or appealing because of the probable advantages
an attractive proposition

JA said:
You live in the UK, so do I. So I am aware of "society as it currently is". Please explain to us how this society is a result of the contribution of religion.

We would need to start by taking a journey through history. Such examples would include Elizabeth I and compulsory church attendance, (Uniformity Act).

People don't have to go to church now, so the so-called MASS contributor, wasn't so MASS after all. Was it?

However, to save a very long discussion, I believe it should be sufficient enough to point out education for centuries upon centuries that taught these beliefs, the bible and biblical law - indeed they still do. It is still a legal requirement in England to conduct a daily act of worship largely or wholly of a christian nature.

It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament wearing a suit of armour.
It is, however, legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls of York, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow

I couldn't name you one person over the age of say 3 that isn't aware of the concepts of god, heaven, hell. Noah and the drowning of bad people is taught to 5 year olds etc.

What exactly, does this have to do with "religion", and how is it the result of a MASS contribution of religion?
I would guess that everyone in the world knows of God in some form or other.

Children can barely walk before having these ideas imprinted on the brain - from parents, schools and even cartoons.

See above.

The impact of religion upon what society is and was is simply undeniable. Society certainly wasn't born and ruled by atheistic thinking.

Atheistic thinking wasn't born or ruled by "atheistic thinking".
Can you think of anything that was born or ruled by atheistic thinking?
Wtf is "atheistic thinking"? (pardon my French)

Mark Twain says it best..

He also says things like;

"An Englishman is a person who does things because they have been done before. An American is a person who does things because they haven't been done before."

"Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please."

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."

Are we suppose to take him seriously?

JA said:
Is homosexuality, bisexuality, adultery, murder, covitiousness, greed, envy, common place in this society or not.

Certainly because, against the wishes of the idiocy that is religion, people remain human.

What are "wishes of religion"?
And saying religion is idiotic doesn't make it so. ;)

Utter tosh. Condition yourself to believe without any doubt that leprechauns exist. I'll give you a gabillion pounds if you can do it.

It's not for you to make that determination just because your sense of will is so weak doesn't not mean that I can not control what I like and dislike as though it's predetermine.

I thought the atheist didn't believe in FATE.
Didn't Big Gay Al's boat ride teach you anything on south park? haha but anyway God doesn't approve of homosexuality. Who know's his reasons but it's plain in the Bible what his views are. Perhaps it could be forbidden for the simple reason that its not how nature works and if everyone was gay then there would be no knocked up 16 yr olds to carry on the human race???
“ Originally Posted by SnakeLord
Utter tosh. Condition yourself to believe without any doubt that leprechauns exist. I'll give you a gabillion pounds if you can do it. ”

Leprechauns don't exist???? :O Santa is going to be pissed when I tell him on Christmas.
What do you mean by naturally attracted?

This in itself is a very long discussion. If needs be I could go into basic details but before you decide that check out newscientist which has many articles on relevant subjects - and not just attraction, preference to big boobs, blonde hair etc but even articles concerning a womans genetic liking for pink or lighter shades of red.

After that we could then look at the state of choice and how it is actually 'external' - genetics, environment and education, (genetics isn't ultimately 'external', I hope you understand the context).

People don't have to go to church now, so the so-called MASS contributor, wasn't so MASS after all. Was it?

Only because religion has largely lost it's hold, (here at least).

It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament wearing a suit of armour.

That's interesting but not really relevant.

Are we suppose to take him seriously?

I guess you need to know Twain. He might even be upset by your question given that he was primarily a humourist but you need to recognise the more serious side of his works. This does indeed include Huck, long thought to be a child's book, but not.

I thought the atheist didn't believe in FATE.

Atheists lack a belief in gods and that is the sum of atheism. You thought wrong.

However, fate is an inaccurate word. It implies some intelligent force and decided outcomes.

What I shouldn't need to tell you, (this is the difference), is that you will die the way you're going to die. That's an unavoidable fact. Add this to everything else you will do.

Of course what I was actually saying doesn't really come into this. I am certainly most curious why, if you have some disagreement, that you're not now trying to get the gabillion pounds I offered you. Did you manage to get yourself to believe in leprechauns? Hell, I bet you can't even get yourself to stop singing that song in your head. Go on, beg your brain to stop.
So ...you believe in FATE?

To be frank your premise is puprosely increduous.
I've conditioned myself to do many things I could do before...You're saying that the brain is incapable of change. I already know you're wrong.
So ...you believe in FATE?

Not as implied, but it does remain an absolute undeniable fact that you will die in the way you're going to die.

I've conditioned myself to do many things I could do before...You're saying that the brain is incapable of change. I already know you're wrong.

Guess you didn't read much of my last post. You are capable of change, but those changes come through environmental/educational factors.

Anyway.. do you want this gabillion pounds or not? Decide to believe that leprechauns exist. You can do it apparently..

Out of interest, what have you conditioned yourself to do? Was this before or after all the external pressure for you to turn gay?
Not as implied, but it does remain an absolute undeniable fact that you will die in the way you're going to die.

Guess you didn't read much of my last post. You are capable of change, but those changes come through environmental/educational factors.

Anyway.. do you want this gabillion pounds or not? Decide to believe that leprechauns exist. You can do it apparently..

Out of interest, what have you conditioned yourself to do? Was this before or after all the external pressure for you to turn gay?

I think it best if you keep your gabillion pounds. It's an example that is incredulous and useless at best. If you want a good example of someone conditioning themselves ask Medicine Woman. There is an expression here that after campaigning a certain agenda truthful or not one can begin to believe there own propaganda.

I've condition myself to do many things. It's a process. I've taken the example of drill instructors in the military to accomplish the goal. I found that there were task and perspectives I didn't wish to appreciate. It didn't make for a stable foundation. As a result I put forth an concerted effort to like things I didn't like before and to dislike things and behavior I had done habitualy before.

You see it's not about leprechauns it's about purpose. If you have no purpose then change is difficult to impossible. That's why your leprechauns can chase their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow around the world. Without purpose there is nothing....a void and nature abhors a vaccuum. The result is desire....and because many, most, almost everyone doesn't excerise self control there is little wonder they don't know how to use it. Hense for them it's impossible. Hence for you it's impossible to believe that someone is capable of such control. It's a lack of perspective due to the lack of a common frame of refrence....Thus the Leprechauns.