Holy texts should be respected by scholars

I cannot speak for other theists supe, but my experience on this forum has been that most atheists (with the exception of those who are truly rational, like yourself and JamesR to name a few) have ideas that are steeped in prejudice. They do not really know much about the religions they are attacking except what they have "studied". They cannot seem to differentiate between people and believe that attack is the only form of defense. This seems ironic when their basic complaint against the theists is that they lack the freedom to openly declare their nonbelief. So how do you justify your behavior (not you supe, whatchamacallit), when your attitude is just as obdurate?
I cannot speak for other theists supe, but my experience on this forum has been that most atheists (with the exception of those who are truly rational, like yourself and JamesR to name a few) have ideas that are steeped in prejudice. They do not really know much about the religions they are attacking except what they have "studied".

So you think that to know a lot about a particular religion leads the non-believer to atleast accept religion as being rational? I think unbiased knowledge of religion (for an atheist) would simply give them more ammunition with which to shoot down your irrationality with.

I know a lot about Christianity since I was raised with the Bible, I know the Bibles good points. But unlike Christians I don't purely focus on the good points and ignore the bad points. I don't just focus on the things which can't be proven wrong and ignore the obvious fiction.

Moderates like yourself will always cling to the 'good' points, and points which can't be proven wrong. Atheists are not ignorant to these points, they just simply have a broader view than you do.

If you think 'freedom' is something in which people are free to believe what the hell they want without fear of being pulled up on it, then you are wrong.
samcdkey said:
I cannot speak for other theists supe, but my experience on this forum has been that most atheists (with the exception of those who are truly rational, like yourself and JamesR to name a few) have ideas that are steeped in prejudice. They do not really know much about the religions they are attacking except what they have "studied".

I really cannot believe what I'm reading here. YOUR religion is steeped in blood, wars, intolerance, cruelty, brutality, barbarism, and is completely devoid of human rights, and you have the nerve to suggest atheists here don't know much about it? Is the violent nature and contradictions of YOUR religion to be simply ignored and brushed aside as biased prejudice?

They cannot seem to differentiate between people and believe that attack is the only form of defense. This seems ironic when their basic complaint against the theists is that they lack the freedom to openly declare their nonbelief. So how do you justify your behavior (not you supe, whatchamacallit), when your attitude is just as obdurate?

Do you honestly believe that declaration of non-belief is the basic complaint atheists have of theists? There are many complaints, and some are quite complex.

The biggest complaint though, at least for me, is the decision making processes of theists who are in the position to affect my life. And of course, that list is literally endless, from abortion to homophobia to sheer zealotry, the theist will use dogma as their guide, irregardless of the reality and attempt to make changes to society based on their delusions.

Not only is it irrational, but dangerous as well, as history has shown repeatedly.

So, don't be too flustered simply because you've carved out your own little version of Islam, defended it by bobbing and weaving round the ugly bits, and then whine when atheists here are not as understanding as you'd like them to be.
Well, once again, it all seems to depend on your motivation. As you know, I just want theism kept out of the public sphere. Make no mistake sam. I really do see domination-theism and theocracy as possibly the most heinous of human inventions (maybe you do too?). And not counting those like you (Resident evil is cool? Yes!) even the group practice of moderate religion is devisive. But then, all ideologies are to one degree or another, right? And you know how much I just love ideologies. I don't have "friends" who are strong theists simply because our world views are just too different. I'm into sciences like astronomy, evolution, biology... all of which show a vastly different world than the christians around me envision. There's almost no common ground for a discussion of just about... anything but the weather! Wait. No. That's not a good topic either. :rolleyes:
superluminal said:
Just saw Q's post...

Anyway, regardless of all else, I've learned a lot in the last few weeks; I haven't thought so much about my religion for almost 6-7 years now! It was like a refresher course.
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samcdkey said:
Anyway, regardless of all else, I've learned a lot in the last few weeks; I haven't thought so much about my religion for almost 6-7 years now! It was like a refresher course.
That's the best part of all this. Makes ya think. Lots of different viepoints too. Fascinating really.
Yes my only experience of Catholics/Christians is from India (my oldest and best friend is Catholic) and I have been surprised by some of the notions expressed here.

Lots of viewpoints!