Holy texts should be respected by scholars

Zephyr said:
"Should African countries waive patent rights on HIV drugs?"

...or is this the wrong subforum?

I don't know; are patent rights of African countries considered holy books? :)
Zephyr said:
Er, well, back on topic, check out this site:


No matter what you believe, I think you'll find it an impressive collection :D

You're a man after my own heart

I love anyone that gives me books to read. I have a HUGE TBR mountain.

I've read these ( though not so much in detail), they're great.

The Mahabharata in Sanskrit (Parallel Devanagari and Romanization) (3/21/2006)
The Vishnu Purana (3/15/2006)
The Jataka, Vol. II (1/30/2006)
The Jataka, Vol. I (1/8/2006)
Zephyr said:
Is the Mahabharata in Hindi? :eek:

No its in Sanskrit written in the Devnagri script ( in which Hindi is written)

Here is an English version


And one more:


If you're impatient, this is a synopsis:


If you're interested in Hindu philosophy, try the Bhaagvad Gita


My favorite quote from the Gita:

Karmanye vadhika raste maa faleshu kadachan

You have an obligation to do the right thing without any expectation of a particular reward (loose translation)
samcdkey said:
Never could resist a challenge.

Just can't meet it, huh?

I'm surprised you have the guts to admit it!

Of course, I did nail you as an indoctrinated Muslim, why wouldn't I have the guts to admit that?
(Q) said:
Just can't meet it, huh?

"If at first you don't succeed, try try again. And again. And again.

Then give up.

There's no point being a damn fool about it"

Of course, I did nail you as an indoctrinated Muslim, why wouldn't I have the guts to admit that?

And I screwed you as a fundamentalist atheist so why the high horse?
the interpretation of every word in the sacred texts as literal truth
Then it has no meaning when refered to atheism.

Fundamental non-belief? Hilarious.
it doesn't say anything about theists or atheists; besides, honey, you're in a class of your own.
Are you also thinking about creative ways to kill me, Miss Muslim?
I've grown weary of your sarcasm and insults to my posts, which leads me to believe you have nothing to say.

Why not wake up Allah instead, you know, to feed the starving children, which he caused to starve in the first place?

A very cruel god you worship. I await his next disaster.
(Q) said:
I've grown weary of your sarcasm and insults to my posts, which leads me to believe you have nothing to say.

Okay lets skip the sarcasm; I was just giving you a taste of what you dish out anyway. Not really my style.

Why not wake up Allah instead, you know, to feed the starving children, which he caused to starve in the first place?

I don't presume to understand everything that happens in this world or why it happens.

A very cruel god you worship. I await his next disaster.

Maybe he wants us to stop squabbling and work together. Not a bad notion.

There's enough food in the world to provide a meal for everybody, so you cannot say that God did not provide for us. Its we humans who do not care enough to see that everyone is fed. The food is there; we just have to provide it to those who need it. I'm aghast at the amount of food we waste. How many people think of starving children while throwing away food?
samcdkey said:
(Q) said:
I don't presume to understand everything that happens in this world or why it happens.

Maybe he wants us to stop squabbling and work together. Not a bad notion.

There's enough food in the world to provide a meal for everybody, so you cannot say that God did not provide for us. Its we humans who do not care enough to see that everyone is fed. The food is there; we just have to provide it to those who need it. I'm aghast at the amount of food we waste. How many people think of starving children while throwing away food?
Ahh. After reading many posts I see what's happening around here little s.

Anyway, all of the above are cop outs. The old bob-and-weave is all too familiar, whether you do it consciously or not. Too bad.

I don't presume to understand everything that happens in this world or why it happens
Yet you presume to know a god of universal importance and influence based on nothing but hearsay and this fabulous invention called "faith", which, of course, has a hugely successful track record in helping us humans out when we really need it.

Face it. There is no god of any sort. It's really very simple s. Everything you said above are well within the province of a god to remedy, since it is our own human nature that causes these tragedies. Let's see. God gave us plenty of food, but left us oh-so-noble humans to dispense it with fairness. Wrong. There is no god, only human nature. And it's 100% up to us to figure out ways to make all of our lots better. Praying for it is useless. Farming technology invented largely by secular humans is not.

Please reflect on the historical effectiveness of prayer. Which is of course, a completely useless waste of time and contributes to many tragedies and solves none.

I'm aghast at the amount of food we waste. How many people think of starving children while throwing away food?

I'm aghast at how many gods ignore starving children while allowing us to throw away food. Sorry, but your god is a weak and petty creation. One that isn't even worthy of the respect given to the simplest of childish human imaginings. We are so much better that your gods. It saddens me to see fellow humans giving themselves so little credit for the progress we have made despite the evolutionary baggage of superstious thought.

Why does an apparently smart, independent human engage in such mental gymnastics to support an illusion that offers much less than this human herself can bring to bear on the problems of the world? Spread truth. Tell people you're good and kind and moral because you're human, not because a cultural roll of the dice decided that allah would get all the credit. You are the pinnacle of a vast and ancient dynasty of living things that the universe itself gave rise to. You are the universe. Be proud. Be humble. Be amazed. Stop blaming god for everything, good or bad.

Fuck. I'm really annoyed.
superluminal said:
samcdkey said:
Ahh. After reading many posts I see what's happening around here little s.

Anyway, all of the above are cop outs. The old bob-and-weave is all too familiar, whether you do it consciously or not. Too bad.

Yet you presume to know a god of universal importance and influence based on nothing but hearsay and this fabulous invention called "faith", which, of course, has a hugely successful track record in helping us humans out when we really need it.

Face it. There is no god of any sort. It's really very simple s. Everything you said above are well within the province of a god to remedy, since it is our own human nature that causes these tragedies. Let's see. God gave us plenty of food, but left us oh-so-noble humans to dispense it with fairness. Wrong. There is no god, only human nature. And it's 100% up to us to figure out ways to make all of our lots better. Praying for it is useless. Farming technology invented largely by secular humans is not.

Please reflect on the historical effectiveness of prayer. Which is of course, a completely useless waste of time and contributes to many tragedies and solves none.

I'm aghast at how many gods ignore starving children while allowing us to throw away food. Sorry, but your god is a weak and petty creation. One that isn't even worthy of the respect given to the simplest of childish human imaginings. We are so much better that your gods. It saddens me to see fellow humans giving themselves so little credit for the progress we have made despite the evolutionary baggage of superstious thought.

Why does an apparently smart, independent human engage in such mental gymnastics to support an illusion that offers much less than this human herself can bring to bear on the problems of the world? Spread truth. Tell people you're good and kind and moral because you're human, not because a cultural roll of the dice decided that allah would get all the credit. You are the pinnacle of a vast and ancient dynasty of living things that the universe itself gave rise to. You are the universe. Be proud. Be humble. Be amazed. Stop blaming god for everything, good or bad.

Fuck. I'm really annoyed.

Et tu, Brute?